// Copyright 2019 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package vm

import (


var activators = map[int]func(*JumpTable){
	5656: enable5656,
	6780: enable6780,
	3855: enable3855,
	3860: enable3860,
	3529: enable3529,
	3198: enable3198,
	2929: enable2929,
	2200: enable2200,
	1884: enable1884,
	1344: enable1344,
	1153: enable1153,

// EnableEIP enables the given EIP on the config.
// This operation writes in-place, and callers need to ensure that the globally
// defined jump tables are not polluted.
func EnableEIP(eipNum int, jt *JumpTable) error {
	enablerFn, ok := activators[eipNum]
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("undefined eip %d", eipNum)
	return nil

func ValidEip(eipNum int) bool {
	_, ok := activators[eipNum]
	return ok
func ActivateableEips() []string {
	var nums []string
	for k := range activators {
		nums = append(nums, fmt.Sprintf("%d", k))
	return nums

// enable1884 applies EIP-1884 to the given jump table:
// - Increase cost of BALANCE to 700
// - Increase cost of EXTCODEHASH to 700
// - Increase cost of SLOAD to 800
// - Define SELFBALANCE, with cost GasFastStep (5)
func enable1884(jt *JumpTable) {
	// Gas cost changes
	jt[SLOAD].constantGas = params.SloadGasEIP1884
	jt[BALANCE].constantGas = params.BalanceGasEIP1884
	jt[EXTCODEHASH].constantGas = params.ExtcodeHashGasEIP1884

	// New opcode
	jt[SELFBALANCE] = &operation{
		execute:     opSelfBalance,
		constantGas: GasFastStep,
		minStack:    minStack(0, 1),
		maxStack:    maxStack(0, 1),

func opSelfBalance(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
	balance, _ := uint256.FromBig(interpreter.evm.StateDB.GetBalance(scope.Contract.Address()))
	return nil, nil

// enable1344 applies EIP-1344 (ChainID Opcode)
// - Adds an opcode that returns the current chain’s EIP-155 unique identifier
func enable1344(jt *JumpTable) {
	// New opcode
	jt[CHAINID] = &operation{
		execute:     opChainID,
		constantGas: GasQuickStep,
		minStack:    minStack(0, 1),
		maxStack:    maxStack(0, 1),

// opChainID implements CHAINID opcode
func opChainID(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
	chainId, _ := uint256.FromBig(interpreter.evm.chainConfig.ChainID)
	return nil, nil

// enable2200 applies EIP-2200 (Rebalance net-metered SSTORE)
func enable2200(jt *JumpTable) {
	jt[SLOAD].constantGas = params.SloadGasEIP2200
	jt[SSTORE].dynamicGas = gasSStoreEIP2200

// enable2929 enables "EIP-2929: Gas cost increases for state access opcodes"
// https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2929
func enable2929(jt *JumpTable) {
	jt[SSTORE].dynamicGas = gasSStoreEIP2929

	jt[SLOAD].constantGas = 0
	jt[SLOAD].dynamicGas = gasSLoadEIP2929

	jt[EXTCODECOPY].constantGas = params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929
	jt[EXTCODECOPY].dynamicGas = gasExtCodeCopyEIP2929

	jt[EXTCODESIZE].constantGas = params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929
	jt[EXTCODESIZE].dynamicGas = gasEip2929AccountCheck

	jt[EXTCODEHASH].constantGas = params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929
	jt[EXTCODEHASH].dynamicGas = gasEip2929AccountCheck

	jt[BALANCE].constantGas = params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929
	jt[BALANCE].dynamicGas = gasEip2929AccountCheck

	jt[CALL].constantGas = params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929
	jt[CALL].dynamicGas = gasCallEIP2929

	jt[CALLCODE].constantGas = params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929
	jt[CALLCODE].dynamicGas = gasCallCodeEIP2929

	jt[STATICCALL].constantGas = params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929
	jt[STATICCALL].dynamicGas = gasStaticCallEIP2929

	jt[DELEGATECALL].constantGas = params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929
	jt[DELEGATECALL].dynamicGas = gasDelegateCallEIP2929

	// This was previously part of the dynamic cost, but we're using it as a constantGas
	// factor here
	jt[SELFDESTRUCT].constantGas = params.SelfdestructGasEIP150
	jt[SELFDESTRUCT].dynamicGas = gasSelfdestructEIP2929

// enable3529 enabled "EIP-3529: Reduction in refunds":
// - Removes refunds for selfdestructs
// - Reduces refunds for SSTORE
// - Reduces max refunds to 20% gas
func enable3529(jt *JumpTable) {
	jt[SSTORE].dynamicGas = gasSStoreEIP3529
	jt[SELFDESTRUCT].dynamicGas = gasSelfdestructEIP3529

// enable3198 applies EIP-3198 (BASEFEE Opcode)
// - Adds an opcode that returns the current block's base fee.
func enable3198(jt *JumpTable) {
	// New opcode
	jt[BASEFEE] = &operation{
		execute:     opBaseFee,
		constantGas: GasQuickStep,
		minStack:    minStack(0, 1),
		maxStack:    maxStack(0, 1),

// enable1153 applies EIP-1153 "Transient Storage"
// - Adds TLOAD that reads from transient storage
// - Adds TSTORE that writes to transient storage
func enable1153(jt *JumpTable) {
	jt[TLOAD] = &operation{
		execute:     opTload,
		constantGas: params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929,
		minStack:    minStack(1, 1),
		maxStack:    maxStack(1, 1),

	jt[TSTORE] = &operation{
		execute:     opTstore,
		constantGas: params.WarmStorageReadCostEIP2929,
		minStack:    minStack(2, 0),
		maxStack:    maxStack(2, 0),

// opTload implements TLOAD opcode
func opTload(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
	loc := scope.Stack.peek()
	hash := common.Hash(loc.Bytes32())
	val := interpreter.evm.StateDB.GetTransientState(scope.Contract.Address(), hash)
	return nil, nil

// opTstore implements TSTORE opcode
func opTstore(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
	if interpreter.readOnly {
		return nil, ErrWriteProtection
	loc := scope.Stack.pop()
	val := scope.Stack.pop()
	interpreter.evm.StateDB.SetTransientState(scope.Contract.Address(), loc.Bytes32(), val.Bytes32())
	return nil, nil

// opBaseFee implements BASEFEE opcode
func opBaseFee(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
	baseFee, _ := uint256.FromBig(interpreter.evm.Context.BaseFee)
	return nil, nil

// enable3855 applies EIP-3855 (PUSH0 opcode)
func enable3855(jt *JumpTable) {
	// New opcode
	jt[PUSH0] = &operation{
		execute:     opPush0,
		constantGas: GasQuickStep,
		minStack:    minStack(0, 1),
		maxStack:    maxStack(0, 1),

// opPush0 implements the PUSH0 opcode
func opPush0(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
	return nil, nil

// enable3860 enables "EIP-3860: Limit and meter initcode"
// https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3860
func enable3860(jt *JumpTable) {
	jt[CREATE].dynamicGas = gasCreateEip3860
	jt[CREATE2].dynamicGas = gasCreate2Eip3860

// enable5656 enables EIP-5656 (MCOPY opcode)
// https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-5656
func enable5656(jt *JumpTable) {
	jt[MCOPY] = &operation{
		execute:     opMcopy,
		constantGas: GasFastestStep,
		dynamicGas:  gasMcopy,
		minStack:    minStack(3, 0),
		maxStack:    maxStack(3, 0),
		memorySize:  memoryMcopy,

// opMcopy implements the MCOPY opcode (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-5656)
func opMcopy(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
	var (
		dst    = scope.Stack.pop()
		src    = scope.Stack.pop()
		length = scope.Stack.pop()
	// These values are checked for overflow during memory expansion calculation
	// (the memorySize function on the opcode).
	scope.Memory.Copy(dst.Uint64(), src.Uint64(), length.Uint64())
	return nil, nil

// opBlobHash implements the BLOBHASH opcode
func opBlobHash(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
	index := scope.Stack.peek()
	if index.LtUint64(uint64(len(interpreter.evm.TxContext.BlobHashes))) {
		blobHash := interpreter.evm.TxContext.BlobHashes[index.Uint64()]
	} else {
	return nil, nil

// enable4844 applies EIP-4844 (DATAHASH opcode)
func enable4844(jt *JumpTable) {
	// New opcode
	jt[BLOBHASH] = &operation{
		execute:     opBlobHash,
		constantGas: GasFastestStep,
		minStack:    minStack(1, 1),
		maxStack:    maxStack(1, 1),

// enable6780 applies EIP-6780 (deactivate SELFDESTRUCT)
func enable6780(jt *JumpTable) {
	jt[SELFDESTRUCT] = &operation{
		execute:     opSelfdestruct6780,
		dynamicGas:  gasSelfdestructEIP3529,
		constantGas: params.SelfdestructGasEIP150,
		minStack:    minStack(1, 0),
		maxStack:    maxStack(1, 0),