// 21 june 2016 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" // TODOs // - initial state of table view is off // - header cell seems off // - background color shows up for a line or two below selection @interface tableModel : NSObject<NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate> { uiTableModel *libui_m; } - (id)initWithModel:(uiTableModel *)m; @end enum { partText, }; @interface tablePart : NSObject @property int type; @property int textColumn; @property int textColorColumn; @property int expand; - (NSView *)mkView:(uiTableModel *)m row:(int)row; @end @interface tableColumn : NSTableColumn @property uiTableColumn *libui_col; @end @interface tableView : NSTableView @property uiTable *libui_t; @end struct uiTableModel { uiTableModelHandler *mh; tableModel *m; NSMutableArray *tables; }; struct uiTableColumn { tableColumn *c; NSMutableArray *parts; }; struct uiTable { uiDarwinControl c; NSScrollView *sv; tableView *tv; struct scrollViewData *d; int backgroundColumn; }; @implementation tableModel - (id)initWithModel:(uiTableModel *)m { self = [super init]; if (self) self->libui_m = m; return self; } - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tv { uiTableModelHandler *mh = self->libui_m->mh; return (*(mh->NumRows))(mh, self->libui_m); } // these are according to Interface Builder #define xleft 2 #define xmiddle 7 /* between images and text, anyway; let's just use it for everything to be simpler */ #define xright 3 - (NSView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)tv viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)cc row:(NSInteger)row { NSTableCellView *v; tableColumn *c = (tableColumn *) cc; tablePart *part; NSMutableArray *views; NSView *view, *prev; v = [[NSTableCellView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; views = [NSMutableArray new]; for (part in c.libui_col->parts) [views addObject:[part mkView:self->libui_m row:row]]; if ([views count] == 0) // empty (TODO allow?) goto done; // add to v and arrange horizontally prev = nil; for (view in views) { [v addSubview:view]; // TODO set [v imageView] and [v textField] as appropriate? if (prev == nil) { // first view [v addConstraint:mkConstraint(v, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, NSLayoutRelationEqual, view, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, 1, -xleft, @"uiTableColumn first part horizontal constraint")]; prev = view; continue; } [v addConstraint:mkConstraint(prev, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, NSLayoutRelationEqual, view, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, 1, -xmiddle, @"uiTableColumn middle horizontal constraint")]; prev = view; } [v addConstraint:mkConstraint(prev, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, NSLayoutRelationEqual, v, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, 1, -xright, @"uiTableColumn last part horizontal constraint")]; // and vertically for (view in views) [v addConstraint:mkConstraint(view, NSLayoutAttributeCenterY, NSLayoutRelationEqual, v, NSLayoutAttributeCenterY, 1, 0, @"uiTableColumn part vertical constraint")]; done: [views release]; [v setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO]; // TODO autorelease? return v; } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)nstv didAddRowView:(NSTableRowView *)rv forRow:(NSInteger)row { uiTableModel *m = self->libui_m; tableView *tv = (tableView *) nstv; uiTable *t = tv.libui_t; NSColor *color; if (t->backgroundColumn == -1) return; color = (NSColor *) ((*(m->mh->CellValue))(m->mh, m, row, t->backgroundColumn)); if (color == nil) return; [rv setBackgroundColor:color]; // TODO autorelease color? or release it? } @end @implementation tablePart - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.textColumn = -1; self.textColorColumn = -1; } return self; } - (NSView *)mkView:(uiTableModel *)m row:(int)row { void *data; NSString *str; NSView *view; NSTextField *tf; data = (*(m->mh->CellValue))(m->mh, m, row, self.textColumn); switch (self.type) { case partText: str = toNSString((char *) data); uiFree(data); tf = newLabel(str); // TODO set wrap and ellipsize modes? if (self.textColorColumn != -1) { NSColor *color; color = (NSColor *) ((*(m->mh->CellValue))(m->mh, m, row, self.textColorColumn)); if (color != nil) [tf setTextColor:color]; // TODO release color } view = tf; break; } // if stretchy, don't hug, otherwise hug forcibly if (self.expand) [view setContentHuggingPriority:NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal]; else [view setContentHuggingPriority:NSLayoutPriorityRequired forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal]; [view setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO]; // TODO autorelease? return view; } @end @implementation tableColumn @end @implementation tableView @end void *uiTableModelStrdup(const char *str) { // TODO don't we have this already? char *dup; dup = (char *) uiAlloc((strlen(str) + 1) * sizeof (char), "char[]"); strcpy(dup, str); return dup; } uiTableModel *uiNewTableModel(uiTableModelHandler *mh) { uiTableModel *m; m = uiNew(uiTableModel); m->mh = mh; m->m = [[tableModel alloc] initWithModel:m]; m->tables = [NSMutableArray new]; return m; } void *uiTableModelGiveColor(double r, double g, double b, double a) { return [[NSColor colorWithSRGBRed:r green:g blue:b alpha:a] retain]; } void uiFreeTableModel(uiTableModel *m) { if ([m->tables count] != 0) userbug("You cannot free a uiTableModel while uiTables are using it."); [m->tables release]; [m->m release]; uiFree(m); } void uiTableModelRowInserted(uiTableModel *m, int newIndex) { NSTableView *tv; NSIndexSet *set; set = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:newIndex]; for (tv in m->tables) [tv insertRowsAtIndexes:set withAnimation:NSTableViewAnimationEffectNone]; // set is autoreleased } void uiTableModelRowChanged(uiTableModel *m, int index) { NSTableView *tv; NSIndexSet *set, *cols; set = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:index]; for (tv in m->tables) { cols = [[NSIndexSet alloc] initWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [[tv tableColumns] count])]; [tv reloadDataForRowIndexes:set columnIndexes:cols]; [cols release]; } // set is autoreleased } void uiTableModelRowDeleted(uiTableModel *m, int oldIndex) { NSTableView *tv; NSIndexSet *set; set = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:oldIndex]; for (tv in m->tables) [tv removeRowsAtIndexes:set withAnimation:NSTableViewAnimationEffectNone]; // set is autoreleased } void uiTableColumnAppendTextPart(uiTableColumn *c, int modelColumn, int expand) { tablePart *part; part = [tablePart new]; part.type = partText; part.textColumn = modelColumn; part.expand = expand; [c->parts addObject:part]; } void uiTableColumnPartSetTextColor(uiTableColumn *c, int part, int modelColumn) { tablePart *p; p = (tablePart *) [c->parts objectAtIndex:part]; p.textColorColumn = modelColumn; } uiDarwinControlAllDefaultsExceptDestroy(uiTable, sv) static void uiTableDestroy(uiControl *c) { uiTable *t = uiTable(c); // TODO [t->sv release]; uiFreeControl(uiControl(t)); } uiTableColumn *uiTableAppendColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name) { uiTableColumn *c; c = uiNew(uiTableColumn); c->c = [[tableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:@""]; c->c.libui_col = c; // via Interface Builder [c->c setResizingMask:(NSTableColumnAutoresizingMask | NSTableColumnUserResizingMask)]; [c->c setTitle:toNSString(name)]; // TODO is this sufficient? [[c->c headerCell] setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]]]; c->parts = [NSMutableArray new]; [t->tv addTableColumn:c->c]; return c; } void uiTableSetRowBackgroundColorModelColumn(uiTable *t, int modelColumn) { t->backgroundColumn = modelColumn; } uiTable *uiNewTable(uiTableModel *model) { uiTable *t; struct scrollViewCreateParams p; uiDarwinNewControl(uiTable, t); t->tv = [[tableView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; t->tv.libui_t = t; [t->tv setDataSource:model->m]; [t->tv setDelegate:model->m]; [t->tv reloadData]; [model->tables addObject:t->tv]; // TODO is this sufficient? [t->tv setAllowsColumnReordering:NO]; [t->tv setAllowsColumnResizing:YES]; [t->tv setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; [t->tv setAllowsEmptySelection:YES]; [t->tv setAllowsColumnSelection:NO]; [t->tv setUsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors:YES]; [t->tv setSelectionHighlightStyle:NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleRegular]; [t->tv setGridStyleMask:NSTableViewGridNone]; [t->tv setAllowsTypeSelect:YES]; // TODO floatsGroupRows — do we even allow group rows? memset(&p, 0, sizeof (struct scrollViewCreateParams)); p.DocumentView = t->tv; // this is what Interface Builder sets it to // TODO verify p.BackgroundColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 alpha:1.0]; p.DrawsBackground = YES; p.Bordered = YES; p.HScroll = YES; p.VScroll = YES; t->sv = mkScrollView(&p, &(t->d)); t->backgroundColumn = -1; return t; }