// Copyright 2022 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package snapshot

import (


// CheckDanglingStorage iterates the snap storage data, and verifies that all
// storage also has corresponding account data.
func CheckDanglingStorage(chaindb ethdb.KeyValueStore) error {
	if err := checkDanglingDiskStorage(chaindb); err != nil {
		log.Error("Database check error", "err", err)
	return checkDanglingMemStorage(chaindb)

// checkDanglingDiskStorage checks if there is any 'dangling' storage data in the
// disk-backed snapshot layer.
func checkDanglingDiskStorage(chaindb ethdb.KeyValueStore) error {
	var (
		lastReport = time.Now()
		start      = time.Now()
		lastKey    []byte
		it         = rawdb.NewKeyLengthIterator(chaindb.NewIterator(rawdb.SnapshotStoragePrefix, nil), 1+2*common.HashLength)
	log.Info("Checking dangling snapshot disk storage")

	defer it.Release()
	for it.Next() {
		k := it.Key()
		accKey := k[1:33]
		if bytes.Equal(accKey, lastKey) {
			// No need to look up for every slot
		lastKey = common.CopyBytes(accKey)
		if time.Since(lastReport) > time.Second*8 {
			log.Info("Iterating snap storage", "at", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", accKey), "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
			lastReport = time.Now()
		if data := rawdb.ReadAccountSnapshot(chaindb, common.BytesToHash(accKey)); len(data) == 0 {
			log.Warn("Dangling storage - missing account", "account", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", accKey), "storagekey", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", k))
			return fmt.Errorf("dangling snapshot storage account %#x", accKey)
	log.Info("Verified the snapshot disk storage", "time", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)), "err", it.Error())
	return nil

// checkDanglingMemStorage checks if there is any 'dangling' storage in the journalled
// snapshot difflayers.
func checkDanglingMemStorage(db ethdb.KeyValueStore) error {
	start := time.Now()
	log.Info("Checking dangling journalled storage")
	err := iterateJournal(db, func(pRoot, root common.Hash, accounts map[common.Hash][]byte, storage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte) error {
		for accHash := range storage {
			if _, ok := accounts[accHash]; !ok {
				log.Error("Dangling storage - missing account", "account", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", accHash), "root", root)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("Failed to resolve snapshot journal", "err", err)
		return err
	log.Info("Verified the snapshot journalled storage", "time", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
	return nil

// CheckJournalAccount shows information about an account, from the disk layer and
// up through the diff layers.
func CheckJournalAccount(db ethdb.KeyValueStore, hash common.Hash) error {
	// Look up the disk layer first
	baseRoot := rawdb.ReadSnapshotRoot(db)
	fmt.Printf("Disklayer: Root: %x\n", baseRoot)
	if data := rawdb.ReadAccountSnapshot(db, hash); data != nil {
		account, err := types.FullAccount(data)
		if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("\taccount.nonce: %d\n", account.Nonce)
		fmt.Printf("\taccount.balance: %x\n", account.Balance)
		fmt.Printf("\taccount.root: %x\n", account.Root)
		fmt.Printf("\taccount.codehash: %x\n", account.CodeHash)
	// Check storage
		it := rawdb.NewKeyLengthIterator(db.NewIterator(append(rawdb.SnapshotStoragePrefix, hash.Bytes()...), nil), 1+2*common.HashLength)
		for it.Next() {
			slot := it.Key()[33:]
			fmt.Printf("\t\t%x: %x\n", slot, it.Value())
	var depth = 0

	return iterateJournal(db, func(pRoot, root common.Hash, accounts map[common.Hash][]byte, storage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte) error {
		_, a := accounts[hash]
		_, b := storage[hash]
		if !a && !b {
			return nil
		fmt.Printf("Disklayer+%d: Root: %x, parent %x\n", depth, root, pRoot)
		if data, ok := accounts[hash]; ok {
			account, err := types.FullAccount(data)
			if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("\taccount.nonce: %d\n", account.Nonce)
			fmt.Printf("\taccount.balance: %x\n", account.Balance)
			fmt.Printf("\taccount.root: %x\n", account.Root)
			fmt.Printf("\taccount.codehash: %x\n", account.CodeHash)
		if data, ok := storage[hash]; ok {
			for k, v := range data {
				fmt.Printf("\t\t%x: %x\n", k, v)
		return nil