Finished the initial implementation of OS X uiTable. Now to test.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2016-06-22 00:40:30 -04:00
parent 2f08ec683a
commit c26f438d3b
1 changed files with 85 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ struct uiTableCellPart {
struct uiTableColumn {
tableColumn *c;
NSMutableArray *parts;
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ struct uiTable {
uiDarwinControl c;
NSScrollView *sv;
NSTableView *tv;
struct scrollViewData *d;
@implementation tableModel
@ -229,11 +231,87 @@ void uiTableColumnAppend(uiTableColumn *c, uiTableCellPart *part, int expand)
[c->parts addObject:part->part];
_UI_EXTERN uiTableCellPart *uiNewTableTextPart(int modelColumn);
_UI_EXTERN void uiFreeTableCellPart(uiTableCellPart *p);
uiTableCellPart *uiNewTableTextPart(int modelColumn)
uiTableCellPart *p;
typedef struct uiTable uiTable;
#define uiTable(this) ((uiTable *) (this))
_UI_EXTERN uiTableColumn *uiTableAppendColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name);
_UI_EXTERN uiTableColumn *uiTableAppendTextColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name, int modelColumn);
_UI_EXTERN uiTable *uiNewTable(uiTableModel *model);
p = uiNew(uiTableCellPart);
p->part = [tablePart new];
p->part.type = partText;
p->part.mainColumn = modelColumn;
return p;
void uiFreeTableCellPart(uiTableCellPart *p)
// TODO disallow if in use
[p->part release];
uiDarwinControlAllDefaultsExceptDestroy(uiTable, sv)
static void uiTableDestroy(uiControl *c)
uiTable *t = uiTable(c);
[t->sv release];
uiTableColumn *uiTableAppendColumn(uiTable *t, const char *name)
uiTableColumn *c;
c = new(uiTableColumn);
c->c = [[tableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:@""];
// via Interface Builder
[c->c setResizingMask:(NSTableColumnAutoresizingMask | NSTableColumnUserResizingMask)];
[c->c setTitle:toNSString(name)];
// TODO is this sufficient?
[[c->c headerCell] setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]]];
c->parts = [NSMutableArray new];
[t->tv addTableColumn:c->c];
return c;
uiTable *uiNewTable(uiTableModel *model)
uiTable *t;
struct scrollViewCreateParams p;
uiDarwinNewControl(uiTable, t);
e->tv = [[NSTableView alloc] initWIthFrame:NSZeroRect];
[e->tv setDataSource:model->m];
[e->tv setDelegate:model->m];
[e->tv reloadAllData];
[model->tables addObject:e->tv];
// TODO is this sufficient?
[e->tv setAllowsColumnReordering:NO];
[e->tv setAllowsColumnResizing:YES];
[e->tv setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
[e->tv setAllowsEmptySelection:YES];
[e->tv setAllowsColumnSelection:NO];
[e->tv setUsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors:YES];
[e->tv setSelectionHighlightStyle:NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleRegular];
[e->tv setGridStyleMask:NSTableViewGridNone];
[e->tv setAllowsTypeSelect:YES];
// TODO floatsGroupRows do we even allow group rows?
memset(&p, 0, sizeof (struct scrollViewCreateParams));
p.DocumentView = t->tv;
// this is what Interface Builder sets it to
// TODO verify
p.BackgroundColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 alpha:1.0];
p.DrawsBackground = YES;
p.Bordered = YES;
p.HScroll = YES;
p.VScroll = YES;
t->sv = mkScrollView(&p, &(t->d));
return t;