Implemented the H slider.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2016-05-17 20:46:28 -04:00
parent bc69da86af
commit b226288584
1 changed files with 135 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
// 16 may 2016
#include "uipriv_windows.hpp"
// TODO should the d2dscratch programs capture mouse?
struct colorDialog {
HWND hwnd;
@ -282,7 +284,7 @@ static void updateDialog(struct colorDialog *c, HWND whichChanged)
invalidateRect(c->svChooser, NULL, TRUE);
//TODO invalidateRect(c->hSlider, NULL, TRUE);
invalidateRect(c->hSlider, NULL, TRUE);
//TODO invalidateRect(c->preview, NULL, TRUE);
//TODO invalidateRect(c->opacitySlider, NULL, TRUE);
@ -449,7 +451,7 @@ static void drawSVChooser(struct colorDialog *c, ID2D1RenderTarget *rt)
bprop.opacity = 1.0; // the marker should always be opaque
hr = rt->CreateSolidColorBrush(&mcolor, &bprop, &markerBrush);
if (hr != S_OK)
logHRESULT(L"error creating brush for SV chooser", hr);
logHRESULT(L"error creating brush for SV chooser marker", hr);
rt->DrawEllipse(&mparam, markerBrush, 2, NULL);
@ -482,6 +484,136 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK svChooserSubProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LP
return DefSubclassProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
// the gradient stuff also comes from
#define nStops (30)
#define degPerStop (360 / nStops)
#define stopIncr (1.0 / ((double) nStops))
static void drawHSlider(struct colorDialog *c, ID2D1RenderTarget *rt)
D2D1_SIZE_F size;
D2D1_RECT_F rect;
D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP stops[nStops];
double r, g, b;
int i;
double h;
ID2D1GradientStopCollection *collection;
ID2D1LinearGradientBrush *brush;
double hypot, leg;
D2D1_POINT_2F center;
D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F oldtf, rotate;
D2D1_COLOR_F mcolor;
ID2D1SolidColorBrush *markerBrush;
size = rt->GetSize();
rect.left = size.width / 6; // leftmost sixth for arrow = 0;
rect.right = size.width;
rect.bottom = size.height;
for (i = 0; i < nStops; i++) {
h = ((double) (i * degPerStop)) / 360.0;
if (i == (nStops - 1))
h = 0;
hsv2RGB(h, 1.0, 1.0, &r, &g, &b);
stops[i].position = ((double) i) * stopIncr;
stops[i].color.r = r;
stops[i].color.g = g;
stops[i].color.b = b;
stops[i].color.a = 1.0;
// and pin the last one
stops[i - 1].position = 1.0;
hr = rt->CreateGradientStopCollection(stops, nStops,
// note that in this case this gamma is explicitly specified by the original
if (hr != S_OK)
logHRESULT(L"error creating stop collection for H slider gradient", hr);
ZeroMemory(&lprop, sizeof (D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES));
lprop.startPoint.x = (rect.right - rect.left) / 2;
lprop.startPoint.y = 0;
lprop.endPoint.x = (rect.right - rect.left) / 2;
lprop.endPoint.y = size.height;
ZeroMemory(&bprop, sizeof (D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES));
bprop.opacity = 1.0;
bprop.transform._11 = 1;
bprop.transform._22 = 1;
hr = rt->CreateLinearGradientBrush(&lprop, &bprop,
collection, &brush);
if (hr != S_OK)
logHRESULT(L"error creating gradient brush for H slider", hr);
rt->FillRectangle(&rect, brush);
// now draw a black arrow
// to avoid needing a geometry, this will just be a rotated square
center.x = 0;
center.y = c->h * size.height;
// compute the length of each side; the diagonal of the square is 2 * offset to gradient
hypot = rect.left;
// a^2 + a^2 = c^2 -> 2a^2 = c^2
// a = sqrt(c^2/2)
hypot *= hypot;
hypot /= 2;
leg = sqrt(hypot);
rect.left = -leg; = center.y - leg;
rect.right = leg;
rect.bottom = center.y + leg;
// now we need to rotate the render target 45° (either way works) about the center point
rotate = oldtf * D2D1::Matrix3x2F::Rotation(45, center);
// and draw
mcolor.r = 0.0;
mcolor.g = 0.0;
mcolor.b = 0.0;
mcolor.a = 1.0;
hr = rt->CreateSolidColorBrush(&mcolor, &bprop, &markerBrush);
if (hr != S_OK)
logHRESULT(L"error creating brush for H slider marker", hr);
rt->FillRectangle(&rect, markerBrush);
// clean up
static LRESULT CALLBACK hSliderSubProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData)
ID2D1RenderTarget *rt;
struct colorDialog *c;
D2D1_POINT_2F *pos;
D2D1_SIZE_F *size;
c = (struct colorDialog *) dwRefData;
switch (uMsg) {
case msgD2DScratchPaint:
rt = (ID2D1RenderTarget *) lParam;
drawHSlider(c, rt);
return 0;
case msgD2DScratchLButtonDown:
pos = (D2D1_POINT_2F *) wParam;
size = (D2D1_SIZE_F *) lParam;
c->h = pos->y / size->height;
updateDialog(c, NULL);
return 0;
if (RemoveWindowSubclass(hwnd, hSliderSubProc, uIdSubclass) == FALSE)
logLastError(L"error removing color dialog H slider subclass");
return DefSubclassProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
// TODO extract into d2dscratch.cpp, use in font dialog
HWND replaceWithD2DScratch(HWND parent, int id, SUBCLASSPROC subproc, void *data)
@ -608,6 +740,7 @@ static struct colorDialog *beginColorDialog(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
c->editHex = getDlgItem(c->hwnd, rcHex);
c->svChooser = replaceWithD2DScratch(c->hwnd, rcColorSVChooser, svChooserSubProc, c);
c->hSlider = replaceWithD2DScratch(c->hwnd, rcColorHSlider, hSliderSubProc, c);