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50 lines
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// 8 august 2015
import Cocoa
func mkconstraints(constraint: String, metrics: [String: CGFloat]?, views: [String: NSView]) -> [AnyObject] {
return NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(
options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(0),
metrics: metrics,
views: views)
// the swift bridge isn't perfect; it won't recognize these properly
// thanks to Eridius in freenode/#swift-lang
let myNSLayoutPriorityRequired: NSLayoutPriority = 1000
let myNSLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh: NSLayoutPriority = 750
let myNSLayoutPriorityDragThatCanResizeWindow: NSLayoutPriority = 510
let myNSLayoutPriorityWindowSizeStayPut: NSLayoutPriority = 500
let myNSLayoutPriorityDragThatCannotResizeWindow: NSLayoutPriority = 490
let myNSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow: NSLayoutPriority = 250
let myNSLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression: NSLayoutPriority = 50
func horzHuggingPri(view: NSView) -> NSLayoutPriority {
return view.contentHuggingPriorityForOrientation(NSLayoutConstraintOrientation.Horizontal)
func vertHuggingPri(view: NSView) -> NSLayoutPriority {
return view.contentHuggingPriorityForOrientation(NSLayoutConstraintOrientation.Vertical)
func setHuggingPri(view: NSView, priority: NSLayoutPriority, orientation: NSLayoutConstraintOrientation) {
view.setContentHuggingPriority(priority, forOrientation: orientation)
func setHorzHuggingPri(view: NSView, priority: NSLayoutPriority) {
setHuggingPri(view, priority, NSLayoutConstraintOrientation.Horizontal)
func setVertHuggingPri(view: NSView, priority: NSLayoutPriority) {
setHuggingPri(view, priority, NSLayoutConstraintOrientation.Vertical)
// use the fitting size, not the intrinsic content size, for the case of recursive views without an intrinsic content size
func fittingAlignmentSize(view: NSView) -> NSSize {
var s = view.fittingSize
// the fitting size is for a frame rect; we need an alignment rect
var r = NSMakeRect(0, 0, s.width, s.height)
r = view.alignmentRectForFrame(r)
return r.size