// If we don't set up the current thread otherwise, the first time .net tries to call out to unmanaged code, it will automatically set up a MTA for COM.
// This is not what we want; we need a STA instead.
// Since we're not in control of main(), we can't stick a [STAThread] on it, so we have to do it ourselves.
// This is a separate .c file for two reasons:
// 1) To avoid the unmanaged jump that a call to CoInitialize() would do (it seems to detect a call to CoInitialize()/CoInitializeEx() but let's not rely on it)
// 2) To avoid mixing Windows API headers with .net
// See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24348205/how-do-i-solve-this-com-issue-in-c
//extern void uninitWPF(void);
// TODO https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5s8ee185%28v=vs.71%29.aspx use CoInitializeEx()?
// now do the rest of initialization on the managed side