93 lines
2.4 KiB
93 lines
2.4 KiB
// 31 july 2015
import Cocoa
var spaced = false
var firstvert = false
func appLaunched() {
var hbox: tBox
var spinbox: tSpinbox
var button: tButton
var entry: tEntry
var label: tLabel
var mainwin = tWindow()
var box = tBox(vertical: firstvert, spaced: spaced)
spinbox = tSpinbox()
box.tAddControl(spinbox, stretchy: false)
hbox = tBox(vertical: !firstvert, spaced: spaced)
button = tButton("Button")
hbox.tAddControl(button, stretchy: true)
button = tButton("Button")
hbox.tAddControl(button, stretchy: true)
box.tAddControl(hbox, stretchy: false)
hbox = tBox(vertical: !firstvert, spaced: spaced)
button = tButton("Button")
hbox.tAddControl(button, stretchy: true)
button = tButton("Button")
hbox.tAddControl(button, stretchy: true)
box.tAddControl(hbox, stretchy: false)
// TODO in vertical mode the three non-stretchy buttons are smaller than they should be
hbox = tBox(vertical: !firstvert, spaced: spaced)
button = tButton("Button")
hbox.tAddControl(button, stretchy: true)
button = tButton("A")
hbox.tAddControl(button, stretchy: false)
button = tButton("BB")
hbox.tAddControl(button, stretchy: false)
button = tButton("CCC")
hbox.tAddControl(button, stretchy: false)
box.tAddControl(hbox, stretchy: false)
// TODO this isn't stretchy in the proper order
hbox = tBox(vertical: !firstvert, spaced: spaced)
spinbox = tSpinbox()
hbox.tAddControl(spinbox, stretchy: false)
spinbox = tSpinbox()
hbox.tAddControl(spinbox, stretchy: true)
box.tAddControl(hbox, stretchy: false)
hbox = tBox(vertical: !firstvert, spaced: spaced)
entry = tEntry()
hbox.tAddControl(entry, stretchy: false)
entry = tEntry()
hbox.tAddControl(entry, stretchy: true)
box.tAddControl(hbox, stretchy: false)
hbox = tBox(vertical: !firstvert, spaced: spaced)
label = tLabel()
hbox.tAddControl(label, stretchy: false)
box.tAddControl(hbox, stretchy: false)
class appDelegate : NSApplicationDelegate {
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(note: NSNotification) {
func applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(app: NSApplication) -> Bool {
return true
func main() {
spaced = Process.arguments.count > 1
var app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()