Go to file
Joe c29f890ca7 add instruction to update authrpc.port in priv-netwk 2023-01-04 11:51:42 +00:00
docs add instruction to update authrpc.port in priv-netwk 2023-01-04 11:51:42 +00:00
public Add sitemap and robots.txt (#163) 2022-12-15 01:01:13 -03:00
src Add missing redirect (#197) 2022-12-20 12:37:49 -03:00
.env.local.example Update .env.local.example 2022-12-16 17:30:46 -03:00
.eslintignore setup: init 2022-09-08 16:18:30 -03:00
.eslintrc.json setup: init 2022-09-08 16:18:30 -03:00
.gitignore Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ethereum/geth-website into fix-last-edit-timestamp 2022-12-16 15:49:26 -03:00
.prettierignore setup: init 2022-09-08 16:18:30 -03:00
.prettierrc setup: init 2022-09-08 16:18:30 -03:00
README.md update README and contributing page 2023-01-04 11:24:37 +00:00
netlify.toml feat: All releases downloads (#46) 2022-11-29 15:29:52 -03:00
next-sitemap.config.js Add sitemap and robots.txt (#163) 2022-12-15 01:01:13 -03:00
next.config.js chore: remove MDX dependencies and Provider 2022-12-12 16:10:15 -03:00
package.json Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ethereum/geth-website into algolia 2022-12-15 01:11:34 -03:00
redirects.js Add missing redirect (#197) 2022-12-20 12:37:49 -03:00
tsconfig.json setup: init 2022-09-08 16:18:30 -03:00
url-list.csv Merge pull request #171 from ethereum/fjl/content-fixes-1 2022-12-18 22:36:02 -07:00
yarn.lock Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ethereum/geth-website into algolia 2022-12-15 01:11:34 -03:00


Welcome to the go-ethereum website!

This is the repository for the go-ethereum website. All the website code is held here in the website branch. If you are looking for go-ethereum source code you need to switch to the master branch.

The purpose of the go-ethereum website is to provide the necessary documentation and supporting information to help users to get up to speed with using go-ethereum (aka "Geth"). The website is maintained by a team of developers but community contributions are also very welcome.


Contributions from the community are very welcome. Please contribute by cloning the go-ethereum repository, checking out the website branch and raising pull requests to be reviewed and merged by the repository maintainers. Issues can be raised in the main go-ethereum repository using the prefix [website]: in the title.

The geth.ethereum.org stack

geth.ethereum.org is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. The following tools were used to build the site:

Repository structure

The website code is organized with a top-level docs folder that contains all the documentation pages as markdown files. Inside docs are subdirectories used to divide the docs by theme (e.g. getting-started,fundamentals, developers etc). Website code is in src, and assets including images are in public.

Adding a new documentation page

Documentation pages are located in the /docs folder in the root directory of the project. The docs pages are all markdown files. When you want to add a new page, add the new file in the appropriate folder in the /docs page. index.md files will be the default page for a directory, and {pagename}.md will define subpages for a directory.

After adding a page, you will also need to list it in /src/data/documentation-links.yaml. This file defines the documentation structure which you will see on the left sidebar in the documentation pages.

Building locally

To check a new page it is helpful to build the site locally and see how it behaves in the browser. First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.ts.

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Review and merge

PRs will be reviewed by the website maintainers and merged if they improve the website. For substantial changes it is best to reach out to the team by raising a GH issue for discussion first.