// 24 april 2015 #include "uipriv_windows.h" // TODO turn this into struct menu ** static struct menu *menus = NULL; static uintmax_t len = 0; static uintmax_t cap = 0; static BOOL menusFinalized = FALSE; static WORD curID = 100; // start somewhere safe struct menu { uiMenu m; WCHAR *name; // TODO turn into struct menuItem ** struct menuItem *items; uintmax_t len; uintmax_t cap; }; struct menuItem { uiMenuItem mi; WCHAR *name; int type; WORD id; void (*onClicked)(uiMenuItem *, uiWindow *, void *); void *onClickedData; BOOL disabled; // template for new instances; kept in sync with everything else BOOL checked; HMENU *hmenus; uintmax_t len; uintmax_t cap; }; enum { typeRegular, typeCheckbox, typeQuit, typePreferences, typeAbout, typeSeparator, }; #define grow 32 static void sync(struct menuItem *item) { uintmax_t i; MENUITEMINFOW mi; // TODO do we need to get the current state and amend it? ZeroMemory(&mi, sizeof (MENUITEMINFOW)); mi.cbSize = sizeof (MENUITEMINFOW); mi.fMask = MIIM_STATE; if (item->disabled) mi.fState |= MFS_DISABLED; if (item->checked) mi.fState |= MFS_CHECKED; for (i = 0; i < item->len; i++) if (SetMenuItemInfo(item->hmenus[i], item->id, FALSE, &mi) == 0) logLastError("error synchronizing menu items in windows/menu.c sync()"); } static void defaultOnClicked(uiMenuItem *item, uiWindow *w, void *data) { // do nothing } static void menuItemEnable(uiMenuItem *ii) { struct menuItem *item = (struct menuItem *) ii; item->disabled = FALSE; sync(item); } static void menuItemDisable(uiMenuItem *ii) { struct menuItem *item = (struct menuItem *) ii; item->disabled = TRUE; sync(item); } static void menuItemOnClicked(uiMenuItem *ii, void (*f)(uiMenuItem *, uiWindow *, void *), void *data) { struct menuItem *item = (struct menuItem *) ii; item->onClicked = f; item->onClickedData = data; } static int menuItemChecked(uiMenuItem *ii) { struct menuItem *item = (struct menuItem *) ii; return item->checked != FALSE; } static void menuItemSetChecked(uiMenuItem *ii, int checked) { struct menuItem *item = (struct menuItem *) ii; // use explicit values item->checked = FALSE; if (checked) item->checked = TRUE; sync(item); } static uiMenuItem *newItem(struct menu *m, int type, const char *name) { struct menuItem *item; if (menusFinalized) complain("attempt to create a new menu item after menus have been finalized"); if (m->len >= m->cap) { m->cap += grow; m->items = (struct menuItem *) uiRealloc(m->items, m->cap * sizeof (struct menuItem), "struct menuItem[]"); } item = &(m->items[m->len]); m->len++; item->type = type; switch (item->type) { case typeQuit: item->name = toUTF16("Quit"); break; case typePreferences: item->name = toUTF16("Preferences..."); break; case typeAbout: item->name = toUTF16("About"); break; case typeSeparator: // TODO this shouldn't be necessary, but uiRealloc() doesn't yet zero out new bytes item->name = NULL; break; default: item->name = toUTF16(name); break; } if (item->type != typeSeparator) { item->id = curID; curID++; } // TODO this shouldn't be necessary, but uiRealloc() doesn't yet zero out new bytes else item->id = 0; item->onClicked = defaultOnClicked; // TODO this shouldn't be necessary, but uiRealloc() doesn't yet zero out new bytes item->disabled = FALSE; item->checked = FALSE; item->hmenus = NULL; item->len = 0; item->cap = 0; uiMenuItem(item)->Enable = menuItemEnable; uiMenuItem(item)->Disable = menuItemDisable; uiMenuItem(item)->OnClicked = menuItemOnClicked; uiMenuItem(item)->Checked = menuItemChecked; uiMenuItem(item)->SetChecked = menuItemSetChecked; return uiMenuItem(item); } uiMenuItem *menuAppendItem(uiMenu *mm, const char *name) { return newItem((struct menu *) mm, typeRegular, name); } uiMenuItem *menuAppendCheckItem(uiMenu *mm, const char *name) { return newItem((struct menu *) mm, typeCheckbox, name); } uiMenuItem *menuAppendQuitItem(uiMenu *mm) { // TODO check multiple quit items newItem((struct menu *) mm, typeSeparator, NULL); return newItem((struct menu *) mm, typeQuit, NULL); } uiMenuItem *menuAppendPreferencesItem(uiMenu *mm) { // TODO check multiple preferences items newItem((struct menu *) mm, typeSeparator, NULL); return newItem((struct menu *) mm, typePreferences, NULL); } uiMenuItem *menuAppendAboutItem(uiMenu *mm) { // TODO check multiple about items newItem((struct menu *) mm, typeSeparator, NULL); return newItem((struct menu *) mm, typeAbout, NULL); } void menuAppendSeparator(uiMenu *mm) { // TODO check multiple about items newItem((struct menu *) mm, typeSeparator, NULL); } uiMenu *uiNewMenu(const char *name) { struct menu *m; if (menusFinalized) complain("attempt to create a new menu after menus have been finalized"); if (len >= cap) { cap += grow; menus = (struct menu *) uiRealloc(menus, cap * sizeof (struct menu), "struct menu[]"); } m = &menus[len]; len++; m->name = toUTF16(name); // TODO this shouldn't be necessary, but uiRealloc() doesn't yet zero out new bytes m->items = NULL; m->len = 0; m->cap = 0; uiMenu(m)->AppendItem = menuAppendItem; uiMenu(m)->AppendCheckItem = menuAppendCheckItem; uiMenu(m)->AppendQuitItem = menuAppendQuitItem; uiMenu(m)->AppendPreferencesItem = menuAppendPreferencesItem; uiMenu(m)->AppendAboutItem = menuAppendAboutItem; uiMenu(m)->AppendSeparator = menuAppendSeparator; return uiMenu(m); } static void appendMenuItem(HMENU menu, struct menuItem *item) { UINT uFlags; uFlags = MF_SEPARATOR; if (item->type != typeSeparator) { uFlags = MF_STRING; if (item->disabled) uFlags |= MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED; if (item->checked) uFlags |= MF_CHECKED; } if (AppendMenuW(menu, uFlags, item->id, item->name) == 0) logLastError("error appending menu item in appendMenuItem()"); if (item->len >= item->cap) { item->cap += grow; item->hmenus = (HMENU *) uiRealloc(item->hmenus, item->cap * sizeof (HMENU), "HMENU[]"); } item->hmenus[item->len] = menu; item->len++; } static HMENU makeMenu(struct menu *m) { HMENU menu; uintmax_t i; menu = CreatePopupMenu(); if (menu == NULL) logLastError("error creating menu in makeMenu()"); for (i = 0; i < m->len; i++) appendMenuItem(menu, &(m->items[i])); return menu; } // TODO should this return a zero-height widget (or NULL) if there are no menus defined? HMENU makeMenubar(void) { HMENU menubar; HMENU menu; uintmax_t i; menusFinalized = TRUE; menubar = CreateMenu(); if (menubar == NULL) logLastError("error creating menubar in makeMenubar()"); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { menu = makeMenu(&menus[i]); if (AppendMenuW(menubar, MF_POPUP | MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR) menu, menus[i].name) == 0) logLastError("error appending menu to menubar in makeMenubar()"); } return menubar; } void runMenuEvent(WORD id, uiWindow *w) { struct menu *m; struct menuItem *item; uintmax_t i, j; uiMenuItem *umi; // TODO optimize this somehow? for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { m = &menus[i]; for (j = 0; j < m->len; j++) { item = &(m->items[j]); if (item->id == id) goto found; } } // no match // TODO complain? return; found: umi = uiMenuItem(item); // first toggle checkboxes, if any if (item->type == typeCheckbox) uiMenuItemSetChecked(umi, !uiMenuItemChecked(umi)); // then run the event (*(item->onClicked))(umi, w, item->onClickedData); } static void freeMenu(struct menu *m, HMENU submenu) { uintmax_t i; struct menuItem *item; uintmax_t j; for (i = 0; i < m->len; i++) { item = &m->items[i]; for (j = 0; j < item->len; j++) if (item->hmenus[j] == submenu) break; if (j >= item->len) complain("submenu handle %p not found in freeMenu()", submenu); for (; j < item->len - 1; j++) item->hmenus[j] = item->hmenus[j + 1]; item->hmenus[j] = NULL; item->len--; } } void freeMenubar(HMENU menubar) { uintmax_t i; MENUITEMINFOW mi; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ZeroMemory(&mi, sizeof (MENUITEMINFOW)); mi.cbSize = sizeof (MENUITEMINFOW); mi.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU; if (GetMenuItemInfoW(menubar, i, TRUE, &mi) == 0) logLastError("error getting menu to delete item references from in freeMenubar()"); freeMenu(&menus[i], mi.hSubMenu); } // no need to worry about destroying any menus; destruction of the window they're in will do it for us }