351 lines
8.4 KiB
351 lines
8.4 KiB
// 9 june 2016
#include "test.h"
// TODOs:
// - GTK+ - make all expanding controls the same size, to match the other OSs? will they match the other OSs?
enum {
static const struct {
double r;
double g;
double b;
} colors[] = {
{ 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0.5, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 1, 0 },
{ 1, 1, 1 },
{ 1, 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0.65, 0 },
{ 0.5, 0, 0.5 },
{ 0, 1, 1 },
static uiControl *testControl(const char *label, int color)
uiColorButton *b;
b = uiNewColorButton();
uiColorButtonSetColor(b, colors[color].r, colors[color].g, colors[color].b, 1.0);
return uiControl(b);
static uiControl *simpleGrid(void)
uiGrid *g;
uiControl *t4;
g = newGrid();
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("1", red),
0, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("2", green),
1, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("3", blue),
2, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
t4 = testControl("4", green);
uiGridAppend(g, t4,
0, 1, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
uiGridInsertAt(g, testControl("5", blue),
t4, uiAtTrailing, 2, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("6", yellow),
-1, 0, 1, 2,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
return uiControl(g);
static uiControl *boxComparison(void)
uiBox *vbox;
uiGrid *g;
uiBox *hbox;
vbox = newVerticalBox();
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(uiNewLabel("Above")), 0);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(uiNewHorizontalSeparator()), 0);
hbox = newHorizontalBox();
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(hbox), 0);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, testControl("1", white), 0);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(uiNewLabel("A label")), 1);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, testControl("2", green), 0);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(uiNewLabel("Another label")), 1);
uiBoxAppend(hbox, testControl("3", red), 0);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(uiNewHorizontalSeparator()), 0);
g = newGrid();
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(g), 0);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("1", white),
0, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, uiControl(uiNewLabel("A label")),
1, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("2", green),
2, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, uiControl(uiNewLabel("Another label")),
3, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("3", red),
4, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(uiNewHorizontalSeparator()), 0);
uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(uiNewLabel("Below")), 0);
return uiControl(vbox);
static uiControl *emptyLine(void)
uiGrid *g;
g = newGrid();
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("(0, 0)", red),
0, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("(0, 1)", blue),
0, 1, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("(10, 0)", green),
10, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("(10, 1)", magenta),
10, 1, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
return uiControl(g);
static uiControl *emptyGrid(void)
uiGrid *g;
uiControl *t;
g = newGrid();
t = testControl("(0, 0)", red);
uiGridAppend(g, t,
0, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
return uiControl(g);
// TODO insert (need specialized insert/delete)
static uiControl *spanningGrid(void)
uiGrid *g;
g = newGrid();
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("0", blue),
0, 4, 4, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("1", green),
4, 0, 1, 4,
0, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("2", red),
3, 3, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("3", yellow),
0, 3, 2, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("4", orange),
3, 0, 1, 2,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("5", purple),
1, 1, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("6", white),
0, 1, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(g, testControl("7", cyan),
1, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
return uiControl(g);
// TODO make non-global
static uiButton *hideOne, *one, *showOne;
static void onHideOne(uiButton *b, void *data)
static void onShowOne(uiButton *b, void *data)
static void onHideAll(uiButton *b, void *data)
static void onShowAll(uiButton *b, void *data)
#define AT(x) static void onInsert ## x(uiButton *b, void *data) \
{ \
uiGrid *g = uiGrid(data); \
uiGridInsertAt(g, uiControl(uiNewButton("Button")), \
uiControl(b), uiAt ## x, 1, 1, \
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill); \
static uiControl *assorted(void)
uiGrid *outergrid;
uiGrid *innergrid;
uiButton *b;
outergrid = newGrid();
innergrid = newGrid();
one = uiNewButton("Test");
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(one),
1, 1, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
hideOne = uiNewButton("Hide One");
uiButtonOnClicked(hideOne, onHideOne, NULL);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(hideOne),
0, 1, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
showOne = uiNewButton("Show One");
uiButtonOnClicked(showOne, onShowOne, NULL);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(showOne),
2, 1, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
b = uiNewButton("Hide All");
uiButtonOnClicked(b, onHideAll, NULL);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(b),
1, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
b = uiNewButton("Show All");
uiButtonOnClicked(b, onShowAll, NULL);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(b),
1, 2, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(outergrid, uiControl(innergrid),
0, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
innergrid = newGrid();
b = uiNewButton("Insert Trailing");
uiButtonOnClicked(b, onInsertTrailing, innergrid);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(b),
0, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
b = uiNewButton("Insert Bottom");
uiButtonOnClicked(b, onInsertBottom, innergrid);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(b),
1, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
b = uiNewButton("Insert Leading");
uiButtonOnClicked(b, onInsertLeading, innergrid);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(b),
1, 1, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
b = uiNewButton("Insert Top");
uiButtonOnClicked(b, onInsertTop, innergrid);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(b),
0, 1, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(outergrid, uiControl(innergrid),
1, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
innergrid = newGrid();
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(uiNewColorButton()),
0, 0, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(uiNewColorButton()),
0, 1, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignStart, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(uiNewColorButton()),
0, 2, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignCenter, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(uiNewColorButton()),
0, 3, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignEnd, 0, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(outergrid, uiControl(innergrid),
0, 1, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
// TODO with only this, wrong size on OS X — expand sizing thing?
innergrid = newGrid();
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(uiNewColorButton()),
0, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(uiNewColorButton()),
1, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignStart);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(uiNewColorButton()),
2, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignCenter);
uiGridAppend(innergrid, uiControl(uiNewColorButton()),
3, 0, 1, 1,
0, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignEnd);
uiGridAppend(outergrid, uiControl(innergrid),
1, 1, 1, 1,
1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignFill);
return uiControl(outergrid);
static const struct {
const char *name;
uiControl *(*f)(void);
} pages[] = {
// based on GTK+ test/testgrid.c
{ "Simple Grid", simpleGrid },
{ "Box Comparison", boxComparison },
{ "Empty Line", emptyLine },
{ "Empty Grid", emptyGrid },
{ "Spanning Grid", spanningGrid },
// my own
{ "Assorted", assorted },
uiTab *makePage14(void)
uiTab *page14;
int i;
page14 = newTab();
for (i = 0; pages[i].name != NULL; i++)
return page14;