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// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package ethapi
import (
gomath "math"
// estimateGasErrorRatio is the amount of overestimation eth_estimateGas is
// allowed to produce in order to speed up calculations.
const estimateGasErrorRatio = 0.015
var errBlobTxNotSupported = errors.New("signing blob transactions not supported")
// EthereumAPI provides an API to access Ethereum related information.
type EthereumAPI struct {
b Backend
// NewEthereumAPI creates a new Ethereum protocol API.
func NewEthereumAPI(b Backend) *EthereumAPI {
return &EthereumAPI{b}
// GasPrice returns a suggestion for a gas price for legacy transactions.
func (api *EthereumAPI) GasPrice(ctx context.Context) (*hexutil.Big, error) {
tipcap, err := api.b.SuggestGasTipCap(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if head := api.b.CurrentHeader(); head.BaseFee != nil {
tipcap.Add(tipcap, head.BaseFee)
return (*hexutil.Big)(tipcap), err
// MaxPriorityFeePerGas returns a suggestion for a gas tip cap for dynamic fee transactions.
func (api *EthereumAPI) MaxPriorityFeePerGas(ctx context.Context) (*hexutil.Big, error) {
tipcap, err := api.b.SuggestGasTipCap(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return (*hexutil.Big)(tipcap), err
type feeHistoryResult struct {
OldestBlock *hexutil.Big `json:"oldestBlock"`
Reward [][]*hexutil.Big `json:"reward,omitempty"`
BaseFee []*hexutil.Big `json:"baseFeePerGas,omitempty"`
GasUsedRatio []float64 `json:"gasUsedRatio"`
BlobBaseFee []*hexutil.Big `json:"baseFeePerBlobGas,omitempty"`
BlobGasUsedRatio []float64 `json:"blobGasUsedRatio,omitempty"`
// FeeHistory returns the fee market history.
func (api *EthereumAPI) FeeHistory(ctx context.Context, blockCount math.HexOrDecimal64, lastBlock rpc.BlockNumber, rewardPercentiles []float64) (*feeHistoryResult, error) {
oldest, reward, baseFee, gasUsed, blobBaseFee, blobGasUsed, err := api.b.FeeHistory(ctx, uint64(blockCount), lastBlock, rewardPercentiles)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results := &feeHistoryResult{
OldestBlock: (*hexutil.Big)(oldest),
GasUsedRatio: gasUsed,
if reward != nil {
results.Reward = make([][]*hexutil.Big, len(reward))
for i, w := range reward {
results.Reward[i] = make([]*hexutil.Big, len(w))
for j, v := range w {
results.Reward[i][j] = (*hexutil.Big)(v)
if baseFee != nil {
results.BaseFee = make([]*hexutil.Big, len(baseFee))
for i, v := range baseFee {
results.BaseFee[i] = (*hexutil.Big)(v)
if blobBaseFee != nil {
results.BlobBaseFee = make([]*hexutil.Big, len(blobBaseFee))
for i, v := range blobBaseFee {
results.BlobBaseFee[i] = (*hexutil.Big)(v)
if blobGasUsed != nil {
results.BlobGasUsedRatio = blobGasUsed
return results, nil
// BlobBaseFee returns the base fee for blob gas at the current head.
func (api *EthereumAPI) BlobBaseFee(ctx context.Context) *hexutil.Big {
return (*hexutil.Big)(api.b.BlobBaseFee(ctx))
// Syncing returns false in case the node is currently not syncing with the network. It can be up-to-date or has not
// yet received the latest block headers from its peers. In case it is synchronizing:
// - startingBlock: block number this node started to synchronize from
// - currentBlock: block number this node is currently importing
// - highestBlock: block number of the highest block header this node has received from peers
// - pulledStates: number of state entries processed until now
// - knownStates: number of known state entries that still need to be pulled
func (api *EthereumAPI) Syncing() (interface{}, error) {
progress := api.b.SyncProgress()
// Return not syncing if the synchronisation already completed
if progress.Done() {
return false, nil
// Otherwise gather the block sync stats
return map[string]interface{}{
"startingBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.StartingBlock),
"currentBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.CurrentBlock),
"highestBlock": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HighestBlock),
"syncedAccounts": hexutil.Uint64(progress.SyncedAccounts),
"syncedAccountBytes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.SyncedAccountBytes),
"syncedBytecodes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.SyncedBytecodes),
"syncedBytecodeBytes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.SyncedBytecodeBytes),
"syncedStorage": hexutil.Uint64(progress.SyncedStorage),
"syncedStorageBytes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.SyncedStorageBytes),
"healedTrienodes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HealedTrienodes),
"healedTrienodeBytes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HealedTrienodeBytes),
"healedBytecodes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HealedBytecodes),
"healedBytecodeBytes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HealedBytecodeBytes),
"healingTrienodes": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HealingTrienodes),
"healingBytecode": hexutil.Uint64(progress.HealingBytecode),
"txIndexFinishedBlocks": hexutil.Uint64(progress.TxIndexFinishedBlocks),
"txIndexRemainingBlocks": hexutil.Uint64(progress.TxIndexRemainingBlocks),
}, nil
// TxPoolAPI offers and API for the transaction pool. It only operates on data that is non-confidential.
type TxPoolAPI struct {
b Backend
// NewTxPoolAPI creates a new tx pool service that gives information about the transaction pool.
func NewTxPoolAPI(b Backend) *TxPoolAPI {
return &TxPoolAPI{b}
// Content returns the transactions contained within the transaction pool.
func (api *TxPoolAPI) Content() map[string]map[string]map[string]*RPCTransaction {
content := map[string]map[string]map[string]*RPCTransaction{
"pending": make(map[string]map[string]*RPCTransaction),
"queued": make(map[string]map[string]*RPCTransaction),
pending, queue := api.b.TxPoolContent()
curHeader := api.b.CurrentHeader()
// Flatten the pending transactions
for account, txs := range pending {
dump := make(map[string]*RPCTransaction)
for _, tx := range txs {
dump[fmt.Sprintf("%d", tx.Nonce())] = NewRPCPendingTransaction(tx, curHeader, api.b.ChainConfig())
content["pending"][account.Hex()] = dump
// Flatten the queued transactions
for account, txs := range queue {
dump := make(map[string]*RPCTransaction)
for _, tx := range txs {
dump[fmt.Sprintf("%d", tx.Nonce())] = NewRPCPendingTransaction(tx, curHeader, api.b.ChainConfig())
content["queued"][account.Hex()] = dump
return content
// ContentFrom returns the transactions contained within the transaction pool.
func (api *TxPoolAPI) ContentFrom(addr common.Address) map[string]map[string]*RPCTransaction {
content := make(map[string]map[string]*RPCTransaction, 2)
pending, queue := api.b.TxPoolContentFrom(addr)
curHeader := api.b.CurrentHeader()
// Build the pending transactions
dump := make(map[string]*RPCTransaction, len(pending))
for _, tx := range pending {
dump[fmt.Sprintf("%d", tx.Nonce())] = NewRPCPendingTransaction(tx, curHeader, api.b.ChainConfig())
content["pending"] = dump
// Build the queued transactions
dump = make(map[string]*RPCTransaction, len(queue))
for _, tx := range queue {
dump[fmt.Sprintf("%d", tx.Nonce())] = NewRPCPendingTransaction(tx, curHeader, api.b.ChainConfig())
content["queued"] = dump
return content
// Status returns the number of pending and queued transaction in the pool.
func (api *TxPoolAPI) Status() map[string]hexutil.Uint {
pending, queue := api.b.Stats()
return map[string]hexutil.Uint{
"pending": hexutil.Uint(pending),
"queued": hexutil.Uint(queue),
// Inspect retrieves the content of the transaction pool and flattens it into an
// easily inspectable list.
func (api *TxPoolAPI) Inspect() map[string]map[string]map[string]string {
content := map[string]map[string]map[string]string{
"pending": make(map[string]map[string]string),
"queued": make(map[string]map[string]string),
pending, queue := api.b.TxPoolContent()
// Define a formatter to flatten a transaction into a string
format := func(tx *types.Transaction) string {
if to := tx.To(); to != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v wei + %v gas × %v wei", tx.To().Hex(), tx.Value(), tx.Gas(), tx.GasPrice())
return fmt.Sprintf("contract creation: %v wei + %v gas × %v wei", tx.Value(), tx.Gas(), tx.GasPrice())
// Flatten the pending transactions
for account, txs := range pending {
dump := make(map[string]string)
for _, tx := range txs {
dump[fmt.Sprintf("%d", tx.Nonce())] = format(tx)
content["pending"][account.Hex()] = dump
// Flatten the queued transactions
for account, txs := range queue {
dump := make(map[string]string)
for _, tx := range txs {
dump[fmt.Sprintf("%d", tx.Nonce())] = format(tx)
content["queued"][account.Hex()] = dump
return content
// EthereumAccountAPI provides an API to access accounts managed by this node.
// It offers only methods that can retrieve accounts.
type EthereumAccountAPI struct {
am *accounts.Manager
// NewEthereumAccountAPI creates a new EthereumAccountAPI.
func NewEthereumAccountAPI(am *accounts.Manager) *EthereumAccountAPI {
return &EthereumAccountAPI{am: am}
// Accounts returns the collection of accounts this node manages.
func (api *EthereumAccountAPI) Accounts() []common.Address {
return api.am.Accounts()
// BlockChainAPI provides an API to access Ethereum blockchain data.
type BlockChainAPI struct {
b Backend
// NewBlockChainAPI creates a new Ethereum blockchain API.
func NewBlockChainAPI(b Backend) *BlockChainAPI {
return &BlockChainAPI{b}
// ChainId is the EIP-155 replay-protection chain id for the current Ethereum chain config.
// Note, this method does not conform to EIP-695 because the configured chain ID is always
// returned, regardless of the current head block. We used to return an error when the chain
// wasn't synced up to a block where EIP-155 is enabled, but this behavior caused issues
// in CL clients.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) ChainId() *hexutil.Big {
return (*hexutil.Big)(api.b.ChainConfig().ChainID)
// BlockNumber returns the block number of the chain head.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) BlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64 {
header, _ := api.b.HeaderByNumber(context.Background(), rpc.LatestBlockNumber) // latest header should always be available
return hexutil.Uint64(header.Number.Uint64())
// GetBalance returns the amount of wei for the given address in the state of the
// given block number. The rpc.LatestBlockNumber and rpc.PendingBlockNumber meta
// block numbers are also allowed.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetBalance(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*hexutil.Big, error) {
state, _, err := api.b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
b := state.GetBalance(address).ToBig()
return (*hexutil.Big)(b), state.Error()
// AccountResult structs for GetProof
type AccountResult struct {
Address common.Address `json:"address"`
AccountProof []string `json:"accountProof"`
Balance *hexutil.Big `json:"balance"`
CodeHash common.Hash `json:"codeHash"`
Nonce hexutil.Uint64 `json:"nonce"`
StorageHash common.Hash `json:"storageHash"`
StorageProof []StorageResult `json:"storageProof"`
type StorageResult struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value *hexutil.Big `json:"value"`
Proof []string `json:"proof"`
// proofList implements ethdb.KeyValueWriter and collects the proofs as
// hex-strings for delivery to rpc-caller.
type proofList []string
func (n *proofList) Put(key []byte, value []byte) error {
*n = append(*n, hexutil.Encode(value))
return nil
func (n *proofList) Delete(key []byte) error {
panic("not supported")
// GetProof returns the Merkle-proof for a given account and optionally some storage keys.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetProof(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, storageKeys []string, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*AccountResult, error) {
var (
keys = make([]common.Hash, len(storageKeys))
keyLengths = make([]int, len(storageKeys))
storageProof = make([]StorageResult, len(storageKeys))
// Deserialize all keys. This prevents state access on invalid input.
for i, hexKey := range storageKeys {
var err error
keys[i], keyLengths[i], err = decodeHash(hexKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
statedb, header, err := api.b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if statedb == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
codeHash := statedb.GetCodeHash(address)
storageRoot := statedb.GetStorageRoot(address)
if len(keys) > 0 {
var storageTrie state.Trie
if storageRoot != types.EmptyRootHash && storageRoot != (common.Hash{}) {
id := trie.StorageTrieID(header.Root, crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes()), storageRoot)
st, err := trie.NewStateTrie(id, statedb.Database().TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
storageTrie = st
// Create the proofs for the storageKeys.
for i, key := range keys {
// Output key encoding is a bit special: if the input was a 32-byte hash, it is
// returned as such. Otherwise, we apply the QUANTITY encoding mandated by the
// JSON-RPC spec for getProof. This behavior exists to preserve backwards
// compatibility with older client versions.
var outputKey string
if keyLengths[i] != 32 {
outputKey = hexutil.EncodeBig(key.Big())
} else {
outputKey = hexutil.Encode(key[:])
if storageTrie == nil {
storageProof[i] = StorageResult{outputKey, &hexutil.Big{}, []string{}}
var proof proofList
if err := storageTrie.Prove(crypto.Keccak256(key.Bytes()), &proof); err != nil {
return nil, err
value := (*hexutil.Big)(statedb.GetState(address, key).Big())
storageProof[i] = StorageResult{outputKey, value, proof}
// Create the accountProof.
tr, err := trie.NewStateTrie(trie.StateTrieID(header.Root), statedb.Database().TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var accountProof proofList
if err := tr.Prove(crypto.Keccak256(address.Bytes()), &accountProof); err != nil {
return nil, err
balance := statedb.GetBalance(address).ToBig()
return &AccountResult{
Address: address,
AccountProof: accountProof,
Balance: (*hexutil.Big)(balance),
CodeHash: codeHash,
Nonce: hexutil.Uint64(statedb.GetNonce(address)),
StorageHash: storageRoot,
StorageProof: storageProof,
}, statedb.Error()
// decodeHash parses a hex-encoded 32-byte hash. The input may optionally
// be prefixed by 0x and can have a byte length up to 32.
func decodeHash(s string) (h common.Hash, inputLength int, err error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "0x") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "0X") {
s = s[2:]
if (len(s) & 1) > 0 {
s = "0" + s
b, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, 0, errors.New("hex string invalid")
if len(b) > 32 {
return common.Hash{}, len(b), errors.New("hex string too long, want at most 32 bytes")
return common.BytesToHash(b), len(b), nil
// GetHeaderByNumber returns the requested canonical block header.
// - When blockNr is -1 the chain pending header is returned.
// - When blockNr is -2 the chain latest header is returned.
// - When blockNr is -3 the chain finalized header is returned.
// - When blockNr is -4 the chain safe header is returned.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
header, err := api.b.HeaderByNumber(ctx, number)
if header != nil && err == nil {
response := RPCMarshalHeader(header)
if number == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
// Pending header need to nil out a few fields
for _, field := range []string{"hash", "nonce", "miner"} {
response[field] = nil
return response, err
return nil, err
// GetHeaderByHash returns the requested header by hash.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetHeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) map[string]interface{} {
header, _ := api.b.HeaderByHash(ctx, hash)
if header != nil {
return RPCMarshalHeader(header)
return nil
// GetBlockByNumber returns the requested canonical block.
// - When blockNr is -1 the chain pending block is returned.
// - When blockNr is -2 the chain latest block is returned.
// - When blockNr is -3 the chain finalized block is returned.
// - When blockNr is -4 the chain safe block is returned.
// - When fullTx is true all transactions in the block are returned, otherwise
// only the transaction hash is returned.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber, fullTx bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
block, err := api.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, number)
if block != nil && err == nil {
response := RPCMarshalBlock(block, true, fullTx, api.b.ChainConfig())
if number == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
// Pending blocks need to nil out a few fields
for _, field := range []string{"hash", "nonce", "miner"} {
response[field] = nil
return response, nil
return nil, err
// GetBlockByHash returns the requested block. When fullTx is true all transactions in the block are returned in full
// detail, otherwise only the transaction hash is returned.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetBlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, fullTx bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
block, err := api.b.BlockByHash(ctx, hash)
if block != nil {
return RPCMarshalBlock(block, true, fullTx, api.b.ChainConfig()), nil
return nil, err
// GetUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex returns the uncle block for the given block hash and index.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber, index hexutil.Uint) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
block, err := api.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNr)
if block != nil {
uncles := block.Uncles()
if index >= hexutil.Uint(len(uncles)) {
log.Debug("Requested uncle not found", "number", blockNr, "hash", block.Hash(), "index", index)
return nil, nil
block = types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncles[index])
return RPCMarshalBlock(block, false, false, api.b.ChainConfig()), nil
return nil, err
// GetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex returns the uncle block for the given block hash and index.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, index hexutil.Uint) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
block, err := api.b.BlockByHash(ctx, blockHash)
if block != nil {
uncles := block.Uncles()
if index >= hexutil.Uint(len(uncles)) {
log.Debug("Requested uncle not found", "number", block.Number(), "hash", blockHash, "index", index)
return nil, nil
block = types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncles[index])
return RPCMarshalBlock(block, false, false, api.b.ChainConfig()), nil
return nil, err
// GetUncleCountByBlockNumber returns number of uncles in the block for the given block number
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetUncleCountByBlockNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) *hexutil.Uint {
if block, _ := api.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNr); block != nil {
n := hexutil.Uint(len(block.Uncles()))
return &n
return nil
// GetUncleCountByBlockHash returns number of uncles in the block for the given block hash
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetUncleCountByBlockHash(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) *hexutil.Uint {
if block, _ := api.b.BlockByHash(ctx, blockHash); block != nil {
n := hexutil.Uint(len(block.Uncles()))
return &n
return nil
// GetCode returns the code stored at the given address in the state for the given block number.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetCode(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
state, _, err := api.b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
code := state.GetCode(address)
return code, state.Error()
// GetStorageAt returns the storage from the state at the given address, key and
// block number. The rpc.LatestBlockNumber and rpc.PendingBlockNumber meta block
// numbers are also allowed.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetStorageAt(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, hexKey string, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
state, _, err := api.b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
key, _, err := decodeHash(hexKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decode storage key: %s", err)
res := state.GetState(address, key)
return res[:], state.Error()
// GetBlockReceipts returns the block receipts for the given block hash or number or tag.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) GetBlockReceipts(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) ([]map[string]interface{}, error) {
block, err := api.b.BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if block == nil || err != nil {
// When the block doesn't exist, the RPC method should return JSON null
// as per specification.
return nil, nil
receipts, err := api.b.GetReceipts(ctx, block.Hash())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txs := block.Transactions()
if len(txs) != len(receipts) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("receipts length mismatch: %d vs %d", len(txs), len(receipts))
// Derive the sender.
signer := types.MakeSigner(api.b.ChainConfig(), block.Number(), block.Time())
result := make([]map[string]interface{}, len(receipts))
for i, receipt := range receipts {
result[i] = marshalReceipt(receipt, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), signer, txs[i], i)
return result, nil
// ChainContextBackend provides methods required to implement ChainContext.
type ChainContextBackend interface {
Engine() consensus.Engine
HeaderByNumber(context.Context, rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error)
ChainConfig() *params.ChainConfig
// ChainContext is an implementation of core.ChainContext. It's main use-case
// is instantiating a vm.BlockContext without having access to the BlockChain object.
type ChainContext struct {
b ChainContextBackend
ctx context.Context
// NewChainContext creates a new ChainContext object.
func NewChainContext(ctx context.Context, backend ChainContextBackend) *ChainContext {
return &ChainContext{ctx: ctx, b: backend}
func (context *ChainContext) Engine() consensus.Engine {
return context.b.Engine()
func (context *ChainContext) GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.Header {
// This method is called to get the hash for a block number when executing the BLOCKHASH
// opcode. Hence no need to search for non-canonical blocks.
header, err := context.b.HeaderByNumber(context.ctx, rpc.BlockNumber(number))
if err != nil || header.Hash() != hash {
return nil
return header
func (context *ChainContext) Config() *params.ChainConfig {
return context.b.ChainConfig()
func doCall(ctx context.Context, b Backend, args TransactionArgs, state *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, overrides *override.StateOverride, blockOverrides *override.BlockOverrides, timeout time.Duration, globalGasCap uint64) (*core.ExecutionResult, error) {
blockCtx := core.NewEVMBlockContext(header, NewChainContext(ctx, b), nil)
if blockOverrides != nil {
rules := b.ChainConfig().Rules(blockCtx.BlockNumber, blockCtx.Random != nil, blockCtx.Time)
precompiles := vm.ActivePrecompiledContracts(rules)
if err := overrides.Apply(state, precompiles); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Setup context so it may be cancelled the call has completed
// or, in case of unmetered gas, setup a context with a timeout.
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if timeout > 0 {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
// Make sure the context is cancelled when the call has completed
// this makes sure resources are cleaned up.
defer cancel()
gp := new(core.GasPool)
if globalGasCap == 0 {
} else {
return applyMessage(ctx, b, args, state, header, timeout, gp, &blockCtx, &vm.Config{NoBaseFee: true}, precompiles, true)
func applyMessage(ctx context.Context, b Backend, args TransactionArgs, state *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, timeout time.Duration, gp *core.GasPool, blockContext *vm.BlockContext, vmConfig *vm.Config, precompiles vm.PrecompiledContracts, skipChecks bool) (*core.ExecutionResult, error) {
// Get a new instance of the EVM.
if err := args.CallDefaults(gp.Gas(), blockContext.BaseFee, b.ChainConfig().ChainID); err != nil {
return nil, err
msg := args.ToMessage(header.BaseFee, skipChecks, skipChecks)
// Lower the basefee to 0 to avoid breaking EVM
// invariants (basefee < feecap).
if msg.GasPrice.Sign() == 0 {
blockContext.BaseFee = new(big.Int)
if msg.BlobGasFeeCap != nil && msg.BlobGasFeeCap.BitLen() == 0 {
blockContext.BlobBaseFee = new(big.Int)
evm := b.GetEVM(ctx, state, header, vmConfig, blockContext)
if precompiles != nil {
res, err := applyMessageWithEVM(ctx, evm, msg, timeout, gp)
// If an internal state error occurred, let that have precedence. Otherwise,
// a "trie root missing" type of error will masquerade as e.g. "insufficient gas"
if err := state.Error(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, err
func applyMessageWithEVM(ctx context.Context, evm *vm.EVM, msg *core.Message, timeout time.Duration, gp *core.GasPool) (*core.ExecutionResult, error) {
// Wait for the context to be done and cancel the evm. Even if the
// EVM has finished, cancelling may be done (repeatedly)
go func() {
// Execute the message.
result, err := core.ApplyMessage(evm, msg, gp)
// If the timer caused an abort, return an appropriate error message
if evm.Cancelled() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("execution aborted (timeout = %v)", timeout)
if err != nil {
return result, fmt.Errorf("err: %w (supplied gas %d)", err, msg.GasLimit)
return result, nil
func DoCall(ctx context.Context, b Backend, args TransactionArgs, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash, overrides *override.StateOverride, blockOverrides *override.BlockOverrides, timeout time.Duration, globalGasCap uint64) (*core.ExecutionResult, error) {
defer func(start time.Time) { log.Debug("Executing EVM call finished", "runtime", time.Since(start)) }(time.Now())
state, header, err := b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
return doCall(ctx, b, args, state, header, overrides, blockOverrides, timeout, globalGasCap)
// Call executes the given transaction on the state for the given block number.
// Additionally, the caller can specify a batch of contract for fields overriding.
// Note, this function doesn't make and changes in the state/blockchain and is
// useful to execute and retrieve values.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) Call(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs, blockNrOrHash *rpc.BlockNumberOrHash, overrides *override.StateOverride, blockOverrides *override.BlockOverrides) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
if blockNrOrHash == nil {
latest := rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithNumber(rpc.LatestBlockNumber)
blockNrOrHash = &latest
result, err := DoCall(ctx, api.b, args, *blockNrOrHash, overrides, blockOverrides, api.b.RPCEVMTimeout(), api.b.RPCGasCap())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the result contains a revert reason, try to unpack and return it.
if len(result.Revert()) > 0 {
return nil, newRevertError(result.Revert())
return result.Return(), result.Err
// SimulateV1 executes series of transactions on top of a base state.
// The transactions are packed into blocks. For each block, block header
// fields can be overridden. The state can also be overridden prior to
// execution of each block.
// Note, this function doesn't make any changes in the state/blockchain and is
// useful to execute and retrieve values.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) SimulateV1(ctx context.Context, opts simOpts, blockNrOrHash *rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) ([]*simBlockResult, error) {
if len(opts.BlockStateCalls) == 0 {
return nil, &invalidParamsError{message: "empty input"}
} else if len(opts.BlockStateCalls) > maxSimulateBlocks {
return nil, &clientLimitExceededError{message: "too many blocks"}
if blockNrOrHash == nil {
n := rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithNumber(rpc.LatestBlockNumber)
blockNrOrHash = &n
state, base, err := api.b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, *blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
gasCap := api.b.RPCGasCap()
if gasCap == 0 {
gasCap = gomath.MaxUint64
sim := &simulator{
b: api.b,
state: state,
base: base,
chainConfig: api.b.ChainConfig(),
// Each tx and all the series of txes shouldn't consume more gas than cap
gp: new(core.GasPool).AddGas(gasCap),
traceTransfers: opts.TraceTransfers,
validate: opts.Validation,
fullTx: opts.ReturnFullTransactions,
return sim.execute(ctx, opts.BlockStateCalls)
// DoEstimateGas returns the lowest possible gas limit that allows the transaction to run
// successfully at block `blockNrOrHash`. It returns error if the transaction would revert, or if
// there are unexpected failures. The gas limit is capped by both `args.Gas` (if non-nil &
// non-zero) and `gasCap` (if non-zero).
func DoEstimateGas(ctx context.Context, b Backend, args TransactionArgs, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash, overrides *override.StateOverride, blockOverrides *override.BlockOverrides, gasCap uint64) (hexutil.Uint64, error) {
// Retrieve the base state and mutate it with any overrides
state, header, err := b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return 0, err
if err := overrides.Apply(state, nil); err != nil {
return 0, err
// Construct the gas estimator option from the user input
opts := &gasestimator.Options{
Config: b.ChainConfig(),
Chain: NewChainContext(ctx, b),
Header: header,
BlockOverrides: blockOverrides,
State: state,
ErrorRatio: estimateGasErrorRatio,
// Set any required transaction default, but make sure the gas cap itself is not messed with
// if it was not specified in the original argument list.
if args.Gas == nil {
args.Gas = new(hexutil.Uint64)
if err := args.CallDefaults(gasCap, header.BaseFee, b.ChainConfig().ChainID); err != nil {
return 0, err
call := args.ToMessage(header.BaseFee, true, true)
// Run the gas estimation and wrap any revertals into a custom return
estimate, revert, err := gasestimator.Estimate(ctx, call, opts, gasCap)
if err != nil {
if len(revert) > 0 {
return 0, newRevertError(revert)
return 0, err
return hexutil.Uint64(estimate), nil
// EstimateGas returns the lowest possible gas limit that allows the transaction to run
// successfully at block `blockNrOrHash`, or the latest block if `blockNrOrHash` is unspecified. It
// returns error if the transaction would revert or if there are unexpected failures. The returned
// value is capped by both `args.Gas` (if non-nil & non-zero) and the backend's RPCGasCap
// configuration (if non-zero).
// Note: Required blob gas is not computed in this method.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) EstimateGas(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs, blockNrOrHash *rpc.BlockNumberOrHash, overrides *override.StateOverride, blockOverrides *override.BlockOverrides) (hexutil.Uint64, error) {
bNrOrHash := rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithNumber(rpc.LatestBlockNumber)
if blockNrOrHash != nil {
bNrOrHash = *blockNrOrHash
return DoEstimateGas(ctx, api.b, args, bNrOrHash, overrides, blockOverrides, api.b.RPCGasCap())
// RPCMarshalHeader converts the given header to the RPC output .
func RPCMarshalHeader(head *types.Header) map[string]interface{} {
result := map[string]interface{}{
"number": (*hexutil.Big)(head.Number),
"hash": head.Hash(),
"parentHash": head.ParentHash,
"nonce": head.Nonce,
"mixHash": head.MixDigest,
"sha3Uncles": head.UncleHash,
"logsBloom": head.Bloom,
"stateRoot": head.Root,
"miner": head.Coinbase,
"difficulty": (*hexutil.Big)(head.Difficulty),
"extraData": hexutil.Bytes(head.Extra),
"gasLimit": hexutil.Uint64(head.GasLimit),
"gasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(head.GasUsed),
"timestamp": hexutil.Uint64(head.Time),
"transactionsRoot": head.TxHash,
"receiptsRoot": head.ReceiptHash,
if head.BaseFee != nil {
result["baseFeePerGas"] = (*hexutil.Big)(head.BaseFee)
if head.WithdrawalsHash != nil {
result["withdrawalsRoot"] = head.WithdrawalsHash
if head.BlobGasUsed != nil {
result["blobGasUsed"] = hexutil.Uint64(*head.BlobGasUsed)
if head.ExcessBlobGas != nil {
result["excessBlobGas"] = hexutil.Uint64(*head.ExcessBlobGas)
if head.ParentBeaconRoot != nil {
result["parentBeaconBlockRoot"] = head.ParentBeaconRoot
if head.RequestsHash != nil {
result["requestsHash"] = head.RequestsHash
return result
// RPCMarshalBlock converts the given block to the RPC output which depends on fullTx. If inclTx is true transactions are
// returned. When fullTx is true the returned block contains full transaction details, otherwise it will only contain
// transaction hashes.
func RPCMarshalBlock(block *types.Block, inclTx bool, fullTx bool, config *params.ChainConfig) map[string]interface{} {
fields := RPCMarshalHeader(block.Header())
fields["size"] = hexutil.Uint64(block.Size())
if inclTx {
formatTx := func(idx int, tx *types.Transaction) interface{} {
return tx.Hash()
if fullTx {
formatTx = func(idx int, tx *types.Transaction) interface{} {
return newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(idx), config)
txs := block.Transactions()
transactions := make([]interface{}, len(txs))
for i, tx := range txs {
transactions[i] = formatTx(i, tx)
fields["transactions"] = transactions
uncles := block.Uncles()
uncleHashes := make([]common.Hash, len(uncles))
for i, uncle := range uncles {
uncleHashes[i] = uncle.Hash()
fields["uncles"] = uncleHashes
if block.Withdrawals() != nil {
fields["withdrawals"] = block.Withdrawals()
return fields
// RPCTransaction represents a transaction that will serialize to the RPC representation of a transaction
type RPCTransaction struct {
BlockHash *common.Hash `json:"blockHash"`
BlockNumber *hexutil.Big `json:"blockNumber"`
From common.Address `json:"from"`
Gas hexutil.Uint64 `json:"gas"`
GasPrice *hexutil.Big `json:"gasPrice"`
GasFeeCap *hexutil.Big `json:"maxFeePerGas,omitempty"`
GasTipCap *hexutil.Big `json:"maxPriorityFeePerGas,omitempty"`
MaxFeePerBlobGas *hexutil.Big `json:"maxFeePerBlobGas,omitempty"`
Hash common.Hash `json:"hash"`
Input hexutil.Bytes `json:"input"`
Nonce hexutil.Uint64 `json:"nonce"`
To *common.Address `json:"to"`
TransactionIndex *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"transactionIndex"`
Value *hexutil.Big `json:"value"`
Type hexutil.Uint64 `json:"type"`
Accesses *types.AccessList `json:"accessList,omitempty"`
ChainID *hexutil.Big `json:"chainId,omitempty"`
BlobVersionedHashes []common.Hash `json:"blobVersionedHashes,omitempty"`
AuthorizationList []types.SetCodeAuthorization `json:"authorizationList,omitempty"`
V *hexutil.Big `json:"v"`
R *hexutil.Big `json:"r"`
S *hexutil.Big `json:"s"`
YParity *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"yParity,omitempty"`
// newRPCTransaction returns a transaction that will serialize to the RPC
// representation, with the given location metadata set (if available).
func newRPCTransaction(tx *types.Transaction, blockHash common.Hash, blockNumber uint64, blockTime uint64, index uint64, baseFee *big.Int, config *params.ChainConfig) *RPCTransaction {
signer := types.MakeSigner(config, new(big.Int).SetUint64(blockNumber), blockTime)
from, _ := types.Sender(signer, tx)
v, r, s := tx.RawSignatureValues()
result := &RPCTransaction{
Type: hexutil.Uint64(tx.Type()),
From: from,
Gas: hexutil.Uint64(tx.Gas()),
GasPrice: (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasPrice()),
Hash: tx.Hash(),
Input: hexutil.Bytes(tx.Data()),
Nonce: hexutil.Uint64(tx.Nonce()),
To: tx.To(),
Value: (*hexutil.Big)(tx.Value()),
V: (*hexutil.Big)(v),
R: (*hexutil.Big)(r),
S: (*hexutil.Big)(s),
if blockHash != (common.Hash{}) {
result.BlockHash = &blockHash
result.BlockNumber = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetUint64(blockNumber))
result.TransactionIndex = (*hexutil.Uint64)(&index)
switch tx.Type() {
case types.LegacyTxType:
// if a legacy transaction has an EIP-155 chain id, include it explicitly
if id := tx.ChainId(); id.Sign() != 0 {
result.ChainID = (*hexutil.Big)(id)
case types.AccessListTxType:
al := tx.AccessList()
yparity := hexutil.Uint64(v.Sign())
result.Accesses = &al
result.ChainID = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.ChainId())
result.YParity = &yparity
case types.DynamicFeeTxType:
al := tx.AccessList()
yparity := hexutil.Uint64(v.Sign())
result.Accesses = &al
result.ChainID = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.ChainId())
result.YParity = &yparity
result.GasFeeCap = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasFeeCap())
result.GasTipCap = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasTipCap())
// if the transaction has been mined, compute the effective gas price
if baseFee != nil && blockHash != (common.Hash{}) {
// price = min(gasTipCap + baseFee, gasFeeCap)
result.GasPrice = (*hexutil.Big)(effectiveGasPrice(tx, baseFee))
} else {
result.GasPrice = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasFeeCap())
case types.BlobTxType:
al := tx.AccessList()
yparity := hexutil.Uint64(v.Sign())
result.Accesses = &al
result.ChainID = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.ChainId())
result.YParity = &yparity
result.GasFeeCap = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasFeeCap())
result.GasTipCap = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasTipCap())
// if the transaction has been mined, compute the effective gas price
if baseFee != nil && blockHash != (common.Hash{}) {
result.GasPrice = (*hexutil.Big)(effectiveGasPrice(tx, baseFee))
} else {
result.GasPrice = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasFeeCap())
result.MaxFeePerBlobGas = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.BlobGasFeeCap())
result.BlobVersionedHashes = tx.BlobHashes()
case types.SetCodeTxType:
al := tx.AccessList()
yparity := hexutil.Uint64(v.Sign())
result.Accesses = &al
result.ChainID = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.ChainId())
result.YParity = &yparity
result.GasFeeCap = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasFeeCap())
result.GasTipCap = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasTipCap())
// if the transaction has been mined, compute the effective gas price
if baseFee != nil && blockHash != (common.Hash{}) {
result.GasPrice = (*hexutil.Big)(effectiveGasPrice(tx, baseFee))
} else {
result.GasPrice = (*hexutil.Big)(tx.GasFeeCap())
result.AuthorizationList = tx.SetCodeAuthorizations()
return result
// effectiveGasPrice computes the transaction gas fee, based on the given basefee value.
// price = min(gasTipCap + baseFee, gasFeeCap)
func effectiveGasPrice(tx *types.Transaction, baseFee *big.Int) *big.Int {
fee := tx.GasTipCap()
fee = fee.Add(fee, baseFee)
if tx.GasFeeCapIntCmp(fee) < 0 {
return tx.GasFeeCap()
return fee
// NewRPCPendingTransaction returns a pending transaction that will serialize to the RPC representation
func NewRPCPendingTransaction(tx *types.Transaction, current *types.Header, config *params.ChainConfig) *RPCTransaction {
var (
baseFee *big.Int
blockNumber = uint64(0)
blockTime = uint64(0)
if current != nil {
baseFee = eip1559.CalcBaseFee(config, current)
blockNumber = current.Number.Uint64()
blockTime = current.Time
return newRPCTransaction(tx, common.Hash{}, blockNumber, blockTime, 0, baseFee, config)
// newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex returns a transaction that will serialize to the RPC representation.
func newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex(b *types.Block, index uint64, config *params.ChainConfig) *RPCTransaction {
txs := b.Transactions()
if index >= uint64(len(txs)) {
return nil
return newRPCTransaction(txs[index], b.Hash(), b.NumberU64(), b.Time(), index, b.BaseFee(), config)
// newRPCRawTransactionFromBlockIndex returns the bytes of a transaction given a block and a transaction index.
func newRPCRawTransactionFromBlockIndex(b *types.Block, index uint64) hexutil.Bytes {
txs := b.Transactions()
if index >= uint64(len(txs)) {
return nil
blob, _ := txs[index].MarshalBinary()
return blob
// accessListResult returns an optional accesslist
// It's the result of the `debug_createAccessList` RPC call.
// It contains an error if the transaction itself failed.
type accessListResult struct {
Accesslist *types.AccessList `json:"accessList"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
GasUsed hexutil.Uint64 `json:"gasUsed"`
// CreateAccessList creates an EIP-2930 type AccessList for the given transaction.
// Reexec and BlockNrOrHash can be specified to create the accessList on top of a certain state.
func (api *BlockChainAPI) CreateAccessList(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs, blockNrOrHash *rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*accessListResult, error) {
bNrOrHash := rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithNumber(rpc.LatestBlockNumber)
if blockNrOrHash != nil {
bNrOrHash = *blockNrOrHash
acl, gasUsed, vmerr, err := AccessList(ctx, api.b, bNrOrHash, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &accessListResult{Accesslist: &acl, GasUsed: hexutil.Uint64(gasUsed)}
if vmerr != nil {
result.Error = vmerr.Error()
return result, nil
// AccessList creates an access list for the given transaction.
// If the accesslist creation fails an error is returned.
// If the transaction itself fails, an vmErr is returned.
func AccessList(ctx context.Context, b Backend, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash, args TransactionArgs) (acl types.AccessList, gasUsed uint64, vmErr error, err error) {
// Retrieve the execution context
db, header, err := b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if db == nil || err != nil {
return nil, 0, nil, err
// Ensure any missing fields are filled, extract the recipient and input data
if err = args.setFeeDefaults(ctx, b, header); err != nil {
return nil, 0, nil, err
if args.Nonce == nil {
nonce := hexutil.Uint64(db.GetNonce(args.from()))
args.Nonce = &nonce
blockCtx := core.NewEVMBlockContext(header, NewChainContext(ctx, b), nil)
if err = args.CallDefaults(b.RPCGasCap(), blockCtx.BaseFee, b.ChainConfig().ChainID); err != nil {
return nil, 0, nil, err
var to common.Address
if args.To != nil {
to = *args.To
} else {
to = crypto.CreateAddress(args.from(), uint64(*args.Nonce))
isPostMerge := header.Difficulty.Sign() == 0
// Retrieve the precompiles since they don't need to be added to the access list
precompiles := vm.ActivePrecompiles(b.ChainConfig().Rules(header.Number, isPostMerge, header.Time))
// Create an initial tracer
prevTracer := logger.NewAccessListTracer(nil, args.from(), to, precompiles)
if args.AccessList != nil {
prevTracer = logger.NewAccessListTracer(*args.AccessList, args.from(), to, precompiles)
for {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, 0, nil, err
// Retrieve the current access list to expand
accessList := prevTracer.AccessList()
log.Trace("Creating access list", "input", accessList)
// Copy the original db so we don't modify it
statedb := db.Copy()
// Set the accesslist to the last al
args.AccessList = &accessList
msg := args.ToMessage(header.BaseFee, true, true)
// Apply the transaction with the access list tracer
tracer := logger.NewAccessListTracer(accessList, args.from(), to, precompiles)
config := vm.Config{Tracer: tracer.Hooks(), NoBaseFee: true}
evm := b.GetEVM(ctx, statedb, header, &config, nil)
// Lower the basefee to 0 to avoid breaking EVM
// invariants (basefee < feecap).
if msg.GasPrice.Sign() == 0 {
evm.Context.BaseFee = new(big.Int)
if msg.BlobGasFeeCap != nil && msg.BlobGasFeeCap.BitLen() == 0 {
evm.Context.BlobBaseFee = new(big.Int)
res, err := core.ApplyMessage(evm, msg, new(core.GasPool).AddGas(msg.GasLimit))
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply transaction: %v err: %v", args.ToTransaction(types.LegacyTxType).Hash(), err)
if tracer.Equal(prevTracer) {
return accessList, res.UsedGas, res.Err, nil
prevTracer = tracer
// TransactionAPI exposes methods for reading and creating transaction data.
type TransactionAPI struct {
b Backend
nonceLock *AddrLocker
signer types.Signer
// NewTransactionAPI creates a new RPC service with methods for interacting with transactions.
func NewTransactionAPI(b Backend, nonceLock *AddrLocker) *TransactionAPI {
// The signer used by the API should always be the 'latest' known one because we expect
// signers to be backwards-compatible with old transactions.
signer := types.LatestSigner(b.ChainConfig())
return &TransactionAPI{b, nonceLock, signer}
// GetBlockTransactionCountByNumber returns the number of transactions in the block with the given block number.
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) *hexutil.Uint {
if block, _ := api.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNr); block != nil {
n := hexutil.Uint(len(block.Transactions()))
return &n
return nil
// GetBlockTransactionCountByHash returns the number of transactions in the block with the given hash.
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetBlockTransactionCountByHash(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) *hexutil.Uint {
if block, _ := api.b.BlockByHash(ctx, blockHash); block != nil {
n := hexutil.Uint(len(block.Transactions()))
return &n
return nil
// GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex returns the transaction for the given block number and index.
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber, index hexutil.Uint) *RPCTransaction {
if block, _ := api.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNr); block != nil {
return newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(index), api.b.ChainConfig())
return nil
// GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex returns the transaction for the given block hash and index.
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, index hexutil.Uint) *RPCTransaction {
if block, _ := api.b.BlockByHash(ctx, blockHash); block != nil {
return newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(index), api.b.ChainConfig())
return nil
// GetRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex returns the bytes of the transaction for the given block number and index.
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber, index hexutil.Uint) hexutil.Bytes {
if block, _ := api.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNr); block != nil {
return newRPCRawTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(index))
return nil
// GetRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex returns the bytes of the transaction for the given block hash and index.
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, index hexutil.Uint) hexutil.Bytes {
if block, _ := api.b.BlockByHash(ctx, blockHash); block != nil {
return newRPCRawTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(index))
return nil
// GetTransactionCount returns the number of transactions the given address has sent for the given block number
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetTransactionCount(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*hexutil.Uint64, error) {
// Ask transaction pool for the nonce which includes pending transactions
if blockNr, ok := blockNrOrHash.Number(); ok && blockNr == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
nonce, err := api.b.GetPoolNonce(ctx, address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return (*hexutil.Uint64)(&nonce), nil
// Resolve block number and use its state to ask for the nonce
state, _, err := api.b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
nonce := state.GetNonce(address)
return (*hexutil.Uint64)(&nonce), state.Error()
// GetTransactionByHash returns the transaction for the given hash
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetTransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*RPCTransaction, error) {
// Try to return an already finalized transaction
found, tx, blockHash, blockNumber, index, err := api.b.GetTransaction(ctx, hash)
if !found {
// No finalized transaction, try to retrieve it from the pool
if tx := api.b.GetPoolTransaction(hash); tx != nil {
return NewRPCPendingTransaction(tx, api.b.CurrentHeader(), api.b.ChainConfig()), nil
if err == nil {
return nil, nil
return nil, NewTxIndexingError()
header, err := api.b.HeaderByHash(ctx, blockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newRPCTransaction(tx, blockHash, blockNumber, header.Time, index, header.BaseFee, api.b.ChainConfig()), nil
// GetRawTransactionByHash returns the bytes of the transaction for the given hash.
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetRawTransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
// Retrieve a finalized transaction, or a pooled otherwise
found, tx, _, _, _, err := api.b.GetTransaction(ctx, hash)
if !found {
if tx = api.b.GetPoolTransaction(hash); tx != nil {
return tx.MarshalBinary()
if err == nil {
return nil, nil
return nil, NewTxIndexingError()
return tx.MarshalBinary()
// GetTransactionReceipt returns the transaction receipt for the given transaction hash.
func (api *TransactionAPI) GetTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
found, tx, blockHash, blockNumber, index, err := api.b.GetTransaction(ctx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewTxIndexingError() // transaction is not fully indexed
if !found {
return nil, nil // transaction is not existent or reachable
header, err := api.b.HeaderByHash(ctx, blockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
receipts, err := api.b.GetReceipts(ctx, blockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if uint64(len(receipts)) <= index {
return nil, nil
receipt := receipts[index]
// Derive the sender.
signer := types.MakeSigner(api.b.ChainConfig(), header.Number, header.Time)
return marshalReceipt(receipt, blockHash, blockNumber, signer, tx, int(index)), nil
// marshalReceipt marshals a transaction receipt into a JSON object.
func marshalReceipt(receipt *types.Receipt, blockHash common.Hash, blockNumber uint64, signer types.Signer, tx *types.Transaction, txIndex int) map[string]interface{} {
from, _ := types.Sender(signer, tx)
fields := map[string]interface{}{
"blockHash": blockHash,
"blockNumber": hexutil.Uint64(blockNumber),
"transactionHash": tx.Hash(),
"transactionIndex": hexutil.Uint64(txIndex),
"from": from,
"to": tx.To(),
"gasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(receipt.GasUsed),
"cumulativeGasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(receipt.CumulativeGasUsed),
"contractAddress": nil,
"logs": receipt.Logs,
"logsBloom": receipt.Bloom,
"type": hexutil.Uint(tx.Type()),
"effectiveGasPrice": (*hexutil.Big)(receipt.EffectiveGasPrice),
// Assign receipt status or post state.
if len(receipt.PostState) > 0 {
fields["root"] = hexutil.Bytes(receipt.PostState)
} else {
fields["status"] = hexutil.Uint(receipt.Status)
if receipt.Logs == nil {
fields["logs"] = []*types.Log{}
if tx.Type() == types.BlobTxType {
fields["blobGasUsed"] = hexutil.Uint64(receipt.BlobGasUsed)
fields["blobGasPrice"] = (*hexutil.Big)(receipt.BlobGasPrice)
// If the ContractAddress is 20 0x0 bytes, assume it is not a contract creation
if receipt.ContractAddress != (common.Address{}) {
fields["contractAddress"] = receipt.ContractAddress
return fields
// sign is a helper function that signs a transaction with the private key of the given address.
func (api *TransactionAPI) sign(addr common.Address, tx *types.Transaction) (*types.Transaction, error) {
// Look up the wallet containing the requested signer
account := accounts.Account{Address: addr}
wallet, err := api.b.AccountManager().Find(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Request the wallet to sign the transaction
return wallet.SignTx(account, tx, api.b.ChainConfig().ChainID)
// SubmitTransaction is a helper function that submits tx to txPool and logs a message.
func SubmitTransaction(ctx context.Context, b Backend, tx *types.Transaction) (common.Hash, error) {
// If the transaction fee cap is already specified, ensure the
// fee of the given transaction is _reasonable_.
if err := checkTxFee(tx.GasPrice(), tx.Gas(), b.RPCTxFeeCap()); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if !b.UnprotectedAllowed() && !tx.Protected() {
// Ensure only eip155 signed transactions are submitted if EIP155Required is set.
return common.Hash{}, errors.New("only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC")
if err := b.SendTx(ctx, tx); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Print a log with full tx details for manual investigations and interventions
head := b.CurrentBlock()
signer := types.MakeSigner(b.ChainConfig(), head.Number, head.Time)
from, err := types.Sender(signer, tx)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if tx.To() == nil {
addr := crypto.CreateAddress(from, tx.Nonce())
log.Info("Submitted contract creation", "hash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "from", from, "nonce", tx.Nonce(), "contract", addr.Hex(), "value", tx.Value())
} else {
log.Info("Submitted transaction", "hash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "from", from, "nonce", tx.Nonce(), "recipient", tx.To(), "value", tx.Value())
return tx.Hash(), nil
// SendTransaction creates a transaction for the given argument, sign it and submit it to the
// transaction pool.
func (api *TransactionAPI) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs) (common.Hash, error) {
// Look up the wallet containing the requested signer
account := accounts.Account{Address: args.from()}
wallet, err := api.b.AccountManager().Find(account)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if args.Nonce == nil {
// Hold the mutex around signing to prevent concurrent assignment of
// the same nonce to multiple accounts.
defer api.nonceLock.UnlockAddr(args.from())
if args.IsEIP4844() {
return common.Hash{}, errBlobTxNotSupported
// Set some sanity defaults and terminate on failure
if err := args.setDefaults(ctx, api.b, false); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Assemble the transaction and sign with the wallet
tx := args.ToTransaction(types.LegacyTxType)
signed, err := wallet.SignTx(account, tx, api.b.ChainConfig().ChainID)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
return SubmitTransaction(ctx, api.b, signed)
// FillTransaction fills the defaults (nonce, gas, gasPrice or 1559 fields)
// on a given unsigned transaction, and returns it to the caller for further
// processing (signing + broadcast).
func (api *TransactionAPI) FillTransaction(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs) (*SignTransactionResult, error) {
args.blobSidecarAllowed = true
// Set some sanity defaults and terminate on failure
if err := args.setDefaults(ctx, api.b, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Assemble the transaction and obtain rlp
tx := args.ToTransaction(types.LegacyTxType)
data, err := tx.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &SignTransactionResult{data, tx}, nil
// SendRawTransaction will add the signed transaction to the transaction pool.
// The sender is responsible for signing the transaction and using the correct nonce.
func (api *TransactionAPI) SendRawTransaction(ctx context.Context, input hexutil.Bytes) (common.Hash, error) {
tx := new(types.Transaction)
if err := tx.UnmarshalBinary(input); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
return SubmitTransaction(ctx, api.b, tx)
// Sign calculates an ECDSA signature for:
// keccak256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + len(message) + message).
// Note, the produced signature conforms to the secp256k1 curve R, S and V values,
// where the V value will be 27 or 28 for legacy reasons.
// The account associated with addr must be unlocked.
// https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_sign
func (api *TransactionAPI) Sign(addr common.Address, data hexutil.Bytes) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
// Look up the wallet containing the requested signer
account := accounts.Account{Address: addr}
wallet, err := api.b.AccountManager().Find(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Sign the requested hash with the wallet
signature, err := wallet.SignText(account, data)
if err == nil {
signature[64] += 27 // Transform V from 0/1 to 27/28 according to the yellow paper
return signature, err
// SignTransactionResult represents a RLP encoded signed transaction.
type SignTransactionResult struct {
Raw hexutil.Bytes `json:"raw"`
Tx *types.Transaction `json:"tx"`
// SignTransaction will sign the given transaction with the from account.
// The node needs to have the private key of the account corresponding with
// the given from address and it needs to be unlocked.
func (api *TransactionAPI) SignTransaction(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs) (*SignTransactionResult, error) {
args.blobSidecarAllowed = true
if args.Gas == nil {
return nil, errors.New("gas not specified")
if args.GasPrice == nil && (args.MaxPriorityFeePerGas == nil || args.MaxFeePerGas == nil) {
return nil, errors.New("missing gasPrice or maxFeePerGas/maxPriorityFeePerGas")
if args.Nonce == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nonce not specified")
if err := args.setDefaults(ctx, api.b, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Before actually sign the transaction, ensure the transaction fee is reasonable.
tx := args.ToTransaction(types.LegacyTxType)
if err := checkTxFee(tx.GasPrice(), tx.Gas(), api.b.RPCTxFeeCap()); err != nil {
return nil, err
signed, err := api.sign(args.from(), tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the transaction-to-sign was a blob transaction, then the signed one
// no longer retains the blobs, only the blob hashes. In this step, we need
// to put back the blob(s).
if args.IsEIP4844() {
signed = signed.WithBlobTxSidecar(&types.BlobTxSidecar{
Blobs: args.Blobs,
Commitments: args.Commitments,
Proofs: args.Proofs,
data, err := signed.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &SignTransactionResult{data, signed}, nil
// PendingTransactions returns the transactions that are in the transaction pool
// and have a from address that is one of the accounts this node manages.
func (api *TransactionAPI) PendingTransactions() ([]*RPCTransaction, error) {
pending, err := api.b.GetPoolTransactions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
accounts := make(map[common.Address]struct{})
for _, wallet := range api.b.AccountManager().Wallets() {
for _, account := range wallet.Accounts() {
accounts[account.Address] = struct{}{}
curHeader := api.b.CurrentHeader()
transactions := make([]*RPCTransaction, 0, len(pending))
for _, tx := range pending {
from, _ := types.Sender(api.signer, tx)
if _, exists := accounts[from]; exists {
transactions = append(transactions, NewRPCPendingTransaction(tx, curHeader, api.b.ChainConfig()))
return transactions, nil
// Resend accepts an existing transaction and a new gas price and limit. It will remove
// the given transaction from the pool and reinsert it with the new gas price and limit.
func (api *TransactionAPI) Resend(ctx context.Context, sendArgs TransactionArgs, gasPrice *hexutil.Big, gasLimit *hexutil.Uint64) (common.Hash, error) {
if sendArgs.Nonce == nil {
return common.Hash{}, errors.New("missing transaction nonce in transaction spec")
if err := sendArgs.setDefaults(ctx, api.b, false); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
matchTx := sendArgs.ToTransaction(types.LegacyTxType)
// Before replacing the old transaction, ensure the _new_ transaction fee is reasonable.
price := matchTx.GasPrice()
if gasPrice != nil {
price = gasPrice.ToInt()
gas := matchTx.Gas()
if gasLimit != nil {
gas = uint64(*gasLimit)
if err := checkTxFee(price, gas, api.b.RPCTxFeeCap()); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Iterate the pending list for replacement
pending, err := api.b.GetPoolTransactions()
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
for _, p := range pending {
wantSigHash := api.signer.Hash(matchTx)
pFrom, err := types.Sender(api.signer, p)
if err == nil && pFrom == sendArgs.from() && api.signer.Hash(p) == wantSigHash {
// Match. Re-sign and send the transaction.
if gasPrice != nil && (*big.Int)(gasPrice).Sign() != 0 {
sendArgs.GasPrice = gasPrice
if gasLimit != nil && *gasLimit != 0 {
sendArgs.Gas = gasLimit
signedTx, err := api.sign(sendArgs.from(), sendArgs.ToTransaction(types.LegacyTxType))
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if err = api.b.SendTx(ctx, signedTx); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
return signedTx.Hash(), nil
return common.Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("transaction %#x not found", matchTx.Hash())
// DebugAPI is the collection of Ethereum APIs exposed over the debugging
// namespace.
type DebugAPI struct {
b Backend
// NewDebugAPI creates a new instance of DebugAPI.
func NewDebugAPI(b Backend) *DebugAPI {
return &DebugAPI{b: b}
// GetRawHeader retrieves the RLP encoding for a single header.
func (api *DebugAPI) GetRawHeader(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
var hash common.Hash
if h, ok := blockNrOrHash.Hash(); ok {
hash = h
} else {
block, err := api.b.BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if block == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
hash = block.Hash()
header, _ := api.b.HeaderByHash(ctx, hash)
if header == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("header #%d not found", hash)
return rlp.EncodeToBytes(header)
// GetRawBlock retrieves the RLP encoded for a single block.
func (api *DebugAPI) GetRawBlock(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
var hash common.Hash
if h, ok := blockNrOrHash.Hash(); ok {
hash = h
} else {
block, err := api.b.BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if block == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
hash = block.Hash()
block, _ := api.b.BlockByHash(ctx, hash)
if block == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("block #%d not found", hash)
return rlp.EncodeToBytes(block)
// GetRawReceipts retrieves the binary-encoded receipts of a single block.
func (api *DebugAPI) GetRawReceipts(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) ([]hexutil.Bytes, error) {
var hash common.Hash
if h, ok := blockNrOrHash.Hash(); ok {
hash = h
} else {
block, err := api.b.BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if block == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
hash = block.Hash()
receipts, err := api.b.GetReceipts(ctx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make([]hexutil.Bytes, len(receipts))
for i, receipt := range receipts {
b, err := receipt.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[i] = b
return result, nil
// GetRawTransaction returns the bytes of the transaction for the given hash.
func (api *DebugAPI) GetRawTransaction(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
// Retrieve a finalized transaction, or a pooled otherwise
found, tx, _, _, _, err := api.b.GetTransaction(ctx, hash)
if !found {
if tx = api.b.GetPoolTransaction(hash); tx != nil {
return tx.MarshalBinary()
if err == nil {
return nil, nil
return nil, NewTxIndexingError()
return tx.MarshalBinary()
// PrintBlock retrieves a block and returns its pretty printed form.
func (api *DebugAPI) PrintBlock(ctx context.Context, number uint64) (string, error) {
block, _ := api.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, rpc.BlockNumber(number))
if block == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("block #%d not found", number)
return spew.Sdump(block), nil
// ChaindbProperty returns leveldb properties of the key-value database.
func (api *DebugAPI) ChaindbProperty() (string, error) {
return api.b.ChainDb().Stat()
// ChaindbCompact flattens the entire key-value database into a single level,
// removing all unused slots and merging all keys.
func (api *DebugAPI) ChaindbCompact() error {
cstart := time.Now()
for b := 0; b <= 255; b++ {
var (
start = []byte{byte(b)}
end = []byte{byte(b + 1)}
if b == 255 {
end = nil
log.Info("Compacting database", "range", fmt.Sprintf("%#X-%#X", start, end), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(cstart)))
if err := api.b.ChainDb().Compact(start, end); err != nil {
log.Error("Database compaction failed", "err", err)
return err
return nil
// SetHead rewinds the head of the blockchain to a previous block.
func (api *DebugAPI) SetHead(number hexutil.Uint64) {
// NetAPI offers network related RPC methods
type NetAPI struct {
net *p2p.Server
networkVersion uint64
// NewNetAPI creates a new net API instance.
func NewNetAPI(net *p2p.Server, networkVersion uint64) *NetAPI {
return &NetAPI{net, networkVersion}
// Listening returns an indication if the node is listening for network connections.
func (api *NetAPI) Listening() bool {
return true // always listening
// PeerCount returns the number of connected peers
func (api *NetAPI) PeerCount() hexutil.Uint {
return hexutil.Uint(api.net.PeerCount())
// Version returns the current ethereum protocol version.
func (api *NetAPI) Version() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", api.networkVersion)
// checkTxFee is an internal function used to check whether the fee of
// the given transaction is _reasonable_(under the cap).
func checkTxFee(gasPrice *big.Int, gas uint64, cap float64) error {
// Short circuit if there is no cap for transaction fee at all.
if cap == 0 {
return nil
feeEth := new(big.Float).Quo(new(big.Float).SetInt(new(big.Int).Mul(gasPrice, new(big.Int).SetUint64(gas))), new(big.Float).SetInt(big.NewInt(params.Ether)))
feeFloat, _ := feeEth.Float64()
if feeFloat > cap {
return fmt.Errorf("tx fee (%.2f ether) exceeds the configured cap (%.2f ether)", feeFloat, cap)
return nil