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package pixel
import (
// Drawer is anything that can be drawn. It's by no means a drawer inside your table.
// Drawer consists of a single method: Draw. Draw methods takes any number of Transform arguments. It applies these
// transforms in the reverse order and finally draws something transformed by these transforms.
// Example:
// // object is a drawer
// object.Draw(pixel.Position(pixel.V(100, 100).Rotate(math.Pi / 2)))
// camera := pixel.Camera(pixel.V(0, 0), pixel.V(500, 500), pixel.V(window.Size()))
// object.Draw(camera, pixel.Position(0).Scale(0.5))
type Drawer interface {
Draw(t ...Transform)
// PolygonColor is a polygon shape filled with a single color.
type PolygonColor struct {
parent pixelgl.Doer
color color.Color
points []Vec
va *pixelgl.VertexArray
// NewPolygonColor creates a new polygon shape filled with a single color. Parent is an object that this shape belongs to,
// such as a window, or a graphical effect.
func NewPolygonColor(parent pixelgl.Doer, c color.Color, points ...Vec) *PolygonColor {
pc := &PolygonColor{
parent: parent,
color: c,
points: points,
var format pixelgl.VertexFormat
parent.Do(func(ctx pixelgl.Context) {
format = ctx.Shader().VertexFormat()
var err error
pc.va, err = pixelgl.NewVertexArray(parent, format, pixelgl.TriangleFanDrawMode, pixelgl.DynamicUsage, len(points))
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create polygon"))
for i, p := range points {
pc.va.SetVertexAttributeVec2(i, pixelgl.Position, mgl32.Vec2{float32(p.X()), float32(p.Y())})
pc.va.SetVertexAttributeVec4(i, pixelgl.Color, mgl32.Vec4{1, 1, 1, 1})
return pc
// Count returns the number of points in a polygon.
func (pc *PolygonColor) Count() int {
return len(pc.points)
// SetColor changes the color of a polygon to c.
func (pc *PolygonColor) SetColor(c color.Color) {
pc.color = c
// Color returns the current color of a polygon.
func (pc *PolygonColor) Color() color.Color {
return pc.color
// SetPoint changes the position of a point in a polygon.
// If the index is out of range, this function panics.
func (pc *PolygonColor) SetPoint(i int, point Vec) {
pc.points[i] = point
pc.va.SetVertexAttributeVec2(i, pixelgl.Position, mgl32.Vec2{float32(point.X()), float32(point.Y())})
// Point returns the position of a point in a polygon.
// If the index is out of range, this function panics.
func (pc *PolygonColor) Point(i int) Vec {
return pc.points[i]
// Draw draws a polygon transformed by the supplied transforms applied in the reverse order.
func (pc *PolygonColor) Draw(t ...Transform) {
mat := mgl32.Ident3()
for i := range t {
mat = mat.Mul3(t[i].Mat3())
var shader *pixelgl.Shader
pc.parent.Do(func(ctx pixelgl.Context) {
shader = ctx.Shader()
r, g, b, a := colorToRGBA(pc.color)
shader.SetUniformVec4(pixelgl.MaskColor, mgl32.Vec4{r, g, b, a})
shader.SetUniformMat3(pixelgl.Transform, mat)
shader.SetUniformInt(pixelgl.IsTexture, 0)