diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md
index 6ca9e9f8..d276245d 100644
--- a/TODO.md
+++ b/TODO.md
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 - clean up Windows lifetiming code
 - forbid free(NULL) to check for bugs
 - figure out how to do the parent on destroy check for children of a uiStack without a parent in and of itself
+- opposite side alignment control in uiBox
 - make everything vtable-based
diff --git a/new/dilemma.md b/new/dilemma.md
index 101ea204..14c10dd8 100644
--- a/new/dilemma.md
+++ b/new/dilemma.md
@@ -58,3 +58,90 @@ I'm personally presently edging toward throwing my hands up and implementing thi
 I don't know what this will mean for uiWindow.
 I'm also not sure how uiTab or uiGroup will be implemented this way. It works for GTK+ because it needs to do everything on its own...
+With this idea, uiControl would have only one parenting method:
+void uiControlSetParent(uiControl *c, T t);
+But what is `T`?
+Let's assume it's `uiControl`.
+void uiControlSetParent(uiControl *c, uiControl *parent);
+Then the traditional newcontrol implementation would be of the form
+void uiControlSetParent(uiControl *c, uiControl *parent)
+	struct single *s = (struct single *) (c->Internal);
+	s->parent = parent;
+	if (s->parent != NULL)
+		OSSetParent(s->OSHandle, (OSHandle) uiControlHandle(s->parent));
+and the `uiControlDestroy()` would begin with
+	if (s->parent != NULL)
+		complain("attempt to destroy uiControl %p while it has a parent", c);
+The only problem is that when the control is hidden, we need to notify its parent to re-layout itself. A normal control has no need for such an update function.
+Let's assume that this isn't a problem for now and get to the implementation of uiBox and uiGrid. These will be derived from a new type, uiContainer:
+interface Container from Control {
+	func ContainerResize([same arguments as Control.Resize()]);
+	func Update(void);
+`ContainerResize()` is implemented by `uiBox` and `uiGrid` to do the actual resizing work. It also uses `uiControlPreferredSize()`. `Update()` also performs a dummy resize, and is called by things like `uiBoxAppend()` and `uiBoxSetStretchy()`.
+`uiNewContainer()` is the function to build a uiContainer subclass. It takes a pointer to where the `uiContainer()` should be placed. (TODO rename this and the OS-specific ones to uiMakeXxxx()?)
+As an alternative, we could require chaining up:
+void boxResize(...)
+	(*(b->containerResize))(...);
+	...
+Now let's think about uiWindow, uiTab, and uiGroup.
+Let's make uiWindow a uiControl! It won't be a uiContainer, but it will have a uiControl as an immediate child. It can't be a child itself; calling `SetParent()` will complain.
+uiGroup works the same way.
+But neither of these have an `Update()` method! Okay fine, we'll make `Update()` part of `uiControl` too. For most widgets, `uiWidgetUpdate()` is a no-op; it only takes effect when the widge contains others.
+uiTab is the problem.
+Remember that on Windows we are manually responsible for showing and hiding tabs. But we want to get rid of `ContainerShow()` and `ContainerHide()`! And we can't just use `Show()` and `Hide()` because those are user settings, not libui settings.
+In this case, we would need an intermediary uiContainer of sorts that only contains the control we're interested in. GTK+ calls this a "bin"; we can probably create an internal bin control for our use.
+Note that this design means that there is a minimum of 2<i>n</i>+1 controls for each uiTab, with <i>n</i> being the number of tabs. If <i>n</i> is 10, we don't have much of a problem, though, so...
+GTK+ and OS X are fine; we can just use the control itself as the tab page's GtkWidget/NSView, respectively.
+BUT WAIT! All three of these need margins!
+On Windows, there's no issue because we're in control of the sizing of all our controls, including parents like uiWindow. We just apply the margins in our parents's `uiControlResize()`.
+But on GTK+ and OS X, the child controls get their size allocations and have to make use of them. *They* have to know about the margins, not the parents.
+The solution is simple: have *everything* be in a bin! In fact we can have uiWindow and uiGroup be a uiBin too!
+...I've just recreated GTK+...