More functions in funclist.proto.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2018-08-08 20:53:32 -04:00
parent 1f4d7dc374
commit ecf9efd6d7
4 changed files with 118 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -9,21 +9,6 @@ static HRESULT lastErrorToHRESULT(DWORD lasterr, const char *funcname)
return hr;
@BOOL UnregisterClassW LPCWSTR className HINSTANCE hInstance == 0
@*HWND CreateWindowExW DWORD exstyle LPCWSTR className LPCWSTR title DWORD style int x int y int width int height HWND parent HMENU menu HINSTANCE hInstance LPVOID lpParam == NULL
@BOOL DestroyWindow HWND hwnd == 0
@BOOL UpdateWindow HWND hwnd == 0
@BOOL AdustWindowRectEx LPRECT r DWORD style BOOL hasMenu DWORD exStyle == 0
@*BOOL GetMessageW LPMSG msg HWND hwnd UINT minMsg UINT maxMsg < 0
@BOOL PostMessageW HWND hwnd UINT uMsg WPARAM wParam LPARAM lParam == 0
@UINT_PTR SetTimer HWND hwnd UINT_PTR id UINT time TIMERPROC proc == 0
@BOOL KillTimer HWND hwnd UINT_PTR id == 0
@int GetWindowTextW HWND hwnd LPWSTR str int n == 0
@BOOL SetWindowTextW HWND hwnd LPCWSTR str == 0
@BOOL SetWindowPos HWND hwnd HWND insertAfter int x int y int cx int cy UINT flags == 0
@BOOL GetWindowPlacement HWND hwnd uiprivLPWWINDOWPLACEMENT wp == 0
@BOOL SetWindowPlacement HWND hwnd uiprivLPCWINDOWPLACEMENT wp == 0

View File

@ -1,5 +1,83 @@
# 8 august 2018
# TODO preserve lpRect on failure
func: {
name: "AdjustWindowRectEx"
arg: "_Inout_ LPRECT lpRect"
arg: "_In_ DWORD dwStyle"
arg: "_In_ BOOL bMenu"
arg: "_In_ DWORD dwExStyle"
ret: "BOOL"
failval: "0"
func: {
name: "CreateWindowExW"
arg: "_In_ DWORD dwExStyle"
arg: "_In_opt_ LPCWSTR lpClassName"
arg: "_In_opt_ LPCWSTR lpWindowName"
arg: "_In_ DWORD dwStyle"
arg: "_In_ int X"
arg: "_In_ int Y"
arg: "_In_ int nWidth"
arg: "_In_ int nHeight"
arg: "_In_opt_ HWND hWndParent"
arg: "_In_opt_ HMENU hMenu"
arg: "_In_opt_ HINSTANCE hInstance"
arg: "_In_opt_ LPVOID lpParam"
ret: "HWND"
failval: "NULL"
save: true
func: {
name: "DestroyWindow"
arg: "_In_ HWND hWnd"
ret: "BOOL"
failval: "0"
cleanup: true
# TODO failexpr is < 0
func: {
name: "GetMessageW"
arg: "_Out_ LPMSG lpMsg"
arg: "_In_opt_ HWND hWnd"
arg: "_In_ UINT wMsgFilterMin"
arg: "_In_ UINT wMsgFilterMax"
ret: "BOOL"
failval: "-1"
# TODO write a L'\0' to lpString[0] on failure
# TODO also add extra checks to make sure lpString is not NULL
func: {
name: "GetWindowTextW"
arg: "_In_ HWND hWnd"
arg: "_Out_writes_(nMaxCount) LPWSTR lpString"
arg: "_In_ int nMaxCount"
ret: "int"
failval: "0"
func: {
name: "KillTimer"
arg: "_In_opt_ HWND hWnd"
arg: "_In_ UINT_PTR uIDEvent"
ret: "BOOL"
failval: "0"
func: {
name: "PostMessageW"
arg: "_In_opt_ HWND hWnd"
arg: "_In_ UINT Msg"
arg: "_In_ WPARAM wParam"
arg: "_In_ LPARAM lParam"
ret: "BOOL"
failval: "0"
func: {
name: "RegisterClassW"
arg: "_In_ CONST WNDCLASSW *lpWndClass"
@ -8,6 +86,37 @@ failval: "0"
save: true
func: {
name: "SetTimer"
arg: "_In_opt_ HWND hWnd"
arg: "_In_ UINT_PTR nIDEvent"
arg: "_In_ UINT uElapse"
arg: "_In_opt_ TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc"
ret: "UINT_PTR"
failval: "0"
func: {
name: "SetWindowPos"
arg: "_In_ HWND hWnd"
arg: "_In_opt_ HWND hWndInsertAfter"
arg: "_In_ int X"
arg: "_In_ int Y"
arg: "_In_ int cx"
arg: "_In_ int cy"
arg: "_In_ UINT uFlags"
ret: "BOOL"
failval: "0"
func: {
name: "SetWindowTextW"
arg: "_In_ HWND hWnd"
arg: "_In_opt_ LPCWSTR lpString"
ret: "BOOL"
failval: "0"
func: {
name: "UnregisterClassW"
arg: "_In_ LPCWSTR lpClassName"
@ -16,3 +125,10 @@ ret: "BOOL"
failval: "0"
cleanup: true
func: {
name: "UpdateWindow"
arg: "_In_ HWND hWnd"
ret: "BOOL"
failval: "0"

windows/tools/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
./hresultwrap funclist.textpb

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
rm -f hresultwrap.pb.go hresultwrap &&
protoc --go_out=. hresultwrap.proto &&
go build hresultwrap.go hresultwrap.pb.go &&
./hresultwrap funclist.textpb
go build hresultwrap.go hresultwrap.pb.go