2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
// 17 january 2017
#include "drawtext.h"
static const char *text =
"It is with a kind of fear that I begin to write the history of my life. "
"I have, as it were, a superstitious hesitation in lifting the veil that "
"clings about my childhood like a golden mist. The task of writing an "
"autobiography is a difficult one. When I try to classify my earliest "
"impressions, I find that fact and fancy look alike across the years that "
"link the past with the present. The woman paints the child's experiences "
"in her own fantasy. A few impressions stand out vividly from the first "
"years of my life; but \"the shadows of the prison-house are on the rest.\" "
"Besides, many of the joys and sorrows of childhood have lost their "
"poignancy; and many incidents of vital importance in my early education "
"have been forgotten in the excitement of great discoveries. In order, "
"therefore, not to be tedious I shall try to present in a series of "
"sketches only the episodes that seem to me to be the most interesting "
"and important."
static char fontFamily[] = "Palatino";
// TODO should be const; look at constructor function
static uiDrawFontDescriptor defaultFont = {
.Family = fontFamily,
.Size = 18,
.Weight = uiDrawTextWeightNormal,
.Italic = uiDrawTextItalicNormal,
.Stretch = uiDrawTextStretchNormal,
static uiAttributedString *attrstr;
#define margins 10
2017-01-20 15:36:44 -06:00
static uiBox *panel;
static uiCheckbox *showExtents;
static uiCheckbox *showLineBounds;
static uiCheckbox *showLineGuides;
// TODO should this be const?
static double strokeDashes[] = { 5, 2 };
// TODO this should be const
static uiDrawStrokeParams strokeParams = {
.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat,
.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter,
.Thickness = 1,
.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit,
.Dashes = strokeDashes,
.NumDashes = 2,
.DashPhase = 0,
// TODO should be const?
static uiDrawBrush fillBrushes[4] = {
.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid,
.R = 1.0,
.G = 0.0,
.B = 0.0,
.A = 0.5,
.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid,
.R = 0.0,
.G = 1.0,
.B = 0.0,
.A = 0.5,
.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid,
.R = 0.0,
.G = 0.0,
.B = 1.0,
.A = 0.5,
.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid,
.R = 0.0,
.G = 1.0,
.B = 1.0,
.A = 0.5,
// TODO come up with better colors
static uiDrawBrush strokeBrushes[3] = {
// baseline
.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid,
.R = 0.5,
.G = 0.5,
.B = 0.0,
.A = 0.75,
// ascent
.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid,
.R = 1.0,
.G = 0.0,
.B = 1.0,
.A = 0.75,
// descent
.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid,
.R = 0.5,
.G = 0.75,
.B = 1.0,
.A = 0.75,
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
static void draw(uiAreaDrawParams *p)
uiDrawPath *path;
uiDrawTextLayout *layout;
2017-01-20 15:36:44 -06:00
uiDrawBrush b;
b.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid;
// only clip the text, not the guides
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding);
uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, margins, margins,
p->AreaWidth - 2 * margins,
p->AreaHeight - 2 * margins);
uiDrawClip(p->Context, path);
// TODO get rid of this later
2017-01-20 15:36:44 -06:00
#if 0
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding);
uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, -100, -100,
p->AreaWidth * 2,
p->AreaHeight * 2);
b.R = 0.0;
b.G = 1.0;
b.B = 0.0;
b.A = 1.0;
uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &b);
2017-01-20 15:36:44 -06:00
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
layout = uiDrawNewTextLayout(attrstr,
p->AreaWidth - 2 * margins);
uiDrawText(p->Context, layout, margins, margins);
2017-01-20 15:36:44 -06:00
if (uiCheckboxChecked(showExtents)) {
double width, height;
uiDrawTextLayoutExtents(layout, &width, &height);
path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding);
uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, margins, margins,
width, height);
b.R = 1.0;
b.G = 0.0;
b.B = 1.0;
b.A = 0.5;
uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &b, &strokeParams);
if (uiCheckboxChecked(showLineBounds) || uiCheckboxChecked(showLineGuides)) {
uiDrawTextLayoutLineMetrics m;
int i, n;
int fill = 0;
n = uiDrawTextLayoutNumLines(layout);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
uiDrawTextLayoutLineGetMetrics(layout, i, &m);
if (uiCheckboxChecked(showLineBounds)) {
path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding);
uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, margins + m.X, margins + m.Y,
m.Width, m.Height);
uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, fillBrushes + fill);
fill = (fill + 1) % 4;
if (uiCheckboxChecked(showLineGuides)) {
// baseline
path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding);
margins + m.X,
margins + m.BaselineY);
margins + m.X + m.Width,
margins + m.BaselineY);
uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &(strokeBrushes[0]), &strokeParams);
// ascent line
path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding);
margins + m.X,
margins + m.BaselineY - m.Ascent);
margins + m.X + m.Width,
margins + m.BaselineY - m.Ascent);
uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &(strokeBrushes[1]), &strokeParams);
// descent line
path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding);
margins + m.X,
margins + m.BaselineY + m.Descent);
margins + m.X + m.Width,
margins + m.BaselineY + m.Descent);
uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &(strokeBrushes[2]), &strokeParams);
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
static struct example basicExample;
2017-01-20 15:36:44 -06:00
// TODO share?
static void checkboxChecked(uiCheckbox *c, void *data)
static uiCheckbox *newCheckbox(const char *text)
uiCheckbox *c;
c = uiNewCheckbox(text);
uiCheckboxOnToggled(c, checkboxChecked, NULL);
uiBoxAppend(panel, uiControl(c), 0);
return c;
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
struct example *mkBasicExample(void)
2017-01-20 15:36:44 -06:00
panel = uiNewVerticalBox();
showExtents = newCheckbox("Show Layout Extents");
showLineBounds = newCheckbox("Show Line Bounds");
showLineGuides = newCheckbox("Show Line Guides");
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
basicExample.name = "Basic Paragraph of Text";
2017-01-20 15:36:44 -06:00
basicExample.panel = uiControl(panel);
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
basicExample.draw = draw;
2017-02-05 23:26:22 -06:00
basicExample.mouse = NULL;
2017-02-10 18:22:25 -06:00
basicExample.key = NULL;
2017-01-20 12:25:21 -06:00
attrstr = uiNewAttributedString(text);
return &basicExample;
// TODO on GTK+ an area by itself in a window doesn't get expand properties set properly?