## Workload Testing Tool This tool performs RPC calls against a live node. It has tests for the Sepolia testnet and Mainnet. Note the tests require a fully synced node. To run the tests against a Sepolia node, use: ```shell > ./workload test --sepolia http://host:8545 ``` To run a specific test, use the `--run` flag to filter the test cases. Filtering works similar to the `go test` command. For example, to run only tests for `eth_getBlockByHash` and `eth_getBlockByNumber`, use this command: ``` > ./workload test --sepolia --run History/getBlockBy http://host:8545 ``` ### Regenerating tests There is a facility for updating the tests from the chain. This can also be used to generate the tests for a new network. As an example, to recreate tests for mainnet, run the following commands (in this directory) against a synced mainnet node: ```shell > go run . filtergen --queries queries/filter_queries_mainnet.json http://host:8545 > go run . historygen --history-tests queries/history_mainnet.json http://host:8545 ```