// 8 june 2019 #include "test.h" static bool vtableNopInit(uiControl *c, void *implData, void *initData) { return true; } static void vtableNopFree(uiControl *c, void *implData) { // do nothing } static void vtableNopParentChanging(uiControl *c, void *implData, uiControl *oldParent) { // do nothing } static void vtableNopParentChanged(uiControl *c, void *implData, uiControl *newParent) { // do nothing } void testControlLoadNopVtable(uiControlVtable *vtable) { memset(vtable, 0, sizeof (uiControlVtable)); vtable->Size = sizeof (uiControlVtable); vtable->Init = vtableNopInit; vtable->Free = vtableNopFree; vtable->ParentChanging = vtableNopParentChanging; vtable->ParentChanged = vtableNopParentChanged; } // TODO we'll have to eventually find out for real if memset(0) is sufficient to set pointers to NULL or not; C99 doesn't seem to say Test(ControlImplDataIsClearedOnNewControl) { char memory[32]; uiControlVtable vt; uint32_t type; uiControl *c; char *implData; testControlLoadNopVtable(&vt); type = uiRegisterControlType("TestControl", &vt, testOSVtable(), sizeof (memory)); c = uiNewControl(type, NULL); implData = (char *) uiControlImplData(c); memset(memory, 0, sizeof (memory)); if (memcmp(implData, memory, sizeof (memory)) != 0) TestErrorf("control impl data memory not properly cleared on creation"); uiControlFree(c); } Test(ZeroSizeImplDataIsNULL) { uiControlVtable vt; uint32_t type; uiControl *c; testControlLoadNopVtable(&vt); type = uiRegisterControlType("TestControl", &vt, testOSVtable(), 0); c = uiNewControl(type, NULL); if (uiControlImplData(c) != NULL) TestErrorf("control impl data is non-NULL despite being of size 0"); uiControlFree(c); } struct counts { unsigned int countInit; unsigned int countFree; unsigned int countParentChanging; unsigned int countParentChanged; uiControl *oldParent; uiControl *newParent; }; struct testImplData { struct counts *counts; }; static struct counts failInit; static void *testControlFailInit = &failInit; static bool testVtableInit(uiControl *c, void *implData, void *initData) { struct testImplData *d = (struct testImplData *) implData; struct counts *counts = (struct counts *) initData; if (initData == testControlFailInit) return false; if (initData == NULL) return true; if (d->counts == NULL) d->counts = counts; d->counts->countInit++; if (d->counts->countInit > 2) d->counts->countInit = 2; return true; } static void testVtableFree(uiControl *c, void *implData) { struct testImplData *d = (struct testImplData *) implData; if (d->counts != NULL) { d->counts->countFree++; if (d->counts->countFree > 2) d->counts->countFree = 2; } } static void testVtableParentChanging(uiControl *c, void *implData, uiControl *oldParent) { struct testImplData *d = (struct testImplData *) implData; if (d->counts != NULL) { d->counts->oldParent = oldParent; d->counts->countParentChanging++; if (d->counts->countParentChanging > 3) d->counts->countParentChanging = 3; } } static void testVtableParentChanged(uiControl *c, void *implData, uiControl *newParent) { struct testImplData *d = (struct testImplData *) implData; if (d->counts != NULL) { d->counts->newParent = newParent; d->counts->countParentChanged++; if (d->counts->countParentChanged > 3) d->counts->countParentChanged = 3; } } static const uiControlVtable vtable = { .Size = sizeof (uiControlVtable), .Init = testVtableInit, .Free = testVtableFree, .ParentChanging = testVtableParentChanging, .ParentChanged = testVtableParentChanged, }; static uint32_t testControlType(void) { static uint32_t type = 0; if (type == 0) type = uiRegisterControlType("TestControl", &vtable, testOSVtable(), sizeof (struct testImplData)); return type; } static uint32_t testControlType2(void) { static uint32_t type = 0; if (type == 0) type = uiRegisterControlType("TestControl2", &vtable, testOSVtable(), sizeof (struct testImplData)); return type; } // TODO do this but for the OS-specific methods Test(ControlMethodsCalled) { uiControl *c, *d; struct counts counts; memset(&counts, 0, sizeof (struct counts)); c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), &counts); switch (counts.countInit) { case 0: TestErrorf("Init() was not called"); break; case 1: // do nothing; this is the expected case break; default: TestErrorf("Init() called more than once"); } if (counts.countFree != 0) TestErrorf("Free() called unexpectedly by uiNewControl()"); // yes, the casts to void * are necessary, because the "equivalence" of data pointers to void * is really just the compiler doing conversions for you and this does not (and cannot) extend to the parameter lists of varargs functions (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34723062, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9053658) if (counts.countParentChanging != 0) TestErrorf("ParentChanging() called unexpectedly by uiNewControl(); most recent oldParent = %p", (void *) (counts.oldParent)); if (counts.countParentChanged != 0) TestErrorf("ParentChanged() called unexpectedly by uiNewControl(); most recent newParent = %p", (void *) (counts.newParent)); d = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); uiControlSetParent(c, d); switch (counts.countParentChanging) { case 0: TestErrorf("ParentChanging() was not called by SetParent(non-NULL)"); break; case 1: // do nothing; this is the expected case break; default: TestErrorf("ParentChanging() called more than once by SetParent(non-NULL)"); } if (counts.oldParent != NULL) TestErrorf("ParentChanging() called with wrong oldParent by SetParent(non-NULL) (if called more than once, this is the most recent call):" diff("%p"), (void *) (counts.oldParent), (void *) NULL); switch (counts.countParentChanged) { case 0: TestErrorf("ParentChanged() was not called by SetParent(non-NULL)"); break; case 1: // do nothing; this is the expected case break; default: TestErrorf("ParentChanged() called more than once by SetParent(non-NULL)"); } if (counts.newParent != d) TestErrorf("ParentChanged() called with wrong newParent by SetParent(non-NULL) (if called more than once, this is the most recent call):" diff("%p"), (void *) (counts.newParent), (void *) d); if (counts.countInit != 1) TestErrorf("Init() called unexpectedly by uiControlSetParent(non-NULL)"); if (counts.countFree != 0) TestErrorf("Free() called unexpectedly by uiControlSetParent(non-NULL)"); uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); switch (counts.countParentChanging) { case 0: case 1: TestErrorf("ParentChanging() was not called by SetParent(NULL)"); break; case 2: // do nothing; this is the expected case break; default: TestErrorf("ParentChanging() called more than once by SetParent(NULL)"); } if (counts.oldParent != d) TestErrorf("ParentChanging() called with wrong oldParent by SetParent(NULL) (if called more than once, this is the most recent call):" diff("%p"), (void *) (counts.oldParent), (void *) d); switch (counts.countParentChanged) { case 0: case 1: TestErrorf("ParentChanged() was not called by SetParent(NULL)"); break; case 2: // do nothing; this is the expected case break; default: TestErrorf("ParentChanged() called more than once by SetParent(NULL)"); } if (counts.newParent != NULL) TestErrorf("ParentChanged() called with wrong newParent by SetParent(NULL) (if called more than once, this is the most recent call):" diff("%p"), (void *) (counts.newParent), (void *) NULL); if (counts.countInit != 1) TestErrorf("Init() called unexpectedly by uiControlSetParent(NULL)"); if (counts.countFree != 0) TestErrorf("Free() called unexpectedly by uiControlSetParent(NULL)"); uiControlFree(d); uiControlFree(c); switch (counts.countFree) { case 0: TestErrorf("Free() was not called"); break; case 1: // do nothing; this is the expected case break; default: TestErrorf("Free() called more than once"); } if (counts.countInit != 1) TestErrorf("Init() called unexpectedly by uiControlFree()"); if (counts.countParentChanging != 2) TestErrorf("ParentChanging() called unexpectedly by uiNewControl(); most recent oldParent = %p", (void *) (counts.oldParent)); if (counts.countParentChanged != 2) TestErrorf("ParentChanged() called unexpectedly by uiNewControl(); most recent newParent = %p", (void *) (counts.newParent)); } Test(NullControlTypeNameIsProgrammerError) { void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiRegisterControlType(): invalid null pointer for name"); uiRegisterControlType(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(NullControlVtableIsProgrammerError) { void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiRegisterControlType(): invalid null pointer for uiControlVtable"); uiRegisterControlType("name", NULL, NULL, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(WrongControlVtableSizeIsProgrammerError) { uiControlVtable vtable; void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiRegisterControlType(): wrong size 1 for uiControlVtable"); memset(&vtable, 0, sizeof (uiControlVtable)); vtable.Size = 1; uiRegisterControlType("name", &vtable, NULL, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(ControlVtableWithMissingInitMethodIsProgrammerError) { uiControlVtable vt; void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiRegisterControlType(): required uiControlVtable method Init() missing for uiControl type name"); vt = vtable; vt.Init = NULL; uiRegisterControlType("name", &vt, NULL, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(ControlVtableWithMissingFreeMethodIsProgrammerError) { uiControlVtable vt; void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiRegisterControlType(): required uiControlVtable method Free() missing for uiControl type name"); vt = vtable; vt.Free = NULL; uiRegisterControlType("name", &vt, NULL, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(ControlVtableWithMissingParentChangingMethodIsProgrammerError) { uiControlVtable vt; void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiRegisterControlType(): required uiControlVtable method ParentChanging() missing for uiControl type name"); vt = vtable; vt.ParentChanging = NULL; uiRegisterControlType("name", &vt, NULL, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(ControlVtableWithMissingParentChangedMethodIsProgrammerError) { uiControlVtable vt; void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiRegisterControlType(): required uiControlVtable method ParentChanged() missing for uiControl type name"); vt = vtable; vt.ParentChanged = NULL; uiRegisterControlType("name", &vt, NULL, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(NullControlOSVtableIsProgrammerError) { void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiRegisterControlType(): invalid null pointer for uiControlOSVtable"); uiRegisterControlType("name", &vtable, NULL, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(CheckingNullControlIsProgrammerError) { uint32_t ctrlType; void *ctx; ctrlType = uiControlType(); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiCheckControlType(): invalid null pointer for uiControl"); uiCheckControlType(NULL, ctrlType); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(CheckingNonControlIsProgrammerError) { uiControl *c; uint32_t ctrlType; void *ctx; c = uiprivTestHookControlWithInvalidControlMarker(); ctrlType = uiControlType(); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiCheckControlType(): object passed in not a uiControl"); uiCheckControlType(c, ctrlType); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(CheckingControlWithAnUnknownTypeIsProgrammerError) { uiControl *c; uint32_t ctrlType; void *ctx; c = uiprivTestHookControlWithInvalidType(); ctrlType = testControlType(); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiCheckControlType(): unknown uiControl type 0 found in uiControl (this is likely not a real uiControl or some data is corrupt)"); uiCheckControlType(c, ctrlType); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(CheckingControlWithAnUnknownTypeIsProgrammerErrorEvenIfCheckingAgainstuiControlType) { uiControl *c; uint32_t ctrlType; void *ctx; c = uiprivTestHookControlWithInvalidType(); ctrlType = uiControlType(); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiCheckControlType(): unknown uiControl type 0 found in uiControl (this is likely not a real uiControl or some data is corrupt)"); uiCheckControlType(c, ctrlType); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(CheckingForUnknownControlTypeIsProgrammerError) { uiControl *c; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiCheckControlType(): unknown uiControl type 0 requested"); uiCheckControlType(c, 0); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); uiControlFree(c); } Test(CheckControlTypeFailsCorrectly) { uiControl *c; uint32_t ctrlType; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); ctrlType = testControlType2(); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiCheckControlType(): wrong uiControl type passed: got TestControl, want TestControl2"); uiCheckControlType(c, ctrlType); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); uiControlFree(c); } Test(NewControlOfTypeControlIsProgrammerError) { uint32_t ctrlType; void *ctx; ctrlType = uiControlType(); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiNewControl(): uiControlType() passed in when specific control type needed"); uiNewControl(ctrlType, NULL); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(NewControlOfUnknownTypeIsProgrammerError) { void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiNewControl(): unknown uiControl type 0 requested"); uiNewControl(0, NULL); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(NewControlWithInvalidInitDataIsProgrammerError) { uint32_t ctrlType; void *ctx; ctrlType = testControlType(); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiNewControl(): invalid init data for TestControl"); uiNewControl(ctrlType, testControlFailInit); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(FreeingNullControlIsProgrammerError) { void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlFree(): invalid null pointer for uiControl"); uiControlFree(NULL); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(FreeingParentedControlIsProgrammerError) { uiControl *c, *d; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); d = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); uiControlSetParent(c, d); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlFree(): cannot be called on a control with has a parent"); uiControlFree(c); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); // cleanup uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); uiControlFree(d); uiControlFree(c); } Test(SetParentWithNullControlIsProgrammerError) { void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlSetParent(): invalid null pointer for uiControl"); uiControlSetParent(NULL, NULL); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); } Test(RemovingParentFromInitiallyParentlessControlIsProgrammerError) { uiControl *c; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlSetParent(): cannot set a control with no parent to have no parent"); uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); uiControlFree(c); } Test(RemovingParentFromExplicitlyParentlessControlIsProgrammerError) { uiControl *c, *d; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); d = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); uiControlSetParent(c, d); uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlSetParent(): cannot set a control with no parent to have no parent"); uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); uiControlFree(d); uiControlFree(c); } Test(ReparentingAlreadyParentedControlToDifferentParentIsProgrammerError) { uiControl *c, *d, *e; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); d = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); e = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); uiControlSetParent(c, d); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlSetParent(): cannot set a control with a parent to have another parent"); uiControlSetParent(c, e); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); // cleanup uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); uiControlFree(e); uiControlFree(d); uiControlFree(c); } Test(ReparentingAlreadyParentedControlToSameParentIsProgrammerError) { uiControl *c, *d; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); d = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); uiControlSetParent(c, d); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlSetParent(): cannot set a control with a parent to have another parent"); uiControlSetParent(c, d); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); // cleanup uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); uiControlFree(d); uiControlFree(c); } Test(ControlParentCyclesDisallowed_TwoControls) { uiControl *c, *d; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); d = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); uiControlSetParent(c, d); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlSetParent(): cannot create a parent cycle"); uiControlSetParent(d, c); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); // cleanup // TODO reformat all the other tests to have clear init, test, and cleanup sections, and also maybe remove these "// cleanup" comments uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); uiControlFree(d); uiControlFree(c); } Test(ControlParentCyclesDisallowed_ThreeControls) { uiControl *c, *d, *e; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); d = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); e = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); uiControlSetParent(c, d); uiControlSetParent(d, e); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlSetParent(): cannot create a parent cycle"); uiControlSetParent(e, c); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); // cleanup uiControlSetParent(d, NULL); uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); uiControlFree(e); uiControlFree(d); uiControlFree(c); } Test(ControlCannotBeItsOwnParent) { uiControl *c; void *ctx; c = uiNewControl(testControlType(), NULL); ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlSetParent(): cannot create a parent cycle"); uiControlSetParent(c, c); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); uiControlFree(c); } Test(GettingImplDataOfNullControlIsProgrammerError) { void *ctx; ctx = beginCheckProgrammerError("uiControlImplData(): invalid null pointer for uiControl"); uiControlImplData(NULL); endCheckProgrammerError(ctx); }