Started assembling the input file to this hresult utility.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2018-05-26 19:40:55 -04:00
parent 8f5eba45bd
commit ef9e08d4ad
1 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

windows/tools/a Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
@BOOL UnregisterClassW LPCWSTR className HINSTANCE hInstance == 0
@*HWND CreateWindowExW DWORD exstyle LPCWSTR className LPCWSTR title DWORD style int x int y int width int height HWND parent HMENU menu HINSTANCE hInstance LPVOID lpParam == NULL
@BOOL DestroyWindow HWND hwnd == 0
@BOOL UpdateWindow HWND hwnd == 0
@BOOL AdustWindowRectEx LPRECT r DWORD style BOOL hasMenu DWORD exStyle == 0
@*BOOL GetMessageW LPMSG msg HWND hwnd UINT minMsg UINT maxMsg < 0
@BOOL PostMessageW HWND hwnd UINT uMsg WPARAM wParam LPARAM lParam == 0
@UINT_PTR SetTimer HWND hwnd UINT_PTR id UINT time TIMERPROC proc == 0
@BOOL KillTimer HWND hwnd UINT_PTR id == 0
@int GetWindowTextW HWND hwnd LPWSTR str int n == 0
@BOOL SetWindowTextW HWND hwnd LPCWSTR str == 0
@BOOL SetWindowPos HWND hwnd HWND insertAfter int x int y int cx int cy UINT flags == 0
@BOOL GetWindowPlacement HWND hwnd uiprivLPWWINDOWPLACEMENT wp == 0
@BOOL SetWindowPlacement HWND hwnd uiprivLPCWINDOWPLACEMENT wp == 0
@HWND SetParent HWND hwnd HWND newParent == NULL
@BOOL GetClientRect HWND hwnd LPRECT r == 0
@BOOL GetWindowRect HWND hwnd LPRECT r == 0
@int GetClassNameW HWND hwnd LPWSTR name int n == 0
@BOOL SetWindowSubclass HWND hwnd SUBCLASSPROC proc UINT_PTR id DWORD_PTR dwRefData == FALSE
@BOOL RemoveWindowSubclass HWND hwnd SUBCLASSPROC proc UINT_PTR id == FALSE
@*HWND CreateDialogIndirectParamW HINSTANCE hInstance LPCDLGTEMPLATE dialog HWND parent DLGPROC proc LPARAM param == NULL
// note: this gives dialogs in libui the condition that they must NOT call uiprivTODOEndDialog() with a negative result code
@*INT_PTR DialogBoxIndirectParamW HINSTANCE hInstance LPCDLGTEMPLATE dialog HWND parent DLGPROC proc LPARAM param < 0
@BOOL EndDialog HWND hdlg INT_PTR result == 0
@*HWND GetDlgItem HWND hdlg int id == NULL
@*HMENU CreateMenu == NULL
@*HMENU CreatePopupMenu == NULL
@BOOL AppendMenuW HMENU menu UINT flags UINT_PTR id LPCWSTR text == 0
@BOOL SetMenu HWND hwnd HMENU menu == 0
@BOOL GetMenuItemInfoW HMENU menu UINT item BOOL byPosition LPMENUITEMINFO info == 0
@BOOL SetMenuItemInfoW HMENU menu UINT item BOOL byPosition LPMENUITEMINFO info == 0
@*HDC GetDC HWND hwnd == NULL
@int ReleaseDC HWND hwnd HDC dc == 0
@*HDC CreateCompatibleDC HDC dc == NULL
@BOOL DeleteDC HDC dc == 0
$typedef const RECT *uiprivLPCRECT;
@BOOL InvalidateRect HWND hwnd uiprivLPCRECT r BOOL erase == 0
@BOOL ValidateRect HWND hwnd uiprivLPCRECT r == 0
@*HBITMAP CreateCompatibleBitmap HDC dc int width int height == NULL
@*HBRUSH CreatePatternBrush HBITMAP bitmap == NULL
@BOOL DeleteObject HGDIOBJ obj == 0
@BOOL SetBrushOrgEx HDC dc int x int y LPPOINT prev == 0
@int SetBkMode HDC dc int mode == 0
@BOOL BitBlt HDC dest int destX int destY int destWidth int destHeight HDC src int srcX int srcY DWORD op == 0
@BOOL GetTextMetricsW HDC dc LPTEXTMETRIC tm == 0
@BOOL APIENTRY GetTextExtentPoint32W HDC dc LPCWSTR str int n LPSIZE size == 0
@BOOL ReleaseCapture == 0
@BOOL _TrackMouseEvent LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT tme == 0
@BOOL GetScrollInfo HWND hwnd int bar LPSCROLLINFO si == 0
@BOOL SystemParametersInfoW UINT action UINT param PVOID v UINT winini == 0
@BOOL GetMonitorInfoW HMONITOR monitor LPMONITORINFO info == 0
@*int GetLocaleInfoEx LPCWSTR name LCTYPE type LPWSTR buf int n == 0
@BOOL UnhookWindowsHookEx HHOOK hook == 0