2015-10-18 17:55:06 -05:00
// 18 october 2015
#include "uipriv_unix.h"
// On GTK+, uiTableModel is a GtkTreeModel.
#define uiTableModelType (uiTableModel_get_type())
#define uiTableModel(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), uiTableModelType, uiTableModel))
#define isAreaWidget(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), uiTableModelType))
#define uiTableModelClass(class) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((class), uiTableModelType, uiTableModelClass))
#define isAreaWidgetClass(class) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((class), uiTableModel))
#define getAreaWidgetClass(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), uiTableModelType, uiTableModelClass))
typedef struct uiTableModel uiTableModel;
typedef struct uiTableModelClass uiTableModelClass;
struct uiTableModel {
GObject parent_instance;
uiTableModelSpec *spec;
void *mData;
intmax_t nColumns;
GType *coltypes;
struct uiTableModelClass {
GObjectClass parent_class;
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static void uiTableModel_treeModel_init(GtkTreeModelIface *);
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static void uiTableModel_init(uiTableModel *m)
// do nothing
static void uiTableModel_dispose(GObject *obj)
static void uiTableModel_finalize(GObject *obj)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(obj);
static GtkTreeModelFlags uiTableModel_get_flags(GtkTreeModel *mb)
static gint uiTableModel_get_n_columns(GtkTreeModel *mb)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
return m->nColumns;
static GType uiTableModel_get_column_type(GtkTreeModel *mb, gint index)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
return m->coltypes[index];
how our GtkTreeIters are stored:
stamp: either GOOD_STAMP or BAD_STAMP
user_data: row index
Thanks to Company in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+ for suggesting the GSIZE_TO_POINTER() t
#define GOOD_STAMP 0x1234
#define BAD_STAMP 0x5678
#define FROM(x) ((gint) GPOINTER_TO_SIZE((x)))
#define TO(x) GSIZE_TO_POINTER((gsize) (x))
#define numRows(m) ((*((m)->spec->NumRows))((m), (m)->mData))
#define cellValue(m, row, col) ((*((m)->spec->CellValue))((m), (m)->mData, row, column))
static gboolean uiTableModel_get_iter(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreePath *path)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
gint index;
if (gtk_tree_path_get_depth(path) != 1)
goto bad;
index = gtk_tree_path_get_indices(path)[0];
if (index < 0)
goto bad;
if (index >= numRows(m))
goto bad;
iter->stamp = GOOD_STAMP;
iter->user_data = TO(index);
return TRUE;
iter->stamp = BAD_STAMP;
return FALSE;
static GtkTreePath *uiTableModel_get_path(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter)
// note: from this point forward, the GOOD_STAMP checks ensure that the index stored in iter is nonnegative
if (iter->stamp != GOOD_STAMP)
return NULL; // this is what both GtkListStore and GtkTreeStore do
return gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices(FROM(iter->user_data), -1);
void *uiTableModelFromString(const char *str)
return g_strdup(str);
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#define toBool(v) ((int) ((intptr_t) (v)))
#define toStr(v) ((char *) (v))
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static void uiTableModel_get_value(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter, gint column, GValue *value)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
void *v;
GType type;
if (iter->stamp != GOOD_STAMP)
return; // this is what both GtkListStore and GtkTreeStore do
v = cellValue(m, FROM(iter->user_data), column);
type = m->coltypes[column];
g_value_init(value, type);
if (type == G_TYPE_STRING)
g_value_take_string(value, toStr(v));
// the GValue now manages the memory of the string that was g_strdup()'d before
// TODO image
else if (type == G_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
g_value_set_boolean(value, toBool(v));
complain("unknown GType in uiTableModel_get_value()");
static gboolean uiTableModel_iter_next(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
gint index;
if (iter->stamp != GOOD_STAMP)
return FALSE; // this is what both GtkListStore and GtkTreeStore do
index = FROM(iter->user_data);
if (index >= numRows(m)) {
iter->stamp = BAD_STAMP;
return FALSE;
iter->user_data = TO(index);
return TRUE;
static gboolean uiTableModel_iter_previous(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
gint index;
if (iter->stamp != GOOD_STAMP)
return FALSE; // this is what both GtkListStore and GtkTreeStore do
index = FROM(iter->user_data);
if (index <= 0) {
iter->stamp = BAD_STAMP;
return FALSE;
iter->user_data = TO(index);
return TRUE;
static gboolean uiTableModel_iter_children(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeIter *parent)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
if (parent == NULL && numRows(m) > 0) {
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iter->stamp = GOOD_STAMP;
iter->user_data = 0;
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return TRUE;
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iter->stamp = BAD_STAMP;
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return FALSE;
static gboolean uiTableModel_iter_has_child(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter)
return FALSE;
static gint uiTableModel_iter_n_children(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
if (iter == NULL)
return numRows(m);
return 0;
static gboolean uiTableModel_iter_nth_child(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeIter *parent, gint n)
uiTableModel *m = uiTableModel(mb);
if (parent == NULL && n >= 0 && n < numRows(m)) {
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iter->stamp = GOOD_STAMP;
iter->user_data = TO(n);
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return TRUE;
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iter->stamp = BAD_STAMP;
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return FALSE;
static gboolean uiTableModel_iter_parent(GtkTreeModel *mb, GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeIter *child)
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iter->stamp = BAD_STAMP;
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return FALSE;
static void uiTableModel_class_init(uiTableModelClass *class)
G_OBJECT_CLASS(class)->dispose = uiTableModel_dispose;
G_OBJECT_CLASS(class)->finalize = uiTableModel_finalize;
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static void uiTableModel_treeModel_init(GtkTreeModelIface *iface)
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iface->get_flags = uiTableModel_get_flags;
iface->get_n_columns = uiTableModel_get_n_columns;
iface->get_column_type = uiTableModel_get_column_type;
iface->get_iter = uiTableModel_get_iter;
iface->get_path = uiTableModel_get_path;
iface->get_value = uiTableModel_get_value;
iface->iter_next = uiTableModel_iter_next;
iface->iter_previous = uiTableModel_iter_previous;
iface->iter_children = uiTableModel_iter_children;
iface->iter_has_child = uiTableModel_iter_has_child;
iface->iter_n_children = uiTableModel_iter_n_children;
iface->iter_nth_child = uiTableModel_iter_nth_child;
iface->iter_parent = uiTableModel_iter_parent;
// no need for ref_node or unref_node
uiTableModel *uiNewTableModel(uintmax_t nCols, uiTableColumnType *types, uiTableModelSpec *spec, void *mData)
uiTableModel *m;
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intmax_t i;
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m = uiTableModel(g_object_new(uiTableModelType, NULL));
m->spec = spec;
m->mData = mData;
m->nColumns = nCols;
m->coltypes = (GType *) uiAlloc(m->nColumns * sizeof (GType), "GType[]");
for (i = 0; i < m->nColumns; i++)
switch (types[i]) {
case uiTableColumnText:
m->coltypes[i] = G_TYPE_STRING;
//TODO case uiTableColumnImage:
case uiTableColumnCheckbox:
m->coltypes[i] = G_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
complain("unknown column type %d in uiNewTableModel()", types[i]);
return m;
// TODO ensure no tables are subscribed
void uiFreeTableModel(uiTableModel *m)
void uiTableModelNotify(uiTableModel *m, uiTableNotification notification, intmax_t row, intmax_t column)
GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL(m);
GtkTreePath *path;
GtkTreeIter iter;
path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices(row, -1);
switch (notification) {
case uiTableRowInserted:
if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, path) == FALSE)
complain("invalid row given to row inserted in uiTableModelNotify()");
gtk_tree_model_row_inserted(model, path, &iter);
case uiTableRowDeleted:
gtk_tree_model_row_deleted(model, path);
case uiTableCellChanged:
if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, path) == FALSE)
complain("invalid row given to row changed in uiTableModelNotify()");
gtk_tree_model_row_changed(model, path, &iter);
complain("unknown uiTable notification %d in uiTableModelNotify()", notification);