Split the text test onto a separate page, Page 9.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2015-12-24 22:59:00 -05:00
parent 353afcd464
commit 6fd945b602
5 changed files with 223 additions and 209 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ CFILES += \
test/page7b.c \
test/page7c.c \
test/page8.c \
test/page9.c \

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
const char *err;
uiWindow *w;
uiBox *page2, *page3, *page4, *page5, *page6, *page7, *page8;
uiBox *page2, *page3, *page4, *page5, *page6, *page7, *page8, *page9;
uiTab *outerTab;
uiTab *innerTab;
int nomenus = 0;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uiTabAppend(mainTab, "Page 5", uiControl(page5));
innerTab = newTab();
uiTabAppend(outerTab, "Pages 6-8", uiControl(innerTab));
uiTabAppend(outerTab, "Pages 6-9", uiControl(innerTab));
page6 = makePage6();
uiTabAppend(innerTab, "Page 6", uiControl(page6));
@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
page8 = makePage8();
uiTabAppend(innerTab, "Page 8", uiControl(page8));
page9 = makePage9();
uiTabAppend(innerTab, "Page 9", uiControl(page9));
if (startspaced)

View File

@ -19,139 +19,6 @@ static void onListFonts(uiButton *b, void *data)
static uiEntry *textString;
static uiEntry *textFont;
static uiEntry *textSize;
static uiCombobox *textWeight;
static uiCombobox *textItalic;
static uiCheckbox *textSmallCaps;
static uiCombobox *textStretch;
static uiEntry *textR, *textG, *textB, *textA;
static uiCheckbox *textHasBackground;
static uiEntry *textBR, *textBG, *textBB, *textBA;
static uiCheckbox *textHasStrikethrough;
static uiEntry *textSR, *textSG, *textSB, *textSA;
static uiCheckbox *textHasUnderline;
static uiEntry *textUR, *textUG, *textUB, *textUA;
static uiButton *textApply;
static uiArea *textArea;
static uiAreaHandler textAreaHandler;
static double entryDouble(uiEntry *e)
char *s;
double d;
s = uiEntryText(e);
d = atof(s);
return d;
static void handlerDraw(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area, uiAreaDrawParams *dp)
uiDrawTextStyle style;
char *s;
char *family; // make compiler happy
memset(&style, 0, sizeof (uiDrawTextStyle));
family = uiEntryText(textFont);
style.Family = family;
style.Size = entryDouble(textSize);
style.Weight = uiComboboxSelected(textWeight);
style.Italic = uiComboboxSelected(textItalic);
style.SmallCaps = uiCheckboxChecked(textSmallCaps);
style.Stretch = uiComboboxSelected(textStretch);
style.TextR = entryDouble(textR);
style.TextG = entryDouble(textG);
style.TextB = entryDouble(textB);
style.TextA = entryDouble(textA);
style.HasBackground = uiCheckboxChecked(textHasBackground);
style.BackgroundR = entryDouble(textBR);
style.BackgroundG = entryDouble(textBG);
style.BackgroundB = entryDouble(textBB);
style.BackgroundA = entryDouble(textBA);
style.HasStrikethrough = uiCheckboxChecked(textHasStrikethrough);
style.StrikethroughR = entryDouble(textSR);
style.StrikethroughG = entryDouble(textSG);
style.StrikethroughB = entryDouble(textSB);
style.StrikethroughA = entryDouble(textSA);
style.HasUnderline = uiCheckboxChecked(textHasUnderline);
style.UnderlineR = entryDouble(textUR);
style.UnderlineG = entryDouble(textUG);
style.UnderlineB = entryDouble(textUB);
style.UnderlineA = entryDouble(textUA);
s = uiEntryText(textString);
uiDrawText(dp->Context, 10, 10, s, &style);
static void handlerMouseEvent(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area, uiAreaMouseEvent *e)
// do nothing
static void handlerMouseCrossed(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a, int left)
// do nothing
static void handlerDragBroken(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a)
// do nothing
static int handlerKeyEvent(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a, uiAreaKeyEvent *e)
// do nothing
return 0;
static void onTextApply(uiButton *b, void *data)
static void mkRGBA(uiBox *parent, uiCheckbox **has, const char *hasText, uiEntry **r, uiEntry **g, uiEntry **b, uiEntry **a, const char *field)
uiBox *hbox;
uiBox *vbox;
hbox = newHorizontalBox();
uiBoxAppend(parent, uiControl(hbox), 0);
if (has != NULL) {
*has = uiNewCheckbox(hasText);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*has), 0);
vbox = newVerticalBox();
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(vbox), 1);
hbox = newHorizontalBox();
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(hbox), 0);
*r = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(*r, field);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*r), 1);
*g = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(*g, field);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*g), 1);
hbox = newHorizontalBox();
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(hbox), 0);
*b = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(*b, field);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*b), 1);
*a = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(*a, "1.0");
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*a), 1);
uiBox *makePage8(void)
uiBox *page8;
@ -175,79 +42,5 @@ uiBox *makePage8(void)
uiButtonOnClicked(button, onListFonts, me);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(button), 0);
group = newGroup("Text Rendering");
uiBoxAppend(page8, uiControl(group), 1);
vbox = newVerticalBox();
uiGroupSetChild(group, uiControl(vbox));
textString = uiNewEntry();
// TODO make it placeholder
uiEntrySetText(textString, "Enter text here");
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textString), 0);
textFont = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(textFont, "Arial");
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textFont), 0);
textSize = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(textSize, "10");
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textSize), 0);
textWeight = uiNewCombobox();
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Thin");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Ultra Light");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Light");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Book");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Normal");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Medium");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Semi Bold");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Bold");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Utra Bold");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Heavy");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Ultra Heavy");
uiComboboxSetSelected(textWeight, uiDrawTextWeightNormal);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textWeight), 0);
textItalic = uiNewCombobox();
uiComboboxAppend(textItalic, "Normal");
uiComboboxAppend(textItalic, "Oblique");
uiComboboxAppend(textItalic, "Italic");
uiComboboxSetSelected(textItalic, uiDrawTextItalicNormal);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textItalic), 0);
textSmallCaps = uiNewCheckbox("Small Caps");
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textSmallCaps), 0);
textStretch = uiNewCombobox();
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Ultra Condensed");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Extra Condensed");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Condensed");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Semi Condensed");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Normal");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Semi Expanded");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Expanded");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Extra Expanded");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Ultra Expanded");
uiComboboxSetSelected(textStretch, uiDrawTextStretchNormal);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textStretch), 0);
mkRGBA(vbox, NULL, NULL, &textR, &textG, &textB, &textA, "0.0");
mkRGBA(vbox, &textHasBackground, "Background", &textBR, &textBG, &textBB, &textBA, "1.0");
mkRGBA(vbox, &textHasStrikethrough, "Strikethrough", &textSR, &textSG, &textSB, &textSA, "0.0");
mkRGBA(vbox, &textHasUnderline, "Underline", &textUR, &textUG, &textUB, &textUA, "0.0");
textApply = uiNewButton("Apply");
uiButtonOnClicked(textApply, onTextApply, NULL);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textApply), 0);
textAreaHandler.Draw = handlerDraw;
textAreaHandler.MouseEvent = handlerMouseEvent;
textAreaHandler.MouseCrossed = handlerMouseCrossed;
textAreaHandler.DragBroken = handlerDragBroken;
textAreaHandler.KeyEvent = handlerKeyEvent;
textArea = uiNewArea(&textAreaHandler);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textArea), 1);
return page8;

test/page9.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
// 22 december 2015
#include "test.h"
static uiEntry *textString;
static uiEntry *textFont;
static uiEntry *textSize;
static uiCombobox *textWeight;
static uiCombobox *textItalic;
static uiCheckbox *textSmallCaps;
static uiCombobox *textStretch;
static uiEntry *textR, *textG, *textB, *textA;
static uiCheckbox *textHasBackground;
static uiEntry *textBR, *textBG, *textBB, *textBA;
static uiCheckbox *textHasStrikethrough;
static uiEntry *textSR, *textSG, *textSB, *textSA;
static uiCheckbox *textHasUnderline;
static uiEntry *textUR, *textUG, *textUB, *textUA;
static uiButton *textApply;
static uiArea *textArea;
static uiAreaHandler textAreaHandler;
static double entryDouble(uiEntry *e)
char *s;
double d;
s = uiEntryText(e);
d = atof(s);
return d;
static void handlerDraw(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area, uiAreaDrawParams *dp)
uiDrawTextStyle style;
char *s;
char *family; // make compiler happy
memset(&style, 0, sizeof (uiDrawTextStyle));
family = uiEntryText(textFont);
style.Family = family;
style.Size = entryDouble(textSize);
style.Weight = uiComboboxSelected(textWeight);
style.Italic = uiComboboxSelected(textItalic);
style.SmallCaps = uiCheckboxChecked(textSmallCaps);
style.Stretch = uiComboboxSelected(textStretch);
style.TextR = entryDouble(textR);
style.TextG = entryDouble(textG);
style.TextB = entryDouble(textB);
style.TextA = entryDouble(textA);
style.HasBackground = uiCheckboxChecked(textHasBackground);
style.BackgroundR = entryDouble(textBR);
style.BackgroundG = entryDouble(textBG);
style.BackgroundB = entryDouble(textBB);
style.BackgroundA = entryDouble(textBA);
style.HasStrikethrough = uiCheckboxChecked(textHasStrikethrough);
style.StrikethroughR = entryDouble(textSR);
style.StrikethroughG = entryDouble(textSG);
style.StrikethroughB = entryDouble(textSB);
style.StrikethroughA = entryDouble(textSA);
style.HasUnderline = uiCheckboxChecked(textHasUnderline);
style.UnderlineR = entryDouble(textUR);
style.UnderlineG = entryDouble(textUG);
style.UnderlineB = entryDouble(textUB);
style.UnderlineA = entryDouble(textUA);
s = uiEntryText(textString);
uiDrawText(dp->Context, 10, 10, s, &style);
static void handlerMouseEvent(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area, uiAreaMouseEvent *e)
// do nothing
static void handlerMouseCrossed(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a, int left)
// do nothing
static void handlerDragBroken(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a)
// do nothing
static int handlerKeyEvent(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a, uiAreaKeyEvent *e)
// do nothing
return 0;
static void onTextApply(uiButton *b, void *data)
static void mkRGBA(uiBox *parent, uiCheckbox **has, const char *hasText, uiEntry **r, uiEntry **g, uiEntry **b, uiEntry **a, const char *field)
uiBox *hbox;
uiBox *vbox;
hbox = newHorizontalBox();
uiBoxAppend(parent, uiControl(hbox), 0);
if (has != NULL) {
*has = uiNewCheckbox(hasText);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*has), 0);
vbox = newVerticalBox();
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(vbox), 1);
hbox = newHorizontalBox();
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(hbox), 0);
*r = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(*r, field);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*r), 1);
*g = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(*g, field);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*g), 1);
hbox = newHorizontalBox();
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(hbox), 0);
*b = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(*b, field);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*b), 1);
*a = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(*a, "1.0");
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(*a), 1);
uiBox *makePage9(void)
uiBox *page9;
uiBox *vbox;
page9 = newVerticalBox();
vbox = page9;
textString = uiNewEntry();
// TODO make it placeholder
uiEntrySetText(textString, "Enter text here");
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textString), 0);
textFont = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(textFont, "Arial");
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textFont), 0);
textSize = uiNewEntry();
uiEntrySetText(textSize, "10");
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textSize), 0);
textWeight = uiNewCombobox();
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Thin");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Ultra Light");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Light");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Book");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Normal");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Medium");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Semi Bold");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Bold");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Utra Bold");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Heavy");
uiComboboxAppend(textWeight, "Ultra Heavy");
uiComboboxSetSelected(textWeight, uiDrawTextWeightNormal);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textWeight), 0);
textItalic = uiNewCombobox();
uiComboboxAppend(textItalic, "Normal");
uiComboboxAppend(textItalic, "Oblique");
uiComboboxAppend(textItalic, "Italic");
uiComboboxSetSelected(textItalic, uiDrawTextItalicNormal);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textItalic), 0);
textSmallCaps = uiNewCheckbox("Small Caps");
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textSmallCaps), 0);
textStretch = uiNewCombobox();
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Ultra Condensed");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Extra Condensed");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Condensed");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Semi Condensed");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Normal");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Semi Expanded");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Expanded");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Extra Expanded");
uiComboboxAppend(textStretch, "Ultra Expanded");
uiComboboxSetSelected(textStretch, uiDrawTextStretchNormal);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textStretch), 0);
mkRGBA(vbox, NULL, NULL, &textR, &textG, &textB, &textA, "0.0");
mkRGBA(vbox, &textHasBackground, "Background", &textBR, &textBG, &textBB, &textBA, "1.0");
mkRGBA(vbox, &textHasStrikethrough, "Strikethrough", &textSR, &textSG, &textSB, &textSA, "0.0");
mkRGBA(vbox, &textHasUnderline, "Underline", &textUR, &textUG, &textUB, &textUA, "0.0");
textApply = uiNewButton("Apply");
uiButtonOnClicked(textApply, onTextApply, NULL);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textApply), 0);
textAreaHandler.Draw = handlerDraw;
textAreaHandler.MouseEvent = handlerMouseEvent;
textAreaHandler.MouseCrossed = handlerMouseCrossed;
textAreaHandler.DragBroken = handlerDragBroken;
textAreaHandler.KeyEvent = handlerKeyEvent;
textArea = uiNewArea(&textAreaHandler);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textArea), 1);
return page9;

View File

@ -68,3 +68,6 @@ extern uiGroup *makePage7c(void);
// page8.c
extern uiBox *makePage8(void);
// page9.c
extern uiBox *makePage9(void);