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// Copyright 2024 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package tracing
import (
// OpContext provides the context at which the opcode is being
// executed in, including the memory, stack and various contract-level information.
type OpContext interface {
MemoryData() []byte
StackData() []uint256.Int
Caller() common.Address
Address() common.Address
CallValue() *uint256.Int
CallInput() []byte
ContractCode() []byte
// StateDB gives tracers access to the whole state.
type StateDB interface {
GetBalance(common.Address) *uint256.Int
GetNonce(common.Address) uint64
GetCode(common.Address) []byte
GetCodeHash(common.Address) common.Hash
GetState(common.Address, common.Hash) common.Hash
GetTransientState(common.Address, common.Hash) common.Hash
Exist(common.Address) bool
GetRefund() uint64
// VMContext provides the context for the EVM execution.
type VMContext struct {
Coinbase common.Address
BlockNumber *big.Int
Time uint64
Random *common.Hash
BaseFee *big.Int
StateDB StateDB
// BlockEvent is emitted upon tracing an incoming block.
// It contains the block as well as consensus related information.
type BlockEvent struct {
Block *types.Block
TD *big.Int
Finalized *types.Header
Safe *types.Header
type (
- VM events -
// TxStartHook is called before the execution of a transaction starts.
// Call simulations don't come with a valid signature. `from` field
// to be used for address of the caller.
TxStartHook = func(vm *VMContext, tx *types.Transaction, from common.Address)
// TxEndHook is called after the execution of a transaction ends.
TxEndHook = func(receipt *types.Receipt, err error)
// EnterHook is invoked when the processing of a message starts.
// Take note that EnterHook, when in the context of a live tracer, can be invoked
// outside of the `OnTxStart` and `OnTxEnd` hooks when dealing with system calls,
// see [OnSystemCallStartHook] and [OnSystemCallEndHook] for more information.
EnterHook = func(depth int, typ byte, from common.Address, to common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int)
// ExitHook is invoked when the processing of a message ends.
// `revert` is true when there was an error during the execution.
// Exceptionally, before the homestead hardfork a contract creation that
// ran out of gas when attempting to persist the code to database did not
// count as a call failure and did not cause a revert of the call. This will
// be indicated by `reverted == false` and `err == ErrCodeStoreOutOfGas`.
// Take note that ExitHook, when in the context of a live tracer, can be invoked
// outside of the `OnTxStart` and `OnTxEnd` hooks when dealing with system calls,
// see [OnSystemCallStartHook] and [OnSystemCallEndHook] for more information.
ExitHook = func(depth int, output []byte, gasUsed uint64, err error, reverted bool)
// OpcodeHook is invoked just prior to the execution of an opcode.
OpcodeHook = func(pc uint64, op byte, gas, cost uint64, scope OpContext, rData []byte, depth int, err error)
// FaultHook is invoked when an error occurs during the execution of an opcode.
FaultHook = func(pc uint64, op byte, gas, cost uint64, scope OpContext, depth int, err error)
// GasChangeHook is invoked when the gas changes.
GasChangeHook = func(old, new uint64, reason GasChangeReason)
- Chain events -
// BlockchainInitHook is called when the blockchain is initialized.
BlockchainInitHook = func(chainConfig *params.ChainConfig)
// CloseHook is called when the blockchain closes.
CloseHook = func()
// BlockStartHook is called before executing `block`.
// `td` is the total difficulty prior to `block`.
BlockStartHook = func(event BlockEvent)
// BlockEndHook is called after executing a block.
BlockEndHook = func(err error)
// SkippedBlockHook indicates a block was skipped during processing
// due to it being known previously. This can happen e.g. when recovering
// from a crash.
SkippedBlockHook = func(event BlockEvent)
// GenesisBlockHook is called when the genesis block is being processed.
GenesisBlockHook = func(genesis *types.Block, alloc types.GenesisAlloc)
// OnSystemCallStartHook is called when a system call is about to be executed. Today,
// this hook is invoked when the EIP-4788 system call is about to be executed to set the
// beacon block root.
// After this hook, the EVM call tracing will happened as usual so you will receive a `OnEnter/OnExit`
// as well as state hooks between this hook and the `OnSystemCallEndHook`.
// Note that system call happens outside normal transaction execution, so the `OnTxStart/OnTxEnd` hooks
// will not be invoked.
OnSystemCallStartHook = func()
// OnSystemCallStartHookV2 is called when a system call is about to be executed. Refer
// to `OnSystemCallStartHook` for more information.
OnSystemCallStartHookV2 = func(vm *VMContext)
// OnSystemCallEndHook is called when a system call has finished executing. Today,
// this hook is invoked when the EIP-4788 system call is about to be executed to set the
// beacon block root.
OnSystemCallEndHook = func()
- State events -
// BalanceChangeHook is called when the balance of an account changes.
BalanceChangeHook = func(addr common.Address, prev, new *big.Int, reason BalanceChangeReason)
// NonceChangeHook is called when the nonce of an account changes.
NonceChangeHook = func(addr common.Address, prev, new uint64)
// CodeChangeHook is called when the code of an account changes.
CodeChangeHook = func(addr common.Address, prevCodeHash common.Hash, prevCode []byte, codeHash common.Hash, code []byte)
// StorageChangeHook is called when the storage of an account changes.
StorageChangeHook = func(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash, prev, new common.Hash)
// LogHook is called when a log is emitted.
LogHook = func(log *types.Log)
// BlockHashReadHook is called when EVM reads the blockhash of a block.
BlockHashReadHook = func(blockNumber uint64, hash common.Hash)
type Hooks struct {
// VM events
OnTxStart TxStartHook
OnTxEnd TxEndHook
OnEnter EnterHook
OnExit ExitHook
OnOpcode OpcodeHook
OnFault FaultHook
OnGasChange GasChangeHook
// Chain events
OnBlockchainInit BlockchainInitHook
OnClose CloseHook
OnBlockStart BlockStartHook
OnBlockEnd BlockEndHook
OnSkippedBlock SkippedBlockHook
OnGenesisBlock GenesisBlockHook
OnSystemCallStart OnSystemCallStartHook
OnSystemCallStartV2 OnSystemCallStartHookV2
OnSystemCallEnd OnSystemCallEndHook
// State events
OnBalanceChange BalanceChangeHook
OnNonceChange NonceChangeHook
OnCodeChange CodeChangeHook
OnStorageChange StorageChangeHook
OnLog LogHook
// Block hash read
OnBlockHashRead BlockHashReadHook
// Copy creates a new Hooks instance with all implemented hooks copied from the original.
func (h *Hooks) Copy() *Hooks {
copied := &Hooks{}
srcValue := reflect.ValueOf(h).Elem()
dstValue := reflect.ValueOf(copied).Elem()
for i := 0; i < srcValue.NumField(); i++ {
field := srcValue.Field(i)
if !field.IsNil() {
return copied
// BalanceChangeReason is used to indicate the reason for a balance change, useful
// for tracing and reporting.
type BalanceChangeReason byte
//go:generate go run golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer -type=BalanceChangeReason -output gen_balance_change_reason_stringer.go
const (
BalanceChangeUnspecified BalanceChangeReason = 0
// Issuance
// BalanceIncreaseRewardMineUncle is a reward for mining an uncle block.
BalanceIncreaseRewardMineUncle BalanceChangeReason = 1
// BalanceIncreaseRewardMineBlock is a reward for mining a block.
BalanceIncreaseRewardMineBlock BalanceChangeReason = 2
// BalanceIncreaseWithdrawal is ether withdrawn from the beacon chain.
BalanceIncreaseWithdrawal BalanceChangeReason = 3
// BalanceIncreaseGenesisBalance is ether allocated at the genesis block.
BalanceIncreaseGenesisBalance BalanceChangeReason = 4
// Transaction fees
// BalanceIncreaseRewardTransactionFee is the transaction tip increasing block builder's balance.
BalanceIncreaseRewardTransactionFee BalanceChangeReason = 5
// BalanceDecreaseGasBuy is spent to purchase gas for execution a transaction.
// Part of this gas will be burnt as per EIP-1559 rules.
BalanceDecreaseGasBuy BalanceChangeReason = 6
// BalanceIncreaseGasReturn is ether returned for unused gas at the end of execution.
BalanceIncreaseGasReturn BalanceChangeReason = 7
// DAO fork
// BalanceIncreaseDaoContract is ether sent to the DAO refund contract.
BalanceIncreaseDaoContract BalanceChangeReason = 8
// BalanceDecreaseDaoAccount is ether taken from a DAO account to be moved to the refund contract.
BalanceDecreaseDaoAccount BalanceChangeReason = 9
// BalanceChangeTransfer is ether transferred via a call.
// it is a decrease for the sender and an increase for the recipient.
BalanceChangeTransfer BalanceChangeReason = 10
// BalanceChangeTouchAccount is a transfer of zero value. It is only there to
// touch-create an account.
BalanceChangeTouchAccount BalanceChangeReason = 11
// BalanceIncreaseSelfdestruct is added to the recipient as indicated by a selfdestructing account.
BalanceIncreaseSelfdestruct BalanceChangeReason = 12
// BalanceDecreaseSelfdestruct is deducted from a contract due to self-destruct.
BalanceDecreaseSelfdestruct BalanceChangeReason = 13
// BalanceDecreaseSelfdestructBurn is ether that is sent to an already self-destructed
// account within the same tx (captured at end of tx).
// Note it doesn't account for a self-destruct which appoints itself as recipient.
BalanceDecreaseSelfdestructBurn BalanceChangeReason = 14
// BalanceChangeRevert is emitted when the balance is reverted back to a previous value due to call failure.
// It is only emitted when the tracer has opted in to use the journaling wrapper.
BalanceChangeRevert BalanceChangeReason = 15
// GasChangeReason is used to indicate the reason for a gas change, useful
// for tracing and reporting.
// There is essentially two types of gas changes, those that can be emitted once per transaction
// and those that can be emitted on a call basis, so possibly multiple times per transaction.
// They can be recognized easily by their name, those that start with `GasChangeTx` are emitted
// once per transaction, while those that start with `GasChangeCall` are emitted on a call basis.
type GasChangeReason byte
const (
GasChangeUnspecified GasChangeReason = 0
// GasChangeTxInitialBalance is the initial balance for the call which will be equal to the gasLimit of the call. There is only
// one such gas change per transaction.
GasChangeTxInitialBalance GasChangeReason = 1
// GasChangeTxIntrinsicGas is the amount of gas that will be charged for the intrinsic cost of the transaction, there is
// always exactly one of those per transaction.
GasChangeTxIntrinsicGas GasChangeReason = 2
// GasChangeTxRefunds is the sum of all refunds which happened during the tx execution (e.g. storage slot being cleared)
// this generates an increase in gas. There is at most one of such gas change per transaction.
GasChangeTxRefunds GasChangeReason = 3
// GasChangeTxLeftOverReturned is the amount of gas left over at the end of transaction's execution that will be returned
// to the chain. This change will always be a negative change as we "drain" left over gas towards 0. If there was no gas
// left at the end of execution, no such even will be emitted. The returned gas's value in Wei is returned to caller.
// There is at most one of such gas change per transaction.
GasChangeTxLeftOverReturned GasChangeReason = 4
// GasChangeCallInitialBalance is the initial balance for the call which will be equal to the gasLimit of the call. There is only
// one such gas change per call.
GasChangeCallInitialBalance GasChangeReason = 5
// GasChangeCallLeftOverReturned is the amount of gas left over that will be returned to the caller, this change will always
// be a negative change as we "drain" left over gas towards 0. If there was no gas left at the end of execution, no such even
// will be emitted.
GasChangeCallLeftOverReturned GasChangeReason = 6
// GasChangeCallLeftOverRefunded is the amount of gas that will be refunded to the call after the child call execution it
// executed completed. This value is always positive as we are giving gas back to the you, the left over gas of the child.
// If there was no gas left to be refunded, no such even will be emitted.
GasChangeCallLeftOverRefunded GasChangeReason = 7
// GasChangeCallContractCreation is the amount of gas that will be burned for a CREATE.
GasChangeCallContractCreation GasChangeReason = 8
// GasChangeContractCreation is the amount of gas that will be burned for a CREATE2.
GasChangeCallContractCreation2 GasChangeReason = 9
// GasChangeCallCodeStorage is the amount of gas that will be charged for code storage.
GasChangeCallCodeStorage GasChangeReason = 10
// GasChangeCallOpCode is the amount of gas that will be charged for an opcode executed by the EVM, exact opcode that was
// performed can be check by `OnOpcode` handling.
GasChangeCallOpCode GasChangeReason = 11
// GasChangeCallPrecompiledContract is the amount of gas that will be charged for a precompiled contract execution.
GasChangeCallPrecompiledContract GasChangeReason = 12
// GasChangeCallStorageColdAccess is the amount of gas that will be charged for a cold storage access as controlled by EIP2929 rules.
GasChangeCallStorageColdAccess GasChangeReason = 13
// GasChangeCallFailedExecution is the burning of the remaining gas when the execution failed without a revert.
GasChangeCallFailedExecution GasChangeReason = 14
// GasChangeWitnessContractInit flags the event of adding to the witness during the contract creation initialization step.
GasChangeWitnessContractInit GasChangeReason = 15
// GasChangeWitnessContractCreation flags the event of adding to the witness during the contract creation finalization step.
GasChangeWitnessContractCreation GasChangeReason = 16
// GasChangeWitnessCodeChunk flags the event of adding one or more contract code chunks to the witness.
GasChangeWitnessCodeChunk GasChangeReason = 17
// GasChangeWitnessContractCollisionCheck flags the event of adding to the witness when checking for contract address collision.
GasChangeWitnessContractCollisionCheck GasChangeReason = 18
// GasChangeIgnored is a special value that can be used to indicate that the gas change should be ignored as
// it will be "manually" tracked by a direct emit of the gas change event.
GasChangeIgnored GasChangeReason = 0xFF