Tried to figure out the traits stuff for myself. I can't quite do that when it has no effect :v
This commit is contained in:
@ -583,9 +583,88 @@ struct traits {
uiDrawTextStretch stretch;
// Named constants for these were NOT added until 10.11, and even then they were added as external symbols instead of macros, so we can't use them directly :(
// kode54 got these for me before I had access to El Capitan; thanks to him.
#define ourNSFontWeightUltraLight -0.800000
#define ourNSFontWeightThin -0.600000
#define ourNSFontWeightLight -0.400000
#define ourNSFontWeightRegular 0.000000
#define ourNSFontWeightMedium 0.230000
#define ourNSFontWeightSemibold 0.300000
#define ourNSFontWeightBold 0.400000
#define ourNSFontWeightHeavy 0.560000
#define ourNSFontWeightBlack 0.620000
static const CGFloat ctWeights[] = {
// yeah these two have their names swapped; blame Pango
// TODO note that these names do not necessarily line up with their OS names
[uiDrawTextWeightThin] = ourNSFontWeightUltraLight,
[uiDrawTextWeightUltraLight] = ourNSFontWeightThin,
[uiDrawTextWeightLight] = ourNSFontWeightLight,
// for this one let's go between Light and Regular
// TODO figure out if we can rely on the order for these (and the one below)
[uiDrawTextWeightBook] = ourNSFontWeightLight + ((ourNSFontWeightRegular - ourNSFontWeightLight) / 2),
[uiDrawTextWeightNormal] = ourNSFontWeightRegular,
[uiDrawTextWeightMedium] = ourNSFontWeightMedium,
[uiDrawTextWeightSemiBold] = ourNSFontWeightSemibold,
[uiDrawTextWeightBold] = ourNSFontWeightBold,
// for this one let's go between Bold and Heavy
[uiDrawTextWeightUtraBold] = ourNSFontWeightBold + ((ourNSFontWeightHeavy - ourNSFontWeightBold) / 2),
[uiDrawTextWeightHeavy] = ourNSFontWeightHeavy,
[uiDrawTextWeightUltraHeavy] = ourNSFontWeightBlack,
// Unfortunately there are still no named constants for these.
// Let's just use normalized widths.
static const CGFloat ctStretches[] = {
[uiDrawTextStretchUltraCondensed] = -1.0,
[uiDrawTextStretchExtraCondensed] = -0.75,
[uiDrawTextStretchCondensed] = -0.5,
[uiDrawTextStretchSemiCondensed] = -0.25,
[uiDrawTextStretchNormal] = 0.0,
[uiDrawTextStretchSemiExpanded] = 0.25,
[uiDrawTextStretchExpanded] = 0.5,
[uiDrawTextStretchExtraExpanded] = 0.75,
[uiDrawTextStretchUltraExpanded] = 1.0,
static void addFontTraitsAttr(CFMutableDictionaryRef attr, struct traits *traits)
CFMutableDictionaryRef td;
CFNumberRef num;
SInt64 symbolic;
CGFloat slant;
td = newAttrList();
symbolic = 0;
symbolic |= (SInt64) kCTFontBoldTrait;
num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &ctWeights[traits->weight]);
CFDictionaryAddValue(td, kCTFontWeightTrait, num);
switch (traits->italic) {
case uiDrawTextItalicOblique:
slant = 1.0; // TODO
num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &slant);
CFDictionaryAddValue(td, kCTFontSlantTrait, num);
// fall through
case uiDrawTextItalicItalic:
symbolic |= (SInt64) kCTFontItalicTrait;
symbolic |= (SInt64) kCTFontCondensedTrait;
num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &ctStretches[traits->stretch]);
CFDictionaryAddValue(td, kCTFontWidthTrait, num);
num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &symbolic);
CFDictionaryAddValue(td, kCTFontSymbolicTrait, num);
CFDictionaryAddValue(attr, kCTFontTraitsAttribute, td);
static void addFontSizeAttr(CFMutableDictionaryRef attr, double size)
Reference in New Issue