
295 lines
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package pixel
import (
// Sprite is a drawable Picture. It's always anchored by the center of it's Picture.
type Sprite struct {
tri *TrianglesData
bounds Rect
d Drawer
// NewSprite creates a Sprite from the supplied Picture.
func NewSprite(pic Picture) *Sprite {
tri := MakeTrianglesData(6)
s := &Sprite{
tri: tri,
d: Drawer{Triangles: tri},
return s
// SetPicture changes the Sprite's Picture. The new Picture may have a different size, everything
// works.
func (s *Sprite) SetPicture(pic Picture) {
s.d.Picture = pic
if s.bounds == pic.Bounds() {
s.bounds = pic.Bounds()
var (
center = s.bounds.Center()
horizontal = X(s.bounds.W() / 2)
vertical = Y(s.bounds.H() / 2)
(*s.tri)[0].Position = -horizontal - vertical
(*s.tri)[1].Position = +horizontal - vertical
(*s.tri)[2].Position = +horizontal + vertical
(*s.tri)[3].Position = -horizontal - vertical
(*s.tri)[4].Position = +horizontal + vertical
(*s.tri)[5].Position = -horizontal + vertical
for i := range *s.tri {
(*s.tri)[i].Color = NRGBA{1, 1, 1, 1}
(*s.tri)[i].Picture = center + (*s.tri)[i].Position
(*s.tri)[i].Intensity = 1
// Picture returns the current Sprite's Picture.
func (s *Sprite) Picture() Picture {
return s.d.Picture
// Draw draws the Sprite onto the provided Target.
func (s *Sprite) Draw(t Target) {
// IMDraw is an immediate-like-mode shape drawer.
// TODO: mode doc
type IMDraw struct {
points []point
opts point
matrix Matrix
mask NRGBA
tri *TrianglesData
batch *Batch
tmp []Vec
var _ BasicTarget = (*IMDraw)(nil)
type point struct {
pos Vec
pic Vec
in float64
width float64
precision int
endshape EndShape
// EndShape specifies the shape of an end of a line or a curve.
type EndShape int
const (
// SharpEndShape is a square end shape.
SharpEndShape EndShape = iota
// RoundEndShape is a circular end shape.
// NewIMDraw creates a new empty IMDraw. An optional Picture can be used to draw with a Picture.
// If you just want to draw primitive shapes, pass nil as the Picture.
func NewIMDraw(pic Picture) *IMDraw {
tri := &TrianglesData{}
im := &IMDraw{
tri: tri,
batch: NewBatch(tri, pic),
im.SetColorMask(NRGBA{1, 1, 1, 1})
return im
// Clear removes all drawn shapes from the IM. This does not remove Pushed points.
func (imd *IMDraw) Clear() {
// Reset restores all point properties to defaults and removes all Pushed points.
// This does not affect matrix and color mask set by SetMatrix and SetColorMask.
func (imd *IMDraw) Reset() {
imd.points = nil
imd.opts = point{}
// Draw draws all currently drawn shapes inside the IM onto another Target.
func (imd *IMDraw) Draw(t Target) {
// Push adds some points to the IM queue. All Pushed points will have the same properties except for
// the position.
func (imd *IMDraw) Push(pts ...Vec) {
point := imd.opts
for _, pt := range pts {
point.pos = imd.matrix.Project(pt)
point.col = imd.mask.Mul(imd.opts.col)
imd.points = append(imd.points, point)
// Color sets the color of the next Pushed points.
func (imd *IMDraw) Color(color color.Color) {
imd.opts.col = NRGBAModel.Convert(color).(NRGBA)
// Picture sets the Picture coordinates of the next Pushed points.
func (imd *IMDraw) Picture(pic Vec) {
imd.opts.pic = pic
// Intensity sets the picture Intensity of the next Pushed points.
func (imd *IMDraw) Intensity(in float64) {
imd.opts.in = in
// Width sets the with property of the next Pushed points.
// Note that this property does not apply to filled shapes.
func (imd *IMDraw) Width(w float64) {
imd.opts.width = w
// Precision sets the curve/circle drawing precision of the next Pushed points.
// It is the number of segments per 360 degrees.
func (imd *IMDraw) Precision(p int) {
imd.opts.precision = p
if p+1 > len(imd.tmp) {
imd.tmp = append(imd.tmp, make([]Vec, p+1-len(imd.tmp))...)
if p+1 < len(imd.tmp) {
imd.tmp = imd.tmp[:p+1]
// EndShape sets the endshape of the next Pushed points.
func (imd *IMDraw) EndShape(es EndShape) {
imd.opts.endshape = es
// SetMatrix sets a Matrix that all further points will be transformed by.
func (imd *IMDraw) SetMatrix(m Matrix) {
imd.matrix = m
// SetColorMask sets a color that all futher point's color will be multiplied by.
func (imd *IMDraw) SetColorMask(color color.Color) {
imd.mask = NRGBAModel.Convert(color).(NRGBA)
// MakeTriangles returns a specialized copy of the provided Triangles that draws onto this IMDraw.
func (imd *IMDraw) MakeTriangles(t Triangles) TargetTriangles {
return imd.batch.MakeTriangles(t)
// MakePicture returns a specialized copy of the provided Picture that draws onto this IMDraw.
func (imd *IMDraw) MakePicture(p Picture) TargetPicture {
return imd.batch.MakePicture(p)
// FillConvexPolygon takes all points Pushed into the IM's queue and fills the convex polygon formed
// by them.
// The polygon does not need to be exactly convex. The way it's drawn is that for each two adjacent
// points, a triangle is constructed from those two points and the first Pushed point. You can use
// this property to draw specific concave polygons.
func (imd *IMDraw) FillConvexPolygon() {
points := imd.points
imd.points = nil
if len(points) < 3 {
i := imd.tri.Len()
imd.tri.SetLen(imd.tri.Len() + 3*(len(points)-2))
for j := 1; j+1 < len(points); j++ {
(*imd.tri)[i].Position = points[0].pos
(*imd.tri)[i].Color = points[0].col
(*imd.tri)[i].Picture = points[0].pic
(*imd.tri)[i].Intensity = points[0].in
(*imd.tri)[i+1].Position = points[j].pos
(*imd.tri)[i+1].Color = points[j].col
(*imd.tri)[i+1].Picture = points[j].pic
(*imd.tri)[i+1].Intensity = points[j].in
(*imd.tri)[i+2].Position = points[j+1].pos
(*imd.tri)[i+2].Color = points[j+1].col
(*imd.tri)[i+2].Picture = points[j+1].pic
(*imd.tri)[i+2].Intensity = points[j+1].in
i += 3
// FillCircle draws a filled circle around each point in the IM's queue.
func (imd *IMDraw) FillCircle(radius float64) {
imd.FillEllipseArc(V(radius, radius), 0, 2*math.Pi)
// FillCircleArc draws a filled circle arc around each point in the IM's queue.
func (imd *IMDraw) FillCircleArc(radius, low, high float64) {
imd.FillEllipseArc(V(radius, radius), low, high)
// FillEllipse draws a filled ellipse around each point in the IM's queue.
func (imd *IMDraw) FillEllipse(radius Vec) {
imd.FillEllipseArc(radius, 0, 2*math.Pi)
// FillEllipseArc draws a filled ellipse arc around each point in the IM's queue. Low and high
// angles are in radians.
func (imd *IMDraw) FillEllipseArc(radius Vec, low, high float64) {
points := imd.points
imd.points = nil
// normalize high
if math.Abs(high-low) > 2*math.Pi {
high = low + math.Mod(high-low, 2*math.Pi)
for _, pt := range points {
imd.Push(pt.pos) // center
num := math.Ceil(math.Abs(high-low) / (2 * math.Pi) * float64(pt.precision))
delta := (high - low) / num
for i := range imd.tmp[:int(num)+1] {
angle := low + float64(i)*delta
sin, cos := math.Sincos(angle)
imd.tmp[i] = pt.pos + V(