2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
// 31 july 2015
import Cocoa
// leave a whole lot of space around the alignment rect, just to be safe
class tSpinboxContainer : NSView {
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
override var alignmentRectInsets: NSEdgeInsets {
get {
debugPrint("in tSpinboxContainer.alignmentRectInsets")
return NSEdgeInsetsMake(50, 50, 50, 50)
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
var nspinbox = 0
class tSpinbox : tControl {
private var c: tSpinboxContainer
private var t: NSTextField
private var s: NSStepper
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
private var parent: tControl?
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
private var horzpri, vertpri: NSLayoutPriority
init() {
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
var cell: NSTextFieldCell
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
self.c = tSpinboxContainer(frame: NSZeroRect)
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
self.c.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
self.t = NSTextField(frame: NSZeroRect)
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
self.t.stringValue = "\(nspinbox)"
self.t.selectable = true
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
self.t.font = NSFont.systemFontOfSize(NSFont.systemFontSizeForControlSize(NSControlSize.RegularControlSize))
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
self.t.bordered = false
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
self.t.bezelStyle = NSTextFieldBezelStyle.SquareBezel
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
self.t.bezeled = true
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
cell = self.t.cell() as! NSTextFieldCell
cell.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByClipping
cell.scrollable = true
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
self.t.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
self.s = NSStepper(frame: NSZeroRect)
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
self.s.increment = 1
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
self.s.valueWraps = false
self.s.autorepeat = true
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
self.s.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
var views = [
"t": self.t,
"s": self.s,
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
var constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(0),
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
metrics: nil,
views: views)
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(0),
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
metrics: nil,
views: views)
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(0),
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
metrics: nil,
views: views)
self.parent = nil
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
self.horzpri = self.c.contentHuggingPriorityForOrientation(NSLayoutConstraintOrientation.Horizontal)
self.vertpri = self.c.contentHuggingPriorityForOrientation(NSLayoutConstraintOrientation.Vertical)
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
func tSetParent(p: tControl, addToView v: NSView) {
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
self.parent = p
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
func tFillAutoLayout(inout p: tAutoLayoutParams) {
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
// reset the hugging priority
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
self.c.setContentHuggingPriority(self.horzpri, forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientation.Horizontal)
self.c.setContentHuggingPriority(self.vertpri, forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientation.Vertical)
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00
p.view = self.c
p.attachLeft = true
p.attachTop = true
p.attachRight = true
p.attachBottom = true
p.nonStretchyWidthPredicate = "(==96)" // TODO on the text field only
func tRelayout() {
2015-08-07 09:46:34 -05:00
if self.parent != nil {
2015-08-07 13:45:01 -05:00
2015-08-07 01:15:40 -05:00