package models import ( "time" "" "" "regexp" "html" "strings" "fmt" //. "" ) type Page struct { Page_id string Wiki_id string Path string Title string Create_user string Readacl string Writeacl string Adminacl string Stopinheritation bool Index int Depth int Status string Modified time.Time MatchedPermissions []string Loaded bool `json:"loaded"` } // Sets modified time // Updates depth automatically func (p *Page) Save(save_activity bool) { revel.TRACE.Printf("Page Save(): %+v", p) db := get_db() defer db.Close() // Update depth update_depth(p) p.Modified = time.Now() _, err := db.Exec("insert into pages(page_id, wiki_id, path, title, create_user, readacl, writeacl, adminacl, stopinheritation, index, depth, modified, status) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13)", p.Page_id, p.Wiki_id, p.Path, p.Title, p.Create_user, p.Readacl, p.Writeacl, p.Adminacl, p.Stopinheritation, p.Index, p.Depth, p.Modified, p.Status ) if err != nil { revel.ERROR.Printf("Page Save(): failed with %+v", err) } if save_activity { SaveActivity(p) } } // Wiki id, one page id, path // The pages in path must either exist in database or match given single id (in case target is not already in database) func valid_path(w string, me string, p string) bool { valid := true split_path := strings.Split(p, "/") for _, part := range split_path { x := GetPage(w, part) if part != me && x.Page_id != part { valid = false } } return valid } func (p *Page) Validate(v *revel.Validation) { // Required fields v.Required(p.Page_id) v.Required(p.Wiki_id) v.Required(p.Path) v.Required(p.Title) // Match against regexp patterns v.Match(p.Wiki_id, regexp.MustCompile("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}")).Message("Wiki_id not UUID?") v.Match(p.Page_id, regexp.MustCompile("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}")).Message("Page_id not UUID?") // Escape HTML from the fields that might be rendered to users p.Title = html.EscapeString(p.Title) // Validate Path v.Required(valid_path(p.Wiki_id, p.Page_id, p.Path)).Message(fmt.Sprintf("Path is probably invalid: %+v", p.Path)) } func has_children(page Page) bool { result := false pages := Get_children(page) if len(pages) > 0 { result = true } return result } // Only the next level func Get_children(page Page) []Page { revel.TRACE.Printf("Page Get_children(): %+v", page) pages := []Page{} db := get_db() defer db.Close() path := page.Path + "/%" db.Select(&pages, "select * from pages p1 where p1.status='ACTIVE' and not exists (select * from pages p2 where p1.wiki_id=p2.wiki_id and p1.page_id=p2.page_id and p2.modified>p1.modified) and p1.path like $1 and p1.depth=$2 order by index", path, page.Depth + 1) return pages } // Used only from Wiki.Delete() func DeletePages(wiki string, user string) { revel.TRACE.Printf("Page DeletePages(): wiki %+v, user %+v", wiki, user) pages := []Page{} db := get_db() defer db.Close() db.Select(&pages, "select * from pages p1 where p1.status='ACTIVE' and p1.wiki_id=uuid_in($1) and not exists (select * from pages p2 where p1.wiki_id=p2.wiki_id and p1.page_id=p2.page_id and p2.modified>p1.modified)", wiki) for _, page := range pages { DeletePage(wiki, page.Page_id, user, false) } } func ListPages(wiki_id string, node string) []Page { revel.TRACE.Printf("ListPages() wiki_id: %+v, node: %+v", wiki_id, node) pages := []Page{} db := get_db() defer db.Close() if len(node) > 0 { // Get the parent, and find what's under it - if anything p := GetPage(wiki_id, node) path := p.Path + "/%" depth := p.Depth + 1 db.Select(&pages, "select * from pages p1 where p1.status='ACTIVE' and not exists (select * from pages p2 where p1.wiki_id=p2.wiki_id and p1.page_id=p2.page_id and p2.modified>p1.modified) and p1.path like $1 and p1.depth=$2", path, depth) } else { db.Select(&pages, "select * from pages p1 where p1.status='ACTIVE' and p1.wiki_id=uuid_in($1) and p1.depth=0 and not exists (select * from pages p2 where p1.wiki_id=p2.wiki_id and p1.page_id=p2.page_id and p2.modified>p1.modified)", wiki_id) } // Update children status for x, _ := range pages { pages[x].Loaded = !has_children(pages[x]) revel.TRACE.Printf("Page %+v children: %+v", pages[x], has_children(pages[x])) } revel.TRACE.Printf("ListPages returning %+v", pages) return pages } func DeletePage(wiki_id string, page_id string, user string, save_activity bool) { revel.TRACE.Printf("DeletePage() wiki: %+v, page: %+v, user: %+v", wiki_id, page_id, user) page := GetPage(wiki_id, page_id) pages := Get_children(page) // For looping pages = append(pages, page) for _, p := range pages { if p.Wiki_id != "" { p.Status = "DELETED" p.Create_user = user p.Save(save_activity) // Delete ContentField too cf := GetContent(p.Wiki_id, p.Page_id, nil) cf.Status = "DELETED" cf.Create_user = user cf.Save(save_activity) } } } func GetPage(wiki_id string, page_id string) Page { revel.TRACE.Printf("Page GetPage(): page: %+v wiki: %+v", page_id, wiki_id) pages := []Page{} page := Page{} db := get_db() defer db.Close() db.Select(&pages, "select * from pages p1 where p1.wiki_id=uuid_in($1) and p1.page_id=uuid_in($2) and p1.status='ACTIVE' and not exists (select * from pages p2 where p1.wiki_id=p2.wiki_id and p1.page_id=p2.page_id and p2.modified>p1.modified)", wiki_id, page_id) if len(pages)>0 { page = pages[0] } return page } func GetPageAllStatuses(wiki_id string, page_id string) Page { revel.TRACE.Printf("Page GetPageAllStatuses(): page: %+v wiki: %+v", page_id, wiki_id) pages := []Page{} page := Page{} db := get_db() defer db.Close() db.Select(&pages, "select * from pages p1 where p1.wiki_id=uuid_in($1) and p1.page_id=uuid_in($2) and not exists (select * from pages p2 where p1.wiki_id=p2.wiki_id and p1.page_id=p2.page_id and p2.modified>p1.modified)", wiki_id, page_id) if len(pages)>0 { page = pages[0] } return page } func update_depth(page *Page) { split := strings.Split(page.Path, "/") page.Depth = len(split) - 1 } // ACL stuff // Build ACL entry for reference func (p Page) BuildACLEntry(reference string) acl.ACLEntry { revel.TRACE.Printf("BuildACLEntry() %+v", reference) var entry acl.ACLEntry if reference != ("page:"+p.Wiki_id+"/"+p.Page_id) { if strings.Index(reference, "page") == 0 { // We are not working on this copy, get from database re := regexp.MustCompile("page:([^/]*)/(.*)") m := re.FindStringSubmatch(reference) wref := m[1] pref := m[2] pa := GetPage(wref, pref) entry = entry_helper(pa.Readacl, pa.Writeacl, pa.Adminacl, reference, pa) } else { // This must be wiki! re := regexp.MustCompile("wiki:(.*)") ref := re.FindStringSubmatch(reference)[1] wi := GetWiki(ref) entry = entry_helper(wi.Readacl, wi.Writeacl, wi.Adminacl, reference, wi) } } else { // It's exactly the originating item! entry = entry_helper(p.Readacl, p.Writeacl, p.Adminacl, reference, p) } return entry } // Set the matched permissions to a variable func (p Page) SetMatched(permissions []string) interface{} { p.MatchedPermissions = permissions return p } // Building parent information func (p Page) BuildACLParent() string { if p.Depth==0 { return "wiki:"+p.Wiki_id } else { pslice := strings.Split(p.Path, "/") return "page:"+p.Wiki_id + "/" + pslice[len(pslice)-2] } } // Wiki+page ids... func (p Page) BuildACLReference() string { return "page:"+p.Wiki_id+"/"+p.Page_id } // Set on data func (p Page) BuildACLInheritation() bool { return !p.Stopinheritation }