Moved the Windows uiTab, the Windows uiGroup, and the test tab out of the way while we debug why things only look bad on wine.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2015-05-17 13:01:42 -04:00
parent ceda3882a8
commit f3ef834dc3
7 changed files with 522 additions and 521 deletions

View File

@ -68,13 +68,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uiOnShouldQuit(onShouldQuit, w); uiOnShouldQuit(onShouldQuit, w);
mainBox = newHorizontalBox(); mainBox = newHorizontalBox();
uiWindowSetChild(w, uiControl(mainBox)); // uiWindowSetChild(w, uiControl(mainBox));
mainTab = newTab(); mainTab = newTab();
uiBoxAppend(mainBox, uiControl(mainTab), 1); uiBoxAppend(mainBox, uiControl(mainTab), 1);
makePage1(w); makePage1(w);
uiTabAppendPage(mainTab, "Page 1", uiControl(page1)); // uiTabAppendPage(mainTab, "Page 1", uiControl(page1));
uiWindowSetChild(w, uiControl(page1));
page2 = makePage2(); page2 = makePage2();
uiTabAppendPage(mainTab, "Page 2", uiControl(page2)); uiTabAppendPage(mainTab, "Page 2", uiControl(page2));

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
// 16 may 2015
#include "uipriv_windows.h"
struct group {
uiGroup g;
HWND hwnd;
static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult)
return FALSE;
static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, NMHDR *nm, LRESULT *lResult)
return FALSE;
static void onDestroy(void *data)
static void groupPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
static void groupSetChild(uiGroup *gg, uiControl *c)
uiGroup *uiNewGroup(const char *text)
struct group *g;
uiWindowsMakeControlParams p;
WCHAR *wtext;
g = uiNew(struct group);
p.lpClassName = L"button";
wtext = toUTF16(text);
p.lpWindowName = wtext;
p.dwStyle = BS_GROUPBOX;
p.hInstance = hInstance;
p.lpParam = NULL;
p.useStandardControlFont = TRUE;
p.onDestroy = onDestroy;
p.onDestroyData = g;
uiWindowsMakeControl(uiControl(g), &p);
g->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(g));
uiControl(g)->PreferredSize = groupPreferredSize;
uiGroup(g)->SetChild = groupSetChild;
return uiGroup(g);

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
// 16 may 2015
#include "uipriv_windows.h"
struct tab {
uiTab t;
HWND hwnd;
static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult)
return FALSE;
static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, NMHDR *nm, LRESULT *lResult)
return FALSE;
static void onDestroy(void *data)
static void tabPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
static void tabAppendPage(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uiControl *child)
static void tabInsertPageBefore(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uintmax_t n, uiControl *child)
static void tabDeletePage(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
static uintmax_t tabNumPages(uiTab *tt)
return 0;
static int tabMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
return 0;
static void tabSetMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n, int margined)
uiTab *uiNewTab(void)
struct tab *t;
uiWindowsMakeControlParams p;
t = uiNew(struct tab);
p.dwExStyle = 0; // don't set WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT yet; we do that dynamically in the message loop (see main_windows.c)
p.lpClassName = WC_TABCONTROLW;
p.lpWindowName = L"";
p.dwStyle = TCS_TOOLTIPS | WS_TABSTOP; // start with this; we will alternate between this and WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT as needed (see main.c and msgHasTabStops above and the toggling functions below)
p.hInstance = hInstance;
p.lpParam = NULL;
p.useStandardControlFont = TRUE;
p.onDestroy = onDestroy;
p.onDestroyData = t;
uiWindowsMakeControl(uiControl(t), &p);
t->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(t));
uiControl(t)->PreferredSize = tabPreferredSize;
uiTab(t)->AppendPage = tabAppendPage;
uiTab(t)->InsertPageBefore = tabInsertPageBefore;
uiTab(t)->DeletePage = tabDeletePage;
uiTab(t)->NumPages = tabNumPages;
uiTab(t)->Margined = tabMargined;
uiTab(t)->SetMargined = tabSetMargined;
return uiTab(t);
// unfortunately WS_TABSTOP and WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT are mutually exclusive, so we have to toggle between them
// see main.c for more details
void tabEnterTabNavigation(HWND hwnd)
setStyle(hwnd, getStyle(hwnd) & ~WS_TABSTOP);
setExStyle(hwnd, getExStyle(hwnd) | WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT);
void tabLeaveTabNavigation(HWND hwnd)
setExStyle(hwnd, getExStyle(hwnd) & ~WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT);
setStyle(hwnd, getStyle(hwnd) | WS_TABSTOP);

redo/windows/OLDgroup.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// 11 may 2015
#include "uipriv_windows.h"
struct group {
uiGroup g;
HWND hwnd;
uiControl *child;
void (*baseResize)(uiControl *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, uiSizing *);
static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult)
return FALSE;
static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, NMHDR *nm, LRESULT *lResult)
return FALSE;
static void onDestroy(void *data)
struct group *g = (struct group *) data;
if (g->child != NULL) {
uiControlSetParent(g->child, NULL);
// TODO get source
#define groupXMargin 6
#define groupYMarginTop 11 /* note this value /includes the groupbox label */
#define groupYMarginBottom 7
// unfortunately because the client area of a groupbox includes the frame and caption text, we have to apply some margins ourselves, even if we don't want "any"
// these were deduced by hand based on the standard DLU conversions; the X and Y top margins are the width and height, respectively, of one character cell
// they can be fine-tuned later
#define groupUnmarginedXMargin 4
#define groupUnmarginedYMarginTop 8
#define groupUnmarginedYMarginBottom 3
static void groupPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
struct group *g = (struct group *) c;
uiControlPreferredSize(g->child, d, width, height);
*width += uiWindowsDlgUnitsToX(groupUnmarginedXMargin, d->Sys->BaseX) * 2;
*height += uiWindowsDlgUnitsToY(groupUnmarginedYMarginTop, d->Sys->BaseY) + uiWindowsDlgUnitsToY(groupUnmarginedYMarginBottom, d->Sys->BaseY);
static void groupResize(uiControl *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height, uiSizing *d)
struct group *g = (struct group *) c;
(*(g->baseResize))(uiControl(g), x, y, width, height, d);
if (g->child != NULL)
static void groupComputeChildSize(uiControl *c, intmax_t *x, intmax_t *y, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height, uiSizing *d)
struct group *g = (struct group *) c;
if (GetClientRect(g->hwnd, &r) == 0)
logLastError("error getting uiGroup client rect for computing child size in groupResize()");
r.left += uiWindowsDlgUnitsToX(groupUnmarginedXMargin, d->Sys->BaseX); += uiWindowsDlgUnitsToY(groupUnmarginedYMarginTop, d->Sys->BaseY);
r.right -= uiWindowsDlgUnitsToX(groupUnmarginedXMargin, d->Sys->BaseX);
r.bottom -= uiWindowsDlgUnitsToY(groupUnmarginedYMarginBottom, d->Sys->BaseY);
*x = r.left;
*y =;
*width = r.right - r.left;
*height = r.bottom -;
static void groupSetChild(uiGroup *gg, uiControl *c)
struct group *g = (struct group *) gg;
g->child = c;
if (g->child != NULL)
uiGroup *uiNewGroup(const char *text)
struct group *g;
uiWindowsMakeControlParams p;
WCHAR *wtext;
g = uiNew(struct group);
p.lpClassName = L"button";
wtext = toUTF16(text);
p.lpWindowName = wtext;
p.dwStyle = BS_GROUPBOX;
p.hInstance = hInstance;
p.lpParam = NULL;
p.useStandardControlFont = TRUE;
p.onDestroy = onDestroy;
p.onDestroyData = g;
uiWindowsMakeControl(uiControl(g), &p);
g->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(g));
uiControl(g)->PreferredSize = groupPreferredSize;
g->baseResize = uiControl(g)->Resize;
uiControl(g)->Resize = groupResize;
uiControl(g)->ComputeChildSize = groupComputeChildSize;
// TODO enable, disable, sysfunc
uiGroup(g)->SetChild = groupSetChild;
return uiGroup(g);

redo/windows/OLDtab.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
// 12 april 2015
#include "uipriv_windows.h"
struct tab {
uiTab t;
HWND hwnd;
struct ptrArray *pages;
void (*baseResize)(uiControl *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, uiSizing *);
void (*baseEnable)(uiControl *);
void (*baseDisable)(uiControl *);
void (*baseSysFunc)(uiControl *, uiControlSysFuncParams *);
struct tabPage {
uiControl *control;
int margined;
static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult)
return FALSE;
// we have to handle hiding and showing of tab pages ourselves
static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, NMHDR *nm, LRESULT *lResult)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
if (nm->code != TCN_SELCHANGING && nm->code != TCN_SELCHANGE)
return FALSE;
n = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (n == (LRESULT) (-1)) // not changing from/to a page; nothing to do
return FALSE;
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
if (nm->code == TCN_SELCHANGING) {
// changing from a real page
*lResult = FALSE; // and allow the change
return TRUE;
// otherwise it's TCN_SELCHANGE
// and we're changing to a real page
*lResult = 0;
return TRUE;
static void onDestroy(void *data)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) data;
struct tabPage *page;
// first, hide the widget to avoid flicker
ShowWindow(t->hwnd, SW_HIDE);
// because the pages don't have by a libui paent, we can simply destroy them
while (t->pages->len != 0) {
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, 0);
// we do have to remove the page from the tab control, though
uiControlSetParent(page->control, NULL);
ptrArrayDelete(t->pages, 0);
// and finally destroy ourselves
// from
#define tabMargin 7
static void tabPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
LRESULT current;
struct tabPage *curpage;
intmax_t curwid, curht;
r.left = 0; = 0;
r.right = 0;
r.bottom = 0;
if (t->pages->len != 0) {
current = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (current != (LRESULT) (-1)) {
curpage = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, current);
uiControlPreferredSize(curpage->control, d, &curwid, &curht);
r.right = curwid;
r.bottom = curht;
// TODO add margins
// otherwise just use the rect [0 0 0 0]
// the following will take the tabs themselves into account
SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM) TRUE, (LPARAM) (&r));
*width = r.right - r.left;
*height = r.bottom -;
static void tabResize(uiControl *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height, uiSizing *d)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
LRESULT current;
struct tabPage *curpage;
(*(t->baseResize))(uiControl(t), x, y, width, height, d);
current = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (current != (LRESULT) (-1)) {
curpage = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, current);
static void tabComputeChildSize(uiControl *c, intmax_t *x, intmax_t *y, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height, uiSizing *d)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
// first figure out what the content area for pages is
if (GetWindowRect(t->hwnd, &r) == 0)
logLastError("error getting tab window rect in tabComputeChildSize()");
// convert to the display rectangle
SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM) TRUE, (LPARAM) (&r));
*x = r.left;
*y =;
*width = r.right - r.left;
*height = r.bottom -;
n = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (n == (LRESULT) (-1)) // no child selected; do nothing
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
if (page->margined) {
static void tabEnable(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
uintmax_t i;
for (i = 0; i < t->pages->len; i++) {
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, i);
static void tabDisable(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
uintmax_t i;
for (i = 0; i < t->pages->len; i++) {
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, i);
static void tabSysFunc(uiControl *c, uiControlSysFuncParams *p)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
uintmax_t i;
// we handle tab stops specially
if (p->Func == uiWindowsSysFuncHasTabStops) {
// if disabled, not a tab stop
if (IsWindowEnabled(t->hwnd) != 0)
// if there are no tabs, it is not a tab stop
if (t->pages->len != 0)
p->HasTabStops = TRUE;
// otherwise distribute it throughout all pages
(*(t->baseSysFunc))(uiControl(t), p);
for (i = 0; i < t->pages->len; i++) {
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, i);
uiControlSysFunc(page->control, p);
// this is also partially where tab navigation is handled
static LRESULT CALLBACK tabSubProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) dwRefData;
uiControlSysFuncParams p;
struct tabPage *page;
switch (uMsg) {
case msgHasTabStops:
n = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (n == (LRESULT) (-1)) // no current selection == no tab stops
return FALSE;
p.Func = uiWindowsSysFuncHasTabStops;
p.HasTabStops = FALSE;
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
uiControlSysFunc(page->control, &p);
return p.HasTabStops;
if (RemoveWindowSubclass(hwnd, tabSubProc, uIdSubclass) == FALSE)
logLastError("error removing Tab resize handling subclass in tabSubProc()");
return DefSubclassProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
#define tabCapGrow 32
static void tabAppendPage(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uiControl *child)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
WCHAR *wname;
page = uiNew(struct tabPage);
n = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0);
page->control = child;
uiControlSetParent(page->control, uiControl(t));
if (n != 0) // if this isn't the first page, we have to hide the other controls
ptrArrayAppend(t->pages, page);
ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof (TCITEMW));
item.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
wname = toUTF16(name);
item.pszText = wname;
// MSDN's example code uses the first invalid index directly for this
if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM) n, (LPARAM) (&item)) == (LRESULT) -1)
logLastError("error adding tab to Tab in uiTabAddPage()");
// if this is the first tab, Windows will automatically show it /without/ sending a TCN_SELCHANGE notification
// so we need to manually resize the tab ourselves
// don't use uiContainerUpdate() for the same reason as in the TCN_SELCHANGE handler
static void tabInsertPageBefore(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uintmax_t n, uiControl *child)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
WCHAR *wname;
page = uiNew(struct tabPage);
page->control = child;
uiControlSetParent(page->control, uiControl(t));
// always hide; the current tab doesn't change
ptrArrayInsertBefore(t->pages, n, page);
ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof (TCITEMW));
item.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
wname = toUTF16(name);
item.pszText = wname;
if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM) n, (LPARAM) (&item)) == (LRESULT) -1)
logLastError("error adding tab to Tab in uiTabInsertPageBefore()");
static void tabDeletePage(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
// first delete the tab from the tab control
// if this is the current tab, no tab will be selected, which is good
if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM) n, 0) == FALSE)
logLastError("error deleting Tab page in tabDeletePage()");
// now delete the page itself
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
ptrArrayDelete(t->pages, n);
// and keep the page control alive
uiControlSetParent(page->control, NULL);
static uintmax_t tabNumPages(uiTab *tt)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
return t->pages->len;
static int tabMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
return page->margined;
static void tabSetMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n, int margined)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
page->margined = margined;
uiTab *uiNewTab(void)
struct tab *t;
uiWindowsMakeControlParams p;
t = uiNew(struct tab);
p.dwExStyle = 0; // don't set WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT yet; we do that dynamically in the message loop (see main_windows.c)
p.lpClassName = WC_TABCONTROLW;
p.lpWindowName = L"";
p.dwStyle = TCS_TOOLTIPS | WS_TABSTOP; // start with this; we will alternate between this and WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT as needed (see main.c and msgHasTabStops above and the toggling functions below)
p.hInstance = hInstance;
p.lpParam = NULL;
p.useStandardControlFont = TRUE;
p.onDestroy = onDestroy;
p.onDestroyData = t;
uiWindowsMakeControl(uiControl(t), &p);
t->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(t));
t->pages = newPtrArray();
if (SetWindowSubclass(t->hwnd, tabSubProc, 0, (DWORD_PTR) t) == FALSE)
logLastError("error subclassing Tab to give it its own resize handler in uiNewTab()");
uiControl(t)->PreferredSize = tabPreferredSize;
t->baseResize = uiControl(t)->Resize;
uiControl(t)->Resize = tabResize;
uiControl(t)->ComputeChildSize = tabComputeChildSize;
t->baseEnable = uiControl(t)->Enable;
uiControl(t)->Enable = tabEnable;
t->baseDisable = uiControl(t)->Disable;
uiControl(t)->Disable = tabDisable;
// TODO ContainerEnable/ContainerDisable
t->baseSysFunc = uiControl(t)->SysFunc;
uiControl(t)->SysFunc = tabSysFunc;
uiTab(t)->AppendPage = tabAppendPage;
uiTab(t)->InsertPageBefore = tabInsertPageBefore;
uiTab(t)->DeletePage = tabDeletePage;
uiTab(t)->NumPages = tabNumPages;
uiTab(t)->Margined = tabMargined;
uiTab(t)->SetMargined = tabSetMargined;
return uiTab(t);
// unfortunately WS_TABSTOP and WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT are mutually exclusive, so we have to toggle between them
// see main.c for more details
void tabEnterTabNavigation(HWND hwnd)
setStyle(hwnd, getStyle(hwnd) & ~WS_TABSTOP);
setExStyle(hwnd, getExStyle(hwnd) | WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT);
void tabLeaveTabNavigation(HWND hwnd)
setExStyle(hwnd, getExStyle(hwnd) & ~WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT);
setStyle(hwnd, getStyle(hwnd) | WS_TABSTOP);

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
// 11 may 2015 // 16 may 2015
#include "uipriv_windows.h" #include "uipriv_windows.h"
struct group { struct group {
uiGroup g; uiGroup g;
HWND hwnd; HWND hwnd;
uiControl *child;
void (*baseResize)(uiControl *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, uiSizing *);
}; };
static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult) static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult)
@ -20,69 +18,17 @@ static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, NMHDR *nm, LRESULT *lResult)
static void onDestroy(void *data) static void onDestroy(void *data)
{ {
struct group *g = (struct group *) data; // TODO
if (g->child != NULL) {
uiControlSetParent(g->child, NULL);
} }
// TODO get source
#define groupXMargin 6
#define groupYMarginTop 11 /* note this value /includes the groupbox label */
#define groupYMarginBottom 7
// unfortunately because the client area of a groupbox includes the frame and caption text, we have to apply some margins ourselves, even if we don't want "any"
// these were deduced by hand based on the standard DLU conversions; the X and Y top margins are the width and height, respectively, of one character cell
// they can be fine-tuned later
#define groupUnmarginedXMargin 4
#define groupUnmarginedYMarginTop 8
#define groupUnmarginedYMarginBottom 3
static void groupPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height) static void groupPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
{ {
struct group *g = (struct group *) c; // TODO
uiControlPreferredSize(g->child, d, width, height);
*width += uiWindowsDlgUnitsToX(groupUnmarginedXMargin, d->Sys->BaseX) * 2;
*height += uiWindowsDlgUnitsToY(groupUnmarginedYMarginTop, d->Sys->BaseY) + uiWindowsDlgUnitsToY(groupUnmarginedYMarginBottom, d->Sys->BaseY);
static void groupResize(uiControl *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height, uiSizing *d)
struct group *g = (struct group *) c;
(*(g->baseResize))(uiControl(g), x, y, width, height, d);
if (g->child != NULL)
static void groupComputeChildSize(uiControl *c, intmax_t *x, intmax_t *y, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height, uiSizing *d)
struct group *g = (struct group *) c;
if (GetClientRect(g->hwnd, &r) == 0)
logLastError("error getting uiGroup client rect for computing child size in groupResize()");
r.left += uiWindowsDlgUnitsToX(groupUnmarginedXMargin, d->Sys->BaseX); += uiWindowsDlgUnitsToY(groupUnmarginedYMarginTop, d->Sys->BaseY);
r.right -= uiWindowsDlgUnitsToX(groupUnmarginedXMargin, d->Sys->BaseX);
r.bottom -= uiWindowsDlgUnitsToY(groupUnmarginedYMarginBottom, d->Sys->BaseY);
*x = r.left;
*y =;
*width = r.right - r.left;
*height = r.bottom -;
} }
static void groupSetChild(uiGroup *gg, uiControl *c) static void groupSetChild(uiGroup *gg, uiControl *c)
{ {
struct group *g = (struct group *) gg; // TODO
g->child = c;
if (g->child != NULL)
} }
uiGroup *uiNewGroup(const char *text) uiGroup *uiNewGroup(const char *text)
@ -111,10 +57,6 @@ uiGroup *uiNewGroup(const char *text)
g->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(g)); g->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(g));
uiControl(g)->PreferredSize = groupPreferredSize; uiControl(g)->PreferredSize = groupPreferredSize;
g->baseResize = uiControl(g)->Resize;
uiControl(g)->Resize = groupResize;
uiControl(g)->ComputeChildSize = groupComputeChildSize;
// TODO enable, disable, sysfunc
uiGroup(g)->SetChild = groupSetChild; uiGroup(g)->SetChild = groupSetChild;

View File

@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
// 12 april 2015 // 16 may 2015
#include "uipriv_windows.h" #include "uipriv_windows.h"
struct tab { struct tab {
uiTab t; uiTab t;
HWND hwnd; HWND hwnd;
struct ptrArray *pages;
void (*baseResize)(uiControl *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, uiSizing *);
void (*baseEnable)(uiControl *);
void (*baseDisable)(uiControl *);
void (*baseSysFunc)(uiControl *, uiControlSysFuncParams *);
struct tabPage {
uiControl *control;
int margined;
}; };
static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult) static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult)
@ -21,306 +11,45 @@ static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult)
return FALSE; return FALSE;
} }
// we have to handle hiding and showing of tab pages ourselves
static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, NMHDR *nm, LRESULT *lResult) static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, NMHDR *nm, LRESULT *lResult)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c; return FALSE;
struct tabPage *page;
if (nm->code != TCN_SELCHANGING && nm->code != TCN_SELCHANGE)
return FALSE;
n = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (n == (LRESULT) (-1)) // not changing from/to a page; nothing to do
return FALSE;
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
if (nm->code == TCN_SELCHANGING) {
// changing from a real page
*lResult = FALSE; // and allow the change
return TRUE;
// otherwise it's TCN_SELCHANGE
// and we're changing to a real page
*lResult = 0;
return TRUE;
} }
static void onDestroy(void *data) static void onDestroy(void *data)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) data; // TODO
struct tabPage *page;
// first, hide the widget to avoid flicker
ShowWindow(t->hwnd, SW_HIDE);
// because the pages don't have by a libui paent, we can simply destroy them
while (t->pages->len != 0) {
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, 0);
// we do have to remove the page from the tab control, though
uiControlSetParent(page->control, NULL);
ptrArrayDelete(t->pages, 0);
// and finally destroy ourselves
} }
// from
#define tabMargin 7
static void tabPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height) static void tabPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c; // TODO
LRESULT current;
struct tabPage *curpage;
intmax_t curwid, curht;
r.left = 0; = 0;
r.right = 0;
r.bottom = 0;
if (t->pages->len != 0) {
current = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (current != (LRESULT) (-1)) {
curpage = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, current);
uiControlPreferredSize(curpage->control, d, &curwid, &curht);
r.right = curwid;
r.bottom = curht;
// TODO add margins
// otherwise just use the rect [0 0 0 0]
// the following will take the tabs themselves into account
SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM) TRUE, (LPARAM) (&r));
*width = r.right - r.left;
*height = r.bottom -;
} }
static void tabResize(uiControl *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height, uiSizing *d)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
LRESULT current;
struct tabPage *curpage;
(*(t->baseResize))(uiControl(t), x, y, width, height, d);
current = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (current != (LRESULT) (-1)) {
curpage = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, current);
static void tabComputeChildSize(uiControl *c, intmax_t *x, intmax_t *y, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height, uiSizing *d)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
// first figure out what the content area for pages is
if (GetWindowRect(t->hwnd, &r) == 0)
logLastError("error getting tab window rect in tabComputeChildSize()");
// convert to the display rectangle
SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM) TRUE, (LPARAM) (&r));
*x = r.left;
*y =;
*width = r.right - r.left;
*height = r.bottom -;
n = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (n == (LRESULT) (-1)) // no child selected; do nothing
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
if (page->margined) {
static void tabEnable(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
uintmax_t i;
for (i = 0; i < t->pages->len; i++) {
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, i);
static void tabDisable(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
uintmax_t i;
for (i = 0; i < t->pages->len; i++) {
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, i);
static void tabSysFunc(uiControl *c, uiControlSysFuncParams *p)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
struct tabPage *page;
uintmax_t i;
// we handle tab stops specially
if (p->Func == uiWindowsSysFuncHasTabStops) {
// if disabled, not a tab stop
if (IsWindowEnabled(t->hwnd) != 0)
// if there are no tabs, it is not a tab stop
if (t->pages->len != 0)
p->HasTabStops = TRUE;
// otherwise distribute it throughout all pages
(*(t->baseSysFunc))(uiControl(t), p);
for (i = 0; i < t->pages->len; i++) {
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, i);
uiControlSysFunc(page->control, p);
// this is also partially where tab navigation is handled
static LRESULT CALLBACK tabSubProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) dwRefData;
uiControlSysFuncParams p;
struct tabPage *page;
switch (uMsg) {
case msgHasTabStops:
n = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (n == (LRESULT) (-1)) // no current selection == no tab stops
return FALSE;
p.Func = uiWindowsSysFuncHasTabStops;
p.HasTabStops = FALSE;
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
uiControlSysFunc(page->control, &p);
return p.HasTabStops;
if (RemoveWindowSubclass(hwnd, tabSubProc, uIdSubclass) == FALSE)
logLastError("error removing Tab resize handling subclass in tabSubProc()");
return DefSubclassProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
#define tabCapGrow 32
static void tabAppendPage(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uiControl *child) static void tabAppendPage(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uiControl *child)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
WCHAR *wname;
page = uiNew(struct tabPage);
n = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0);
page->control = child;
uiControlSetParent(page->control, uiControl(t));
if (n != 0) // if this isn't the first page, we have to hide the other controls
ptrArrayAppend(t->pages, page);
ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof (TCITEMW));
item.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
wname = toUTF16(name);
item.pszText = wname;
// MSDN's example code uses the first invalid index directly for this
if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM) n, (LPARAM) (&item)) == (LRESULT) -1)
logLastError("error adding tab to Tab in uiTabAddPage()");
// if this is the first tab, Windows will automatically show it /without/ sending a TCN_SELCHANGE notification
// so we need to manually resize the tab ourselves
// don't use uiContainerUpdate() for the same reason as in the TCN_SELCHANGE handler
} }
static void tabInsertPageBefore(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uintmax_t n, uiControl *child) static void tabInsertPageBefore(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uintmax_t n, uiControl *child)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
WCHAR *wname;
page = uiNew(struct tabPage);
page->control = child;
uiControlSetParent(page->control, uiControl(t));
// always hide; the current tab doesn't change
ptrArrayInsertBefore(t->pages, n, page);
ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof (TCITEMW));
item.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
wname = toUTF16(name);
item.pszText = wname;
if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM) n, (LPARAM) (&item)) == (LRESULT) -1)
logLastError("error adding tab to Tab in uiTabInsertPageBefore()");
} }
static void tabDeletePage(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n) static void tabDeletePage(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
// first delete the tab from the tab control
// if this is the current tab, no tab will be selected, which is good
if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM) n, 0) == FALSE)
logLastError("error deleting Tab page in tabDeletePage()");
// now delete the page itself
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
ptrArrayDelete(t->pages, n);
// and keep the page control alive
uiControlSetParent(page->control, NULL);
} }
static uintmax_t tabNumPages(uiTab *tt) static uintmax_t tabNumPages(uiTab *tt)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt; return 0;
return t->pages->len;
} }
static int tabMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n) static int tabMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt; return 0;
struct tabPage *page;
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
return page->margined;
} }
static void tabSetMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n, int margined) static void tabSetMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n, int margined)
{ {
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
struct tabPage *page;
page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n);
page->margined = margined;
} }
uiTab *uiNewTab(void) uiTab *uiNewTab(void)
@ -344,22 +73,8 @@ uiTab *uiNewTab(void)
uiWindowsMakeControl(uiControl(t), &p); uiWindowsMakeControl(uiControl(t), &p);
t->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(t)); t->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(t));
t->pages = newPtrArray();
if (SetWindowSubclass(t->hwnd, tabSubProc, 0, (DWORD_PTR) t) == FALSE)
logLastError("error subclassing Tab to give it its own resize handler in uiNewTab()");
uiControl(t)->PreferredSize = tabPreferredSize; uiControl(t)->PreferredSize = tabPreferredSize;
t->baseResize = uiControl(t)->Resize;
uiControl(t)->Resize = tabResize;
uiControl(t)->ComputeChildSize = tabComputeChildSize;
t->baseEnable = uiControl(t)->Enable;
uiControl(t)->Enable = tabEnable;
t->baseDisable = uiControl(t)->Disable;
uiControl(t)->Disable = tabDisable;
// TODO ContainerEnable/ContainerDisable
t->baseSysFunc = uiControl(t)->SysFunc;
uiControl(t)->SysFunc = tabSysFunc;
uiTab(t)->AppendPage = tabAppendPage; uiTab(t)->AppendPage = tabAppendPage;
uiTab(t)->InsertPageBefore = tabInsertPageBefore; uiTab(t)->InsertPageBefore = tabInsertPageBefore;