// 6 september 2015 #include "uipriv_unix.h" struct uiDrawPath { GArray *pieces; uiDrawFillMode fillMode; gboolean ended; }; struct piece { int type; double d[8]; int b; }; enum { newFigure, newFigureArc, lineTo, arcTo, bezierTo, closeFigure, addRect, }; uiDrawPath *uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillMode mode) { uiDrawPath *p; p = uiNew(uiDrawPath); p->pieces = g_array_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (struct piece)); p->fillMode = mode; return p; } void uiDrawFreePath(uiDrawPath *p) { g_array_free(p->pieces, TRUE); uiFree(p); } static void add(uiDrawPath *p, struct piece *piece) { if (p->ended) complain("path ended in add()"); g_array_append_vals(p->pieces, piece, 1); } void uiDrawPathNewFigure(uiDrawPath *p, double x, double y) { struct piece piece; piece.type = newFigure; piece.d[0] = x; piece.d[1] = y; add(p, &piece); } void uiDrawPathNewFigureWithArc(uiDrawPath *p, double xCenter, double yCenter, double radius, double startAngle, double sweep, int negative) { struct piece piece; if (sweep > 2 * M_PI) sweep = 2 * M_PI; piece.type = newFigureArc; piece.d[0] = xCenter; piece.d[1] = yCenter; piece.d[2] = radius; piece.d[3] = startAngle; piece.d[4] = sweep; piece.b = negative; add(p, &piece); } void uiDrawPathLineTo(uiDrawPath *p, double x, double y) { struct piece piece; piece.type = lineTo; piece.d[0] = x; piece.d[1] = y; add(p, &piece); } void uiDrawPathArcTo(uiDrawPath *p, double xCenter, double yCenter, double radius, double startAngle, double sweep, int negative) { struct piece piece; if (sweep > 2 * M_PI) sweep = 2 * M_PI; piece.type = arcTo; piece.d[0] = xCenter; piece.d[1] = yCenter; piece.d[2] = radius; piece.d[3] = startAngle; piece.d[4] = sweep; piece.b = negative; add(p, &piece); } void uiDrawPathBezierTo(uiDrawPath *p, double c1x, double c1y, double c2x, double c2y, double endX, double endY) { struct piece piece; piece.type = bezierTo; piece.d[0] = c1x; piece.d[1] = c1y; piece.d[2] = c2x; piece.d[3] = c2y; piece.d[4] = endX; piece.d[5] = endY; add(p, &piece); } void uiDrawPathCloseFigure(uiDrawPath *p) { struct piece piece; piece.type = closeFigure; add(p, &piece); } void uiDrawPathAddRectangle(uiDrawPath *p, double x, double y, double width, double height) { struct piece piece; piece.type = addRect; piece.d[0] = x; piece.d[1] = y; piece.d[2] = width; piece.d[3] = height; add(p, &piece); } void uiDrawPathEnd(uiDrawPath *p) { p->ended = TRUE; } static void runPath(uiDrawPath *p, cairo_t *cr) { guint i; struct piece *piece; void (*arc)(cairo_t *, double, double, double, double, double); if (!p->ended) complain("path not ended in runPath()"); cairo_new_path(cr); for (i = 0; i < p->pieces->len; i++) { piece = &g_array_index(p->pieces, struct piece, i); switch (piece->type) { case newFigure: cairo_move_to(cr, piece->d[0], piece->d[1]); break; case newFigureArc: cairo_new_sub_path(cr); // fall through case arcTo: arc = cairo_arc; if (piece->b) arc = cairo_arc_negative; (*arc)(cr, piece->d[0], piece->d[1], piece->d[2], piece->d[3], piece->d[3] + piece->d[4]); break; case lineTo: cairo_line_to(cr, piece->d[0], piece->d[1]); break; case bezierTo: cairo_curve_to(cr, piece->d[0], piece->d[1], piece->d[2], piece->d[3], piece->d[4], piece->d[5]); break; case closeFigure: cairo_close_path(cr); break; case addRect: cairo_rectangle(cr, piece->d[0], piece->d[1], piece->d[2], piece->d[3]); break; } } } struct uiDrawContext { cairo_t *cr; }; uiDrawContext *newContext(cairo_t *cr) { uiDrawContext *c; c = uiNew(uiDrawContext); c->cr = cr; return c; } void freeContext(uiDrawContext *c) { uiFree(c); } static cairo_pattern_t *mkbrush(uiDrawBrush *b) { cairo_pattern_t *pat; size_t i; switch (b->Type) { case uiDrawBrushTypeSolid: pat = cairo_pattern_create_rgba(b->R, b->G, b->B, b->A); break; case uiDrawBrushTypeLinearGradient: pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear(b->X0, b->Y0, b->X1, b->Y1); break; case uiDrawBrushTypeRadialGradient: // make the start circle radius 0 to make it a point pat = cairo_pattern_create_radial( b->X0, b->Y0, 0, b->X1, b->Y1, b->OuterRadius); break; // case uiDrawBrushTypeImage: } if (cairo_pattern_status(pat) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) complain("error creating pattern in mkbrush(): %s", cairo_status_to_string(cairo_pattern_status(pat))); switch (b->Type) { case uiDrawBrushTypeLinearGradient: case uiDrawBrushTypeRadialGradient: for (i = 0; i < b->NumStops; i++) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(pat, b->Stops[i].Pos, b->Stops[i].R, b->Stops[i].G, b->Stops[i].B, b->Stops[i].A); } return pat; } void uiDrawStroke(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawPath *path, uiDrawBrush *b, uiDrawStrokeParams *p) { cairo_pattern_t *pat; runPath(path, c->cr); pat = mkbrush(b); cairo_set_source(c->cr, pat); switch (p->Cap) { case uiDrawLineCapFlat: cairo_set_line_cap(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT); break; case uiDrawLineCapRound: cairo_set_line_cap(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); break; case uiDrawLineCapSquare: cairo_set_line_cap(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE); break; } switch (p->Join) { case uiDrawLineJoinMiter: cairo_set_line_join(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER); cairo_set_miter_limit(c->cr, p->MiterLimit); break; case uiDrawLineJoinRound: cairo_set_line_join(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND); break; case uiDrawLineJoinBevel: cairo_set_line_join(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL); break; } cairo_set_line_width(c->cr, p->Thickness); cairo_set_dash(c->cr, p->Dashes, p->NumDashes, p->DashPhase); cairo_stroke(c->cr); cairo_pattern_destroy(pat); } void uiDrawFill(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawPath *path, uiDrawBrush *b) { cairo_pattern_t *pat; runPath(path, c->cr); pat = mkbrush(b); cairo_set_source(c->cr, pat); switch (path->fillMode) { case uiDrawFillModeWinding: cairo_set_fill_rule(c->cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); break; case uiDrawFillModeAlternate: cairo_set_fill_rule(c->cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD); break; } cairo_fill(c->cr); cairo_pattern_destroy(pat); } static void m2c(uiDrawMatrix *m, cairo_matrix_t *c) { c->xx = m->M11; c->yx = m->M12; c->xy = m->M21; c->yy = m->M22; c->x0 = m->M31; c->y0 = m->M32; } static void c2m(cairo_matrix_t *c, uiDrawMatrix *m) { m->M11 = c->xx; m->M12 = c->yx; m->M21 = c->xy; m->M22 = c->yy; m->M31 = c->x0; m->M32 = c->y0; } void uiDrawMatrixSetIdentity(uiDrawMatrix *m) { setIdentity(m); } void uiDrawMatrixTranslate(uiDrawMatrix *m, double x, double y) { cairo_matrix_t c; m2c(m, &c); cairo_matrix_translate(&c, x, y); c2m(&c, m); } void uiDrawMatrixScale(uiDrawMatrix *m, double xCenter, double yCenter, double x, double y) { cairo_matrix_t c; double xt, yt; m2c(m, &c); // TODO explain why the translation must come first xt = x; yt = y; scaleCenter(xCenter, yCenter, &xt, &yt); cairo_matrix_translate(&c, xt, yt); cairo_matrix_scale(&c, x, y); // TODO undo the translation? c2m(&c, m); } void uiDrawMatrixRotate(uiDrawMatrix *m, double x, double y, double amount) { cairo_matrix_t c; m2c(m, &c); cairo_matrix_translate(&c, x, y); cairo_matrix_rotate(&c, amount); // TODO undo the translation? also cocoa backend cairo_matrix_translate(&c, -x, -y); c2m(&c, m); } void uiDrawMatrixSkew(uiDrawMatrix *m, double x, double y, double xamount, double yamount) { fallbackSkew(m, x, y, xamount, yamount); } void uiDrawMatrixMultiply(uiDrawMatrix *dest, uiDrawMatrix *src) { cairo_matrix_t c; cairo_matrix_t d; m2c(dest, &c); m2c(src, &d); cairo_matrix_multiply(&c, &c, &d); c2m(&c, dest); } int uiDrawMatrixInvertible(uiDrawMatrix *m) { cairo_matrix_t c; m2c(m, &c); return cairo_matrix_invert(&c) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; } int uiDrawMatrixInvert(uiDrawMatrix *m) { cairo_matrix_t c; m2c(m, &c); if (cairo_matrix_invert(&c) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) return 0; c2m(&c, m); return 1; } void uiDrawMatrixTransformPoint(uiDrawMatrix *m, double *x, double *y) { cairo_matrix_t c; m2c(m, &c); cairo_matrix_transform_point(&c, x, y); } void uiDrawMatrixTransformSize(uiDrawMatrix *m, double *x, double *y) { cairo_matrix_t c; m2c(m, &c); cairo_matrix_transform_distance(&c, x, y); } void uiDrawTransform(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawMatrix *m) { cairo_matrix_t cm; m2c(m, &cm); cairo_transform(c->cr, &cm); } void uiDrawClip(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawPath *path) { runPath(path, c->cr); switch (path->fillMode) { case uiDrawFillModeWinding: cairo_set_fill_rule(c->cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); break; case uiDrawFillModeAlternate: cairo_set_fill_rule(c->cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD); break; } cairo_clip(c->cr); } void uiDrawSave(uiDrawContext *c) { cairo_save(c->cr); } void uiDrawRestore(uiDrawContext *c) { cairo_restore(c->cr); } // TODO split everything after this into a drawtext.c struct uiDrawFontFamilies { PangoFontFamily **f; int n; }; uiDrawFontFamilies *uiDrawListFontFamilies(void) { uiDrawFontFamilies *ff; PangoFontMap *map; ff = uiNew(uiDrawFontFamilies); map = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(); pango_font_map_list_families(map, &(ff->f), &(ff->n)); // do not free map; it's a shared resource return ff; } uintmax_t uiDrawFontFamiliesNumFamilies(uiDrawFontFamilies *ff) { return ff->n; } char *uiDrawFontFamiliesFamily(uiDrawFontFamilies *ff, uintmax_t n) { PangoFontFamily *f; f = ff->f[n]; return uiUnixStrdupText(pango_font_family_get_name(f)); } void uiDrawFreeFontFamilies(uiDrawFontFamilies *ff) { g_free(ff->f); uiFree(ff); } struct uiDrawTextFont { PangoFont *f; }; uiDrawTextFont *mkTextFont(PangoFont *f, gboolean ref) { uiDrawTextFont *font; font = uiNew(uiDrawTextFont); font->f = f; if (ref) g_object_ref(font->f); return font; } static const PangoWeight pangoWeights[] = { [uiDrawTextWeightThin] = PANGO_WEIGHT_THIN, [uiDrawTextWeightUltraLight] = PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT, [uiDrawTextWeightLight] = PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT, [uiDrawTextWeightBook] = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOOK, [uiDrawTextWeightNormal] = PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL, [uiDrawTextWeightMedium] = PANGO_WEIGHT_MEDIUM, [uiDrawTextWeightSemiBold] = PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD, [uiDrawTextWeightBold] = PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, [uiDrawTextWeightUtraBold] = PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD, [uiDrawTextWeightHeavy] = PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY, [uiDrawTextWeightUltraHeavy] = PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRAHEAVY, }; static const PangoStyle pangoItalics[] = { [uiDrawTextItalicNormal] = PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL, [uiDrawTextItalicOblique] = PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE, [uiDrawTextItalicItalic] = PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC, }; static const PangoStretch pangoStretches[] = { [uiDrawTextStretchUltraCondensed] = PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED, [uiDrawTextStretchExtraCondensed] = PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED, [uiDrawTextStretchCondensed] = PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED, [uiDrawTextStretchSemiCondensed] = PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED, [uiDrawTextStretchNormal] = PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL, [uiDrawTextStretchSemiExpanded] = PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED, [uiDrawTextStretchExpanded] = PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED, [uiDrawTextStretchExtraExpanded] = PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED, [uiDrawTextStretchUltraExpanded] = PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED, }; // we need a context for a few things // the documentation suggests creating cairo_t-specific, GdkScreen-specific, or even GtkWidget-specific contexts, but we can't really do that because we want our uiDrawTextFonts and uiDrawTextLayouts to be context-independent // so this will have to do // TODO really see if there's a better way instead; what do GDK and GTK+ do internally? gdk_pango_context_get()? #define mkGenericPangoCairoContext() (pango_font_map_create_context(pango_cairo_font_map_get_default())) uiDrawTextFont *uiDrawLoadClosestFont(const uiDrawTextFontDescriptor *desc) { PangoFont *f; PangoFontDescription *pdesc; //TODO PangoVariant variant; PangoContext *context; pdesc = pango_font_description_new(); pango_font_description_set_family(pdesc, desc->Family); pango_font_description_set_size(pdesc, (gint) (desc->Size * PANGO_SCALE)); pango_font_description_set_weight(pdesc, pangoWeights[desc->Weight]); pango_font_description_set_style(pdesc, pangoItalics[desc->Italic]); #if 0 TODO variant = PANGO_VARIANT_NORMAL; if (desc->SmallCaps) variant = PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS; pango_font_description_set_variant(pdesc, variant); #endif pango_font_description_set_stretch(pdesc, pangoStretches[desc->Stretch]); // in this case, the context is necessary for the metrics to be correct context = mkGenericPangoCairoContext(); f = pango_font_map_load_font(pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(), context, pdesc); if (f == NULL) { // TODO g_error("[libui] no match in uiDrawLoadClosestFont(); report to andlabs"); } g_object_unref(context); return mkTextFont(f, FALSE); // we hold the initial reference; no need to retain } void uiDrawFreeTextFont(uiDrawTextFont *font) { g_object_unref(font->f); uiFree(font); } uintptr_t uiDrawTextFontHandle(uiDrawTextFont *font) { return (uintptr_t) (font->f); } void uiDrawTextFontDescribe(uiDrawTextFont *font, uiDrawTextFontDescriptor *desc) { PangoFontDescription *pdesc; // this creates a copy; we free it later pdesc = pango_font_describe(font->f); // TODO pango_font_description_free(pdesc); } // See https://developer.gnome.org/pango/1.30/pango-Cairo-Rendering.html#pango-Cairo-Rendering.description // Note that we convert to double before dividing to make sure the floating-point stuff is right #define pangoToCairo(pango) (((double) (pango)) / PANGO_SCALE) #define cairoToPango(cairo) ((gint) ((cairo) * PANGO_SCALE)) // TODO this isn't enough; pango adds extra space to each layout void uiDrawTextFontGetMetrics(uiDrawTextFont *font, uiDrawTextFontMetrics *metrics) { PangoFontMetrics *pm; pm = pango_font_get_metrics(font->f, NULL); metrics->Ascent = pangoToCairo(pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(pm)); metrics->Descent = pangoToCairo(pango_font_metrics_get_descent(pm)); // Pango doesn't seem to expose this :( Use 0 and hope for the best. metrics->Leading = 0; metrics->UnderlinePos = pangoToCairo(pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position(pm)); metrics->UnderlineThickness = pangoToCairo(pango_font_metrics_get_underline_thickness(pm)); pango_font_metrics_unref(pm); } // note: PangoCairoLayouts are tied to a given cairo_t, so we can't store one in this device-independent structure struct uiDrawTextLayout { char *s; ptrdiff_t *charsToBytes; PangoFont *defaultFont; double width; PangoAttrList *attrs; }; static ptrdiff_t *computeCharsToBytes(const char *s) { ptrdiff_t *charsToBytes; glong i, charlen; // we INCLUDE the null terminator as a character in the string // g_utf8_offset_to_pointer() doesn't stop on null terminator so this should work charlen = g_utf8_strlen(s, -1) + 1; charsToBytes = (ptrdiff_t *) uiAlloc(charlen * sizeof (ptrdiff_t), "ptrdiff_t[]"); // TODO speed this up by not needing to scan the whole string again for (i = 0; i < charlen; i++) charsToBytes[i] = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(s, i) - s; return charsToBytes; } uiDrawTextLayout *uiDrawNewTextLayout(const char *text, uiDrawTextFont *defaultFont, double width) { uiDrawTextLayout *layout; layout = uiNew(uiDrawTextLayout); layout->s = g_strdup(text); layout->charsToBytes = computeCharsToBytes(layout->s); layout->defaultFont = defaultFont->f; g_object_ref(layout->defaultFont); // retain a copy uiDrawTextLayoutSetWidth(layout, width); layout->attrs = pango_attr_list_new(); return layout; } void uiDrawFreeTextLayout(uiDrawTextLayout *layout) { pango_attr_list_unref(layout->attrs); g_object_unref(layout->defaultFont); uiFree(layout->charsToBytes); g_free(layout->s); uiFree(layout); } void uiDrawTextLayoutSetWidth(uiDrawTextLayout *layout, double width) { layout->width = width; } static void prepareLayout(uiDrawTextLayout *layout, PangoLayout *pl) { PangoFontDescription *desc; int width; pango_layout_set_text(pl, layout->s, -1); // again, this makes a copy desc = pango_font_describe(layout->defaultFont); // this is safe; the description is copied pango_layout_set_font_description(pl, desc); pango_font_description_free(desc); width = cairoToPango(layout->width); if (layout->width < 0) width = -1; pango_layout_set_width(pl, width); pango_layout_set_attributes(pl, layout->attrs); } void uiDrawTextLayoutExtents(uiDrawTextLayout *layout, double *width, double *height) { PangoContext *context; PangoLayout *pl; PangoRectangle logical; // in this case, the context is necessary to create the layout context = mkGenericPangoCairoContext(); pl = pango_layout_new(context); // TODO g_object_unref() context? prepareLayout(layout, pl); pango_layout_get_extents(pl, NULL, &logical); g_object_unref(pl); *width = pangoToCairo(logical.width); *height = pangoToCairo(logical.height); } void uiDrawText(uiDrawContext *c, double x, double y, uiDrawTextLayout *layout) { PangoLayout *pl; pl = pango_cairo_create_layout(c->cr); prepareLayout(layout, pl); cairo_move_to(c->cr, x, y); pango_cairo_show_layout(c->cr, pl); g_object_unref(pl); } static void addAttr(uiDrawTextLayout *layout, PangoAttribute *attr, intmax_t startChar, intmax_t endChar) { attr->start_index = layout->charsToBytes[startChar]; attr->end_index = layout->charsToBytes[endChar]; pango_attr_list_insert(layout->attrs, attr); // pango_attr_list_insert() takes attr; we don't free it } // these attributes are only supported on 1.38 and higher; we need to support 1.36 // use dynamic linking to make them work at least on newer systems // TODO warn programmers static PangoAttribute *(*newFGAlphaAttr)(guint16 alpha) = NULL; static gboolean tried138 = FALSE; // note that we treat any error as "the 1.38 symbols aren't there" (and don't care if dlclose() failed) static void try138(void) { void *handle; tried138 = TRUE; // dlsym() walks the dependency chain, so opening the current process should be sufficient handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY); if (handle == NULL) return; *((void **) (&newFGAlphaAttr)) = dlsym(handle, "pango_attr_foreground_alpha_new"); dlclose(handle); } void uiDrawTextLayoutSetColor(uiDrawTextLayout *layout, intmax_t startChar, intmax_t endChar, double r, double g, double b, double a) { PangoAttribute *attr; guint16 rr, gg, bb, aa; rr = (guint16) (r * 65535); gg = (guint16) (g * 65535); bb = (guint16) (b * 65535); aa = (guint16) (a * 65535); attr = pango_attr_foreground_new(rr, gg, bb); addAttr(layout, attr, startChar, endChar); if (!tried138) try138(); // TODO what if aa == 0? if (newFGAlphaAttr != NULL) { attr = (*newFGAlphaAttr)(aa); addAttr(layout, attr, startChar, endChar); } }