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// 6 april 2015
#include "tablepriv.h"
// Common code for controls with a single window handle.
// The only method NOT defined is preferredSize(); this differs between controls.
#define S(c) ((uiSingleHWNDControl *) (c))
static uintptr_t singleHandle(uiControl *c)
return (uintptr_t) (S(c)->hwnd);
void singleSetParent(uiControl *c, uintptr_t parentHWND)
if (SetParent(S(c)->hwnd, (HWND) parentHWND) == NULL)
logLastError("error changing control parent in singleSetParent()");
static void singleResize(uiControl *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height, uiSizing *d)
if (MoveWindow(S(c)->hwnd, x, y, width, height, TRUE) == 0)
logLastError("error moving control in singleResize()");
static void singleContainerShow(uiControl *c)
ShowWindow(S(c)->hwnd, SW_SHOW);
static void singleContainerHide(uiControl *c)
ShowWindow(S(c)->hwnd, SW_HIDE);
uiSingleHWNDControl *newSingleHWNDControl(DWORD exstyle, const WCHAR *class, DWORD style, HINSTANCE hInstance)
uiSingleHWNDControl *c;
c = uiNew(uiSingleHWNDControl);
c->hwnd = CreateWindowExW(exstyle,
class, L"",
0, 0,
100, 100,
// TODO specify control IDs properly
initialParent, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
if (c->hwnd == NULL)
logLastError("error creating control in newSingleHWNDControl()");
c->control.handle = singleHandle;
c->control.setParent = singleSetParent;
c->control.resize = singleResize;
c->control.containerShow = singleContainerShow;
c->control.containerHide = singleContainerHide;
return c;