160 lines
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160 lines
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package pixel
import (
// Vec is a 2D vector type. It is unusually implemented as complex128 for convenience. Since
// Go does not allow operator overloading, implementing vector as a struct leads to a bunch of
// methods for addition, subtraction and multiplication of vectors. With complex128, much of
// this functionality is given through operators.
// Create vectors with the V constructor:
// u := pixel.V(1, 2)
// v := pixel.V(8, -3)
// Add and subtract them using the standard + and - operators:
// w := u + v
// fmt.Println(w) // Vec(9, -1)
// fmt.Println(u - v) // Vec(-7, 5)
// Additional standard vector operations can be obtained with methods:
// u := pixel.V(2, 3)
// v := pixel.V(8, 1)
// if u.X() < 0 {
// fmt.Println("this won't happen")
// }
// x := u.Unit().Dot(v.Unit())
type Vec complex128
// V returns a new 2d vector with the given coordinates.
func V(x, y float64) Vec {
return Vec(complex(x, y))
// String returns the string representation of the vector u.
// u := pixel.V(4.5, -1.3)
// u.String() // returns "Vec(4.5, -1.3)"
// fmt.Println(u) // Vec(4.5, -1.3)
func (u Vec) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Vec(%v, %v)", u.X(), u.Y())
// X returns the x coordinate of the vector u.
func (u Vec) X() float64 {
return real(u)
// Y returns the y coordinate of the vector u.
func (u Vec) Y() float64 {
return imag(u)
// XY returns the components of the vector in two return values.
func (u Vec) XY() (x, y float64) {
return real(u), imag(u)
// Len returns the length of the vector u.
func (u Vec) Len() float64 {
return cmplx.Abs(complex128(u))
// Angle returns the angle between the vector u and the x-axis. The result is in the range [-Pi, Pi].
func (u Vec) Angle() float64 {
return cmplx.Phase(complex128(u))
// Unit returns a vector of length 1 with the same angle as u.
func (u Vec) Unit() Vec {
return u / V(u.Len(), 0)
// Scaled returns the vector u multiplied by c.
func (u Vec) Scaled(c float64) Vec {
return u * V(c, 0)
// Rotated returns the vector u rotated by the given angle in radians.
func (u Vec) Rotated(angle float64) Vec {
sin, cos := math.Sincos(angle)
return u * V(cos, sin)
// Dot returns the dot product of vectors u and v.
func (u Vec) Dot(v Vec) float64 {
return u.X()*v.X() + u.Y()*v.Y()
// Cross return the cross product of vectors u and v.
func (u Vec) Cross(v Vec) float64 {
return u.X()*v.Y() - v.X()*u.Y()
// Rect is a 2D rectangle aligned with the axes of the coordinate system. It has a position
// and a size.
// You can manipulate the position and the size using the usual vector operations.
type Rect struct {
Pos, Size Vec
// R returns a new Rect with given position (x, y) and size (w, h).
func R(x, y, w, h float64) Rect {
return Rect{
Pos: V(x, y),
Size: V(w, h),
// String returns the string representation of the rectangle.
// r := pixel.R(100, 50, 200, 300)
// r.String() // returns "Rect(100, 50, 200, 300)"
// fmt.Println(r) // Rect(100, 50, 200, 300)
func (r Rect) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Rect(%v, %v, %v, %v)", r.X(), r.Y(), r.W(), r.H())
// X returns the x coordinate of the position of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) X() float64 {
return r.Pos.X()
// Y returns the y coordinate of the position of the rectangle
func (r Rect) Y() float64 {
return r.Pos.Y()
// W returns the width of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) W() float64 {
return r.Size.X()
// H returns the height of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) H() float64 {
return r.Size.Y()
// XYWH returns all of the four components of the rectangle in four return values.
func (r Rect) XYWH() (x, y, w, h float64) {
return r.X(), r.Y(), r.W(), r.H()
// Center returns the position of the center of the rectangle.
func (r Rect) Center() Vec {
return r.Pos + r.Size.Scaled(0.5)
// Contains checks whether a vector u is contained within this Rect (including it's borders).
func (r Rect) Contains(u Vec) bool {
min, max := r.Pos, r.Pos+r.Size
return min.X() <= u.X() && u.X() <= max.X() && min.Y() <= u.Y() && u.Y() <= max.Y()