package pixelgl import ( "time" "" "" "" ) // Pressed returns whether the Button is currently pressed down. func (w *Window) Pressed(button Button) bool { return w.currInp.buttons[button] } // JustPressed returns whether the Button has just been pressed down. func (w *Window) JustPressed(button Button) bool { return w.currInp.buttons[button] && !w.prevInp.buttons[button] } // JustReleased returns whether the Button has just been released up. func (w *Window) JustReleased(button Button) bool { return !w.currInp.buttons[button] && w.prevInp.buttons[button] } // Repeated returns whether a repeat event has been triggered on button. // // Repeat event occurs repeatedly when a button is held down for some time. func (w *Window) Repeated(button Button) bool { return w.currInp.repeat[button] } // MousePosition returns the current mouse position in the Window's Bounds. func (w *Window) MousePosition() pixel.Vec { return w.currInp.mouse } // MousePreviousPosition returns the previous mouse position in the Window's Bounds. func (w *Window) MousePreviousPosition() pixel.Vec { return w.prevInp.mouse } // SetMousePosition positions the mouse cursor anywhere within the Window's Bounds. func (w *Window) SetMousePosition(v pixel.Vec) { mainthread.Call(func() { if (v.X >= 0 && v.X <= w.bounds.W()) && (v.Y >= 0 && v.Y <= w.bounds.H()) { w.window.SetCursorPos( v.X+w.bounds.Min.X, (w.bounds.H()-v.Y)+w.bounds.Min.Y, ) w.prevInp.mouse = v w.currInp.mouse = v w.tempInp.mouse = v } }) } // MouseInsideWindow returns true if the mouse position is within the Window's Bounds. func (w *Window) MouseInsideWindow() bool { return w.cursorInsideWindow } // MouseScroll returns the mouse scroll amount (in both axes) since the last call to Window.Update. func (w *Window) MouseScroll() pixel.Vec { return w.currInp.scroll } // Typed returns the text typed on the keyboard since the last call to Window.Update. func (w *Window) Typed() string { return w.currInp.typed } // Button is a keyboard or mouse button. Why distinguish? type Button int // List of all mouse buttons. const ( MouseButton1 = Button(glfw.MouseButton1) MouseButton2 = Button(glfw.MouseButton2) MouseButton3 = Button(glfw.MouseButton3) MouseButton4 = Button(glfw.MouseButton4) MouseButton5 = Button(glfw.MouseButton5) MouseButton6 = Button(glfw.MouseButton6) MouseButton7 = Button(glfw.MouseButton7) MouseButton8 = Button(glfw.MouseButton8) MouseButtonLast = Button(glfw.MouseButtonLast) MouseButtonLeft = Button(glfw.MouseButtonLeft) MouseButtonRight = Button(glfw.MouseButtonRight) MouseButtonMiddle = Button(glfw.MouseButtonMiddle) ) // List of all keyboard buttons. const ( KeyUnknown = Button(glfw.KeyUnknown) KeySpace = Button(glfw.KeySpace) KeyApostrophe = Button(glfw.KeyApostrophe) KeyComma = Button(glfw.KeyComma) KeyMinus = Button(glfw.KeyMinus) KeyPeriod = Button(glfw.KeyPeriod) KeySlash = Button(glfw.KeySlash) Key0 = Button(glfw.Key0) Key1 = Button(glfw.Key1) Key2 = Button(glfw.Key2) Key3 = Button(glfw.Key3) Key4 = Button(glfw.Key4) Key5 = Button(glfw.Key5) Key6 = Button(glfw.Key6) Key7 = Button(glfw.Key7) Key8 = Button(glfw.Key8) Key9 = Button(glfw.Key9) KeySemicolon = Button(glfw.KeySemicolon) KeyEqual = Button(glfw.KeyEqual) KeyA = Button(glfw.KeyA) KeyB = Button(glfw.KeyB) KeyC = Button(glfw.KeyC) KeyD = Button(glfw.KeyD) KeyE = Button(glfw.KeyE) KeyF = Button(glfw.KeyF) KeyG = Button(glfw.KeyG) KeyH = Button(glfw.KeyH) KeyI = Button(glfw.KeyI) KeyJ = Button(glfw.KeyJ) KeyK = Button(glfw.KeyK) KeyL = Button(glfw.KeyL) KeyM = Button(glfw.KeyM) KeyN = Button(glfw.KeyN) KeyO = Button(glfw.KeyO) KeyP = Button(glfw.KeyP) KeyQ = Button(glfw.KeyQ) KeyR = Button(glfw.KeyR) KeyS = Button(glfw.KeyS) KeyT = Button(glfw.KeyT) KeyU = Button(glfw.KeyU) KeyV = Button(glfw.KeyV) KeyW = Button(glfw.KeyW) KeyX = Button(glfw.KeyX) KeyY = Button(glfw.KeyY) KeyZ = Button(glfw.KeyZ) KeyLeftBracket = Button(glfw.KeyLeftBracket) KeyBackslash = Button(glfw.KeyBackslash) KeyRightBracket = Button(glfw.KeyRightBracket) KeyGraveAccent = Button(glfw.KeyGraveAccent) KeyWorld1 = Button(glfw.KeyWorld1) KeyWorld2 = Button(glfw.KeyWorld2) KeyEscape = Button(glfw.KeyEscape) KeyEnter = Button(glfw.KeyEnter) KeyTab = Button(glfw.KeyTab) KeyBackspace = Button(glfw.KeyBackspace) KeyInsert = Button(glfw.KeyInsert) KeyDelete = Button(glfw.KeyDelete) KeyRight = Button(glfw.KeyRight) KeyLeft = Button(glfw.KeyLeft) KeyDown = Button(glfw.KeyDown) KeyUp = Button(glfw.KeyUp) KeyPageUp = Button(glfw.KeyPageUp) KeyPageDown = Button(glfw.KeyPageDown) KeyHome = Button(glfw.KeyHome) KeyEnd = Button(glfw.KeyEnd) KeyCapsLock = Button(glfw.KeyCapsLock) KeyScrollLock = Button(glfw.KeyScrollLock) KeyNumLock = Button(glfw.KeyNumLock) KeyPrintScreen = Button(glfw.KeyPrintScreen) KeyPause = Button(glfw.KeyPause) KeyF1 = Button(glfw.KeyF1) KeyF2 = Button(glfw.KeyF2) KeyF3 = Button(glfw.KeyF3) KeyF4 = Button(glfw.KeyF4) KeyF5 = Button(glfw.KeyF5) KeyF6 = Button(glfw.KeyF6) KeyF7 = Button(glfw.KeyF7) KeyF8 = Button(glfw.KeyF8) KeyF9 = Button(glfw.KeyF9) KeyF10 = Button(glfw.KeyF10) KeyF11 = Button(glfw.KeyF11) KeyF12 = Button(glfw.KeyF12) KeyF13 = Button(glfw.KeyF13) KeyF14 = Button(glfw.KeyF14) KeyF15 = Button(glfw.KeyF15) KeyF16 = Button(glfw.KeyF16) KeyF17 = Button(glfw.KeyF17) KeyF18 = Button(glfw.KeyF18) KeyF19 = Button(glfw.KeyF19) KeyF20 = Button(glfw.KeyF20) KeyF21 = Button(glfw.KeyF21) KeyF22 = Button(glfw.KeyF22) KeyF23 = Button(glfw.KeyF23) KeyF24 = Button(glfw.KeyF24) KeyF25 = Button(glfw.KeyF25) KeyKP0 = Button(glfw.KeyKP0) KeyKP1 = Button(glfw.KeyKP1) KeyKP2 = Button(glfw.KeyKP2) KeyKP3 = Button(glfw.KeyKP3) KeyKP4 = Button(glfw.KeyKP4) KeyKP5 = Button(glfw.KeyKP5) KeyKP6 = Button(glfw.KeyKP6) KeyKP7 = Button(glfw.KeyKP7) KeyKP8 = Button(glfw.KeyKP8) KeyKP9 = Button(glfw.KeyKP9) KeyKPDecimal = Button(glfw.KeyKPDecimal) KeyKPDivide = Button(glfw.KeyKPDivide) KeyKPMultiply = Button(glfw.KeyKPMultiply) KeyKPSubtract = Button(glfw.KeyKPSubtract) KeyKPAdd = Button(glfw.KeyKPAdd) KeyKPEnter = Button(glfw.KeyKPEnter) KeyKPEqual = Button(glfw.KeyKPEqual) KeyLeftShift = Button(glfw.KeyLeftShift) KeyLeftControl = Button(glfw.KeyLeftControl) KeyLeftAlt = Button(glfw.KeyLeftAlt) KeyLeftSuper = Button(glfw.KeyLeftSuper) KeyRightShift = Button(glfw.KeyRightShift) KeyRightControl = Button(glfw.KeyRightControl) KeyRightAlt = Button(glfw.KeyRightAlt) KeyRightSuper = Button(glfw.KeyRightSuper) KeyMenu = Button(glfw.KeyMenu) KeyLast = Button(glfw.KeyLast) ) // String returns a human-readable string describing the Button. func (b Button) String() string { name, ok := buttonNames[b] if !ok { return "Invalid" } return name } var buttonNames = map[Button]string{ MouseButton4: "MouseButton4", MouseButton5: "MouseButton5", MouseButton6: "MouseButton6", MouseButton7: "MouseButton7", MouseButton8: "MouseButton8", MouseButtonLeft: "MouseButtonLeft", MouseButtonRight: "MouseButtonRight", MouseButtonMiddle: "MouseButtonMiddle", KeyUnknown: "Unknown", KeySpace: "Space", KeyApostrophe: "Apostrophe", KeyComma: "Comma", KeyMinus: "Minus", KeyPeriod: "Period", KeySlash: "Slash", Key0: "0", Key1: "1", Key2: "2", Key3: "3", Key4: "4", Key5: "5", Key6: "6", Key7: "7", Key8: "8", Key9: "9", KeySemicolon: "Semicolon", KeyEqual: "Equal", KeyA: "A", KeyB: "B", KeyC: "C", KeyD: "D", KeyE: "E", KeyF: "F", KeyG: "G", KeyH: "H", KeyI: "I", KeyJ: "J", KeyK: "K", KeyL: "L", KeyM: "M", KeyN: "N", KeyO: "O", KeyP: "P", KeyQ: "Q", KeyR: "R", KeyS: "S", KeyT: "T", KeyU: "U", KeyV: "V", KeyW: "W", KeyX: "X", KeyY: "Y", KeyZ: "Z", KeyLeftBracket: "LeftBracket", KeyBackslash: "Backslash", KeyRightBracket: "RightBracket", KeyGraveAccent: "GraveAccent", KeyWorld1: "World1", KeyWorld2: "World2", KeyEscape: "Escape", KeyEnter: "Enter", KeyTab: "Tab", KeyBackspace: "Backspace", KeyInsert: "Insert", KeyDelete: "Delete", KeyRight: "Right", KeyLeft: "Left", KeyDown: "Down", KeyUp: "Up", KeyPageUp: "PageUp", KeyPageDown: "PageDown", KeyHome: "Home", KeyEnd: "End", KeyCapsLock: "CapsLock", KeyScrollLock: "ScrollLock", KeyNumLock: "NumLock", KeyPrintScreen: "PrintScreen", KeyPause: "Pause", KeyF1: "F1", KeyF2: "F2", KeyF3: "F3", KeyF4: "F4", KeyF5: "F5", KeyF6: "F6", KeyF7: "F7", KeyF8: "F8", KeyF9: "F9", KeyF10: "F10", KeyF11: "F11", KeyF12: "F12", KeyF13: "F13", KeyF14: "F14", KeyF15: "F15", KeyF16: "F16", KeyF17: "F17", KeyF18: "F18", KeyF19: "F19", KeyF20: "F20", KeyF21: "F21", KeyF22: "F22", KeyF23: "F23", KeyF24: "F24", KeyF25: "F25", KeyKP0: "KP0", KeyKP1: "KP1", KeyKP2: "KP2", KeyKP3: "KP3", KeyKP4: "KP4", KeyKP5: "KP5", KeyKP6: "KP6", KeyKP7: "KP7", KeyKP8: "KP8", KeyKP9: "KP9", KeyKPDecimal: "KPDecimal", KeyKPDivide: "KPDivide", KeyKPMultiply: "KPMultiply", KeyKPSubtract: "KPSubtract", KeyKPAdd: "KPAdd", KeyKPEnter: "KPEnter", KeyKPEqual: "KPEqual", KeyLeftShift: "LeftShift", KeyLeftControl: "LeftControl", KeyLeftAlt: "LeftAlt", KeyLeftSuper: "LeftSuper", KeyRightShift: "RightShift", KeyRightControl: "RightControl", KeyRightAlt: "RightAlt", KeyRightSuper: "RightSuper", KeyMenu: "Menu", } func (w *Window) initInput() { mainthread.Call(func() { w.window.SetMouseButtonCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, button glfw.MouseButton, action glfw.Action, mod glfw.ModifierKey) { switch action { case glfw.Press: w.tempInp.buttons[Button(button)] = true case glfw.Release: w.tempInp.buttons[Button(button)] = false } }) w.window.SetKeyCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, key glfw.Key, scancode int, action glfw.Action, mods glfw.ModifierKey) { if key == glfw.KeyUnknown { return } switch action { case glfw.Press: w.tempInp.buttons[Button(key)] = true case glfw.Release: w.tempInp.buttons[Button(key)] = false case glfw.Repeat: w.tempInp.repeat[Button(key)] = true } }) w.window.SetCursorEnterCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, entered bool) { w.cursorInsideWindow = entered }) w.window.SetCursorPosCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, x, y float64) { w.tempInp.mouse = pixel.V( x+w.bounds.Min.X, (w.bounds.H()-y)+w.bounds.Min.Y, ) }) w.window.SetScrollCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, xoff, yoff float64) { w.tempInp.scroll.X += xoff w.tempInp.scroll.Y += yoff }) w.window.SetCharCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, r rune) { w.tempInp.typed += string(r) }) }) } // UpdateInput polls window events. Call this function to poll window events // without swapping buffers. Note that the Update method invokes UpdateInput. func (w *Window) UpdateInput() { mainthread.Call(func() { glfw.PollEvents() }) w.doUpdateInput() } // UpdateInputWait blocks until an event is received or a timeout. If timeout is 0 // then it will wait indefinitely func (w *Window) UpdateInputWait(timeout time.Duration) { mainthread.Call(func() { if timeout <= 0 { glfw.WaitEvents() } else { glfw.WaitEventsTimeout(timeout.Seconds()) } }) w.doUpdateInput() } // internal input bookkeeping func (w *Window) doUpdateInput() { w.prevInp = w.currInp w.currInp = w.tempInp w.tempInp.repeat = [KeyLast + 1]bool{} w.tempInp.scroll = pixel.ZV w.tempInp.typed = "" w.updateJoystickInput() }