621 lines
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621 lines
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package pixel
import (
// WindowConfig is a structure for specifying all possible properties of a window. Properties are
// chosen in such a way, that you usually only need to set a few of them - defaults (zeros) should
// usually be sensible.
// Note that you always need to set the width and the height of a window.
type WindowConfig struct {
// Title at the top of a window.
Title string
// Width of a window in pixels.
Width float64
// Height of a window in pixels.
Height float64
// If set to nil, a window will be windowed. Otherwise it will be fullscreen on the
// specified monitor.
Fullscreen *Monitor
// Whether a window is resizable.
Resizable bool
// If set to true, the window will be initially invisible.
Hidden bool
// Undecorated window ommits the borders and decorations (close button, etc.).
Undecorated bool
// If set to true, a window will not get focused upon showing up.
Unfocused bool
// Whether a window is maximized.
Maximized bool
// VSync (vertical synchronization) synchronizes window's framerate with the framerate
// of the monitor.
VSync bool
// Number of samples for multi-sample anti-aliasing (edge-smoothing). Usual values
// are 0, 2, 4, 8 (powers of 2 and not much more than this).
MSAASamples int
// Window is a window handler. Use this type to manipulate a window (input, drawing, ...).
type Window struct {
enabled bool
window *glfw.Window
config WindowConfig
shader *pixelgl.Shader
// Target stuff, Picture, transformation matrix and color
pic *Picture
mat mgl32.Mat3
col mgl32.Vec4
bnd mgl32.Vec4
// need to save these to correctly restore a fullscreen window
restore struct {
xpos, ypos, width, height int
prevInp, tempInp, currInp struct {
buttons [KeyLast + 1]bool
scroll Vec
var currentWindow *Window
// NewWindow creates a new window with it's properties specified in the provided config.
// If window creation fails, an error is returned.
func NewWindow(config WindowConfig) (*Window, error) {
bool2int := map[bool]int{
true: glfw.True,
false: glfw.False,
w := &Window{config: config}
err := pixelgl.DoErr(func() error {
err := glfw.Init()
if err != nil {
return err
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.ContextVersionMajor, 3)
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.ContextVersionMinor, 3)
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.OpenGLProfile, glfw.OpenGLCoreProfile)
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.OpenGLForwardCompatible, glfw.True)
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Resizable, bool2int[config.Resizable])
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Visible, bool2int[!config.Hidden])
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Decorated, bool2int[!config.Undecorated])
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Focused, bool2int[!config.Unfocused])
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Maximized, bool2int[config.Maximized])
glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Samples, config.MSAASamples)
var share *glfw.Window
if currentWindow != nil {
share = currentWindow.window
w.window, err = glfw.CreateWindow(int(config.Width), int(config.Height), config.Title, nil, share)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating window failed")
pixelgl.Do(func() {
w.shader, err = pixelgl.NewShader(
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "NewWindow: failed to create shader"))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating window failed")
w.SetMaskColor(NRGBA{1, 1, 1, 1})
runtime.SetFinalizer(w, (*Window).Destroy)
return w, nil
// Destroy destroys a window. The window can't be used any further.
func (w *Window) Destroy() {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
// Clear clears the window with a color.
func (w *Window) Clear(c color.Color) {
pixelgl.DoNoBlock(func() {
defer w.end()
c := NRGBAModel.Convert(c).(NRGBA)
gl.ClearColor(float32(c.R), float32(c.G), float32(c.B), float32(c.A))
// Update swaps buffers and polls events.
func (w *Window) Update() {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
defer w.end()
if w.config.VSync {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
defer w.end()
w, h := w.window.GetSize()
gl.Viewport(0, 0, int32(w), int32(h))
// SetClosed sets the closed flag of a window.
// This is usefull when overriding the user's attempt to close a window, or just to close a
// window from within a program.
func (w *Window) SetClosed(closed bool) {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
// Closed returns the closed flag of a window, which reports whether the window should be closed.
// The closed flag is automatically set when a user attempts to close a window.
func (w *Window) Closed() bool {
return pixelgl.DoVal(func() interface{} {
return w.window.ShouldClose()
// SetTitle changes the title of a window.
func (w *Window) SetTitle(title string) {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
// SetSize resizes a window to the specified size in pixels. In case of a fullscreen window,
// it changes the resolution of that window.
func (w *Window) SetSize(width, height float64) {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
w.window.SetSize(int(width), int(height))
// Size returns the size of the client area of a window (the part you can draw on).
func (w *Window) Size() (width, height float64) {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
wi, hi := w.window.GetSize()
width = float64(wi)
height = float64(hi)
return width, height
// Show makes a window visible if it was hidden.
func (w *Window) Show() {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
// Hide hides a window if it was visible.
func (w *Window) Hide() {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
// SetFullscreen sets a window fullscreen on a given monitor. If the monitor is nil, the window
// will be resored to windowed instead.
// Note, that there is nothing about the resolution of the fullscreen window. The window is
// automatically set to the monitor's resolution. If you want a different resolution, you need
// to set it manually with SetSize method.
func (w *Window) SetFullscreen(monitor *Monitor) {
if w.Monitor() != monitor {
if monitor == nil {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
} else {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
w.restore.xpos, w.restore.ypos = w.window.GetPos()
w.restore.width, w.restore.height = w.window.GetSize()
width, height := monitor.Size()
refreshRate := monitor.RefreshRate()
// IsFullscreen returns true if the window is in the fullscreen mode.
func (w *Window) IsFullscreen() bool {
return w.Monitor() != nil
// Monitor returns a monitor a fullscreen window is on. If the window is not fullscreen, this
// function returns nil.
func (w *Window) Monitor() *Monitor {
monitor := pixelgl.DoVal(func() interface{} {
return w.window.GetMonitor()
if monitor == nil {
return nil
return &Monitor{
monitor: monitor,
// Focus brings a window to the front and sets input focus.
func (w *Window) Focus() {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
// Focused returns true if a window has input focus.
func (w *Window) Focused() bool {
return pixelgl.DoVal(func() interface{} {
return w.window.GetAttrib(glfw.Focused) == glfw.True
// Maximize puts a windowed window to a maximized state.
func (w *Window) Maximize() {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
// Restore restores a windowed window from a maximized state.
func (w *Window) Restore() {
pixelgl.Do(func() {
// Note: must be called inside the main thread.
func (w *Window) begin() {
if currentWindow != w {
currentWindow = w
if w.shader != nil {
// Note: must be called inside the main thread.
func (w *Window) end() {
if w.shader != nil {
type windowTriangles struct {
w *Window
vs *pixelgl.VertexSlice
data []float32
func (wt *windowTriangles) Len() int {
return len(wt.data) / wt.vs.Stride()
func (wt *windowTriangles) Draw() {
// avoid possible race condition
pic := wt.w.pic
mat := wt.w.mat
col := wt.w.col
bnd := wt.w.bnd
pixelgl.DoNoBlock(func() {
wt.w.shader.SetUniformAttr(transformMat3, mat)
wt.w.shader.SetUniformAttr(maskColorVec4, col)
wt.w.shader.SetUniformAttr(boundsVec4, bnd)
if pic != nil {
if pic != nil {
func (wt *windowTriangles) resize(len int) {
if len > wt.Len() {
needAppend := len - wt.Len()
for i := 0; i < needAppend; i++ {
wt.data = append(wt.data,
0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1,
-1, -1,
if len < wt.Len() {
wt.data = wt.data[:len]
func (wt *windowTriangles) updateData(offset int, t Triangles) {
if t, ok := t.(TrianglesPosition); ok {
for i := offset; i < offset+t.Len(); i++ {
px, py := t.Position(i).XY()
wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+0] = float32(px)
wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+1] = float32(py)
if t, ok := t.(TrianglesColor); ok {
for i := offset; i < offset+t.Len(); i++ {
col := t.Color(i)
wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+2] = float32(col.R)
wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+3] = float32(col.G)
wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+4] = float32(col.B)
wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+5] = float32(col.A)
if t, ok := t.(TrianglesTexture); ok {
for i := offset; i < offset+t.Len(); i++ {
tx, ty := t.Texture(i).XY()
wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+6] = float32(tx)
wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+7] = float32(ty)
func (wt *windowTriangles) submitData() {
data := wt.data // avoid race condition
pixelgl.DoNoBlock(func() {
dataLen := len(data) / wt.vs.Stride()
if dataLen > wt.vs.Len() {
wt.vs.Append(make([]float32, (dataLen-wt.vs.Len())*wt.vs.Stride()))
if dataLen < wt.vs.Len() {
wt.vs = wt.vs.Slice(0, dataLen)
func (wt *windowTriangles) Update(t Triangles) {
wt.updateData(0, t)
func (wt *windowTriangles) Append(t Triangles) {
wt.resize(wt.Len() + t.Len())
wt.updateData(wt.Len()-t.Len(), t)
func (wt *windowTriangles) Copy() Triangles {
copyWt := &windowTriangles{
w: wt.w,
vs: pixelgl.MakeVertexSlice(wt.w.shader, 0, 0),
return copyWt
func (wt *windowTriangles) Position(i int) Vec {
px := wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+0]
py := wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+1]
return V(float64(px), float64(py))
func (wt *windowTriangles) Color(i int) NRGBA {
r := wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+2]
g := wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+3]
b := wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+4]
a := wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+5]
return NRGBA{
R: float64(r),
G: float64(g),
B: float64(b),
A: float64(a),
func (wt *windowTriangles) Texture(i int) Vec {
tx := wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+6]
ty := wt.data[i*wt.vs.Stride()+7]
return V(float64(tx), float64(ty))
// MakeTriangles generates a specialized copy of the supplied triangles that will draw onto this
// Window.
// Window supports TrianglesPosition, TrianglesColor and TrianglesTexture.
func (w *Window) MakeTriangles(t Triangles) Triangles {
wt := &windowTriangles{
w: w,
vs: pixelgl.MakeVertexSlice(w.shader, 0, 0),
return wt
// SetPicture sets a Picture that will be used in subsequent drawings onto the window.
func (w *Window) SetPicture(p *Picture) {
if p != nil {
min := pictureBounds(p, V(0, 0))
max := pictureBounds(p, V(1, 1))
w.bnd = mgl32.Vec4{
float32(min.X()), float32(min.Y()),
float32(max.X()), float32(max.Y()),
w.pic = p
// SetTransform sets a global transformation matrix for the Window.
// Transforms are applied right-to-left.
func (w *Window) SetTransform(t ...Transform) {
w.mat = transformToMat(t...)
// SetMaskColor sets a global mask color for the Window.
func (w *Window) SetMaskColor(c color.Color) {
if c == nil {
c = NRGBA{1, 1, 1, 1}
nrgba := NRGBAModel.Convert(c).(NRGBA)
r := float32(nrgba.R)
g := float32(nrgba.G)
b := float32(nrgba.B)
a := float32(nrgba.A)
w.col = mgl32.Vec4{r, g, b, a}
const (
positionVec2 int = iota
var defaultVertexFormat = pixelgl.AttrFormat{
positionVec2: {Name: "position", Type: pixelgl.Vec2},
colorVec4: {Name: "color", Type: pixelgl.Vec4},
textureVec2: {Name: "texture", Type: pixelgl.Vec2},
const (
maskColorVec4 int = iota
var defaultUniformFormat = pixelgl.AttrFormat{
{Name: "maskColor", Type: pixelgl.Vec4},
{Name: "transform", Type: pixelgl.Mat3},
{Name: "bounds", Type: pixelgl.Vec4},
var defaultVertexShader = `
#version 330 core
in vec2 position;
in vec4 color;
in vec2 texture;
out vec4 Color;
out vec2 Texture;
uniform mat3 transform;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4((transform * vec3(position.x, position.y, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);
Color = color;
Texture = texture;
var defaultFragmentShader = `
#version 330 core
in vec4 Color;
in vec2 Texture;
out vec4 color;
uniform vec4 maskColor;
uniform vec4 bounds;
uniform sampler2D tex;
void main() {
vec2 boundsMin = bounds.xy;
vec2 boundsMax = bounds.zw;
float tx = boundsMin.x * (1 - Texture.x) + boundsMax.x * Texture.x;
float ty = boundsMin.y * (1 - Texture.y) + boundsMax.y * Texture.y;
if (Texture == vec2(-1, -1)) {
color = maskColor * Color;
} else {
color = maskColor * Color * texture(tex, vec2(tx, 1 - ty));