#include "uipriv_windows.hpp" struct uiTableModel { uiTableModelHandler *mh; std::vector *tables; }; static uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams defaultTextColumnOptionalParams = { /*TODO.ColorModelColumn = */-1, }; struct columnParams { int textModelColumn; int textEditableColumn; uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams textParams; int imageModelColumn; int checkboxModelColumn; int checkboxEditableColumn; int progressBarModelColumn; int buttonModelColumn; int buttonClickableModelColumn; }; struct uiTable { uiWindowsControl c; uiTableModel *model; HWND hwnd; std::vector *columns; WPARAM nColumns; int backgroundColumn; // owner data state // MSDN says we have to keep LVN_GETDISPINFO strings we allocate around at least until "two additional LVN_GETDISPINFO messages have been sent". // we'll use this queue to do so; the "two additional" part is encoded in the initial state of the queue std::queue *dispinfoStrings; // likewise here, though the docs aren't as clear HIMAGELIST smallImages; int smallIndex; // custom draw state COLORREF clrItemText; }; uiTableModel *uiNewTableModel(uiTableModelHandler *mh) { uiTableModel *m; m = uiprivNew(uiTableModel); m->mh = mh; m->tables = new std::vector; return m; } void uiFreeTableModel(uiTableModel *m) { delete m->tables; uiprivFree(m); } // TODO document that when this is called, the model must return the new row count when asked void uiTableModelRowInserted(uiTableModel *m, int newIndex) { LVITEMW item; int newCount; newCount = (*(m->mh->NumRows))(m->mh, m); ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof (LVITEMW)); item.mask = 0; item.iItem = newIndex; item.iSubItem = 0; for (auto t : *(m->tables)) { // actually insert the rows if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_SETITEMCOUNT, (WPARAM) newCount, LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL) == 0) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_SETITEMCOUNT in uiTableModelRowInserted()"); // and redraw every row from the new row down to simulate adding it if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_REDRAWITEMS, (WPARAM) newIndex, (LPARAM) (newCount - 1)) == FALSE) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_REDRAWITEMS in uiTableModelRowInserted()"); // update selection state if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM) (&item)) == (LRESULT) (-1)) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_INSERTITEM in uiTableModelRowInserted() to update selection state"); } } // TODO compare LVM_UPDATE and LVM_REDRAWITEMS void uiTableModelRowChanged(uiTableModel *m, int index) { for (auto t : *(m->tables)) if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_UPDATE, (WPARAM) index, 0) == (LRESULT) (-1)) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_UPDATE in uiTableModelRowChanged()"); } // TODO document that when this is called, the model must return the OLD row count when asked // TODO for this and the above, see what GTK+ requires and adjust accordingly void uiTableModelRowDeleted(uiTableModel *m, int oldIndex) { int newCount; newCount = (*(m->mh->NumRows))(m->mh, m); newCount--; for (auto t : *(m->tables)) { // update selection state if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM) oldIndex, 0) == (LRESULT) (-1)) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_DELETEITEM in uiTableModelRowDeleted() to update selection state"); // actually delete the rows if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_SETITEMCOUNT, (WPARAM) newCount, LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL) == 0) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_SETITEMCOUNT in uiTableModelRowDeleted()"); // and redraw every row from the new nth row down to simulate removing the old nth row if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_REDRAWITEMS, (WPARAM) oldIndex, (LPARAM) (newCount - 1)) == FALSE) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_REDRAWITEMS in uiTableModelRowDeleted()"); } } static LRESULT onLVN_GETDISPINFO(uiTable *t, NMLVDISPINFOW *nm) { static struct columnParams *p; uiTableData *data; WCHAR *wstr; HDC dc; IWICBitmap *wb; HBITMAP b; bool queueUpdated = false; wstr = t->dispinfoStrings->front(); if (wstr != NULL) uiprivFree(wstr); t->dispinfoStrings->pop(); p = (*(t->columns))[nm->item.iSubItem]; // TODO is this condition ever not going to be true for libui? if ((nm->item.mask & LVIF_TEXT) != 0) if (p->textModelColumn != -1) { data = (*(t->model->mh->CellValue))(t->model->mh, t->model, nm->item.iItem, p->textModelColumn); wstr = toUTF16(uiTableDataString(data)); uiFreeTableData(data); nm->item.pszText = wstr; t->dispinfoStrings->push(wstr); queueUpdated = true; } if ((nm->item.mask & LVIF_IMAGE) != 0) if (p->imageModelColumn != -1) { dc = GetDC(t->hwnd); if (dc == NULL) logLastError(L"error getting DC for uiTable in onLVN_GETDISPINFO()"); data = (*(t->model->mh->CellValue))(t->model->mh, t->model, nm->item.iItem, p->imageModelColumn); wb = uiprivImageAppropriateForDC(uiTableDataImage(data), dc); uiFreeTableData(data); b = uiprivWICToGDI(wb, dc); if (ReleaseDC(t->hwnd, dc) == 0) logLastError(L"error calling ReleaseDC() in onLVN_GETDISPINFO()"); if (ImageList_GetImageCount(t->smallImages) <= t->smallIndex) { if (ImageList_Add(t->smallImages, b, NULL) == -1) logLastError(L"error calling ImageList_Add() in onLVN_GETDISPINFO()"); } else if (ImageList_Replace(t->smallImages, t->smallIndex, b, NULL) == 0) logLastError(L"error calling ImageList_Replace() in onLVN_GETDISPINFO()"); // TODO error check DeleteObject(b); nm->item.iImage = t->smallIndex; t->smallIndex++; t->smallIndex %= 3; // TODO don't hardcode this } // having an image list always leaves space for an image on the main item :| // other places on the internet imply that you should be able to do this but that it shouldn't work // but it works perfectly (and pixel-perfectly too) for me, so... if (nm->item.iSubItem == 0 && p->imageModelColumn == -1) { nm->item.mask |= LVIF_INDENT; nm->item.iIndent = -1; } // we don't want to pop from an empty queue, so if nothing updated the queue (no info was filled in above), just push NULL if (!queueUpdated) t->dispinfoStrings->push(NULL); return 0; } static COLORREF blend(COLORREF base, double r, double g, double b, double a) { double br, bg, bb; // TODO find a better fix than this // TODO s listview already alphablending? // TODO find the right color here if (base == CLR_DEFAULT) base = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); br = ((double) GetRValue(base)) / 255.0; bg = ((double) GetGValue(base)) / 255.0; bb = ((double) GetBValue(base)) / 255.0; br = (r * a) + (br * (1.0 - a)); bg = (g * a) + (bg * (1.0 - a)); bb = (b * a) + (bb * (1.0 - a)); return RGB((BYTE) (br * 255), (BYTE) (bg * 255), (BYTE) (bb * 255)); } static LRESULT onNM_CUSTOMDRAW(uiTable *t, NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *nm) { struct columnParams *p; uiTableData *data; double r, g, b, a; LRESULT ret; switch (nm->nmcd.dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT: return CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: if (t->backgroundColumn != -1) { data = (*(t->model->mh->CellValue))(t->model->mh, t->model, nm->nmcd.dwItemSpec, t->backgroundColumn); if (data != NULL) { uiTableDataColor(data, &r, &g, &b, &a); uiFreeTableData(data); nm->clrTextBk = blend(nm->clrTextBk, r, g, b, a); } } t->clrItemText = nm->clrText; return CDRF_NEWFONT | CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW; case CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: p = (*(t->columns))[nm->iSubItem]; // we need this as previous subitems will persist their colors nm->clrText = t->clrItemText; if (p->textParams.ColorModelColumn != -1) { data = (*(t->model->mh->CellValue))(t->model->mh, t->model, nm->nmcd.dwItemSpec, p->textParams.ColorModelColumn); if (data != NULL) { uiTableDataColor(data, &r, &g, &b, &a); uiFreeTableData(data); nm->clrText = blend(nm->clrTextBk, r, g, b, a); } } // TODO draw background on image columns if needed return CDRF_NEWFONT; } return CDRF_DODEFAULT; } static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, HWND hwnd, NMHDR *nmhdr, LRESULT *lResult) { uiTable *t = uiTable(c); switch (nmhdr->code) { case LVN_GETDISPINFO: *lResult = onLVN_GETDISPINFO(t, (NMLVDISPINFOW *) nmhdr); return TRUE; case NM_CUSTOMDRAW: *lResult = onNM_CUSTOMDRAW(t, (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *) nmhdr); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void uiTableDestroy(uiControl *c) { uiTable *t = uiTable(c); uiTableModel *model = t->model; std::vector::iterator it; WCHAR *wstr; uiWindowsUnregisterWM_NOTIFYHandler(t->hwnd); uiWindowsEnsureDestroyWindow(t->hwnd); // detach table from model for (it = model->tables->begin(); it != model->tables->end(); it++) { if (*it == t) { model->tables->erase(it); break; } } // empty the string queue while (t->dispinfoStrings->size() != 0) { wstr = t->dispinfoStrings->front(); if (wstr != NULL) uiprivFree(wstr); t->dispinfoStrings->pop(); } delete t->dispinfoStrings; // free the columns for (auto col : *(t->columns)) uiprivFree(col); delete t->columns; // t->smallImages will be automatically destroyed uiFreeControl(uiControl(t)); } uiWindowsControlAllDefaultsExceptDestroy(uiTable) // suggested listview sizing from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing: // "columns widths that avoid truncated data x an integral number of items" // Don't think that'll cut it when some cells have overlong data (eg // stupidly long URLs). So for now, just hardcode a minimum. // TODO: Investigate using LVM_GETHEADER/HDM_LAYOUT here... #define tableMinWidth 107 /* in line with other controls */ #define tableMinHeight (14 * 3) /* header + 2 lines (roughly) */ static void uiTableMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *c, int *width, int *height) { uiTable *t = uiTable(c); uiWindowsSizing sizing; int x, y; x = tableMinWidth; y = tableMinHeight; uiWindowsGetSizing(t->hwnd, &sizing); uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, &x, &y); *width = x; *height = y; } static struct columnParams *appendColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int colfmt) { WCHAR *wstr; LVCOLUMNW lvc; struct columnParams *p; ZeroMemory(&lvc, sizeof (LVCOLUMNW)); lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT; lvc.fmt = colfmt; lvc.cx = 120; // TODO wstr = toUTF16(name); lvc.pszText = wstr; if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW, t->nColumns, (LPARAM) (&lvc)) == (LRESULT) (-1)) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW in appendColumn()"); uiprivFree(wstr); t->nColumns++; p = uiprivNew(struct columnParams); p->textModelColumn = -1; p->imageModelColumn = -1; p->checkboxModelColumn = -1; p->progressBarModelColumn = -1; p->buttonModelColumn = -1; t->columns->push_back(p); return p; } void uiTableAppendTextColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int textModelColumn, int textEditableModelColumn, uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams *params) { struct columnParams *p; p = appendColumn(t, name, LVCFMT_LEFT); p->textModelColumn = textModelColumn; p->textEditableColumn = textEditableModelColumn; if (params != NULL) p->textParams = *params; else p->textParams = defaultTextColumnOptionalParams; } void uiTableAppendImageColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int imageModelColumn) { // TODO } void uiTableAppendImageTextColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int imageModelColumn, int textModelColumn, int textEditableModelColumn, uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams *textParams) { struct columnParams *p; p = appendColumn(t, name, LVCFMT_LEFT); p->textModelColumn = textModelColumn; p->textEditableColumn = textEditableModelColumn; if (textParams != NULL) p->textParams = *textParams; else p->textParams = defaultTextColumnOptionalParams; p->imageModelColumn = imageModelColumn; } void uiTableAppendCheckboxColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int checkboxModelColumn, int checkboxEditableModelColumn) { // TODO } void uiTableAppendCheckboxTextColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int checkboxModelColumn, int checkboxEditableModelColumn, int textModelColumn, int textEditableModelColumn, uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams *textParams) { struct columnParams *p; p = appendColumn(t, name, LVCFMT_LEFT); p->textModelColumn = textModelColumn; p->textEditableColumn = textEditableModelColumn; if (textParams != NULL) p->textParams = *textParams; else p->textParams = defaultTextColumnOptionalParams; p->checkboxModelColumn = checkboxModelColumn; p->checkboxEditableColumn = checkboxEditableModelColumn; } void uiTableAppendProgressBarColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int progressModelColumn) { // TODO } void uiTableAppendButtonColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int buttonTextModelColumn, int buttonClickableModelColumn) { // TODO } void uiTableSetRowBackgroundColorModelColumn(uiTable *t, int modelColumn) { // TODO make the names consistent t->backgroundColumn = modelColumn; // TODO redraw? } uiTable *uiNewTable(uiTableModel *model) { uiTable *t; int n; uiWindowsNewControl(uiTable, t); t->columns = new std::vector; t->model = model; t->hwnd = uiWindowsEnsureCreateControlHWND(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, WC_LISTVIEW, L"", LVS_REPORT | LVS_OWNERDATA | LVS_SINGLESEL | WS_TABSTOP | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, hInstance, NULL, TRUE); model->tables->push_back(t); uiWindowsRegisterWM_NOTIFYHandler(t->hwnd, onWM_NOTIFY, uiControl(t)); // TODO: try LVS_EX_AUTOSIZECOLUMNS SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, (WPARAM) (LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_LABELTIP | LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES), (LPARAM) (LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_LABELTIP | LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES)); n = (*(model->mh->NumRows))(model->mh, model); if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_SETITEMCOUNT, (WPARAM) n, 0) == 0) logLastError(L"error calling LVM_SETITEMCOUNT in uiNewTable()"); t->backgroundColumn = -1; t->dispinfoStrings = new std::queue; // this encodes the idea that two LVN_GETDISPINFOs must complete before we can free a string: the first real one is for the fourth call to free t->dispinfoStrings->push(NULL); t->dispinfoStrings->push(NULL); t->dispinfoStrings->push(NULL); // TODO update these when the DPI changes // TODO handle errors // TODO try adding a real transparent image t->smallImages = ImageList_Create( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_COLOR32, 0, 3); if (t->smallImages == NULL) logLastError(L"error calling ImageList_Create() in uiNewTable()"); // TODO will this return NULL here because it's an initial state? SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_SETIMAGELIST, LVSIL_SMALL, (LPARAM) (t->smallImages)); return t; }