More attempts. Ugggggh.
This commit is contained in:
@ -130,7 +130,9 @@ uiDrawTextLayout *uiDrawNewTextLayout(uiAttributedString *s, uiDrawFontDescripto
// imitate what AppKit actually does (or seems to)
[tl->attrstr enumerateAttributesInRange:li.characterRange options:0 usingBlock:^(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *attrs, NSRange range, BOOL *stop) {
NSFont *f;
double v;
NSRect boundingRect;
double v, realAscent, realDescent, realLeading;
BOOL skipAdjust, doAdjust;
f = (NSFont *) [attrs objectForKey:NSFontAttributeName];
if (f == nil) {
@ -139,21 +141,63 @@ uiDrawTextLayout *uiDrawNewTextLayout(uiAttributedString *s, uiDrawFontDescripto
f = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:12.0];
NSLog(@"%@ %g %g %g", NSStringFromRect([f boundingRectForFont]),
[f ascender], [f descender], [f leading]);
boundingRect = [f boundingRectForFont];
realAscent = [f ascender];
realDescent = -[f descender];
realLeading = [f leading];
skipAdjust = NO;
doAdjust = NO;
if (NSMaxY(boundingRect) <= realAscent) {
// ascent entirely within bounding box
// don't do anything if there's leading; I'm guessing it's a combination of both of the reasons to skip below... (least sure of this one)
if (realLeading != 0)
skipAdjust = YES;
// does the descent slip outside the bounding box?
if (-realDescent <= NSMinY(boundingRect))
// yes — I guess we should assume accents don't collide with the previous line's descent, though I'm not as sure of that as I am about the else clause below...
skipAdjust = YES;
} else {
// ascent outside bounding box — ascent does not include accents
// only skip adjustment if there isn't leading (apparently some fonts use the previous line's leading for accents? :/ )
if (realLeading != 0)
skipAdjust = YES;
if (!skipAdjust) {
UniChar ch = 0xC0;
CGGlyph glyph;
v = floor([f ascender] + 0.5);
// there does not seem to be an AppKit API for this...
if (CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters((CTFontRef) f, &ch, &glyph, 1) != false) {
NSRect bbox;
bbox = [f boundingRectForGlyph:glyph];
if (NSMaxY(bbox) > realAscent)
doAdjust = YES;
if (-realDescent > NSMinY(bbox))
doAdjust = YES;
// TODO vertical
v = [f ascender];
// TODO get this one back out
if (doAdjust)
v += 0.2 * ([f ascender] + [f descender]);
//v = floor(v + 0.5);
if (li.ascent < v)
li.ascent = v;
v = floor(-[f descender] + 0.5);
v = -[f descender];// floor(-[f descender] + 0.5);
if (li.descent < v)
li.descent = v;
v = floor([f leading] + 0.5);
v = [f leading];//floor([f leading] + 0.5);
if (li.leading < v)
li.leading = v;
li.ascent = floor(li.ascent + 0.5);
li.descent = floor(li.descent + 0.5);
li.leading = floor(li.leading + 0.5);
[tl->lineInfo addObject:li];
[li release];
index = glyphRange.location + glyphRange.length;
Reference in New Issue