Changed the uiContainer code on Windows to use WM_PRINTCLIENT directly instead of creating the brush each time. Thanks to Barmak Shemirani ( for inspiring me with this solution that I should have thought of myself =P
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,15 +12,10 @@ struct container {
HBRUSH brush;
// see
static HBRUSH getControlBackgroundBrush(HWND hwnd, HDC dc, RECT *hwndScreenRect)
static HWND realParent(HWND hwnd)
HWND parent;
RECT parentRect;
int class;
HDC cdc;
HBITMAP bitmap, prevbitmap;
HBRUSH brush;
parent = hwnd;
for (;;) {
@ -31,6 +26,19 @@ static HBRUSH getControlBackgroundBrush(HWND hwnd, HDC dc, RECT *hwndScreenRect)
if (class != 0 && class != 1)
return parent;
// see
static HBRUSH getControlBackgroundBrush(HWND hwnd, HDC dc)
HWND parent;
RECT parentRect, hwndScreenRect;
HDC cdc;
HBITMAP bitmap, prevbitmap;
HBRUSH brush;
parent = realParent(hwnd);
if (GetClientRect(parent, &parentRect) == 0)
logLastError("error getting parent's client rect in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
@ -56,33 +64,33 @@ static HBRUSH getControlBackgroundBrush(HWND hwnd, HDC dc, RECT *hwndScreenRect)
if (DeleteDC(cdc) == 0)
logLastError("error deleting compatible DC in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
// the given control rect is in screen coordinates; convert to parent coordinates
mapWindowRect(NULL, parent, hwndScreenRect);
if (SetBrushOrgEx(dc, -hwndScreenRect->left, -hwndScreenRect->top, NULL) == 0)
// now figure out where the control is relative to the parent so we can align the brush properly
if (GetWindowRect(hwnd, &hwndScreenRect) == 0)
logLastError("error getting control window rect in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
// this will be in screen coordinates; convert to parent coordinates
mapWindowRect(NULL, parent, &hwndScreenRect);
if (SetBrushOrgEx(dc, -hwndScreenRect.left,, NULL) == 0)
logLastError("error setting brush origin in getControlBackgroundBrush()");
return brush;
// TODO this doesn't work right for partial redraws
// TODO this needs to respect clipping
static void paintContainerBackground(HWND hwnd, HDC dc, RECT *paintRect)
RECT screenRect;
HBRUSH brush, prevbrush;
HWND parent;
POINT prevOrigin;
// getControlBackgroundBrush() needs a screen rectangle
screenRect = *paintRect;
mapWindowRect(hwnd, NULL, &screenRect);
brush = getControlBackgroundBrush(hwnd, dc, &screenRect);
prevbrush = SelectObject(dc, brush);
if (prevbrush == NULL)
logLastError("error selecting background brush into DC in paintContainerBackground()");
if (PatBlt(dc, paintRect->left, paintRect->top, paintRect->right - paintRect->left, paintRect->bottom - paintRect->top, PATCOPY) == 0)
logLastError("error drawing container background in paintContainerBackground()");
if (SelectObject(dc, prevbrush) != brush)
logLastError("error selecting previous brush back into DC in paintContainerBackground()");
if (DeleteObject(brush) == 0)
logLastError("error deleting background brush in paintContainerBackground()");
parent = realParent(hwnd);
if (GetWindowRect(hwnd, &r) == 0)
logLastError("error getting window rect in paintContainerBackground()");
mapWindowRect(NULL, parent, &r);
// TODO check errors
SetWindowOrgEx(dc, r.left,, &prevOrigin);
SendMessageW(parent, WM_PRINTCLIENT, (WPARAM) dc, PRF_CLIENT);
SetWindowOrgEx(dc, prevOrigin.x, prevOrigin.y, NULL);
// from and
@ -183,9 +191,7 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK containerWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LP
return DefWindowProcW(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
*/ if (SetBkMode((HDC) wParam, TRANSPARENT) == 0)
logLastError("error setting transparent background mode to controls in containerWndProc()");
if (GetWindowRect((HWND) lParam, &r) == 0)
logLastError("error getting control's window rect in containerWndProc()");
c->brush = getControlBackgroundBrush((HWND) lParam, (HDC) wParam, &r);
c->brush = getControlBackgroundBrush((HWND) lParam, (HDC) wParam);
return (LRESULT) (c->brush);
case WM_PAINT:
if (cc == NULL)
Reference in New Issue