Added checkboxes and consolidated all the columns with or without text. Progressbars and buttons will be separate object types. I do need to redo the data-passing method, and now that there's uiAttribute I can just model a better one off that.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
#define textColumnTrailing 2
#define textColumnTrailing 2
#define imageColumnLeading 3
#define imageColumnLeading 3
#define imageTextColumnLeading 7
#define imageTextColumnLeading 7
#define checkboxTextColumnLeading 0
// these aren't provided by IB; let's just choose one
#define checkboxColumnLeading imageColumnLeading
static void layoutCellSubview(NSView *superview, NSView *subview, NSView *leading, CGFloat leadingConstant, NSView *trailing, CGFloat trailingConstant, BOOL stretchy)
static void layoutCellSubview(NSView *superview, NSView *subview, NSView *leading, CGFloat leadingConstant, NSView *trailing, CGFloat trailingConstant, BOOL stretchy)
@ -51,217 +54,217 @@ static void layoutCellSubview(NSView *superview, NSView *subview, NSView *leadin
static BOOL isCellEditable(uiTableModel *m, NSInteger row, int modelColumn)
void *data;
switch (modelColumn) {
case uiTableModelColumnNeverEditable:
return NO;
case uiTableModelColumnAlwaysEditable:
return YES;
data = (*(m->mh->CellValue))(m->mh, m, row, modelColumn);
return uiTableModelTakeInt(data) != 0;
// TODO free data
static uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams defaultTextColumnOptionalParams = {
static uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams defaultTextColumnOptionalParams = {
.ColorModelColumn = -1,
.ColorModelColumn = -1,
static void updateCellTextField(NSTextField *tf, NSInteger row, uiTableModel *m, int modelColumn, int editableColumn, uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams *params)
struct textColumnCreateParams {
void *data;
NSString *str;
BOOL editable;
data = (*(m->mh->CellValue))(m->mh, m, row, modelColumn);
str = uiprivToNSString((char *) data);
[tf setStringValue:str];
switch (editableColumn) {
case uiTableModelColumnNeverEditable:
editable = NO;
case uiTableModelColumnAlwaysEditable:
editable = YES;
data = (*(m->mh->CellValue))(m->mh, m, row, editableColumn);
editable = uiTableModelTakeInt(data) != 0;
// TODO free data
[tf setEditable:editable];
color = nil;
if (params->ColorModelColumn != -1)
color = (NSColor *) ((*(m->mh->CellValue))(m->mh, m, row, params->ColorModelColumn));
if (color == nil)
color = [NSColor controlTextColor];
[tf setColor:color];
// TODO release color
@interface uiprivTextColumnCellView : uiprivColumnCellView {
uiTable *t;
uiTable *t;
uiTableModel *m;
uiTableModel *m;
BOOL makeTextField;
int textModelColumn;
int textEditableColumn;
uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams textParams;
BOOL makeImage;
int imageModelColumn;
BOOL makeCheckbox;
int checkboxModelColumn;
int checkboxEditableColumn;
@interface uiprivTextImageCheckboxColumnCellView : uiprivColumnCellView {
uiTable *t;
uiTableModel *m;
NSTextField *tf;
NSTextField *tf;
int modelColumn;
int textModelColumn;
int editableColumn;
int textEditableColumn;
uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams params;
uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams textParams;
NSImageView *iv;
int imageModelColumn;
NSButton *cb;
int checkboxModelColumn;
int checkboxEditableColumn;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r table:(uiTable *)table model:(uiTableModel *)model modelColumn:(int)mc editableColumn:(int)ec params:(uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams *)p;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r params:(struct textColumnCreateParams *)p;
- (IBAction)uiprivOnAction:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)uiprivOnTextFieldAction:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)uiprivOnCheckboxAction:(id)sender;
@implementation uiprivTextColumnCellView
@implementation uiprivTextColumnCellView
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r ModelColumn:(int)mc editableColumn:(int)ec params:(uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams *)p
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r params:(struct textColumnCreateParams *)p
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
if (self) {
self->t = table;
NSView *left;
self->m = model;
CGFloat leftConstant;
self->modelColumn = mc;
CGFloat leftTextConstant;
self->editableColumn = ec;
if (p != NULL)
params = *p;
params = defaultTextColumnOptionalParams;
self->tf = uiprivNewLabel(@"");
self->t = p->t;
// TODO set wrap and ellipsize modes?
self->m = p->m;
[self->tf setTarget:self];
[self->tf setAction:@selector(uiprivOnAction:)];
[self addSubview:self->tf];
layoutCellSubview(self, self->tf,
self, textColumnLeading,
self, textColumnTrailing,
// take advantage of NSTableCellView-provided accessibility features
[self setTextField:self->tf];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[self->tf release];
self->tf = nil;
[super dealloc];
- (void)uiprivUpdate:(NSInteger)row
updateCellTextField(self->tf, row, self->m,
self->modelColumn, self->editableColumn, &(self->params));
- (IBAction)onAction:(id)sender
NSInteger row;
const void *data;
row = [self->t->tv rowForView:self->tf];
data = [[self->tf stringValue] UTF8String];
(*(self->m->mh->SetCellValue))(self->m->mh, self->m,
row, self->modelColumn, data);
// always refresh the value in case the model rejected it
[self uiprivUpdate:row];
xx TODO somehow merge this with the above
@interface uiprivImageTextColumnCellView : uiprivColumnCellView {
uiTable *t;
uiTableModel *m;
NSImageView *iv;
int modelColumn;
NSTextField *tf;
int textModelColumn;
int textEditableColumn;
uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams params;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r table:(uiTable *)table model:(uiTableModel *)model modelColumn:(int)mc textModelColumn:(int)tmc editableColumn:(int)ec params:(uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams *)p;
- (IBAction)uiprivOnAction:(id)sender;
@implementation uiprivImageTextColumnCellView
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r table:(uiTable *)table model:(uiTableModel *)model modelColumn:(int)mc textModelColumn:(int)tmc editableColumn:(int)ec params:(uiTableTextColumnOptionalParams *)p
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self->t = table;
self->m = model;
self->modelColumn = mc;
self->textModelColumn = tmc;
self->editableColumn = ec;
if (p != NULL)
params = *p;
params = defaultTextColumnOptionalParams;
self->iv = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
[self->iv setImageFrameStyle:NSImageFrameNone];
[self->iv setImageAlignment:NSImageAlignCenter];
[self->iv setImageScaling:NSImageScaleProportionallyDown];
[self->iv setAnimates:NO];
[self->iv setEditable:NO];
[self->iv addConstraint:uiprivMkConstraint(self->iv, NSLayoutAttributeWidth,
self->iv, NSLayoutAttributeHeight,
1, 0,
@"uiTable image squareness constraint")];
[self addSubview:self->iv];
self->tf = nil;
self->tf = nil;
if (self->textModelColumn != -1) {
if (p->makeTextField) {
self->textModelColumn = p->textModelColumn;
self->textEditableColumn = p->textEditableColumn;
self->textParams = p->textParams;
self->tf = uiprivNewLabel(@"");
self->tf = uiprivNewLabel(@"");
// TODO set wrap and ellipsize modes?
// TODO set wrap and ellipsize modes?
[self->tf setTarget:self];
[self->tf setTarget:self];
[self->tf setAction:@selector(uiprivOnAction:)];
[self->tf setAction:@selector(uiprivOnTextFieldAction:)];
[self addSubview:self->tf];
[self addSubview:self->tf];
layoutCellSubview(self, self->iv,
self, imageColumnLeading,
left = nil;
self->iv = nil;
if (p->makeImageView) {
self->iv = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
[self->iv setImageFrameStyle:NSImageFrameNone];
[self->iv setImageAlignment:NSImageAlignCenter];
[self->iv setImageScaling:NSImageScaleProportionallyDown];
[self->iv setAnimates:NO];
[self->iv setEditable:NO];
[self->iv addConstraint:uiprivMkConstraint(self->iv, NSLayoutAttributeWidth,
self->iv, NSLayoutAttributeHeight,
1, 0,
@"uiTable image squareness constraint")];
[self addSubview:self->iv];
left = self->iv;
leftConstant = imageColumnLeading;
leftTextConstant = imageTextColumnLeading;
self->cb = nil;
if (p->makeCheckbox) {
self->cb = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
[self->cb setTitle:@""];
[self->cb setButtonType:NSSwitchButton];
// doesn't seem to have an associated bezel style
[self->cb setBordered:NO];
[self->cb setTransparent:NO];
uiDarwinSetControlFont(self->cb, NSRegularControlSize);
[self addSubview:self->cb];
left = self->cb;
leftConstant = checkboxColumnLeading;
leftTextConstant = checkboxTextColumnLeading;
if (self->tf != nil && left == nil)
layoutCellSubview(self, self->tf,
self, textColumnLeading,
self, textColumnTrailing,
else if (self->tf != nil) {
layoutCellSubview(self, left,
self, leftConstant,
nil, 0,
nil, 0,
layoutCellSubview(self, self->tf,
layoutCellSubview(self, self->tf,
self, imageTextColumnLeading,
left, leftTextConstant,
self, textColumnTrailing,
self, textColumnTrailing,
} else {
} else {
layoutCellSubview(self, self->iv,
layoutCellSubview(self, left,
nil, 0,
nil, 0,
nil, 0,
nil, 0,
[self addConstraint:uiprivMkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeCenterX,
[self addConstraint:uiprivMkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeCenterX,
self->iv, NSLayoutAttributeCenterX,
left, NSLayoutAttributeCenterX,
1, 0,
1, 0,
@"uiTable image centering constraint")];
@"uiTable image/checkbox centering constraint")];
// take advantage of NSTableCellView-provided accessibility features
// take advantage of NSTableCellView-provided accessibility features
[self setImageView:self->iv];
if (self->tf != nil)
if (self->tf != nil)
[self setTextField:self->tf];
[self setTextField:self->tf];
if (self->iv != nil)
[self setImageView:self->iv];
return self;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
- (void)dealloc
if (self->cb != nil) {
[self->cb release];
self->cb = nil;
if (self->iv != nil) {
[self->iv release];
self->iv = nil;
if (self->tf != nil) {
if (self->tf != nil) {
[self->tf release];
[self->tf release];
self->tf = nil;
self->tf = nil;
[self->iv release];
self->iv = nil;
[super dealloc];
[super dealloc];
- (void)uiprivUpdate:(NSInteger)row
- (void)uiprivUpdate:(NSInteger)row
void *data;
void *data;
BOOL editable;
data = (*(self->m->mh->CellValue))(self->m->mh, self->m, row, self->modelColumn);
if (self->tv != nil) {
[self->iv setImage:uiprivImageNSImage((uiImage *) data)];
NSString *str;
if (self->tf != nil)
BOOL editable;
updateCellTextField(self->tf, row, self->m,
self->textModelColumn, self->editableColumn, &(self->params));
data = (*(self->m->mh->CellValue))(self->m->mh, self->m, row, self->textModelColumn);
str = uiprivToNSString((char *) data);
[self->tf setStringValue:str];
[self->tf setEditable:isCellEditable(self->m, row, self->textEditableColumn)];
color = nil;
if (self->textParams.ColorModelColumn != -1)
color = (NSColor *) ((*(self->m->mh->CellValue))(self->m->mh, self->m, row, self->textParams.ColorModelColumn));
if (color == nil)
color = [NSColor controlTextColor];
[self->tf setColor:color];
// TODO release color
if (self->iv != nil) {
data = (*(self->m->mh->CellValue))(self->m->mh, self->m, row, self->imageModelColumn);
[self->iv setImage:uiprivImageNSImage((uiImage *) data)];
if (self->cb != nil) {
data = (*(self->m->mh->CellValue))(self->m->mh, self->m, row, self->imageModelColumn);
if (TODO(data))
[self->cb setState:NSOnState];
[self->cb setState:NSOffState];
[self->cb setEditable:isCellEditable(self->m, row, self->checkboxEditableColumn)];
- (IBAction)onAction:(id)sender
- (IBAction)uiprivOnTextFieldAction:(id)sender
NSInteger row;
NSInteger row;
const void *data;
const void *data;
@ -274,6 +277,21 @@ xx TODO somehow merge this with the above
[self uiprivUpdate:row];
[self uiprivUpdate:row];
- (IBAction)uiprivOnCheckboxAction:(id)sender
NSInteger row;
int val;
void *data;
row = [self->t->tv rowForView:self->cb];
val = [self->cb state] != NSOffState;
data = TODO(val);
(*(self->m->mh->SetCellValue))(self->m->mh, self->m,
row, self->checkboxModelColumn, data);
// always refresh the value in case the model rejected it
[self uiprivUpdate:row];
void uiTableAppendTextColumn(uiTable *t,
void uiTableAppendTextColumn(uiTable *t,
Reference in New Issue