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package pixelgl
import (
// VertexFormat defines a data format in a vertex buffer.
// Example:
// VertexFormat{"position": {Position, Vec2}, "colr": {Color, Vec4}, "texCoord": {TexCoord, Vec2}}
// Note: vertex array currently doesn't support matrices in vertex format.
type VertexFormat []Attr
// Size calculates the total size of a single vertex in this vertex format (sum of the sizes of all vertex attributes).
func (vf VertexFormat) Size() int {
total := 0
for _, attr := range vf {
total += attr.Type.Size()
return total
// VertexUsage specifies how often the vertex array data will be updated.
type VertexUsage int
const (
// StaticUsage means the data never or rarely gets updated.
StaticUsage VertexUsage = gl.STATIC_DRAW
// DynamicUsage means the data gets updated often.
DynamicUsage VertexUsage = gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW
// StreamUsage means the data gets updated every frame.
StreamUsage VertexUsage = gl.STREAM_DRAW
// VertexDrawMode specifies how should the vertices be drawn.
type VertexDrawMode int
const (
// PointsDrawMode just draws individual points
PointsDrawMode VertexDrawMode = gl.POINTS
// LinesDrawMode takes pairs of vertices and draws a line from each pair
LinesDrawMode VertexDrawMode = gl.LINES
// LineStripDrawMode takes each two subsequent vertices and draws a line from each two
LineStripDrawMode VertexDrawMode = gl.LINE_STRIP
// LineLoopDrawMode is same as line strip, but also draws a line between the first and the last vertex
LineLoopDrawMode VertexDrawMode = gl.LINE_LOOP
// TrianglesDrawMode takes triples of vertices and draws a triangle from each triple
TrianglesDrawMode VertexDrawMode = gl.TRIANGLES
// TriangleStripDrawMode takes each three subsequent vertices and draws a triangle from each three
TriangleStripDrawMode VertexDrawMode = gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP
// TriangleFanDrawMode draws triangles from the first vertex and each two subsequent: {0, 1, 2, 3} -> {0, 1, 2}, {0, 2, 3}.
TriangleFanDrawMode VertexDrawMode = gl.TRIANGLE_FAN
// VertexArray is an OpenGL vertex array object that also holds it's own vertex buffer object.
// From the user's points of view, VertexArray is an array of vertices that can be drawn.
type VertexArray struct {
enabled bool
parent Doer
vao uint32
vbo uint32
format VertexFormat
stride int
count int
attrs map[Attr]int
mode VertexDrawMode
// NewVertexArray creates a new empty vertex array and wraps another Doer around it.
func NewVertexArray(parent Doer, format VertexFormat, mode VertexDrawMode, usage VertexUsage, count int) (*VertexArray, error) {
va := &VertexArray{
parent: parent,
format: format,
count: count,
stride: format.Size(),
attrs: make(map[Attr]int),
mode: mode,
offset := 0
for _, attr := range format {
switch attr.Type {
case Float, Vec2, Vec3, Vec4:
return nil, errors.New("failed to create vertex array: invalid vertex format: invalid attribute type")
if _, ok := va.attrs[attr]; ok {
return nil, errors.New("failed to create vertex array: invalid vertex format: duplicate vertex attribute")
va.attrs[attr] = offset
offset += attr.Type.Size()
var err, glerr error
parent.Do(func(ctx Context) {
err, glerr = DoErrGLErr(func() error {
gl.GenVertexArrays(1, &va.vao)
gl.GenBuffers(1, &va.vbo)
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, va.vbo)
emptyData := make([]byte, count*va.stride)
gl.BufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, len(emptyData), gl.Ptr(emptyData), uint32(usage))
offset := 0
for i, attr := range format {
var size int32
switch attr.Type {
case Float:
size = 1
case Vec2:
size = 2
case Vec3:
size = 3
case Vec4:
size = 4
offset += attr.Type.Size()
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
return nil
if err != nil && glerr != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(errors.Wrap(glerr, err.Error()), "failed to create vertex array")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create vertex array")
if glerr != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(glerr, "failed to create vertex array")
return va, nil
// Delete deletes a vertex array and it's associated vertex buffer. Don't use a vertex array after deletion.
func (va *VertexArray) Delete() {
va.parent.Do(func(ctx Context) {
DoNoBlock(func() {
gl.DeleteVertexArrays(1, &va.vao)
gl.DeleteBuffers(1, &va.vbo)
// ID returns an OpenGL identifier of a vertex array.
func (va *VertexArray) ID() uint32 {
return va.vao
// Count returns the number of vertices in a vertex array.
func (va *VertexArray) Count() int {
return va.count
// VertexFormat returns the format of the vertices inside a vertex array.
// Do not change this format!
func (va *VertexArray) VertexFormat() VertexFormat {
return va.format
// SetDrawMode sets the draw mode of a vertex array. Subsequent calls to Draw will use this draw mode.
func (va *VertexArray) SetDrawMode(mode VertexDrawMode) {
DoNoBlock(func() {
va.mode = mode
// DrawMode returns the most recently set draw mode of a vertex array.
func (va *VertexArray) DrawMode() VertexDrawMode {
mode := DoVal(func() interface{} {
return va.mode
return mode.(VertexDrawMode)
// Draw draws a vertex array.
func (va *VertexArray) Draw() {
va.Do(func(Context) {})
// SetVertex sets the value of all attributes of a vertex.
// Argument data must be a slice/array containing the new vertex data.
func (va *VertexArray) SetVertex(vertex int, data interface{}) {
if vertex < 0 || vertex >= va.count {
panic("set vertex error: invalid vertex index")
DoNoBlock(func() {
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, va.vbo)
offset := va.stride * vertex
gl.BufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset, va.format.Size(), gl.Ptr(data))
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
if err := getLastGLErr(); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "set vertex error"))
func (va *VertexArray) checkVertex(vertex int) {
if vertex < 0 || vertex >= va.count {
panic("invalid vertex index")
// SetVertexAttributeFloat sets the value of a specified vertex attribute Attr{Purpose: purpose, Type: Float} of type Float
// of the specified vertex.
// This function returns false if the specified vertex attribute does not exist. Note that the function panics if
// the vertex if out of range.
func (va *VertexArray) SetVertexAttributeFloat(vertex int, purpose AttrPurpose, value float32) (ok bool) {
attr := Attr{Purpose: purpose, Type: Float}
if _, ok := va.attrs[attr]; !ok {
return false
DoNoBlock(func() {
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, va.vbo)
offset := va.stride*vertex + va.attrs[attr]
gl.BufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset, attr.Type.Size(), unsafe.Pointer(&value))
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
if err := getLastGLErr(); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "set attribute vertex"))
return true
// SetVertexAttributeVec2 sets the value of a specified vertex attribute Attr{Purpose: purpose, Type: Vec2} of type Vec2
// of the specified vertex.
// This function returns false if the specified vertex attribute does not exist. Note that the function panics if
// the vertex if out of range.
func (va *VertexArray) SetVertexAttributeVec2(vertex int, purpose AttrPurpose, value mgl32.Vec2) (ok bool) {
attr := Attr{Purpose: purpose, Type: Vec2}
if _, ok := va.attrs[attr]; !ok {
return false
DoNoBlock(func() {
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, va.vbo)
offset := va.stride*vertex + va.attrs[attr]
gl.BufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset, attr.Type.Size(), unsafe.Pointer(&value))
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
if err := getLastGLErr(); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "set attribute vertex"))
return true
// SetVertexAttributeVec3 sets the value of a specified vertex attribute Attr{Purpose: purpose, Type: Vec3} of type Vec3
// of the specified vertex.
// This function returns false if the specified vertex attribute does not exist. Note that the function panics if
// the vertex if out of range.
func (va *VertexArray) SetVertexAttributeVec3(vertex int, purpose AttrPurpose, value mgl32.Vec3) (ok bool) {
attr := Attr{Purpose: purpose, Type: Vec3}
if _, ok := va.attrs[attr]; !ok {
return false
DoNoBlock(func() {
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, va.vbo)
offset := va.stride*vertex + va.attrs[attr]
gl.BufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset, attr.Type.Size(), unsafe.Pointer(&value))
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
if err := getLastGLErr(); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "set attribute vertex"))
return true
// SetVertexAttributeVec4 sets the value of a specified vertex attribute Attr{Purpose: purpose, Type: Vec4} of type Vec4
// of the specified vertex.
// This function returns false if the specified vertex attribute does not exist. Note that the function panics if
// the vertex if out of range.
func (va *VertexArray) SetVertexAttributeVec4(vertex int, purpose AttrPurpose, value mgl32.Vec4) (ok bool) {
attr := Attr{Purpose: purpose, Type: Vec4}
if _, ok := va.attrs[attr]; !ok {
return false
DoNoBlock(func() {
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, va.vbo)
offset := va.stride*vertex + va.attrs[attr]
gl.BufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset, attr.Type.Size(), unsafe.Pointer(&value))
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
if err := getLastGLErr(); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "set attribute vertex"))
return true
// Do binds a vertex arrray and it's associated vertex buffer, executes sub, and unbinds the vertex array and it's vertex buffer.
func (va *VertexArray) Do(sub func(Context)) {
va.parent.Do(func(ctx Context) {
if va.enabled {
va.enabled = true
DoNoBlock(func() {
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, va.vbo)
DoNoBlock(func() {
gl.DrawArrays(uint32(va.mode), 0, int32(va.count))
gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)
va.enabled = false