package pixelgl

import (


// WindowConfig is a structure for specifying all possible properties of a Window. Properties are
// chosen in such a way, that you usually only need to set a few of them - defaults (zeros) should
// usually be sensible.
// Note that you always need to set the Bounds of a Window.
type WindowConfig struct {
	// Title at the top of the Window.
	Title string

	// Icon specifies the icon images available to be used by the window. This is usually
	// displayed in the top bar of the window or in the task bar of the desktop environment.
	// If passed one image, it will use that image, if passed an array of images those of or
	// closest to the sizes desired by the system are selected. The desired image sizes varies
	// depending on platform and system settings. The selected images will be rescaled as
	// needed. Good sizes include 16x16, 32x32 and 48x48.
	// Note: Setting this value doesn't have an effect on OSX. You'll need to set the icon when
	// bundling your application for release.
	Icon []pixel.Picture

	// Bounds specify the bounds of the Window in pixels.
	Bounds pixel.Rect

	// If set to nil, the Window will be windowed. Otherwise it will be fullscreen on the
	// specified Monitor.
	Monitor *Monitor

	// Whether the Window is resizable.
	Resizable bool

	// Undecorated Window ommits the borders and decorations (close button, etc.).
	Undecorated bool

	// VSync (vertical synchronization) synchronizes Window's framerate with the framerate of
	// the monitor.
	VSync bool

// Window is a window handler. Use this type to manipulate a window (input, drawing, etc.).
type Window struct {
	window *glfw.Window

	bounds        pixel.Rect
	canvas        *Canvas
	vsync         bool
	cursorVisible bool

	// need to save these to correctly restore a fullscreen window
	restore struct {
		xpos, ypos, width, height int

	prevInp, currInp, tempInp struct {
		mouse   pixel.Vec
		buttons [KeyLast + 1]bool
		repeat  [KeyLast + 1]bool
		scroll  pixel.Vec
		typed   string

var currWin *Window

// NewWindow creates a new Window with it's properties specified in the provided config.
// If Window creation fails, an error is returned (e.g. due to unavailable graphics device).
func NewWindow(cfg WindowConfig) (*Window, error) {
	bool2int := map[bool]int{
		true:  glfw.True,
		false: glfw.False,

	w := &Window{bounds: cfg.Bounds, cursorVisible: true}

	err := mainthread.CallErr(func() error {
		var err error

		glfw.WindowHint(glfw.ContextVersionMajor, 3)
		glfw.WindowHint(glfw.ContextVersionMinor, 3)
		glfw.WindowHint(glfw.OpenGLProfile, glfw.OpenGLCoreProfile)
		glfw.WindowHint(glfw.OpenGLForwardCompatible, glfw.True)

		glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Resizable, bool2int[cfg.Resizable])
		glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Decorated, bool2int[!cfg.Undecorated])

		var share *glfw.Window
		if currWin != nil {
			share = currWin.window
		_, _, width, height := intBounds(cfg.Bounds)
		w.window, err = glfw.CreateWindow(
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// enter the OpenGL context

		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creating window failed")

	if len(cfg.Icon) > 0 {
		imgs := make([]image.Image, len(cfg.Icon))
		for i, icon := range cfg.Icon {
			pic := pixel.PictureDataFromPicture(icon)
			imgs[i] = pic.Image()
		mainthread.Call(func() {



	w.canvas = NewCanvas(cfg.Bounds)

	runtime.SetFinalizer(w, (*Window).Destroy)

	return w, nil

// Destroy destroys the Window. The Window can't be used any further.
func (w *Window) Destroy() {
	mainthread.Call(func() {

// Update swaps buffers and polls events. Call this method at the end of each frame.
func (w *Window) Update() {
	mainthread.Call(func() {
		_, _, oldW, oldH := intBounds(w.bounds)
		newW, newH := w.window.GetSize()
		w.bounds = w.bounds.ResizedMin(w.bounds.Size().Add(pixel.V(


	mainthread.Call(func() {

		framebufferWidth, framebufferHeight := w.window.GetFramebufferSize()
		glhf.Bounds(0, 0, framebufferWidth, framebufferHeight)

		glhf.Clear(0, 0, 0, 0)
			0, 0, w.canvas.Texture().Width(), w.canvas.Texture().Height(),
			0, 0, framebufferWidth, framebufferHeight,

		if w.vsync {
		} else {


// SetClosed sets the closed flag of the Window.
// This is useful when overriding the user's attempt to close the Window, or just to close the
// Window from within the program.
func (w *Window) SetClosed(closed bool) {
	mainthread.Call(func() {

// Closed returns the closed flag of the Window, which reports whether the Window should be closed.
// The closed flag is automatically set when a user attempts to close the Window.
func (w *Window) Closed() bool {
	var closed bool
	mainthread.Call(func() {
		closed = w.window.ShouldClose()
	return closed

// SetTitle changes the title of the Window.
func (w *Window) SetTitle(title string) {
	mainthread.Call(func() {

// SetBounds sets the bounds of the Window in pixels. Bounds can be fractional, but the actual size
// of the window will be rounded to integers.
func (w *Window) SetBounds(bounds pixel.Rect) {
	w.bounds = bounds
	mainthread.Call(func() {
		_, _, width, height := intBounds(bounds)
		w.window.SetSize(width, height)

// Bounds returns the current bounds of the Window.
func (w *Window) Bounds() pixel.Rect {
	return w.bounds

func (w *Window) setFullscreen(monitor *Monitor) {
	mainthread.Call(func() {
		w.restore.xpos, w.restore.ypos = w.window.GetPos()
		w.restore.width, w.restore.height = w.window.GetSize()

		mode := monitor.monitor.GetVideoMode()


func (w *Window) setWindowed() {
	mainthread.Call(func() {

// SetMonitor sets the Window fullscreen on the given Monitor. If the Monitor is nil, the Window
// will be restored to windowed state instead.
// The Window will be automatically set to the Monitor's resolution. If you want a different
// resolution, you will need to set it manually with SetBounds method.
func (w *Window) SetMonitor(monitor *Monitor) {
	if w.Monitor() != monitor {
		if monitor != nil {
		} else {

// Monitor returns a monitor the Window is fullscreen on. If the Window is not fullscreen, this
// function returns nil.
func (w *Window) Monitor() *Monitor {
	var monitor *glfw.Monitor
	mainthread.Call(func() {
		monitor = w.window.GetMonitor()
	if monitor == nil {
		return nil
	return &Monitor{
		monitor: monitor,

// Focused returns true if the Window has input focus.
func (w *Window) Focused() bool {
	var focused bool
	mainthread.Call(func() {
		focused = w.window.GetAttrib(glfw.Focused) == glfw.True
	return focused

// SetVSync sets whether the Window's Update should synchronize with the monitor refresh rate.
func (w *Window) SetVSync(vsync bool) {
	w.vsync = vsync

// VSync returns whether the Window is set to synchronize with the monitor refresh rate.
func (w *Window) VSync() bool {
	return w.vsync

// SetCursorVisible sets the visibility of the mouse cursor inside the Window client area.
func (w *Window) SetCursorVisible(visible bool) {
	w.cursorVisible = visible
	mainthread.Call(func() {
		if visible {
			w.window.SetInputMode(glfw.CursorMode, glfw.CursorNormal)
		} else {
			w.window.SetInputMode(glfw.CursorMode, glfw.CursorHidden)

// CursorVisible returns the visibility status of the mouse cursor.
func (w *Window) CursorVisible() bool {
	return w.cursorVisible

// Note: must be called inside the main thread.
func (w *Window) begin() {
	if currWin != w {
		currWin = w

// Note: must be called inside the main thread.
func (w *Window) end() {
	// nothing, really

// MakeTriangles generates a specialized copy of the supplied Triangles that will draw onto this
// Window.
// Window supports TrianglesPosition, TrianglesColor and TrianglesPicture.
func (w *Window) MakeTriangles(t pixel.Triangles) pixel.TargetTriangles {
	return w.canvas.MakeTriangles(t)

// MakePicture generates a specialized copy of the supplied Picture that will draw onto this Window.
// Window supports PictureColor.
func (w *Window) MakePicture(p pixel.Picture) pixel.TargetPicture {
	return w.canvas.MakePicture(p)

// SetMatrix sets a Matrix that every point will be projected by.
func (w *Window) SetMatrix(m pixel.Matrix) {

// SetColorMask sets a global color mask for the Window.
func (w *Window) SetColorMask(c color.Color) {

// SetComposeMethod sets a Porter-Duff composition method to be used in the following draws onto
// this Window.
func (w *Window) SetComposeMethod(cmp pixel.ComposeMethod) {

// SetSmooth sets whether the stretched Pictures drawn onto this Window should be drawn smooth or
// pixely.
func (w *Window) SetSmooth(smooth bool) {

// Smooth returns whether the stretched Pictures drawn onto this Window are set to be drawn smooth
// or pixely.
func (w *Window) Smooth() bool {
	return w.canvas.Smooth()

// Clear clears the Window with a single color.
func (w *Window) Clear(c color.Color) {

// Color returns the color of the pixel over the given position inside the Window.
func (w *Window) Color(at pixel.Vec) pixel.RGBA {
	return w.canvas.Color(at)