More OS X uiControl work... kinda. At least all the controls that were in previously are now back in; that just leaes the new ones now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
// 12 april 2015
#import "uipriv_darwin.h"
// TODO rewrite this whole file to take advantage of bin functions
struct tab {
uiTab t;
NSTabView *tabview;
NSMutableArray *pages;
NSMutableArray *margined;
void (*baseEnable)(uiControl *);
void (*baseDisable)(uiControl *);
void (*baseSysFunc)(uiControl *, uiControlSysFuncParams *);
static void destroy(void *data)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) data;
// first destroy all tab pages so we can destroy all the bins
while ([t->tabview numberOfTabViewItems] != 0)
[t->tabview removeTabViewItem:[t->tabview tabViewItemAtIndex:0]];
// then destroy all the bins, destroying children in the process
// the above loop serves the purpose of binSetParent()
[t->pages enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
NSValue *v = (NSValue *) obj;
uiBin *p;
p = (uiBin *) [v pointerValue];
// and finally destroy ourselves
[t->pages release];
[t->margined release];
// the default new control implementation uses -sizeToFit, which we don't have with NSTabView
// fortunately, we do have -minimumSize
static void tabPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
NSSize s;
s = [t->tabview minimumSize];
*width = (intmax_t) (s.width);
*height = (intmax_t) (s.height);
static void tabEnable(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
[t->pages enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
NSValue *v = (NSValue *) obj;
uiBin *page;
page = (uiBin *) [v pointerValue];
static void tabDisable(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
[t->pages enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
NSValue *v = (NSValue *) obj;
uiBin *page;
page = (uiBin *) [v pointerValue];
static void tabSysFunc(uiControl *c, uiControlSysFuncParams *p)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
(*(t->baseSysFunc))(uiControl(t), p);
[t->pages enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
NSValue *v = (NSValue *) obj;
uiBin *page;
page = (uiBin *) [v pointerValue];
uiControlSysFunc(uiControl(page), p);
static void tabAppendPage(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uiControl *child)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
uiBin *page;
NSTabViewItem *i;
page = newBin();
uiBinSetMainControl(page, child);
[t->pages addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:page]];
[t->margined addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
i = [[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil];
[i setLabel:toNSString(name)];
[i setView:((NSView *) uiControlHandle(uiControl(page)))];
[t->tabview addTabViewItem:i];
static void tabInsertPageBefore(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uintmax_t n, uiControl *child)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
uiBin *page;
NSTabViewItem *i;
page = newBin();
uiBinSetMainControl(page, child);
[t->pages insertObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:page] atIndex:n];
[t->margined insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] atIndex:n];
i = [[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil];
[i setLabel:toNSString(name)];
[i setView:((NSView *) uiControlHandle(uiControl(page)))];
[t->tabview insertTabViewItem:i atIndex:n];
static void tabDeletePage(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
NSValue *v;
uiBin *page;
NSTabViewItem *i;
v = (NSValue *) [t->pages objectAtIndex:n];
page = (uiBin *) [v pointerValue];
[t->pages removeObjectAtIndex:n];
[t->margined removeObjectAtIndex:n];
// make sure the children of the tab aren't destroyed
uiBinSetMainControl(page, NULL);
// remove the bin from the tab view
// this serves the purpose of uiBinRemoveOSParent()
i = [t->tabview tabViewItemAtIndex:n];
[t->tabview removeTabViewItem:i];
// then destroy the bin
static uintmax_t tabNumPages(uiTab *tt)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
return [t->pages count];
static int tabMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
NSNumber *v;
v = (NSNumber *) [t->margined objectAtIndex:n];
return [v intValue];
// These are based on measurements from Interface Builder.
// These seem to be based on Auto Layout constants, but I don't see an API that exposes these...
#define tabLeftMargin 17
#define tabTopMargin 3
#define tabRightMargin 17
#define tabBottomMargin 17
// notes:
// top margin of a tab to its parent should be 12, not 20
// our system doesn't allow this...
static void tabSetMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n, int margined)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
NSNumber *v;
NSValue *pagev;
uiBin *page;
v = [NSNumber numberWithInt:margined];
[t->margined replaceObjectAtIndex:n withObject:v];
pagev = (NSValue *) [t->pages objectAtIndex:n];
page = (uiBin *) [pagev pointerValue];
if ([v intValue])
uiBinSetMargins(page, tabLeftMargin, tabTopMargin, tabRightMargin, tabBottomMargin);
uiBinSetMargins(page, 0, 0, 0, 0);
uiTab *uiNewTab(void)
struct tab *t;
t = uiNew(struct tab);
uiDarwinMakeControl(uiControl(t), [NSTabView class], NO, NO, destroy, t);
t->tabview = (NSTabView *) uiControlHandle(uiControl(t));
// also good for NSTabView (same selector and everything)
setStandardControlFont((NSControl *) (t->tabview));
t->pages = [NSMutableArray new];
t->margined = [NSMutableArray new];
uiControl(t)->PreferredSize = tabPreferredSize;
t->baseEnable = uiControl(t)->Enable;
uiControl(t)->Enable = tabEnable;
t->baseDisable = uiControl(t)->Disable;
uiControl(t)->Disable = tabDisable;
t->baseSysFunc = uiControl(t)->SysFunc;
uiControl(t)->SysFunc = tabSysFunc;
uiTab(t)->AppendPage = tabAppendPage;
uiTab(t)->InsertPageBefore = tabInsertPageBefore;
uiTab(t)->DeletePage = tabDeletePage;
uiTab(t)->NumPages = tabNumPages;
uiTab(t)->Margined = tabMargined;
uiTab(t)->SetMargined = tabSetMargined;
return uiTab(t);
@ -1,60 +1,176 @@
// 11 june 2015
#include "uipriv_darwin.h"
// TODO rewrite this whole file to take advantage of what we used to call bin functions
struct tab {
uiTab t;
NSTabView *tabview;
NSMutableArray *pages;
NSMutableArray *margined;
void (*baseCommitDestroy)(uiControl *);
uiDefineControlType(uiTab, uiTypeTab, struct tab)
static void tabCommitDestroy(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
// first destroy all tab pages so we can destroy all the bins
while ([t->tabview numberOfTabViewItems] != 0)
[t->tabview removeTabViewItem:[t->tabview tabViewItemAtIndex:0]];
// then destroy all the bins, destroying children in the process
// the above loop serves the purpose of binSetParent()
[t->pages enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
NSValue *v = (NSValue *) obj;
uiBin *p;
p = (uiBin *) [v pointerValue];
// and finally destroy ourselves
[t->pages release];
[t->margined release];
static uintptr_t tabHandle(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
return (uintptr_t) (t->OSHANDLE);
return (uintptr_t) (t->tabview);
// the default new control implementation uses -sizeToFit, which we don't have with NSTabView
// fortunately, we do have -minimumSize
static void tabPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
NSSize s;
s = [t->tabview minimumSize];
*width = (intmax_t) (s.width);
*height = (intmax_t) (s.height);
static void tabContainerUpdate(uiControl *c)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c;
[t->pages enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
NSValue *v = (NSValue *) obj;
uiBin *page;
page = (uiBin *) [v pointerValue];
// TODO get the right function
// TODO merge with InsertAt
static void tabAppend(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uiControl *child)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
uiBin *page;
NSTabViewItem *i;
uiTabInsertAt(tt, name, PUT_CODE_HERE, child);
page = newBin();
uiBinSetMainControl(page, child);
[t->pages addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:page]];
[t->margined addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
i = [[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil];
[i setLabel:toNSString(name)];
[i setView:((NSView *) uiControlHandle(uiControl(page)))];
[t->tabview addTabViewItem:i];
static void tabInsertAt(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uintmax_t n, uiControl *child)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
uiBin *page;
NSTabViewItem *i;
page = newBin();
uiBinSetMainControl(page, child);
[t->pages insertObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:page] atIndex:n];
[t->margined insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] atIndex:n];
i = [[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil];
[i setLabel:toNSString(name)];
[i setView:((NSView *) uiControlHandle(uiControl(page)))];
[t->tabview insertTabViewItem:i atIndex:n];
static void tabDelete(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
NSValue *v;
uiBin *page;
NSTabViewItem *i;
v = (NSValue *) [t->pages objectAtIndex:n];
page = (uiBin *) [v pointerValue];
[t->pages removeObjectAtIndex:n];
[t->margined removeObjectAtIndex:n];
// make sure the children of the tab aren't destroyed
uiBinSetMainControl(page, NULL);
// remove the bin from the tab view
// this serves the purpose of uiBinRemoveOSParent()
i = [t->tabview tabViewItemAtIndex:n];
[t->tabview removeTabViewItem:i];
// then destroy the bin
static uintmax_t tabNumPages(uiTab *tt)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
return [t->pages count];
static int tabMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
NSNumber *v;
v = (NSNumber *) [t->margined objectAtIndex:n];
return [v intValue];
// These are based on measurements from Interface Builder.
// These seem to be based on Auto Layout constants, but I don't see an API that exposes these...
#define tabLeftMargin 17
#define tabTopMargin 3
#define tabRightMargin 17
#define tabBottomMargin 17
// notes:
// top margin of a tab to its parent should be 12, not 20
// our system doesn't allow this...
static void tabSetMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n, int margined)
struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt;
NSNumber *v;
NSValue *pagev;
uiBin *page;
v = [NSNumber numberWithInt:margined];
[t->margined replaceObjectAtIndex:n withObject:v];
pagev = (NSValue *) [t->pages objectAtIndex:n];
page = (uiBin *) [pagev pointerValue];
if ([v intValue])
uiBinSetMargins(page, tabLeftMargin, tabTopMargin, tabRightMargin, tabBottomMargin);
uiBinSetMargins(page, 0, 0, 0, 0);
uiTab *uiNewTab(void)
@ -63,9 +179,18 @@ uiTab *uiNewTab(void)
t = (struct tab *) MAKE_CONTROL_INSTANCE(uiTypeTab());
t->tabview = [[NSTabView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
// also good for NSTabView (same selector and everything)
uiDarwinMakeSingleViewControl(uiControl(t), t->tabview, YES);
t->pages = [NSMutableArray new];
t->margined = [NSMutableArray new];
uiControl(t)->Handle = tabHandle;
uiControl(t)->PreferredSize = tabPreferredSize;
t->baseCommitDestroy = uiControl(t)->CommitDestroy;
uiControl(t)->CommitDestroy = tabCommitDestroy;
uiControl(t)->ContainerUpdate = tabContainerUpdate;
uiTab(t)->Append = tabAppend;
uiTab(t)->InsertAt = tabInsertAt;
Reference in New Issue