replace complex128 Vec with a struct

This commit is contained in:
faiface 2017-05-21 19:25:06 +02:00
parent 3af9c2b20e
commit ecdd8462bb
19 changed files with 282 additions and 309 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func (td *TrianglesData) SetLen(len int) {
Color RGBA
Picture Vec
Intensity float64
}{V(0, 0), Alpha(1), V(0, 0), 0})
}{ZV, Alpha(1), ZV, 0})
if len < td.Len() {
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ type PictureData struct {
// MakePictureData creates a zero-initialized PictureData covering the given rectangle.
func MakePictureData(rect Rect) *PictureData {
w := int(math.Ceil(rect.Max.X())) - int(math.Floor(rect.Min.X()))
h := int(math.Ceil(rect.Max.Y())) - int(math.Floor(rect.Min.Y()))
w := int(math.Ceil(rect.Max.X)) - int(math.Floor(rect.Min.X))
h := int(math.Ceil(rect.Max.Y)) - int(math.Floor(rect.Min.Y))
pd := &PictureData{
Stride: w,
Rect: rect,
@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ func PictureDataFromPicture(pic Picture) *PictureData {
pd := MakePictureData(bounds)
if pic, ok := pic.(PictureColor); ok {
for y := math.Floor(bounds.Min.Y()); y < bounds.Max.Y(); y++ {
for x := math.Floor(bounds.Min.X()); x < bounds.Max.X(); x++ {
for y := math.Floor(bounds.Min.Y); y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := math.Floor(bounds.Min.X); x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
// this together with the Floor is a trick to get all of the pixels
at := V(
math.Max(x, bounds.Min.X()),
math.Max(y, bounds.Min.Y()),
math.Max(x, bounds.Min.X),
math.Max(y, bounds.Min.Y),
col := pic.Color(at)
pd.Pix[pd.Index(at)] = color.RGBA{
@ -231,10 +231,10 @@ func PictureDataFromPicture(pic Picture) *PictureData {
// The resulting image.RGBA's Bounds will be equivalent of the PictureData's Bounds.
func (pd *PictureData) Image() *image.RGBA {
bounds := image.Rect(
rgba := image.NewRGBA(bounds)
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ func (pd *PictureData) Image() *image.RGBA {
// Index returns the index of the pixel at the specified position inside the Pix slice.
func (pd *PictureData) Index(at Vec) int {
at -= pd.Rect.Min.Map(math.Floor)
x, y := int(at.X()), int(at.Y())
at = at.Sub(pd.Rect.Min.Map(math.Floor))
x, y := int(at.X), int(at.Y)
return y*pd.Stride + x

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func run() {
var (
camPos = pixel.V(0, 0)
camPos = ZV
camSpeed = 500.0
camZoom = 1.0
camZoomSpeed = 1.2

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func run() {
var (
camPos = pixel.V(0, 0)
camPos = pixel.ZV
camSpeed = 500.0
camZoom = 1.0
camZoomSpeed = 1.2

View File

@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ func (cl *colorlight) apply(dst pixel.ComposeTarget, center pixel.Vec, src, nois
if cl.imd == nil {
imd := imdraw.New(nil)
imd.Color = pixel.Alpha(1)
imd.Color = pixel.Alpha(0)
for angle := -cl.spread / 2; angle <= cl.spread/2; angle += cl.spread / 64 {
imd.Push(pixel.V(1, 0).Rotated(angle))
cl.imd = imd
// draw the light arc
dst.SetMatrix(pixel.IM.Scaled(0, cl.radius).Rotated(0, cl.angle).Moved(cl.point))
dst.SetMatrix(pixel.IM.Scaled(pixel.ZV, cl.radius).Rotated(pixel.ZV, cl.angle).Moved(cl.point))
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func (cl *colorlight) apply(dst pixel.ComposeTarget, center pixel.Vec, src, nois
src.Draw(dst, pixel.IM.Moved(center))
// draw the light reflected from the dust
dst.SetMatrix(pixel.IM.Scaled(0, cl.radius).Rotated(0, cl.angle).Moved(cl.point))
dst.SetMatrix(pixel.IM.Scaled(pixel.ZV, cl.radius).Rotated(pixel.ZV, cl.angle).Moved(cl.point))
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ func run() {
points := []pixel.Vec{
pixel.V(win.Bounds().Min.X(), win.Bounds().Min.Y()),
pixel.V(win.Bounds().Max.X(), win.Bounds().Min.Y()),
pixel.V(win.Bounds().Max.X(), win.Bounds().Max.Y()),
pixel.V(win.Bounds().Min.X(), win.Bounds().Max.Y()),
{X: win.Bounds().Min.X, Y: win.Bounds().Min.Y},
{X: win.Bounds().Max.X, Y: win.Bounds().Min.Y},
{X: win.Bounds().Max.X, Y: win.Bounds().Max.Y},
{X: win.Bounds().Min.X, Y: win.Bounds().Max.Y},
angles := []float64{

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func loadAnimationSheet(sheetPath, descPath string, frameWidth float64) (sheet p
// create a slice of frames inside the spritesheet
var frames []pixel.Rect
for x := 0.0; x+frameWidth <= sheet.Bounds().Max.X(); x += frameWidth {
for x := 0.0; x+frameWidth <= sheet.Bounds().Max.X; x += frameWidth {
frames = append(frames, pixel.R(
@ -104,37 +104,37 @@ type gopherPhys struct {
func (gp *gopherPhys) update(dt float64, ctrl pixel.Vec, platforms []platform) {
// apply controls
switch {
case ctrl.X() < 0:
gp.vel = gp.vel.WithX(-gp.runSpeed)
case ctrl.X() > 0:
gp.vel = gp.vel.WithX(+gp.runSpeed)
case ctrl.X < 0:
gp.vel.X = -gp.runSpeed
case ctrl.X > 0:
gp.vel.X = +gp.runSpeed
gp.vel = gp.vel.WithX(0)
gp.vel.X = 0
// apply gravity and velocity
gp.vel += pixel.Y(gp.gravity).Scaled(dt)
gp.vel.Y += gp.gravity * dt
gp.rect = gp.rect.Moved(gp.vel.Scaled(dt))
// check collisions against each platform
gp.ground = false
if gp.vel.Y() <= 0 {
if gp.vel.Y <= 0 {
for _, p := range platforms {
if gp.rect.Max.X() <= p.rect.Min.X() || gp.rect.Min.X() >= p.rect.Max.X() {
if gp.rect.Max.X <= p.rect.Min.X || gp.rect.Min.X >= p.rect.Max.X {
if gp.rect.Min.Y() > p.rect.Max.Y() || gp.rect.Min.Y() < p.rect.Max.Y()+gp.vel.Y()*dt {
if gp.rect.Min.Y > p.rect.Max.Y || gp.rect.Min.Y < p.rect.Max.Y+gp.vel.Y*dt {
gp.vel = gp.vel.WithY(0)
gp.rect = gp.rect.Moved(pixel.Y(p.rect.Max.Y() - gp.rect.Min.Y()))
gp.vel.Y = 0
gp.rect = gp.rect.Moved(pixel.V(0, p.rect.Max.Y-gp.rect.Min.Y))
gp.ground = true
// jump if on the ground and the player wants to jump
if gp.ground && ctrl.Y() > 0 {
gp.vel = gp.vel.WithY(gp.jumpSpeed)
if gp.ground && ctrl.Y > 0 {
gp.vel.Y = gp.jumpSpeed
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (ga *gopherAnim) update(dt float64, phys *gopherPhys) {
i := int(math.Floor(ga.counter / ga.rate))
ga.frame = ga.anims["Run"][i%len(ga.anims["Run"])]
case jumping:
speed := phys.vel.Y()
speed := phys.vel.Y
i := int((-speed/phys.jumpSpeed + 1) / 2 * float64(len(ga.anims["Jump"])))
if i < 0 {
i = 0
@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ func (ga *gopherAnim) update(dt float64, phys *gopherPhys) {
// set the facing direction of the gopher
if phys.vel.X() != 0 {
if phys.vel.X() > 0 {
if phys.vel.X != 0 {
if phys.vel.X > 0 {
ga.dir = +1
} else {
ga.dir = -1
@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ func (ga *gopherAnim) draw(t pixel.Target, phys *gopherPhys) {
// draw the correct frame with the correct position and direction
ga.sprite.Set(ga.sheet, ga.frame)
ga.sprite.Draw(t, pixel.IM.
ScaledXY(0, pixel.V(
ScaledXY(pixel.ZV, pixel.V(
ScaledXY(0, pixel.V(-ga.dir, 1)).
ScaledXY(pixel.ZV, pixel.V(-ga.dir, 1)).
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ func run() {
imd := imdraw.New(sheet)
imd.Precision = 32
camPos := pixel.V(0, 0)
camPos := pixel.ZV
last := time.Now()
for !win.Closed() {
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ func run() {
// lerp the camera position towards the gopher
camPos = pixel.Lerp(camPos, phys.rect.Center(), 1-math.Pow(1.0/128, dt))
cam := pixel.IM.Moved(-camPos)
cam := pixel.IM.Moved(camPos.Scaled(-1))
// slow motion with tab
@ -345,20 +345,20 @@ func run() {
// restart the level on pressing enter
if win.JustPressed(pixelgl.KeyEnter) {
phys.rect = phys.rect.Moved(-phys.rect.Center())
phys.vel = 0
phys.rect = phys.rect.Moved(phys.rect.Center().Scaled(-1))
phys.vel = pixel.ZV
// control the gopher with keys
ctrl := pixel.V(0, 0)
ctrl := pixel.ZV
if win.Pressed(pixelgl.KeyLeft) {
ctrl -= pixel.X(1)
if win.Pressed(pixelgl.KeyRight) {
ctrl += pixel.X(1)
if win.JustPressed(pixelgl.KeyUp) {
ctrl = ctrl.WithY(1)
ctrl.Y = 1
// update the physics and animation
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ func run() {
// stretch the canvas to the window

View File

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ func (p *particles) DrawAll(t pixel.Target) {
Scaled(0, part.Scale).
Rotated(0, part.Rot).
Scaled(pixel.ZV, part.Scale).
Rotated(pixel.ZV, part.Rot).
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func (ss *smokeSystem) Generate() *particle {
sd := new(smokeData)
for _, base := range ss.VelBasis {
c := math.Max(0, 1+rand.NormFloat64()*ss.VelDist)
sd.Vel += base.Scaled(c)
sd.Vel = sd.Vel.Add(base.Scaled(c))
sd.Vel = sd.Vel.Scaled(1 / float64(len(ss.VelBasis)))
sd.Life = math.Max(0, ss.LifeAvg+rand.NormFloat64()*ss.LifeDist)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ func (ss *smokeSystem) Update(dt float64, p *particle) bool {
frac := sd.Time / sd.Life
p.Pos += sd.Vel.Scaled(dt)
p.Pos = p.Pos.Add(sd.Vel.Scaled(dt))
p.Scale = 0.5 + frac*1.5
const (
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func run() {
ss := &smokeSystem{
Rects: rects,
Orig: 0,
Orig: pixel.ZV,
VelBasis: []pixel.Vec{pixel.V(-100, 100), pixel.V(100, 100), pixel.V(0, 100)},
VelDist: 0.1,
LifeAvg: 7,
@ -212,7 +212,10 @@ func run() {
win.SetMatrix(pixel.IM.Moved(win.Bounds().Center() - pixel.Y(win.Bounds().H()/2)))
orig := win.Bounds().Center()
orig.Y -= win.Bounds().H() / 2

View File

@ -40,28 +40,28 @@ func run() {
// red circle
imd.Color = pixel.RGB(1, 0, 0)
imd.Push(win.Bounds().Center() - pixel.X(offset))
imd.Push(win.Bounds().Center().Add(pixel.V(-offset, 0)))
imd.Circle(200, 0)
// blue circle
imd.Color = pixel.RGB(0, 0, 1)
imd.Push(win.Bounds().Center() + pixel.X(offset))
imd.Push(win.Bounds().Center().Add(pixel.V(offset, 0)))
imd.Circle(150, 0)
// yellow circle
imd.Color = pixel.RGB(1, 1, 0)
imd.Push(win.Bounds().Center() - pixel.Y(offset))
imd.Push(win.Bounds().Center().Add(pixel.V(0, -offset)))
imd.Circle(100, 0)
// magenta circle
imd.Color=pixel.RGB(1, 0, 1)
imd.Push(win.Bounds().Center() + pixel.Y(offset))
imd.Color = pixel.RGB(1, 0, 1)
imd.Push(win.Bounds().Center().Add(pixel.V(0, offset)))
imd.Circle(50, 0)

View File

@ -3,50 +3,38 @@ package pixel
import (
// Vec is a 2D vector type. It is unusually implemented as complex128 for convenience. Since
// Go does not allow operator overloading, implementing vector as a struct leads to a bunch of
// methods for addition, subtraction and multiplication of vectors. With complex128, much of
// this functionality is given through operators.
// Vec is a 2D vector type with X and Y coordinates.
// Create vectors with the V constructor:
// u := pixel.V(1, 2)
// v := pixel.V(8, -3)
// Add and subtract them using the standard + and - operators:
// Use various methods to manipulate them:
// w := u + v
// fmt.Println(w) // Vec(9, -1)
// fmt.Println(u - v) // Vec(-7, 5)
// Additional standard vector operations can be obtained with methods:
// u := pixel.V(2, 3)
// v := pixel.V(8, 1)
// if u.X() < 0 {
// w := u.Add(v)
// fmt.Println(w) // Vec(9, -1)
// fmt.Println(u.Sub(v)) // Vec(-7, 5)
// u = pixel.V(2, 3)
// v = pixel.V(8, 1)
// if u.X < 0 {
// fmt.Println("this won't happen")
// }
// x := u.Unit().Dot(v.Unit())
type Vec complex128
type Vec struct {
X, Y float64
// ZV is a zero vector.
var ZV = Vec{0, 0}
// V returns a new 2D vector with the given coordinates.
func V(x, y float64) Vec {
return Vec(complex(x, y))
// X returns a 2D vector with coordinates (x, 0).
func X(x float64) Vec {
return V(x, 0)
// Y returns a 2D vector with coordinates (0, y).
func Y(y float64) Vec {
return V(0, y)
return Vec{x, y}
// String returns the string representation of the vector u.
@ -55,76 +43,75 @@ func Y(y float64) Vec {
// u.String() // returns "Vec(4.5, -1.3)"
// fmt.Println(u) // Vec(4.5, -1.3)
func (u Vec) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Vec(%v, %v)", u.X(), u.Y())
// X returns the x coordinate of the vector u.
func (u Vec) X() float64 {
return real(u)
// Y returns the y coordinate of the vector u.
func (u Vec) Y() float64 {
return imag(u)
return fmt.Sprintf("Vec(%v, %v)", u.X, u.Y)
// XY returns the components of the vector in two return values.
func (u Vec) XY() (x, y float64) {
return real(u), imag(u)
return u.X, u.Y
// Len returns the length of the vector u.
func (u Vec) Len() float64 {
return cmplx.Abs(complex128(u))
// Angle returns the angle between the vector u and the x-axis. The result is in range [-Pi, Pi].
func (u Vec) Angle() float64 {
return cmplx.Phase(complex128(u))
// Unit returns a vector of length 1 facing the direction of u (has the same angle).
func (u Vec) Unit() Vec {
if u == 0 {
return 1
// Add returns the sum of vectors u and v.
func (u Vec) Add(v Vec) Vec {
return Vec{
u.X + v.X,
u.Y + v.Y,
// Sub returns the difference betweeen vectors u and v.
func (u Vec) Sub(v Vec) Vec {
return Vec{
u.X - v.X,
u.Y - v.Y,
return u / V(u.Len(), 0)
// Scaled returns the vector u multiplied by c.
func (u Vec) Scaled(c float64) Vec {
return u * V(c, 0)
return Vec{u.X * c, u.Y * c}
// ScaledXY returns the vector u multiplied by the vector v component-wise.
func (u Vec) ScaledXY(v Vec) Vec {
return V(u.X()*v.X(), u.Y()*v.Y())
return Vec{u.X * v.X, u.Y * v.Y}
// Len returns the length of the vector u.
func (u Vec) Len() float64 {
return math.Hypot(u.X, u.Y)
// Angle returns the angle between the vector u and the x-axis. The result is in range [-Pi, Pi].
func (u Vec) Angle() float64 {
return math.Atan2(u.Y, u.X)
// Unit returns a vector of length 1 facing the direction of u (has the same angle).
func (u Vec) Unit() Vec {
if u.X == 0 && u.Y == 0 {
return Vec{1, 0}
return u.Scaled(1 / u.Len())
// Rotated returns the vector u rotated by the given angle in radians.
func (u Vec) Rotated(angle float64) Vec {
sin, cos := math.Sincos(angle)
return u * V(cos, sin)
// WithX return the vector u with the x coordinate changed to the given value.
func (u Vec) WithX(x float64) Vec {
return V(x, u.Y())
// WithY returns the vector u with the y coordinate changed to the given value.
func (u Vec) WithY(y float64) Vec {
return V(u.X(), y)
return Vec{
u.X*cos - u.Y*sin,
u.X*sin + u.Y*cos,
// Dot returns the dot product of vectors u and v.
func (u Vec) Dot(v Vec) float64 {
return u.X()*v.X() + u.Y()*v.Y()
return u.X*v.X + u.Y*v.Y
// Cross return the cross product of vectors u and v.
func (u Vec) Cross(v Vec) float64 {
return u.X()*v.Y() - v.X()*u.Y()
return u.X*v.Y - v.X*u.Y
// Map applies the function f to both x and y components of the vector u and returns the modified
@ -133,10 +120,10 @@ func (u Vec) Cross(v Vec) float64 {
// u := pixel.V(10.5, -1.5)
// v := u.Map(math.Floor) // v is Vec(10, -2), both components of u floored
func (u Vec) Map(f func(float64) float64) Vec {
return V(
return Vec{
// Lerp returns a linear interpolation between vectors a and b.
@ -145,7 +132,7 @@ func (u Vec) Map(f func(float64) float64) Vec {
// If t is 0, then a will be returned, if t is 1, b will be returned. Anything between 0 and 1 will
// return the appropriate point between a and b and so on.
func Lerp(a, b Vec, t float64) Vec {
return a.Scaled(1-t) + b.Scaled(t)
return a.Scaled(1 - t).Add(b.Scaled(t))
// Rect is a 2D rectangle aligned with the axes of the coordinate system. It is defined by two
@ -171,31 +158,31 @@ func R(minX, minY, maxX, maxY float64) Rect {
// r.String() // returns "Rect(100, 50, 200, 300)"
// fmt.Println(r) // Rect(100, 50, 200, 300)
func (r Rect) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Rect(%v, %v, %v, %v)", r.Min.X(), r.Min.Y(), r.Max.X(), r.Max.Y())
return fmt.Sprintf("Rect(%v, %v, %v, %v)", r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y)
// Norm returns the Rect in normal form, such that Max is component-wise greater or equal than Min.
func (r Rect) Norm() Rect {
return Rect{
Min: V(
math.Min(r.Min.X(), r.Max.X()),
math.Min(r.Min.Y(), r.Max.Y()),
Max: V(
math.Max(r.Min.X(), r.Max.X()),
math.Max(r.Min.Y(), r.Max.Y()),
Min: Vec{
math.Min(r.Min.X, r.Max.X),
math.Min(r.Min.Y, r.Max.Y),
Max: Vec{
math.Max(r.Min.X, r.Max.X),
math.Max(r.Min.Y, r.Max.Y),
// W returns the width of the Rect.
func (r Rect) W() float64 {
return r.Max.X() - r.Min.X()
return r.Max.X - r.Min.X
// H returns the height of the Rect.
func (r Rect) H() float64 {
return r.Max.Y() - r.Min.Y()
return r.Max.Y - r.Min.Y
// Size returns the vector of width and height of the Rect.
@ -205,34 +192,14 @@ func (r Rect) Size() Vec {
// Center returns the position of the center of the Rect.
func (r Rect) Center() Vec {
return (r.Min + r.Max) / 2
return Lerp(r.Min, r.Max, 0.5)
// Moved returns the Rect moved (both Min and Max) by the given vector delta.
func (r Rect) Moved(delta Vec) Rect {
return Rect{
Min: r.Min + delta,
Max: r.Max + delta,
// WithMin returns the Rect with it's Min changed to the given position.
// Note, that the Rect is not automatically normalized.
func (r Rect) WithMin(min Vec) Rect {
return Rect{
Min: min,
Max: r.Max,
// WithMax returns the Rect with it's Max changed to the given position.
// Note, that the Rect is not automatically normalized.
func (r Rect) WithMax(max Vec) Rect {
return Rect{
Min: r.Min,
Max: max,
Min: r.Min.Add(delta),
Max: r.Max.Add(delta),
@ -249,10 +216,10 @@ func (r Rect) Resized(anchor, size Vec) Rect {
if r.W()*r.H() == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("(%T).Resize: zero area", r))
fraction := V(size.X()/r.W(), size.Y()/r.H())
fraction := Vec{size.X / r.W(), size.Y / r.H()}
return Rect{
Min: anchor + (r.Min - anchor).ScaledXY(fraction),
Max: anchor + (r.Max - anchor).ScaledXY(fraction),
Min: anchor.Add(r.Min.Sub(anchor)).ScaledXY(fraction),
Max: anchor.Add(r.Max.Sub(anchor)).ScaledXY(fraction),
@ -263,22 +230,22 @@ func (r Rect) Resized(anchor, size Vec) Rect {
func (r Rect) ResizedMin(size Vec) Rect {
return Rect{
Min: r.Min,
Max: r.Min + size,
Max: r.Min.Add(size),
// Contains checks whether a vector u is contained within this Rect (including it's borders).
func (r Rect) Contains(u Vec) bool {
return r.Min.X() <= u.X() && u.X() <= r.Max.X() && r.Min.Y() <= u.Y() && u.Y() <= r.Max.Y()
return r.Min.X <= u.X && u.X <= r.Max.X && r.Min.Y <= u.Y && u.Y <= r.Max.Y
// Union returns a minimal Rect which covers both r and s. Rects r and s should be normalized.
func (r Rect) Union(s Rect) Rect {
return R(
math.Min(r.Min.X(), s.Min.X()),
math.Min(r.Min.Y(), s.Min.Y()),
math.Max(r.Max.X(), s.Max.X()),
math.Max(r.Max.Y(), s.Max.Y()),
math.Min(r.Min.X, s.Min.X),
math.Min(r.Min.Y, s.Min.Y),
math.Max(r.Max.X, s.Max.X),
math.Max(r.Max.Y, s.Max.Y),
@ -320,7 +287,7 @@ func (m Matrix) Moved(delta Vec) Matrix {
// ScaledXY scales everything around a given point by the scale factor in each axis respectively.
func (m Matrix) ScaledXY(around Vec, scale Vec) Matrix {
m3 := mgl64.Mat3(m)
m3 = mgl64.Translate2D((-around).XY()).Mul3(m3)
m3 = mgl64.Translate2D(around.Scaled(-1).XY()).Mul3(m3)
m3 = mgl64.Scale2D(scale.XY()).Mul3(m3)
m3 = mgl64.Translate2D(around.XY()).Mul3(m3)
return Matrix(m3)
@ -334,7 +301,7 @@ func (m Matrix) Scaled(around Vec, scale float64) Matrix {
// Rotated rotates everything around a given point by the given angle in radians.
func (m Matrix) Rotated(around Vec, angle float64) Matrix {
m3 := mgl64.Mat3(m)
m3 = mgl64.Translate2D((-around).XY()).Mul3(m3)
m3 = mgl64.Translate2D(around.Scaled(-1).XY()).Mul3(m3)
m3 = mgl64.Rotate3DZ(angle).Mul3(m3)
m3 = mgl64.Translate2D(around.XY()).Mul3(m3)
return Matrix(m3)
@ -353,7 +320,7 @@ func (m Matrix) Chained(next Matrix) Matrix {
// Time complexity is O(1).
func (m Matrix) Project(u Vec) Vec {
m3 := mgl64.Mat3(m)
proj := m3.Mul3x1(mgl64.Vec3{u.X(), u.Y(), 1})
proj := m3.Mul3x1(mgl64.Vec3{u.X, u.Y, 1})
return V(proj.X(), proj.Y())
@ -363,6 +330,6 @@ func (m Matrix) Project(u Vec) Vec {
func (m Matrix) Unproject(u Vec) Vec {
m3 := mgl64.Mat3(m)
inv := m3.Inv()
unproj := inv.Mul3x1(mgl64.Vec3{u.X(), u.Y(), 1})
unproj := inv.Mul3x1(mgl64.Vec3{u.X, u.Y, 1})
return V(unproj.X(), unproj.Y())

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) Clear() {
func (imd *IMDraw) Reset() {
imd.points = nil
imd.Color = pixel.Alpha(1)
imd.Picture = 0
imd.Picture = pixel.ZV
imd.Intensity = 0
imd.Precision = 64
imd.EndShape = NoEndShape
@ -280,15 +280,15 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) fillRectangle() {
for i, j := 0, off; i+1 < len(points); i, j = i+1, j+6 {
a, b := points[i], points[i+1]
c := point{
pos: pixel.V(a.pos.X(), b.pos.Y()),
pos: pixel.V(a.pos.X, b.pos.Y),
col: a.col.Add(b.col).Mul(pixel.Alpha(0.5)),
pic: pixel.V(a.pic.X(), b.pic.Y()),
pic: pixel.V(a.pic.X, b.pic.Y),
in: ( + / 2,
d := point{
pos: pixel.V(b.pos.X(), a.pos.Y()),
pos: pixel.V(b.pos.X, a.pos.Y),
col: a.col.Add(b.col).Mul(pixel.Alpha(0.5)),
pic: pixel.V(b.pic.X(), a.pic.Y()),
pic: pixel.V(b.pic.X, a.pic.Y),
in: ( + / 2,
@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) outlineRectangle(thickness float64) { = ( + / 2
imd.pushPt(a.pos, a)
imd.pushPt(pixel.V(a.pos.X(), b.pos.Y()), mid)
imd.pushPt(pixel.V(a.pos.X, b.pos.Y), mid)
imd.pushPt(b.pos, b)
imd.pushPt(pixel.V(b.pos.X(), a.pos.Y()), mid)
imd.pushPt(pixel.V(b.pos.X, a.pos.Y), mid)
imd.polyline(thickness, true)
@ -360,24 +360,24 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) fillEllipseArc(radius pixel.Vec, low, high float64) {
for i := range (*imd.tri)[off:] {
(*imd.tri)[off+i].Color = pt.col
(*imd.tri)[off+i].Picture = 0
(*imd.tri)[off+i].Picture = pixel.ZV
(*imd.tri)[off+i].Intensity = 0
for i, j := 0.0, off; i < num; i, j = i+1, j+3 {
angle := low + i*delta
sin, cos := math.Sincos(angle)
a := pt.pos + pixel.V(
a := pt.pos.Add(pixel.V(
angle = low + (i+1)*delta
sin, cos = math.Sincos(angle)
b := pt.pos + pixel.V(
b := pt.pos.Add(pixel.V(
(*imd.tri)[j+0].Position = pt.pos
(*imd.tri)[j+1].Position = a
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) outlineEllipseArc(radius pixel.Vec, low, high, thickness floa
for i := range (*imd.tri)[off:] {
(*imd.tri)[off+i].Color = pt.col
(*imd.tri)[off+i].Picture = 0
(*imd.tri)[off+i].Picture = pixel.ZV
(*imd.tri)[off+i].Intensity = 0
@ -409,26 +409,26 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) outlineEllipseArc(radius pixel.Vec, low, high, thickness floa
angle := low + i*delta
sin, cos := math.Sincos(angle)
normalSin, normalCos := pixel.V(sin, cos).ScaledXY(radius).Unit().XY()
a := pt.pos + pixel.V(
b := pt.pos + pixel.V(
a := pt.pos.Add(pixel.V(
b := pt.pos.Add(pixel.V(
angle = low + (i+1)*delta
sin, cos = math.Sincos(angle)
normalSin, normalCos = pixel.V(sin, cos).ScaledXY(radius).Unit().XY()
c := pt.pos + pixel.V(
d := pt.pos + pixel.V(
c := pt.pos.Add(pixel.V(
d := pt.pos.Add(pixel.V(
(*imd.tri)[j+0].Position = a
(*imd.tri)[j+1].Position = b
@ -443,18 +443,18 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) outlineEllipseArc(radius pixel.Vec, low, high, thickness floa
if doEndShape {
lowSin, lowCos := math.Sincos(low)
lowCenter := pt.pos + pixel.V(
lowCenter := pt.pos.Add(pixel.V(
normalLowSin, normalLowCos := pixel.V(lowSin, lowCos).ScaledXY(radius).Unit().XY()
normalLow := pixel.V(normalLowCos, normalLowSin).Angle()
highSin, highCos := math.Sincos(high)
highCenter := pt.pos + pixel.V(
highCenter := pt.pos.Add(pixel.V(
normalHighSin, normalHighCos := pixel.V(highSin, highCos).ScaledXY(radius).Unit().XY()
normalHigh := pixel.V(normalHighCos, normalHighSin).Angle()
@ -467,21 +467,21 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) outlineEllipseArc(radius pixel.Vec, low, high, thickness floa
case NoEndShape:
// nothing
case SharpEndShape:
thick := pixel.X(thickness / 2).Rotated(normalLow)
imd.pushPt(lowCenter+thick, pt)
imd.pushPt(lowCenter-thick, pt)
imd.pushPt(lowCenter-thick.Rotated(math.Pi/2*orientation), pt)
thick := pixel.V(thickness/2, 0).Rotated(normalLow)
imd.pushPt(lowCenter.Add(thick), pt)
imd.pushPt(lowCenter.Sub(thick), pt)
imd.pushPt(lowCenter.Sub(thick.Rotated(math.Pi/2*orientation)), pt)
thick = pixel.X(thickness / 2).Rotated(normalHigh)
imd.pushPt(highCenter+thick, pt)
imd.pushPt(highCenter-thick, pt)
imd.pushPt(highCenter+thick.Rotated(math.Pi/2*orientation), pt)
thick = pixel.V(thickness/2, 0).Rotated(normalHigh)
imd.pushPt(highCenter.Add(thick), pt)
imd.pushPt(highCenter.Sub(thick), pt)
imd.pushPt(highCenter.Add(thick.Rotated(math.Pi/2*orientation)), pt)
case RoundEndShape:
imd.pushPt(lowCenter, pt)
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness, thickness)/2, normalLow, normalLow-math.Pi*orientation)
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness/2, thickness/2), normalLow, normalLow-math.Pi*orientation)
imd.pushPt(highCenter, pt)
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness, thickness)/2, normalHigh, normalHigh+math.Pi*orientation)
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness/2, thickness/2), normalHigh, normalHigh+math.Pi*orientation)
@ -500,25 +500,25 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) polyline(thickness float64, closed bool) {
// first point
j, i := 0, 1
normal := (points[i].pos - points[j].pos).Rotated(math.Pi / 2).Unit().Scaled(thickness / 2)
normal := points[i].pos.Sub(points[j].pos).Rotated(math.Pi / 2).Unit().Scaled(thickness / 2)
if !closed {
switch points[j].endshape {
case NoEndShape:
// nothing
case SharpEndShape:
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+normal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos-normal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+normal.Rotated(math.Pi/2), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(normal), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Sub(normal), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(normal.Rotated(math.Pi/2)), points[j])
case RoundEndShape:
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos, points[j])
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness, thickness)/2, normal.Angle(), normal.Angle()+math.Pi)
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness/2, thickness/2), normal.Angle(), normal.Angle()+math.Pi)
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+normal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos-normal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(normal), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Sub(normal), points[j])
// middle points
for i := 0; i < len(points); i++ {
@ -536,16 +536,16 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) polyline(thickness float64, closed bool) {
k %= len(points)
ijNormal := (points[j].pos - points[i].pos).Rotated(math.Pi / 2).Unit().Scaled(thickness / 2)
jkNormal := (points[k].pos - points[j].pos).Rotated(math.Pi / 2).Unit().Scaled(thickness / 2)
ijNormal := points[j].pos.Sub(points[i].pos).Rotated(math.Pi / 2).Unit().Scaled(thickness / 2)
jkNormal := points[k].pos.Sub(points[j].pos).Rotated(math.Pi / 2).Unit().Scaled(thickness / 2)
orientation := 1.0
if ijNormal.Cross(jkNormal) > 0 {
orientation = -1.0
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos-ijNormal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+ijNormal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Sub(ijNormal), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(ijNormal), points[j])
switch points[j].endshape {
@ -553,28 +553,28 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) polyline(thickness float64, closed bool) {
// nothing
case SharpEndShape:
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+ijNormal.Scaled(orientation), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+jkNormal.Scaled(orientation), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(ijNormal.Scaled(orientation)), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(jkNormal.Scaled(orientation)), points[j])
case RoundEndShape:
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos, points[j])
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness, thickness)/2, ijNormal.Angle(), ijNormal.Angle()-math.Pi)
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness/2, thickness/2), ijNormal.Angle(), ijNormal.Angle()-math.Pi)
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos, points[j])
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness, thickness)/2, jkNormal.Angle(), jkNormal.Angle()+math.Pi)
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness/2, thickness/2), jkNormal.Angle(), jkNormal.Angle()+math.Pi)
if !closing {
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+jkNormal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos-jkNormal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(jkNormal), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Sub(jkNormal), points[j])
// last point
i, j = len(points)-2, len(points)-1
normal = (points[j].pos - points[i].pos).Rotated(math.Pi / 2).Unit().Scaled(thickness / 2)
normal = points[j].pos.Sub(points[i].pos).Rotated(math.Pi / 2).Unit().Scaled(thickness / 2)
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos-normal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+normal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Sub(normal), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(normal), points[j])
if !closed {
@ -582,13 +582,13 @@ func (imd *IMDraw) polyline(thickness float64, closed bool) {
case NoEndShape:
// nothing
case SharpEndShape:
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+normal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos-normal, points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos+normal.Rotated(-math.Pi/2), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(normal), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Sub(normal), points[j])
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos.Add(normal.Rotated(-math.Pi/2)), points[j])
case RoundEndShape:
imd.pushPt(points[j].pos, points[j])
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness, thickness)/2, normal.Angle(), normal.Angle()-math.Pi)
imd.fillEllipseArc(pixel.V(thickness/2, thickness/2), normal.Angle(), normal.Angle()-math.Pi)

View File

@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ func (ct *canvasTriangles) draw(tex *glhf.Texture, bounds pixel.Rect) {
dstBounds := ct.dst.Bounds()
shader.SetUniformAttr(canvasBounds, mgl32.Vec4{

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func (gf *GLFrame) Color(at pixel.Vec) pixel.RGBA {
return pixel.Alpha(0)
bx, by, bw, _ := intBounds(gf.bounds)
x, y := int(at.X())-bx, int(at.Y())-by
x, y := int(at.X)-bx, int(at.Y)-by
off := y*bw + x
return pixel.RGBA{
R: float64(gf.pixels[off*4+0]) / 255,

View File

@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ func NewGLPicture(p pixel.Picture) GLPicture {
for y := 0; y < bh; y++ {
for x := 0; x < bw; x++ {
at := pixel.V(
math.Max(float64(bx+x), bounds.Min.X()),
math.Max(float64(by+y), bounds.Min.Y()),
math.Max(float64(bx+x), bounds.Min.X),
math.Max(float64(by+y), bounds.Min.Y),
color := p.Color(at)
off := (y*bw + x) * 4
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ func (gp *glPicture) Color(at pixel.Vec) pixel.RGBA {
return pixel.Alpha(0)
bx, by, bw, _ := intBounds(gp.bounds)
x, y := int(at.X())-bx, int(at.Y())-by
x, y := int(at.X)-bx, int(at.Y)-by
off := y*bw + x
return pixel.RGBA{
R: float64(gp.pixels[off*4+0]) / 255,

View File

@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ func (gt *GLTriangles) updateData(t pixel.Triangles) {
if t, ok := t.(pixel.TrianglesPicture); ok {
for i := 0; i < gt.Len(); i++ {
pic, intensity := t.Picture(i)[i*gt.vs.Stride()+6] = float32(pic.X())[i*gt.vs.Stride()+7] = float32(pic.Y())[i*gt.vs.Stride()+6] = float32(pic.X)[i*gt.vs.Stride()+7] = float32(pic.Y)[i*gt.vs.Stride()+8] = float32(intensity)

View File

@ -356,13 +356,14 @@ func (w *Window) initInput() {
w.window.SetCursorPosCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, x, y float64) {
w.tempInp.mouse = pixel.V(
w.window.SetScrollCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, xoff, yoff float64) {
w.tempInp.scroll += pixel.V(xoff, yoff)
w.tempInp.scroll.X += xoff
w.tempInp.scroll.Y += yoff
w.window.SetCharCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, r rune) {
@ -380,6 +381,6 @@ func (w *Window) updateInput() {
w.currInp = w.tempInp
w.tempInp.repeat = [KeyLast + 1]bool{}
w.tempInp.scroll = 0
w.tempInp.scroll = pixel.ZV
w.tempInp.typed = ""

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import (
func intBounds(bounds pixel.Rect) (x, y, w, h int) {
x0 := int(math.Floor(bounds.Min.X()))
y0 := int(math.Floor(bounds.Min.Y()))
x1 := int(math.Ceil(bounds.Max.X()))
y1 := int(math.Ceil(bounds.Max.Y()))
x0 := int(math.Floor(bounds.Min.X))
y0 := int(math.Floor(bounds.Min.Y))
x1 := int(math.Ceil(bounds.Max.X))
y1 := int(math.Ceil(bounds.Max.Y))
return x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0

View File

@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ func (w *Window) Update() {
mainthread.Call(func() {
_, _, oldW, oldH := intBounds(w.bounds)
newW, newH := w.window.GetSize()
w.bounds = w.bounds.ResizedMin(w.bounds.Size() + pixel.V(
w.bounds = w.bounds.ResizedMin(w.bounds.Size().Add(pixel.V(

View File

@ -90,20 +90,20 @@ func (s *Sprite) DrawColorMask(t Target, matrix Matrix, mask color.Color) {
func (s *Sprite) calcData() {
var (
center = s.frame.Center()
horizontal = X(s.frame.W() / 2)
vertical = Y(s.frame.H() / 2)
horizontal = V(s.frame.W()/2, 0)
vertical = V(0, s.frame.H()/2)
(*s.tri)[0].Position = -horizontal - vertical
(*s.tri)[1].Position = +horizontal - vertical
(*s.tri)[2].Position = +horizontal + vertical
(*s.tri)[3].Position = -horizontal - vertical
(*s.tri)[4].Position = +horizontal + vertical
(*s.tri)[5].Position = -horizontal + vertical
(*s.tri)[0].Position = Vec{}.Sub(horizontal).Sub(vertical)
(*s.tri)[1].Position = Vec{}.Add(horizontal).Sub(vertical)
(*s.tri)[2].Position = Vec{}.Add(horizontal).Add(vertical)
(*s.tri)[3].Position = Vec{}.Sub(horizontal).Sub(vertical)
(*s.tri)[4].Position = Vec{}.Add(horizontal).Add(vertical)
(*s.tri)[5].Position = Vec{}.Sub(horizontal).Add(vertical)
for i := range *s.tri {
(*s.tri)[i].Color = s.mask
(*s.tri)[i].Picture = center + (*s.tri)[i].Position
(*s.tri)[i].Picture = center.Add((*s.tri)[i].Position)
(*s.tri)[i].Intensity = 1

View File

@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ func NewAtlas(face font.Face, runeSets ...[]rune) *Atlas {
mapping[r] = Glyph{
Dot: pixel.V(
Frame: pixel.R(
Advance: i2f(fg.advance),
@ -149,24 +149,24 @@ func (a *Atlas) DrawRune(prevR, r rune, dot pixel.Vec) (rect, frame, bounds pixe
if prevR >= 0 {
dot += pixel.X(a.Kern(prevR, r))
dot.X += a.Kern(prevR, r)
glyph := a.Glyph(r)
rect = glyph.Frame.Moved(dot - glyph.Dot)
rect = glyph.Frame.Moved(dot.Sub(glyph.Dot))
bounds = rect
if bounds.W()*bounds.H() != 0 {
bounds = pixel.R(
dot += pixel.X(glyph.Advance)
dot.X += glyph.Advance
return rect, glyph.Frame, bounds, dot

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func RangeTable(table *unicode.RangeTable) []rune {
// Text allows for effiecient and convenient text drawing.
// To create a Text object, use the New constructor:
// txt := text.New(pixel.V(0, 0), text.NewAtlas(face, text.ASCII))
// txt := text.New(pixel.ZV, text.NewAtlas(face, text.ASCII))
// As suggested by the constructor, a Text object is always associated with one font face and a
// fixed set of runes. For example, the Text we created above can draw text using the font face
@ -274,17 +274,17 @@ func (txt *Text) DrawColorMask(t pixel.Target, matrix pixel.Matrix, mask color.C
func (txt *Text) controlRune(r rune, dot pixel.Vec) (newDot pixel.Vec, control bool) {
switch r {
case '\n':
dot -= pixel.Y(txt.LineHeight)
dot = dot.WithX(txt.Orig.X())
dot.X = txt.Orig.X
dot.Y -= txt.LineHeight
case '\r':
dot = dot.WithX(txt.Orig.X())
dot.X = txt.Orig.X
case '\t':
rem := math.Mod(dot.X()-txt.Orig.X(), txt.TabWidth)
rem := math.Mod(dot.X-txt.Orig.X, txt.TabWidth)
rem = math.Mod(rem, rem+txt.TabWidth)
if rem == 0 {
rem = txt.TabWidth
dot += pixel.X(rem)
dot.X += rem
return dot, false
@ -316,16 +316,18 @@ func (txt *Text) drawBuf() {
txt.prevR = r
rv := [...]pixel.Vec{pixel.V(rect.Min.X(), rect.Min.Y()),
pixel.V(rect.Max.X(), rect.Min.Y()),
pixel.V(rect.Max.X(), rect.Max.Y()),
pixel.V(rect.Min.X(), rect.Max.Y()),
rv := [...]pixel.Vec{
{X: rect.Min.X, Y: rect.Min.Y},
{X: rect.Max.X, Y: rect.Min.Y},
{X: rect.Max.X, Y: rect.Max.Y},
{X: rect.Min.X, Y: rect.Max.Y},
fv := [...]pixel.Vec{pixel.V(frame.Min.X(), frame.Min.Y()),
pixel.V(frame.Max.X(), frame.Min.Y()),
pixel.V(frame.Max.X(), frame.Max.Y()),
pixel.V(frame.Min.X(), frame.Max.Y()),
fv := [...]pixel.Vec{
{X: frame.Min.X, Y: frame.Min.Y},
{X: frame.Max.X, Y: frame.Min.Y},
{X: frame.Max.X, Y: frame.Max.Y},
{X: frame.Min.X, Y: frame.Max.Y},
for i, j := range [...]int{0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3} {