mirror of https://github.com/mikkolehtisalo/iw.git
160 lines
4.3 KiB
160 lines
4.3 KiB
package models
import (
type Wiki struct {
Wiki_id string
Title string
Description string
Create_user string
Readacl string
Writeacl string
Adminacl string
Status string
Modified time.Time
MatchedPermissions []string
Favorite bool
// Sets the modified timestamp
func (w *Wiki) Save(save_activity bool) {
revel.TRACE.Printf("Wiki Save(): %+v", w)
db := get_db()
defer db.Close()
w.Modified = time.Now()
_, err := db.Exec("insert into wikis(wiki_id, title, description, create_user, readacl, writeacl, adminacl, status, modified) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)",
w.Wiki_id, w.Title, w.Description, w.Create_user, w.Readacl, w.Writeacl, w.Adminacl, w.Status, w.Modified)
if err != nil {
revel.ERROR.Printf("Wiki Save(): error %+v", err)
if save_activity {
func (w *Wiki) Validate(v *revel.Validation) {
// Required fields
// Match against regexp patterns
v.Match(w.Wiki_id, regexp.MustCompile("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}")).Message("Not UUID?")
// Escape HTML from the fields that might be rendered to users
w.Description = html.EscapeString(w.Description)
w.Title = html.EscapeString(w.Title)
w.Readacl = html.EscapeString(w.Readacl)
w.Writeacl = html.EscapeString(w.Writeacl)
w.Adminacl = html.EscapeString(w.Adminacl)
//All ACTIVE Wikis
func ListWikis() []Wiki {
wikis := []Wiki{}
db := get_db()
defer db.Close()
err := db.Select(&wikis, "select * from wikis w1 where not exists (select * from wikis w2 where w2.modified>w1.modified and w1.wiki_id=w2.wiki_id) and status='ACTIVE'")
if err != nil {
revel.ERROR.Printf("ListWikis() err: %+v", err)
revel.TRACE.Printf("ListWikis() returning %+v", wikis)
return wikis
//Newest ACTIVE version of wiki
func GetWiki(id string) Wiki {
revel.TRACE.Printf("GetWiki() %+v", id)
wikis := []Wiki{}
wiki := Wiki{}
db := get_db()
defer db.Close()
err := db.Select(&wikis, "select * from wikis w1 where w1.wiki_id=uuid_in($1) and w1.status='ACTIVE' and not exists (select * from wikis w2 where w1.wiki_id=w2.wiki_id and w2.modified>w1.modified)", id)
if err != nil {
revel.ERROR.Printf("GetWiki(): error %+v", err)
if len(wikis)>0 {
wiki = wikis[0]
revel.TRACE.Printf("GetWiki() returning %+v", wiki)
return wiki
// Goodbye, wiki!
func (w Wiki) Delete(user string) {
revel.TRACE.Printf("Wiki Delete() user: %+v", user)
w.Status = "DELETED"
w.Create_user = user
DeletePages(w.Wiki_id, user)
DeleteContentFields(w.Wiki_id, user)
DeleteAttachments(w.Wiki_id, user)
// ACL stuff
// ---------
// Build ACL entry for reference
func (w Wiki) BuildACLEntry(reference string) acl.ACLEntry {
entry := acl.ACLEntry{}
tgt := w
if reference != ("wiki:"+w.Wiki_id) {
// We are not working on this copy, get from database
re := regexp.MustCompile("wiki:(.*)")
ref := re.FindStringSubmatch(reference)[1]
tgt = GetWiki(ref)
// Build the ACL from tgt
read_acl := acl.BuildPermissionACLs("read", strings.Split(tgt.Readacl, ","))
write_acl := acl.BuildPermissionACLs("write", strings.Split(tgt.Writeacl, ","))
admin_acl := acl.BuildPermissionACLs("admin", strings.Split(tgt.Adminacl, ","))
acls := append(read_acl, write_acl...)
acls = append(acls, admin_acl...)
entry.ObjReference = reference
entry.ACLs = acls
entry.Inheritation = tgt.BuildACLInheritation()
entry.Parent = tgt.BuildACLParent()
return entry
// Set the matched permissions to a variable
func (w Wiki) SetMatched(permissions []string) interface{} {
w.MatchedPermissions = permissions
return w
// Just append type to the id
func (w Wiki) BuildACLReference() string {
return "wiki:"+w.Wiki_id
// No wiki inherits ACL
func (w Wiki) BuildACLInheritation() bool {
return false
// No wiki has parent
func (w Wiki) BuildACLParent() string {
return ""