297 lines
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297 lines
7.7 KiB
package pixel
import (
// TrianglesData specifies a list of Triangles vertices with three common properties:
// TrianglesPosition, TrianglesColor and TrianglesPicture.
type TrianglesData []struct {
Position Vec
Picture Vec
Intensity float64
// MakeTrianglesData creates TrianglesData of length len initialized with default property values.
// Prefer this function to make(TrianglesData, len), because make zeros them, while this function
// does the correct intialization.
func MakeTrianglesData(len int) *TrianglesData {
td := &TrianglesData{}
return td
// Len returns the number of vertices in TrianglesData.
func (td *TrianglesData) Len() int {
return len(*td)
// SetLen resizes TrianglesData to len, while keeping the original content.
// If len is greater than TrianglesData's current length, the new data is filled with default
// values ((0, 0), white, (0, 0), 0).
func (td *TrianglesData) SetLen(len int) {
if len > td.Len() {
needAppend := len - td.Len()
for i := 0; i < needAppend; i++ {
*td = append(*td, struct {
Position Vec
Picture Vec
Intensity float64
}{V(0, 0), NRGBA{1, 1, 1, 1}, V(0, 0), 0})
if len < td.Len() {
*td = (*td)[:len]
// Slice returns a sub-Triangles of this TrianglesData.
func (td *TrianglesData) Slice(i, j int) Triangles {
s := TrianglesData((*td)[i:j])
return &s
func (td *TrianglesData) updateData(t Triangles) {
// fast path optimization
if t, ok := t.(*TrianglesData); ok {
copy(*td, *t)
// slow path manual copy
if t, ok := t.(TrianglesPosition); ok {
for i := range *td {
(*td)[i].Position = t.Position(i)
if t, ok := t.(TrianglesColor); ok {
for i := range *td {
(*td)[i].Color = t.Color(i)
if t, ok := t.(TrianglesPicture); ok {
for i := range *td {
(*td)[i].Picture, (*td)[i].Intensity = t.Picture(i)
// Update copies vertex properties from the supplied Triangles into this TrianglesData.
// TrianglesPosition, TrianglesColor and TrianglesTexture are supported.
func (td *TrianglesData) Update(t Triangles) {
if td.Len() != t.Len() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("(%T).Update: invalid triangles length", td))
// Copy returns an exact independent copy of this TrianglesData.
func (td *TrianglesData) Copy() Triangles {
copyTd := TrianglesData{}
return ©Td
// Position returns the position property of i-th vertex.
func (td *TrianglesData) Position(i int) Vec {
return (*td)[i].Position
// Color returns the color property of i-th vertex.
func (td *TrianglesData) Color(i int) NRGBA {
return (*td)[i].Color
// Picture returns the picture property of i-th vertex.
func (td *TrianglesData) Picture(i int) (pic Vec, intensity float64) {
return (*td)[i].Picture, (*td)[i].Intensity
// PictureData specifies an in-memory rectangular area of pixels and implements Picture and
// PictureColor.
// Pixels are small rectangles of unit size of form (x, y, x+1, y+1), where x and y are integers.
// PictureData contains and assigns a color to all pixels that are at least partially contained
// within it's Bounds (Rect).
// The struct's innards are exposed for convenience, manual modification is at your own risk.
// The format of the pixels is color.NRGBA and not pixel.NRGBA for a very serious reason:
// pixel.NRGBA takes up 8x more memory than color.NRGBA.
type PictureData struct {
Pix []color.NRGBA
Stride int
Rect Rect
Orig *PictureData
// MakePictureData creates a zero-initialized PictureData covering the given rectangle.
func MakePictureData(rect Rect) *PictureData {
w := int(math.Ceil(rect.Max.X())) - int(math.Floor(rect.Min.X()))
h := int(math.Ceil(rect.Max.Y())) - int(math.Floor(rect.Min.Y()))
pd := &PictureData{
Stride: w,
Rect: rect,
pd.Pix = make([]color.NRGBA, w*h)
pd.Orig = pd
return pd
func verticalFlip(nrgba *image.NRGBA) {
bounds := nrgba.Bounds()
width := bounds.Dx()
tmpRow := make([]uint8, width*4)
for i, j := 0, bounds.Dy()-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
iRow := nrgba.Pix[i*nrgba.Stride : i*nrgba.Stride+width*4]
jRow := nrgba.Pix[j*nrgba.Stride : j*nrgba.Stride+width*4]
copy(tmpRow, iRow)
copy(iRow, jRow)
copy(jRow, tmpRow)
// PictureDataFromImage converts an image.Image into PictureData.
// The resulting PictureData's Bounds will be the equivalent of the supplied image.Image's Bounds.
func PictureDataFromImage(img image.Image) *PictureData {
var nrgba *image.NRGBA
if nrgbaImg, ok := img.(*image.NRGBA); ok {
nrgba = nrgbaImg
} else {
nrgba = image.NewNRGBA(img.Bounds())
draw.Draw(nrgba, nrgba.Bounds(), img, img.Bounds().Min, draw.Src)
pd := MakePictureData(R(
for i := range pd.Pix {
pd.Pix[i].R = nrgba.Pix[i*4+0]
pd.Pix[i].G = nrgba.Pix[i*4+1]
pd.Pix[i].B = nrgba.Pix[i*4+2]
pd.Pix[i].A = nrgba.Pix[i*4+3]
return pd
// PictureDataFromPicture converts an arbitrary Picture into PictureData (the conversion may be
// lossy, because PictureData works with unit-sized pixels).
// Bounds are preserved.
func PictureDataFromPicture(pic Picture) *PictureData {
if pd, ok := pic.(*PictureData); ok {
return pd
bounds := pic.Bounds()
pd := MakePictureData(bounds)
if pic, ok := pic.(PictureColor); ok {
for y := math.Floor(bounds.Min.Y()); y < bounds.Max.Y(); y++ {
for x := math.Floor(bounds.Min.X()); x < bounds.Max.X(); x++ {
// this together with the Floor is a trick to get all of the pixels
at := V(
math.Max(x, bounds.Min.X()),
math.Max(y, bounds.Min.Y()),
pd.SetColor(at, pic.Color(at))
return pd
// Image converts PictureData into an image.NRGBA.
// The resulting image.NRGBA's Bounds will be equivalent of the PictureData's Bounds.
func (pd *PictureData) Image() *image.NRGBA {
bounds := image.Rect(
nrgba := image.NewNRGBA(bounds)
i := 0
for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
off := pd.Offset(V(float64(x), float64(y)))
nrgba.Pix[i*4+0] = pd.Pix[off].R
nrgba.Pix[i*4+1] = pd.Pix[off].G
nrgba.Pix[i*4+2] = pd.Pix[off].B
nrgba.Pix[i*4+3] = pd.Pix[off].A
return nrgba
// Offset returns the index of the pixel at the specified position inside the Pix slice.
func (pd *PictureData) Offset(at Vec) int {
at -= pd.Rect.Min.Map(math.Floor)
x, y := int(at.X()), int(at.Y())
return y*pd.Stride + x
// Bounds returns the bounds of this PictureData.
func (pd *PictureData) Bounds() Rect {
return pd.Rect
// Slice returns a sub-Picture of this PictureData inside the supplied rectangle.
func (pd *PictureData) Slice(r Rect) Picture {
return &PictureData{
Pix: pd.Pix[pd.Offset(r.Min):],
Stride: pd.Stride,
Rect: r,
Orig: pd.Orig,
// Original returns the most original PictureData that this PictureData was obtained from using
// Slice-ing.
func (pd *PictureData) Original() Picture {
return pd.Orig
// Color returns the color located at the given position.
func (pd *PictureData) Color(at Vec) NRGBA {
if !pd.Rect.Contains(at) {
return NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}
return NRGBAModel.Convert(pd.Pix[pd.Offset(at)]).(NRGBA)
// SetColor changes the color located at the given position.
func (pd *PictureData) SetColor(at Vec, col color.Color) {
if !pd.Rect.Contains(at) {
pd.Pix[pd.Offset(at)] = color.NRGBAModel.Convert(col).(color.NRGBA)