Wrote the new font matching code. This is taken from the old code, but cleaned up considerably and updated with new knowledge.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2017-01-03 13:42:12 -05:00
parent 4318785eb2
commit bab798543f
2 changed files with 223 additions and 214 deletions

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@ -151,220 +151,6 @@ static void addFontSmallCapsAttr(CFMutableDictionaryRef attr)
#define ourNSFontWeightBold 0.400000
#define ourNSFontWeightHeavy 0.560000
#define ourNSFontWeightBlack 0.620000
static const CGFloat ctWeights[] = {
// yeah these two have their names swapped; blame Pango
[uiDrawTextWeightThin] = ourNSFontWeightUltraLight,
[uiDrawTextWeightUltraLight] = ourNSFontWeightThin,
[uiDrawTextWeightLight] = ourNSFontWeightLight,
// for this one let's go between Light and Regular
// we're doing nearest so if there happens to be an exact value hopefully it's close enough
[uiDrawTextWeightBook] = ourNSFontWeightLight + ((ourNSFontWeightRegular - ourNSFontWeightLight) / 2),
[uiDrawTextWeightNormal] = ourNSFontWeightRegular,
[uiDrawTextWeightMedium] = ourNSFontWeightMedium,
[uiDrawTextWeightSemiBold] = ourNSFontWeightSemibold,
[uiDrawTextWeightBold] = ourNSFontWeightBold,
// for this one let's go between Bold and Heavy
[uiDrawTextWeightUltraBold] = ourNSFontWeightBold + ((ourNSFontWeightHeavy - ourNSFontWeightBold) / 2),
[uiDrawTextWeightHeavy] = ourNSFontWeightHeavy,
[uiDrawTextWeightUltraHeavy] = ourNSFontWeightBlack,
// Unfortunately there are still no named constants for these.
// Let's just use normalized widths.
// As far as I can tell (OS X only ships with condensed fonts, not expanded fonts; TODO), regardless of condensed or expanded, negative means condensed and positive means expanded.
// TODO verify this is correct
static const CGFloat ctStretches[] = {
[uiDrawTextStretchUltraCondensed] = -1.0,
[uiDrawTextStretchExtraCondensed] = -0.75,
[uiDrawTextStretchCondensed] = -0.5,
[uiDrawTextStretchSemiCondensed] = -0.25,
[uiDrawTextStretchNormal] = 0.0,
[uiDrawTextStretchSemiExpanded] = 0.25,
[uiDrawTextStretchExpanded] = 0.5,
[uiDrawTextStretchExtraExpanded] = 0.75,
[uiDrawTextStretchUltraExpanded] = 1.0,
struct closeness {
CFIndex index;
CGFloat weight;
CGFloat italic;
CGFloat stretch;
CGFloat distance;
// Stupidity: CTFont requires an **exact match for the entire traits dictionary**, otherwise it will **drop ALL the traits**.
// We have to implement the closest match ourselves.
// Also we have to do this before adding the small caps flags, because the matching descriptors won't have those.
CTFontDescriptorRef matchTraits(CTFontDescriptorRef against, uiDrawTextWeight weight, uiDrawTextItalic italic, uiDrawTextStretch stretch)
CGFloat targetWeight;
CGFloat italicCloseness, obliqueCloseness, normalCloseness;
CGFloat targetStretch;
CFArrayRef matching;
CFIndex i, n;
struct closeness *closeness;
CTFontDescriptorRef current;
CTFontDescriptorRef out;
targetWeight = ctWeights[weight];
switch (italic) {
case uiDrawTextItalicNormal:
italicCloseness = 1;
obliqueCloseness = 1;
normalCloseness = 0;
case uiDrawTextItalicOblique:
italicCloseness = 0.5;
obliqueCloseness = 0;
normalCloseness = 1;
case uiDrawTextItalicItalic:
italicCloseness = 0;
obliqueCloseness = 0.5;
normalCloseness = 1;
targetStretch = ctStretches[stretch];
matching = CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(against, NULL);
if (matching == NULL)
// no matches; give the original back and hope for the best
return against;
n = CFArrayGetCount(matching);
if (n == 0) {
// likewise
return against;
closeness = (struct closeness *) uiAlloc(n * sizeof (struct closeness), "struct closeness[]");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
CFDictionaryRef traits;
CFNumberRef cfnum;
CTFontSymbolicTraits symbolic;
closeness[i].index = i;
current = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(matching, i);
traits = CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(current, kCTFontTraitsAttribute);
if (traits == NULL) {
// couldn't get traits; be safe by ranking it lowest
// LONGTERM figure out what the longest possible distances are
closeness[i].weight = 3;
closeness[i].italic = 2;
closeness[i].stretch = 3;
symbolic = 0; // assume no symbolic traits if none are listed
cfnum = CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontSymbolicTrait);
if (cfnum != NULL) {
SInt32 s;
if (CFNumberGetValue(cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &s) == false)
complain("error getting symbolic traits in matchTraits()");
symbolic = (CTFontSymbolicTraits) s;
// Get rule; do not release cfnum
// now try weight
cfnum = CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontWeightTrait);
if (cfnum != NULL) {
CGFloat val;
// LONGTERM instead of complaining for this and width and possibly also symbolic traits above, should we just fall through to the default?
if (CFNumberGetValue(cfnum, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &val) == false)
complain("error getting weight value in matchTraits()");
closeness[i].weight = val - targetWeight;
} else
// okay there's no weight key; let's try the literal meaning of the symbolic constant
// LONGTERM is the weight key guaranteed?
if ((symbolic & kCTFontBoldTrait) != 0)
closeness[i].weight = ourNSFontWeightBold - targetWeight;
closeness[i].weight = ourNSFontWeightRegular - targetWeight;
// italics is a bit harder because Core Text doesn't expose a concept of obliqueness
// Pango just does a g_strrstr() (backwards case-sensitive search) for "Oblique" in the font's style name (see https://git.gnome.org/browse/pango/tree/pango/pangocoretext-fontmap.c); let's do that too I guess
if ((symbolic & kCTFontItalicTrait) != 0)
closeness[i].italic = italicCloseness;
else {
CFStringRef styleName;
BOOL isOblique;
isOblique = NO; // default value
styleName = CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(current, kCTFontStyleNameAttribute);
if (styleName != NULL) {
CFRange range;
// note the use of the toll-free bridge for the string literal, since CFSTR() *can* return NULL
range = CFStringFind(styleName, (CFStringRef) @"Oblique", kCFCompareBackwards);
if (range.location != kCFNotFound)
isOblique = YES;
if (isOblique)
closeness[i].italic = obliqueCloseness;
closeness[i].italic = normalCloseness;
// now try width
// TODO this does not seem to be enough for Skia's extended variants; the width trait is 0 but the Expanded flag is on
// TODO verify the rest of this matrix (what matrix?)
cfnum = CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontWidthTrait);
if (cfnum != NULL) {
CGFloat val;
if (CFNumberGetValue(cfnum, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &val) == false)
complain("error getting width value in matchTraits()");
closeness[i].stretch = val - targetStretch;
} else
// okay there's no width key; let's try the literal meaning of the symbolic constant
// LONGTERM is the width key guaranteed?
if ((symbolic & kCTFontExpandedTrait) != 0)
closeness[i].stretch = 1.0 - targetStretch;
else if ((symbolic & kCTFontCondensedTrait) != 0)
closeness[i].stretch = -1.0 - targetStretch;
closeness[i].stretch = 0.0 - targetStretch;
// now figure out the 3-space difference between the three and sort by that
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
CGFloat weight, italic, stretch;
weight = closeness[i].weight;
weight *= weight;
italic = closeness[i].italic;
italic *= italic;
stretch = closeness[i].stretch;
stretch *= stretch;
closeness[i].distance = sqrt(weight + italic + stretch);
qsort_b(closeness, n, sizeof (struct closeness), ^(const void *aa, const void *bb) {
const struct closeness *a = (const struct closeness *) aa;
const struct closeness *b = (const struct closeness *) bb;
// via http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Comparison-Functions.html#Comparison-Functions
// LONGTERM is this really the best way? isn't it the same as if (*a < *b) return -1; if (*a > *b) return 1; return 0; ?
return (a->distance > b->distance) - (a->distance < b->distance);
// and the first element of the sorted array is what we want
out = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(matching, closeness[0].index);
CFRetain(out); // get rule
// release everything
// and release the original descriptor since we no longer need it
return out;
// Now remember what I said earlier about having to add the small caps traits after calling the above? This gets a dictionary back so we can do so.
CFMutableDictionaryRef extractAttributes(CTFontDescriptorRef desc)

darwin/fontmatch.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
// 3 january 2017
#import "uipriv_darwin.h"
// Stupidity: Core Text requires an **exact match for the entire traits dictionary**, otherwise it will **drop ALL the traits**.
// This seems to be true for every function in Core Text that advertises that it performs font matching; I can confirm at the time of writing this is the case for
// - CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors() (though the conditions here seem odd)
// - CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor()
// - CTFontCreateCopyWithAttributes()
// We have to implement the closest match ourselves.
// This needs to be done early in the matching process; in particular, we have to do this before adding any features (such as small caps), because the matching descriptors won't have those.
struct closeness {
CFIndex index;
double weight;
double italic;
double stretch;
double distance;
static double doubleAttr(CFDictionaryRef traits, CFStringRef attr)
CFNumberRef cfnum;
double val;
cfnum = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, attr);
if (cfnum == NULL) {
if (CFNumberGetValue(cfnum, kCFNumberDoubleType, &val) == false) {
// Get Rule; do not release cfnum
return val;
struct italicCloseness {
double normal;
double oblique;
double italic;
// remember that in closeness, 0 means exact
// in this case, since we define the range, we use 0.5 to mean "close enough" (oblique for italic and italic for oblique) and 1 to mean "not a match"
static const struct italicCloseness italicClosenesses[] = {
[uiDrawTextItalicNormal] = { 0, 1, 1 },
[uiDrawTextItalicOblique] = { 1, 0, 0.5 },
[uiDrawTextItalicItalic] = { 1, 0.5, 0 },
// Italics are hard because Core Text does NOT distinguish between italic and oblique.
// All Core Text provides is a slant value and the italic bit of the symbolic traits mask.
// However, Core Text does seem to guarantee (from experimentation; see below) that the slant will be nonzero if and only if the italic bit is set, so we don't need to use the slant value.
// Core Text also seems to guarantee that if a font lists itself as Italic or Oblique by name (font subfamily name, font style name, whatever), it will also have that bit set, so testing this bit does cover all fonts that name themselves as Italic and Oblique. (Again, this is from the below experimentation.)
// TODO there is still one catch that might matter from a user's POV: the reverse is not true the italic bit can be set even if the style of the font face/subfamily/style isn't named as Italic (for example, script typefaces like Adobe's Palace Script MT Std); I don't know what to do about this... I know how to start: find a script font that has an italic form (Adobe's Palace Script MT Std does not; only Regular and Semibold)
static double italicCloseness(CTFontDescriptorRef desc, CFDictionaryRef traits, uiDrawTextItalic italic)
struct italicCloseness *ic = &(italicClosenesses[italic]);
CFNumberRef cfnum;
CTFontSymbolicTraits symbolic;
// there is no kCFNumberUInt32Type, but CTFontSymbolicTraits is uint32_t, so SInt32 should work
SInt32 s;
CFStringRef styleName;
BOOL isOblique;
cfnum = CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontSymbolicTrait);
if (cfnum == NULL) {
if (CFNumberGetValue(cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &s) == false) {
symbolic = (CTFontSymbolicTraits) s;
// Get Rule; do not release cfnum
if ((symbolic & kCTFontItalicTrait) == 0)
return ic->normal;
// Okay, now we know it's either Italic or Oblique
// Pango's Core Text code just does a g_strrstr() (backwards case-sensitive search) for "Oblique" in the font's style name (see https://git.gnome.org/browse/pango/tree/pango/pangocoretext-fontmap.c); let's do that too I guess
isOblique = NO; // default value
styleName = (CFStringRef) CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(current, kCTFontStyleNameAttribute);
// TODO is styleName guaranteed?
if (styleName != NULL) {
CFRange range;
// note the use of the toll-free bridge for the string literal, since CFSTR() *can* return NULL
// TODO is this really the case? or is that just a copy-paste error from the other CFStringCreateXxx() functions? and what's this about -fconstant-cfstring?
range = CFStringFind(styleName, (CFStringRef) @"Oblique", kCFCompareBackwards);
if (range.location != kCFNotFound)
isOblique = YES;
if (isOblique)
return ic->oblique;
return ic->italic;
static CTFontDescriptorRef matchTraits(CTFontDescriptorRef against, double targetWeight, uiDrawTextItalic targetItalic, double targetStretch)
CFArrayRef matching;
CFIndex i, n;
struct closeness *closeness;
CTFontDescriptorRef current;
CTFontDescriptorRef out;
matching = CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(against, NULL);
if (matching == NULL)
// no matches; give the original back and hope for the best
return against;
n = CFArrayGetCount(matching);
if (n == 0) {
// likewise
return against;
closeness = (struct closeness *) uiAlloc(n * sizeof (struct closeness), "struct closeness[]");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
CFDictionaryRef traits;
closeness[i].index = i;
current = (CTFontDescriptorRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(matching, i);
traits = (CFDictionaryRef) CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(current, kCTFontTraitsAttribute);
if (traits == NULL) {
// couldn't get traits; be safe by ranking it lowest
// LONGTERM figure out what the longest possible distances are
closeness[i].weight = 3;
closeness[i].italic = 2;
closeness[i].stretch = 3;
closeness[i].weight = doubleAttr(traits, kCTFontWeightTrait) - targetWeight;
closeness[i].italic = italicCloseness(current, traits, targetItalic);
closeness[i].stretch = doubleAttr(traits, kCTFontWidthTrait) - targetStretch;
// now figure out the 3-space difference between the three and sort by that
// TODO merge this loop with the previous loop?
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double weight, italic, stretch;
weight = closeness[i].weight;
weight *= weight;
italic = closeness[i].italic;
italic *= italic;
stretch = closeness[i].stretch;
stretch *= stretch;
closeness[i].distance = sqrt(weight + italic + stretch);
qsort_b(closeness, n, sizeof (struct closeness), ^(const void *aa, const void *bb) {
const struct closeness *a = (const struct closeness *) aa;
const struct closeness *b = (const struct closeness *) bb;
// via http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Comparison-Functions.html#Comparison-Functions
// LONGTERM is this really the best way? isn't it the same as if (*a < *b) return -1; if (*a > *b) return 1; return 0; ?
return (a->distance > b->distance) - (a->distance < b->distance);
// and the first element of the sorted array is what we want
out = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(matching, closeness[0].index);
CFRetain(out); // get rule
// release everything
// and release the original descriptor since we no longer need it
return out;
// since uiDrawTextWeight effectively corresponds to OS/2 weights (which roughly correspond to GDI, Pango, and DirectWrite weights, and to a lesser(? TODO) degree, CSS weights), let's just do what Core Text does with OS/2 weights
// TODO this will not be correct for system fonts, which use cached values that have no relation to the OS/2 weights; we need to figure out how to reconcile these
// for more information, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=766148 and TODO_put_blog_post_here_once_I_write_it (TODO keep this line when resolving the above TODO)
static const double weightsToCTWeights[] = {
-1.0, // 0..99
-0.7, // 100..199
-0.5, // 200..299
-0.23, // 300..399
0.0, // 400..499
0.2, // 500..599
0.3, // 600..699
0.4, // 700..799
0.6, // 800..899
0.8, // 900..999
1.0, // 1000
static double weightToCTWeight(uiDrawTextWeight weight)
int weightClass;
double ctclass;
double rest, weightFloor, nextFloor;
if (weight <= 0)
return -1.0;
if (weight >= 1000)
return 1.0;
weightClass = weight / 100;
rest = (double) weight;
weightFloor = (double) (weightClass * 100);
nextFloor = (double) ((weightClass + 1) * 100);
rest = (rest - weightFloor) / (nextFloor - weightFloor);
ctclass = weightsToCTWeights[weightClass];
return fma(rest,
weightsToCTWeights[weightClass + 1] - ctclass,
// based on what Core Text says about actual fonts (system fonts, system fonts in another folder to avoid using cached values, Adobe Font Folio 11, Google Fonts archive, fonts in Windows 7/8.1/10)
static const double stretchesToCTWidths[] = {
[uiDrawTextStretchUltraCondensed] = -0.400000,
[uiDrawTextStretchExtraCondensed] = -0.300000,
[uiDrawTextStretchCondensed] = -0.200000,
[uiDrawTextStretchSemiCondensed] = -0.100000,
[uiDrawTextStretchNormal] = 0.000000,
[uiDrawTextStretchSemiExpanded] = 0.100000,
[uiDrawTextStretchExpanded] = 0.200000,
[uiDrawTextStretchExtraExpanded] = 0.300000,
// this one isn't present in any of the fonts I tested, but it follows naturally from the pattern of the rest, so... (TODO verify by checking the font files directly)
[uiDrawTextStretchUltraExpanded] = 0.400000,