More attribute work. Getting a clearer idea.
This commit is contained in:
@ -127,3 +127,46 @@ label shortcut keys
[02:15:00] <vrishab> 1.40.3
[02:20:46] <andlabs> I'll ahve to keep this in mind then, thanks
[02:20:59] <andlabs> if only there was a cairo-specific attribute for alpha...
[00:10:08] <hergertme> andlabs: is there API yet to load from memory? last i checked i only found from file (which we use in builder).
[00:13:12] mrmcq2u_ (mrmcq2u@ joined the channel
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[00:15:19] <andlabs> hergertme: no, which is why I was asking =P
[00:15:30] <andlabs> I would have dug down if I could ensure at least something about the backends a GTK+ 3 program uses
[00:15:39] <andlabs> on all platforms except windows and os x
[00:16:11] <hergertme> to the best of my (partially outdated, given pace of foss) knowledge there isn't an api to load from memory
[00:16:28] <hergertme> you can possibly make a tmpdir and put a temp file in there
[00:16:52] <hergertme> and load that as your font dir in your FcConfig, so any PangoFontDescription would point to that one font, no matter what
[00:17:18] <hergertme> (using the API layed out in that link)
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[00:40:38] <andlabs> hergertme: not necessarily fontconfig
[00:40:45] <andlabs> it can be with ft2 or xft I guess
[00:40:55] <andlabs> especially since I want the API NOT to make the font part of the font panel
[00:42:07] <hergertme> what sort of deprecated code are you trying to support?
[00:42:35] <hergertme> both of those are deprecated in pango fwiw
[00:43:06] <hergertme> on Linux im pretty sure we use FC everywhere these days
[00:44:46] <hergertme> (and gtk_widget_set_font_map() is how you get your custom font into a widget without affecting the global font lists, as layed out in that link)
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[01:07:51] <andlabs> hergertme: hm
[01:07:54] <andlabs> all right, thanks
[01:08:05] <andlabs> hergertme: fwiw right now my requirement is 3.10
[01:10:47] <hergertme> ah, well you'll probably be missing the neccesary font API on gtk_widget
[01:11:04] <hergertme> but pango should be fine even back as far as
[01:11:56] <andlabs> good
[01:12:04] <andlabs> because this is for custom drawing into a DrawingArea
[01:14:12] <hergertme> presumably just create your PangoContext as normal, but call pango_context_set_font_map() with the map you've setup. now, the load a font from a file i dont think was added to FontConfig until later though (not sure what release)
[01:15:53] <hergertme> FcConfigAppFontAddFile() <-- that API
[01:16:30] <hergertme> great, and they don't say what version the API was added in teh docs
function: ide_editor_map_bin_add()
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ void specToOpenType(uiAttributeSpec *spec, specToOpenTypeEnumFunc f, void *data)
// TODO is this correct or should we explicitly switch the rest off too?
case uiAttributeSuperscripts:
switch (spec->Value) {
case uiAttributeSuperscriptSuperscript:
@ -150,6 +149,9 @@ void specToOpenType(uiAttributeSpec *spec, specToOpenTypeEnumFunc f, void *data)
case uiAttributeGlyphAnnotations:
(*f)("nalt", (uint32_t) (spec->Value), data);
case uiAttributeRubyKanaForms:
boolspec(spec, "ruby", data);
case uiAttributeCJKRomanToitalics:
boolspec(spec, "ital", data);
@ -261,12 +263,9 @@ void specToOpenType(uiAttributeSpec *spec, specToOpenTypeEnumFunc f, void *data)
// TODO missing that AAT uses directly:
// - pkna, pwid, fwid, hwid, twid, qwid, palt, valt, vpal, halt, vhal, kern, vkrn (CJK width control)
// - ruby
// missing that AAT knows about:
// - ccmp (compositions)
// - curs (cursive positioning)
// - Core Text uses this in language-specific stuff
// - dnom, numr (fraction parts)
// - dnom, numr (fraction parts) — no AAT equivalent...
// - falt, jalt (Arabic support)
// - rclt (required contextual alternates)
// - lfbd, opbd, rtbd (optical bounds support)
@ -288,6 +287,7 @@ void specToOpenType(uiAttributeSpec *spec, specToOpenTypeEnumFunc f, void *data)
// blwm yes yes
// blws yes TODO
// cjct yes yes
// curs yes yes
// dist yes yes
// falt TODO TODO
// fin2 yes yes
@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ _UI_ENUM(uiAttribute) {
// Windows: requires Platform Update, SetLetterSpacing()
// parameter meaning unspecified
// TODO kCTLigatureAttributeName vs below
uiAttributeUnderline, // enum uiDrawUnderlineStyle
// TODO what is the color in the case we don't specify it, black or the text color?
uiAttributeUnderlineColor, // enum uiDrawUnderlineColor
@ -35,13 +33,14 @@ _UI_ENUM(uiAttribute) {
// TODO kCTBaselineClassAttributeName, kCTBaselineInfoAttributeName, kCTBaselineReferenceInfoAttributeName
// TODO kCTRubyAnnotationAttributeName vs below
// TODO strikethroughs? (pango yes, directwrite yes, os x no)
// TODO baseline offsets? (pango yes)
// TODO size scales? (pango yes)
// TODO fallbacks (pango: enable or disable)
// TODO document that this will also enable language-specific font features (TODO on DirectWrite too?)
uiAttributeLanguage, // BCP 47 string
#if 0
// These attributes represent typographic features. Each feature
@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ _UI_ENUM(uiAttribute) {
// TODO rename this
uiAttributeNumberSpacings, // enum uiAttributeNumberSpacing
// TODO kSmartSwashType
// TODO kSmartSwashType, falt and jalt
// TODO kDiacriticsType
@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ _UI_ENUM(uiAttribute) {
// TODO kUnicodeDecompositionType
// TODO kRubyKanaType
uiAttributeRubyKanaForms, // 0 = off, 1 = on
// TODO kCJKVerticalRomanPlacementType
// this is 'valt' in OpenType but I don't know if I want to make it selectable or not
@ -190,8 +189,6 @@ _UI_ENUM(uiAttribute) {
uiAttributeLowercaseCapForms, // enum uiAttributeCapForm
uiAttributeUppercaseCapForms, // enum uiAttributeCapForm
// TODO kLanguageTagType?
// TODO kCJKRomanSpacingType
Reference in New Issue