2015-04-24 12:59:49 -05:00
// 10 april 2015
# include "uipriv_windows.h"
// All controls in package ui are children of a window of this class.
// This keeps everything together, makes hiding controls en masse (tab page switching, for instance) easy, and makes the overall design cleaner.
// In addition, controls that are first created or don't have a parent are considered children of the "initial parent", which is also of this class.
// This parent is invisible, disabled, and should not be interacted with.
// TODOs
// - wiith CTLCOLOR handler: [12:24] <ZeroOne> There's flickering between tabs
// - with CTLCOLOR handler: [12:24] <ZeroOne> And setting the button text blanked out the entire GUI until I ran my mouse over the elements / [12:25] <ZeroOne> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15144168/GUI%20stuff.png / [12:41] <ZeroOne> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15144168/stack.png here have another screenshot
// - I get this too
static void paintControlBackground ( HWND hwnd , HDC dc )
HWND parent ;
RECT r ;
POINT pOrig ;
int class ;
DWORD le ;
parent = hwnd ;
for ( ; ; ) {
2015-04-30 16:39:20 -05:00
parent = GetAncestor ( parent , GA_PARENT ) ;
2015-04-24 12:59:49 -05:00
// wine sends these messages early, yay...
if ( parent = = initialOSContainer )
return ;
// skip groupboxes; they're (supposed to be) transparent
// skip uiOSContainers for reasons described below
class = windowClassOf ( parent , L " button " , uiOSContainerClass , NULL ) ;
if ( class ! = 0 & & class ! = 1 )
break ;
if ( GetWindowRect ( hwnd , & r ) = = 0 )
logLastError ( " error getting control's window rect in paintControlBackground() " ) ;
// the above is a window rect in screen coordinates; convert to parent coordinates
SetLastError ( 0 ) ;
if ( MapWindowRect ( NULL , parent , & r ) = = 0 ) {
le = GetLastError ( ) ;
SetLastError ( le ) ; // just to be safe
if ( le ! = 0 )
logLastError ( " error getting client origin of control in paintControlBackground() " ) ;
if ( SetWindowOrgEx ( dc , r . left , r . top , & pOrig ) = = 0 )
logLastError ( " error moving window origin in paintControlBackground() " ) ;
SendMessageW ( parent , WM_PRINTCLIENT , ( WPARAM ) dc , PRF_CLIENT ) ;
if ( SetWindowOrgEx ( dc , pOrig . x , pOrig . y , NULL ) = = 0 )
logLastError ( " error resetting window origin in paintControlBackground() " ) ;
static LRESULT CALLBACK parentWndProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
uiOSContainer * p ;
struct parent * pp ;
HWND control ;
NMHDR * nm = ( NMHDR * ) lParam ;
WINDOWPOS * wp = ( WINDOWPOS * ) lParam ;
RECT r , margin ;
HDC dc ;
// these must always be executed, even on the initial parent
// why? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2010/03/16/9979112.aspx
switch ( uMsg ) {
2015-05-04 19:36:33 -05:00
2015-04-24 12:59:49 -05:00
// these are only executed on actual parents
p = ( uiOSContainer * ) GetWindowLongPtrW ( hwnd , GWLP_USERDATA ) ;
if ( p = = NULL ) {
if ( uMsg = = WM_NCCREATE ) {
p = ( uiOSContainer * ) ( cs - > lpCreateParams ) ;
// this will be NULL for the initial parent; that's what we want
SetWindowLongPtrW ( hwnd , GWLP_USERDATA , ( LONG_PTR ) p ) ;
// fall through to DefWindowProcW()
// this is the return the initial parent will always use
return DefWindowProcW ( hwnd , uMsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
pp = ( struct parent * ) ( p - > Internal ) ;
switch ( uMsg ) {
if ( ! pp - > canDestroy )
complain ( " attempt to destroy uiOSContainer at %p before uiOSContainerDestroy() " , p ) ;
uiFree ( p - > Internal ) ;
uiFree ( p ) ;
break ; // fall through to DefWindowPocW()
case WM_PAINT :
dc = BeginPaint ( pp - > hwnd , & ps ) ;
if ( dc = = NULL )
logLastError ( " TODO write this " ) ;
paintControlBackground ( pp - > hwnd , dc ) ;
EndPaint ( pp - > hwnd , & ps ) ;
return 0 ;
// don't implement WM_PRINTCLIENT
// if paintControlBackground() asks us to draw our background, we have to ask our parent to draw its, which causes weird origin issues
// instead, we skip uiOSContainers in paintControlBackground()
return DefWindowProcW ( hwnd , uMsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
static void parentDestroy ( uiOSContainer * pp )
struct parent * p = ( struct parent * ) ( pp - > Internal ) ;
// first destroy the main control, if any
if ( p - > mainControl ! = NULL ) {
// we have to do this before we can destroy controls
uiControlSetOSContainer ( p - > mainControl , NULL ) ;
uiControlDestroy ( p - > mainControl ) ;
p - > mainControl = NULL ;
// then mark that we are ready to destroy
p - > canDestroy = TRUE ;
// and finally destroy
if ( DestroyWindow ( p - > hwnd ) = = 0 )
logLastError ( " error destroying uiOSContainer window in parentDestroy() " ) ;
static uintptr_t parentHandle ( uiOSContainer * p )
struct parent * pp = ( struct parent * ) ( p - > Internal ) ;
return ( uintptr_t ) ( pp - > hwnd ) ;
static void parentSetMainControl ( uiOSContainer * pp , uiControl * mainControl )
struct parent * p = ( struct parent * ) ( pp - > Internal ) ;
if ( p - > mainControl ! = NULL )
uiControlSetOSContainer ( p - > mainControl , NULL ) ;
p - > mainControl = mainControl ;
if ( p - > mainControl ! = NULL )
uiControlSetOSContainer ( p - > mainControl , pp ) ;
static void parentSetMargins ( uiOSContainer * p , intmax_t left , intmax_t top , intmax_t right , intmax_t bottom )
struct parent * pp = ( struct parent * ) ( p - > Internal ) ;
pp - > marginLeft = left ;
pp - > marginTop = top ;
pp - > marginRight = right ;
pp - > marginBottom = bottom ;
static void parentUpdate ( uiOSContainer * p )
struct parent * pp = ( struct parent * ) ( p - > Internal ) ;
SendMessageW ( pp - > hwnd , msgUpdateChild , 0 , 0 ) ;
uiOSContainer * uiNewOSContainer ( uintptr_t osOSContainer )
uiOSContainer * p ;
struct parent * pp ;
p = uiNew ( uiOSContainer ) ;
p - > Internal = uiNew ( struct parent ) ; // set now in case the parent class window procedure uses it
pp = ( struct parent * ) ( p - > Internal ) ;
pp - > hwnd = CreateWindowExW ( 0 ,
uiOSContainerClass , L " " ,
0 , 0 ,
0 , 0 ,
( HWND ) osOSContainer , NULL , hInstance , p ) ;
if ( pp - > hwnd = = NULL )
logLastError ( " error creating uiOSContainer window in uiNewOSContainer() " ) ;
p - > Destroy = parentDestroy ;
p - > Handle = parentHandle ;
p - > SetMainControl = parentSetMainControl ;
p - > SetMargins = parentSetMargins ;
p - > Update = parentUpdate ;
return p ;