Started moving testingRunWithTimeout() into timer.h.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2019-05-02 23:15:49 -04:00
parent 313f5864f5
commit 8b5b03794c
4 changed files with 124 additions and 161 deletions

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@ -64,9 +64,6 @@ extern void testingTFailNow(testingT *t);
extern void testingTSkipNow(testingT *t);
extern void testingTDefer(testingT *t, void (*f)(testingT *t, void *data), void *data);
#define testingRunWithTimeout(t, timeout, f, data, comment, failNowOnError) \
testingprivRunWithTimeout(t, __FILE__, __LINE__, timeout, f, data, comment, failNowOnError)
// TODO I don't like this threading model, but let's use it for now so I can continue working
typedef struct testingThread testingThread;
extern testingThread *testingNewThread(void (*f)(void *data), void *data);
@ -81,5 +78,3 @@ extern void testingprivRegisterTestAfter(const char *, void (*)(testingT *), con
#define testingprivTLogvfThen(then, t, format, ap) ((testingprivTLogvfFull(t, __FILE__, __LINE__, format, ap)), (then(t)))
extern void testingprivTLogfFull(testingT *, const char *, long, const char *, ...);
extern void testingprivTLogvfFull(testingT *, const char *, long, const char *, va_list);
// TODO change int64_t to timerDuration
extern void testingprivRunWithTimeout(testingT *, const char *, long, int64_t, void (*)(testingT *, void *), void *, const char *, int);

View File

@ -31,112 +31,6 @@ static HRESULT lastErrorToHRESULT(void)
return lastErrorCodeToHRESULT(GetLastError());
static HRESULT WINAPI hrWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(DWORD n, const HANDLE *objects, BOOL waitAll, DWORD timeout, BOOL alertable, DWORD *result)
*result = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(n, objects, waitAll, timeout, alertable);
if (*result == WAIT_FAILED)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrSuspendThread(HANDLE thread)
DWORD ret;
ret = SuspendThread(thread);
if (ret == (DWORD) (-1))
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrGetThreadContext(HANDLE thread, LPCONTEXT ctx)
BOOL ret;
ret = GetThreadContext(thread, ctx);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrSetThreadContext(HANDLE thread, CONST CONTEXT *ctx)
BOOL ret;
ret = SetThreadContext(thread, ctx);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrPostThreadMessageW(DWORD threadID, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
BOOL ret;
ret = PostThreadMessageW(threadID, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrResumeThread(HANDLE thread)
DWORD ret;
ret = ResumeThread(thread);
if (ret == (DWORD) (-1))
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrDuplicateHandle(HANDLE sourceProcess, HANDLE sourceHandle, HANDLE targetProcess, LPHANDLE targetHandle, DWORD access, BOOL inherit, DWORD options)
BOOL ret;
ret = DuplicateHandle(sourceProcess, sourceHandle,
targetProcess, targetHandle,
access, inherit, options);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrCreateWaitableTimerW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attributes, BOOL manualReset, LPCWSTR name, HANDLE *handle)
*handle = CreateWaitableTimerW(attributes, manualReset, name);
if (*handle == NULL)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrCreateEventW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attributes, BOOL manualReset, BOOL initialState, LPCWSTR name, HANDLE *handle)
*handle = CreateEventW(attributes, manualReset, initialState, name);
if (*handle == NULL)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrSetWaitableTimer(HANDLE timer, const LARGE_INTEGER *duration, LONG period, PTIMERAPCROUTINE completionRoutine, LPVOID completionData, BOOL resume)
BOOL ret;
ret = SetWaitableTimer(timer, duration, period, completionRoutine, completionData, resume);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT __cdecl hr_beginthreadex(void *security, unsigned stackSize, unsigned (__stdcall *threadProc)(void *arg), void *threadProcArg, unsigned flags, unsigned *thirdArg, uintptr_t *handle)
DWORD lastError;
@ -151,17 +45,6 @@ static HRESULT __cdecl hr_beginthreadex(void *security, unsigned stackSize, unsi
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrSetEvent(HANDLE event)
BOOL ret;
ret = SetEvent(event);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE handle, DWORD timeout)
DWORD ret;
@ -253,7 +136,7 @@ static unsigned __stdcall timerThreadProc(void *data)
return 0;
void testingprivRunWithTimeout(testingT *t, const char *file, long line, int64_t timeout, void (*f)(testingT *t, void *data), void *data, const char *comment, int failNowOnError)
timerSysError timerRunWithTimeout(timerDuration d, void (*f)(void *data), void *data, int *timedOut)
char timeoutstr[timerDurationStringLen];
MSG msg;
@ -263,7 +146,8 @@ void testingprivRunWithTimeout(testingT *t, const char *file, long line, int64_t
int waitForTimerThread = 0;
timerDurationString(timeout, timeoutstr);
*timedOut = 0;
timerDurationString(d, timeoutstr);
// to ensure that the PostThreadMessage() above will not fail because the thread doesn't have a message queue
@ -271,63 +155,44 @@ void testingprivRunWithTimeout(testingT *t, const char *file, long line, int64_t
hr = hrDuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
GetCurrentProcess(), &timeout_targetThread,
if (hr != S_OK) {
testingprivTLogfFull(t, file, line, "error getting current thread for %s timeout: 0x%08I32X", comment, hr);
if (hr != S_OK)
goto out;
closeTargetThread = 1;
timeout_targetThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
hr = hrCreateWaitableTimerW(NULL, TRUE, NULL, &timeout_timer);
if (hr != S_OK) {
testingprivTLogfFull(t, file, line, "error creating timer for %s timeout: 0x%08I32X", comment, hr);
goto out;
if (hr != S_OK)
goto out
hr = hrCreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, &timeout_finished);
if (hr != S_OK) {
testingprivTLogfFull(t, file, line, "error creating finished event for %s timeout: 0x%08I32X", comment, hr);
if (hr != S_OK)
goto out;
duration.QuadPart = timeout / 100;
duration.QuadPart = d / 100;
duration.QuadPart = -duration.QuadPart;
hr = hrSetWaitableTimer(timeout_timer, &duration, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
if (hr != S_OK) {
testingprivTLogfFull(t, file, line, "error applying %s timeout: 0x%08I32X", comment, hr);
if (hr != S_OK)
goto out;
// don't start the thread until after we call setjmp()
hr = hr_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, timerThreadProc, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, &timerThread);
if (hr != S_OK) {
testingprivTLogfFull(t, file, line, "error creating timer thread for %s timeout: 0x%08I32X", comment, hr);
if (hr != S_OK)
goto out;
waitForTimerThread = 1;
if (setjmp(timeout_ret) == 0) {
hr = hrResumeThread((HANDLE) timerThread);
if (hr != S_OK) {
testingprivTLogfFull(t, file, line, "error calling ResumeThread() to start timeout thread: 0x%08I32X", hr);
waitForTimerThread = 0;
goto out;
(*f)(t, data);
failNowOnError = 0; // we succeeded
} else if (timeout_hr == S_OK) {
testingprivTLogfFull(t, file, line, "%s timeout passed (%s)", comment, timeoutstr);
} else {
testingprivTLogfFull(t, file, line, "error running timer thread for %s timeout: 0x%08I32X", comment, timeout_hr);
*timedOut = 0;
} else if (timeout_hr == S_OK)
goto out;
*timedOut = 1;
hr = S_OK;
if (timerThread != 0) {
@ -352,8 +217,7 @@ out:
if (closeTargetThread)
timeout_targetThread = NULL;
if (failNowOnError)
return (timerSysError) hr;
struct testingThread {

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@ -28,4 +28,6 @@ typedef uint64_t timerSysError;
#define timerSysErrorArg(x) strerror((int) x), ((int) x)
extern timerSysError timerSleep(timerDuration nsec);
extern timerSysError timerRunWithTimeout(timerDuration d, void (*f)(void *data), void *data, int *timedOut);
extern timerSysError timerSleep(timerDuration d);

View File

@ -32,6 +32,74 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI hrWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(DWORD n, const HANDLE *objects,
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrSuspendThread(HANDLE thread)
DWORD ret;
ret = SuspendThread(thread);
if (ret == (DWORD) (-1))
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrGetThreadContext(HANDLE thread, LPCONTEXT ctx)
BOOL ret;
ret = GetThreadContext(thread, ctx);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrSetThreadContext(HANDLE thread, CONST CONTEXT *ctx)
BOOL ret;
ret = SetThreadContext(thread, ctx);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrPostThreadMessageW(DWORD threadID, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
BOOL ret;
ret = PostThreadMessageW(threadID, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrResumeThread(HANDLE thread)
DWORD ret;
ret = ResumeThread(thread);
if (ret == (DWORD) (-1))
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrDuplicateHandle(HANDLE sourceProcess, HANDLE sourceHandle, HANDLE targetProcess, LPHANDLE targetHandle, DWORD access, BOOL inherit, DWORD options)
BOOL ret;
ret = DuplicateHandle(sourceProcess, sourceHandle,
targetProcess, targetHandle,
access, inherit, options);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrCreateWaitableTimerW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attributes, BOOL manualReset, LPCWSTR name, HANDLE *handle)
@ -41,6 +109,15 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI hrCreateWaitableTimerW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attributes, B
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrCreateEventW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attributes, BOOL manualReset, BOOL initialState, LPCWSTR name, HANDLE *handle)
*handle = CreateEventW(attributes, manualReset, initialState, name);
if (*handle == NULL)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrSetWaitableTimer(HANDLE timer, const LARGE_INTEGER *duration, LONG period, PTIMERAPCROUTINE completionRoutine, LPVOID completionData, BOOL resume)
BOOL ret;
@ -52,6 +129,31 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI hrSetWaitableTimer(HANDLE timer, const LARGE_INTEGER *dura
return S_OK;
static HRESULT __cdecl hr_beginthreadex(void *security, unsigned stackSize, unsigned (__stdcall *threadProc)(void *arg), void *threadProcArg, unsigned flags, unsigned *thirdArg, uintptr_t *handle)
DWORD lastError;
// _doserrno is the equivalent of GetLastError(), or at least that's how _beginthreadex() uses it.
_doserrno = 0;
*handle = _beginthreadex(security, stackSize, threadProc, threadProcArg, flags, thirdArg);
if (*handle == 0) {
lastError = (DWORD) _doserrno;
return lastErrorCodeToHRESULT(lastError);
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrSetEvent(HANDLE event)
BOOL ret;
ret = SetEvent(event);
if (ret == 0)
return lastErrorToHRESULT();
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI hrWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE handle, DWORD timeout)
DWORD ret;
@ -88,13 +190,13 @@ timerDuration timerTimeSub(timerTime end, timerTime start)
return ret;
timerSysError timerSleep(timerDuration nsec)
timerSysError timerSleep(timerDuration d)
HANDLE timer;
duration.QuadPart = nsec / 100;
duration.QuadPart = d / 100;
duration.QuadPart = -duration.QuadPart;
hr = hrCreateWaitableTimerW(NULL, TRUE, NULL, &timer);
if (hr != S_OK)