
460 lines
13 KiB

// hid - Gopher Interface Devices (USB HID)
// Copyright (c) 2017 Péter Szilágyi. All rights reserved.
// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. Note however that Linux
// support depends on libusb, released under LGNU GPL 2.1 or later.
// +build freebsd,cgo linux,cgo darwin,!ios,cgo windows,cgo
package hid
#cgo CFLAGS: -I./hidapi/hidapi
#cgo linux,!android LDFLAGS: -lrt
#cgo darwin CFLAGS: -DOS_DARWIN -I./libusb/libusb
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -framework CoreFoundation -framework IOKit -lusb-1.0.0
#cgo windows CFLAGS: -DOS_WINDOWS
#cgo windows LDFLAGS: -lsetupapi
#cgo freebsd CFLAGS: -DOS_FREEBSD
#cgo freebsd LDFLAGS: -lusb
#ifdef OS_LINUX
#include <poll.h>
#include "os/threads_posix.c"
#include "os/poll_posix.c"
#include "os/linux_usbfs.c"
#include "os/linux_netlink.c"
#include "core.c"
#include "descriptor.c"
#include "hotplug.c"
#include "io.c"
#include "strerror.c"
#include "sync.c"
#include "hidapi/libusb/hid.c"
#include <libusb.h>
#include "hidapi/mac/hid.c"
#include "hidapi/windows/hid.c"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libusb.h>
#include "hidapi/libusb/hid.c"
#if defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_WINDOWS)
void copy_device_list_to_slice(struct libusb_device **data, struct libusb_device **list, int count)
int i;
struct libusb_device *current = *list;
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
data[i] = current;
current = list_entry(current->list.next, struct libusb_device, list);
#elif defined(OS_DARWIN) || defined(OS_FREEBSD)
void copy_device_list_to_slice(struct libusb_device **data, struct libusb_device **list, int count)
int i;
// No memcopy because the struct size isn't available for a sizeof()
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
data[i] = list[i];
const char *usb_strerror(int err)
return libusb_strerror(err);
import "C"
import (
// enumerateLock is a mutex serializing access to USB device enumeration needed
// by the macOS USB HID system calls, which require 2 consecutive method calls
// for enumeration, causing crashes if called concurrently.
// For more details, see:
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/iokit/1438371-iohidmanagersetdevicematching
// > "subsequent calls will cause the hid manager to release previously enumerated devices"
var enumerateLock sync.Mutex
// Supported returns whether this platform is supported by the HID library or not.
// The goal of this method is to allow programatically handling platforms that do
// not support USB HID and not having to fall back to build constraints.
func Supported() bool {
return true
// genericEnumerate performs generic USB device enumeration
func genericEnumerate(vendorID uint16, productID uint16) ([]DeviceInfo, error) {
var infos []DeviceInfo
var ctx *C.struct_libusb_context
errCode := int(C.libusb_init((**C.struct_libusb_context)(&ctx)))
if errCode < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error while initializing libusb: %d", errCode)
var deviceListPtr **C.struct_libusb_device
count := C.libusb_get_device_list(ctx, (***C.struct_libusb_device)(&deviceListPtr))
if count < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error code listing devices: %d", count)
defer C.libusb_free_device_list(deviceListPtr, C.int(count))
deviceList := make([]*C.struct_libusb_device, count)
dlhdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&deviceList))
C.copy_device_list_to_slice((**C.struct_libusb_device)(unsafe.Pointer(dlhdr.Data)), deviceListPtr, C.int(count))
for devnum, dev := range deviceList {
var desc C.struct_libusb_device_descriptor
errCode := int(C.libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc))
if errCode < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting device descriptor for generic device %d: %d", devnum, errCode)
// Start by checking the vendor id and the product id if necessary
if uint16(desc.idVendor) != vendorID || !(productID == 0 || uint16(desc.idProduct) == productID) {
// Skip HID devices, they will be handled later
switch desc.bDeviceClass {
case 0:
/* Device class is specified at interface level */
for cfgnum := 0; cfgnum < int(desc.bNumConfigurations); cfgnum++ {
var cfgdesc *C.struct_libusb_config_descriptor
errCode = int(C.libusb_get_config_descriptor(dev, C.uint8_t(cfgnum), &cfgdesc))
if errCode != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error getting device configuration #%d for generic device %d: %d", cfgnum, devnum, errCode)
var ifs []C.struct_libusb_interface
ifshdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&ifs))
ifshdr.Cap = int(cfgdesc.bNumInterfaces)
ifshdr.Len = int(cfgdesc.bNumInterfaces)
ifshdr.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cfgdesc._interface))
for ifnum, ifc := range ifs {
var ifdescs []C.struct_libusb_interface_descriptor
ifdshdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&ifdescs))
ifdshdr.Cap = int(ifc.num_altsetting)
ifdshdr.Len = int(ifc.num_altsetting)
ifdshdr.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ifc.altsetting))
for _, alt := range ifdescs {
if alt.bInterfaceClass != 3 {
// Device isn't a HID interface, add them to the device list.
var endps []C.struct_libusb_endpoint_descriptor
endpshdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&endps))
endpshdr.Cap = int(alt.bNumEndpoints)
endpshdr.Len = int(alt.bNumEndpoints)
endpshdr.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(alt.endpoint))
endpoints := make([]GenericEndpoint, alt.bNumEndpoints)
for ne, endpoint := range endps {
endpoints[ne] = GenericEndpoint{
Direction: GenericEndpointDirection(endpoint.bEndpointAddress) & GenericEndpointDirectionIn,
Address: uint8(endpoint.bEndpointAddress),
Attributes: uint8(endpoint.bmAttributes),
info := &GenericDeviceInfo{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("%x:%x:%d", vendorID, uint16(desc.idProduct), uint8(C.libusb_get_port_number(dev))),
VendorID: uint16(desc.idVendor),
ProductID: uint16(desc.idProduct),
device: &GenericDevice{
device: dev,
Endpoints: endpoints,
Interface: ifnum,
info.device.GenericDeviceInfo = info
infos = append(infos, info)
case 3:
// Device class is HID, skip it
return infos, nil
// Enumerate returns a list of all the HID devices attached to the system which
// match the vendor and product id:
// - If the vendor id is set to 0 then any vendor matches.
// - If the product id is set to 0 then any product matches.
// - If the vendor and product id are both 0, all HID devices are returned.
func Enumerate(vendorID uint16, productID uint16) ([]DeviceInfo, error) {
defer enumerateLock.Unlock()
infos, err := genericEnumerate(vendorID, productID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Gather all device infos and ensure they are freed before returning
head := C.hid_enumerate(C.ushort(vendorID), C.ushort(productID))
if head == nil {
return nil, nil
defer C.hid_free_enumeration(head)
// Iterate the list and retrieve the device details
for ; head != nil; head = head.next {
info := &HidDeviceInfo{
Path: C.GoString(head.path),
VendorID: uint16(head.vendor_id),
ProductID: uint16(head.product_id),
Release: uint16(head.release_number),
UsagePage: uint16(head.usage_page),
Usage: uint16(head.usage),
Interface: int(head.interface_number),
if head.serial_number != nil {
info.Serial, _ = wcharTToString(head.serial_number)
if head.product_string != nil {
info.Product, _ = wcharTToString(head.product_string)
if head.manufacturer_string != nil {
info.Manufacturer, _ = wcharTToString(head.manufacturer_string)
infos = append(infos, info)
return infos, nil
// Open connects to an HID device by its path name.
func (info *HidDeviceInfo) Open() (Device, error) {
defer enumerateLock.Unlock()
path := C.CString(info.Path)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(path))
device := C.hid_open_path(path)
if device == nil {
return nil, errors.New("hidapi: failed to open device")
return &HidDevice{
DeviceInfo: info,
device: device,
}, nil
// HidDevice is a live HID USB connected device handle.
type HidDevice struct {
DeviceInfo // Embed the infos for easier access
device *C.hid_device // Low level HID device to communicate through
lock sync.Mutex
// Close releases the HID USB device handle.
func (dev *HidDevice) Close() error {
defer dev.lock.Unlock()
if dev.device != nil {
dev.device = nil
return nil
// Write sends an output report to a HID device.
// Write will send the data on the first OUT endpoint, if one exists. If it does
// not, it will send the data through the Control Endpoint (Endpoint 0).
func (dev *HidDevice) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
// Abort if nothing to write
if len(b) == 0 {
return 0, nil
// Abort if device closed in between
device := dev.device
if device == nil {
return 0, ErrDeviceClosed
// Prepend a HID report ID on Windows, other OSes don't need it
var report []byte
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
report = append([]byte{0x00}, b...)
} else {
report = b
// Execute the write operation
written := int(C.hid_write(device, (*C.uchar)(&report[0]), C.size_t(len(report))))
if written == -1 {
// If the write failed, verify if closed or other error
device = dev.device
if device == nil {
return 0, ErrDeviceClosed
// Device not closed, some other error occurred
message := C.hid_error(device)
if message == nil {
return 0, errors.New("hidapi: unknown failure")
failure, _ := wcharTToString(message)
return 0, errors.New("hidapi: " + failure)
return written, nil
// Read retrieves an input report from a HID device.
func (dev *HidDevice) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
// Aborth if nothing to read
if len(b) == 0 {
return 0, nil
// Abort if device closed in between
device := dev.device
if device == nil {
return 0, ErrDeviceClosed
// Execute the read operation
read := int(C.hid_read(device, (*C.uchar)(&b[0]), C.size_t(len(b))))
if read == -1 {
// If the read failed, verify if closed or other error
device = dev.device
if device == nil {
return 0, ErrDeviceClosed
// Device not closed, some other error occurred
message := C.hid_error(device)
if message == nil {
return 0, errors.New("hidapi: unknown failure")
failure, _ := wcharTToString(message)
return 0, errors.New("hidapi: " + failure)
return read, nil
// Type identify the device as a HID device
func (dev *HidDevice) Type() DeviceType {
return dev.DeviceInfo.Type()
// Open tries to open the USB device represented by the current DeviceInfo
func (gdi *GenericDeviceInfo) Open() (Device, error) {
var handle *C.struct_libusb_device_handle
errCode := int(C.libusb_open(gdi.device.device, (**C.struct_libusb_device_handle)(&handle)))
if errCode < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error opening generic USB device %v, code %d", gdi.device.handle, errCode)
gdi.device.handle = handle
// QUESTION: ai-je deja initialie le GDI ?
// GenericDeviceInfo: gdi,
// handle: handle,
// }
for _, endpoint := range gdi.Endpoints {
switch {
case endpoint.Direction == GenericEndpointDirectionOut && endpoint.Attributes == GenericEndpointAttributeInterrupt:
gdi.device.WEndpoint = endpoint.Address
case endpoint.Direction == GenericEndpointDirectionIn && endpoint.Attributes == GenericEndpointAttributeInterrupt:
gdi.device.REndpoint = endpoint.Address
if gdi.device.REndpoint == 0 || gdi.device.WEndpoint == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing endpoint in device %#x:%#x:%d", gdi.VendorID, gdi.ProductID, gdi.Interface)
return gdi.device, nil
// GenericDevice represents a generic USB device
type GenericDevice struct {
*GenericDeviceInfo // Embed the infos for easier access
REndpoint uint8
WEndpoint uint8
device *C.struct_libusb_device
handle *C.struct_libusb_device_handle
lock sync.Mutex
// Write implements io.ReaderWriter
func (gd *GenericDevice) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
defer gd.lock.Unlock()
out, err := interruptTransfer(gd.handle, gd.WEndpoint, b)
return len(out), err
// Read implements io.ReaderWriter
func (gd *GenericDevice) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
defer gd.lock.Unlock()
out, err := interruptTransfer(gd.handle, gd.REndpoint, b)
return len(out), err
// Close a previously opened generic USB device
func (gd *GenericDevice) Close() error {
defer gd.lock.Unlock()
if gd.handle != nil {
gd.handle = nil
return nil
// interruptTransfer is a helpler function for libusb's interrupt transfer function
func interruptTransfer(handle *C.struct_libusb_device_handle, endpoint uint8, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var transferred C.int
errCode := int(C.libusb_interrupt_transfer(handle, (C.uchar)(endpoint), (*C.uchar)(&data[0]), (C.int)(len(data)), &transferred, (C.uint)(0)))
if errCode != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Interrupt transfer error: %s", C.GoString(C.usb_strerror(C.int(errCode))))
return data[:int(transferred)], nil