--- title: EVM Tracing description: Introduction to tracing EVM transactions using Geth --- There are two different types of [transactions](https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/transactions) in Ethereum: simple value transfers and contract executions. A value transfer just moves Ether from one account to another. If however the recipient of a transaction is a contract account with associated [EVM](https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/evm) (Ethereum Virtual Machine) bytecode - beside transferring any Ether - the code will also be executed as part of the transaction. Having code associated with Ethereum accounts permits transactions to do arbitrarily complex data storage and enables them to act on the previously stored data by further transacting internally with outside accounts and contracts. This creates an interlinked ecosystem of contracts, where a single transaction can interact with tens or hundreds of accounts. The downside of contract execution is that it is very hard to say what a transaction actually did. A transaction receipt does contain a status code to check whether execution succeeded or not, but there is no way to see what data was modified, nor what external contracts where invoked. Geth resolves this by re-running transactions locally and collecting data about precisely what was executed by the EVM. This is known as "tracing" the transaction. ## Tracing prerequisites In its simplest form, tracing a transaction entails requesting the Ethereum node to reexecute the desired transaction with varying degrees of data collection and have it return the aggregated summary for post processing. Reexecuting a transaction however has a few prerequisites to be met. In order for an Ethereum node to reexecute a transaction, all historical state accessed by the transaction must be available. This includes: * Balance, nonce, bytecode and storage of both the recipient as well as all internally invoked contracts. * Block metadata referenced during execution of both the outer as well as all internally created transactions. * Intermediate state generated by all preceding transactions contained in the same block as the one being traced. This means there are limits on the transactions that can be traced imposed by the synchronization and pruning configuration of a node. * An **archive** node retains **all historical data** back to genesis. It can therefore trace arbitrary transactions at any point in the history of the chain. Tracing a single transaction requires reexecuting all preceding transactions in the same block. * A **full synced** node retains the most recent 128 blocks in memory, so transactions in that range are always accessible. Full nodes also store occasional checkpoints back to genesis that can be used to rebuild the state at any point on-the-fly. This means older transactions can be traced but if there is a large distance between the requested transaction and the most recent checkpoint rebuilding the state can take a long time. Tracing a single transaction requires reexecuting all preceding transactions in the same block **and** all preceding blocks until the previous stored snapshot. * A **snap synced** node holds the most recent 128 blocks in memory, so transactions in that range are always accessible. However, snap-sync only starts processing from a relatively recent block (as opposed to genesis for a full node). Between the initial sync block and the 128 most recent blocks, the node stores occasional checkpoints that can be used to rebuild the state on-the-fly. This means transactions can be traced back as far as the block that was used for the initial sync. Tracing a single transaction requires reexecuting all preceding transactions in the same block, **and** all preceding blocks until the previous stored snapshot. * A **light synced** node retrieving data **on demand** can in theory trace transactions for which all required historical state is readily available in the network. This is because the data required to generate the trace is requested from an les-serving full node. In practice, data availability **cannot** be reasonably assumed. *There are exceptions to the above rules when running batch traces of entire blocks or chain segments. Those will be detailed later.* ## Basic traces The simplest type of transaction trace that Geth can generate are raw EVM opcode traces. For every VM instruction the transaction executes, a structured log entry is emitted, containing all contextual metadata deemed useful. This includes the *program counter*, *opcode name*, *opcode cost*, *remaining gas*, *execution depth* and any *occurred error*. The structured logs can optionally also contain the content of the *execution stack*, *execution memory* and *contract storage*. The entire output of a raw EVM opcode trace is a JSON object having a few metadata fields: *consumed gas*, *failure status*, *return value*; and a list of *opcode entries*: ```json { "gas": 25523, "failed": false, "returnValue": "", "structLogs": [] } ``` An example log for a single opcode entry has the following format: ```json { "pc": 48, "op": "DIV", "gasCost": 5, "gas": 64532, "depth": 1, "error": null, "stack": [ "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff", "0000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "2df07fbaabbe40e3244445af30759352e348ec8bebd4dd75467a9f29ec55d98d" ], "memory": [ "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060" ], "storage": { } } ``` ### Generating basic traces To generate a raw EVM opcode trace, Geth provides a few [RPC API endpoints](/docs/rpc/ns-debug). The most commonly used is [`debug_traceTransaction`](/docs/rpc/ns-debug#debug_tracetransaction). In its simplest form, `traceTransaction` accepts a transaction hash as its only argument. It then traces the transaction, aggregates all the generated data and returns it as a **large** JSON object. A sample invocation from the Geth console would be: ```js debug.traceTransaction("0xfc9359e49278b7ba99f59edac0e3de49956e46e530a53c15aa71226b7aa92c6f") ``` The same call can also be invoked from outside the node too via HTTP RPC (e.g. using Curl). In this case, the HTTP endpoint must be enabled in Geth using the `--http` command and the `debug` API namespace must be exposed using `--http.api=debug`. ``` $ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": 1, "method": "debug_traceTransaction", "params": ["0xfc9359e49278b7ba99f59edac0e3de49956e46e530a53c15aa71226b7aa92c6f"]}' localhost:8545 ``` To follow along with this tutorial, transaction hashes can be found from a local Geth node (e.g. by attaching a [Javascript console](/docs/interface/javascript-console) and running `eth.getBlock('latest')` then passing a transaction hash from the returned block to `debug.traceTransaction()`) or from a block explorer (for [Mainnet](https://etherscan.io/) or a [testnet](https://goerli.etherscan.io/)). It is also possible to configure the trace by passing Boolean (true/false) values for four parameters that tweak the verbosity of the trace. By default, the *EVM memory* and *Return data* are not reported but the *EVM stack* and *EVM storage* are. To report the maximum amount of data: ```shell enableMemory: true disableStack: false disableStorage: false enableReturnData: true ``` An example call, made in the Geth Javascript console, configured to report the maximum amount of data looks as follows: ```js debug.traceTransaction("0xfc9359e49278b7ba99f59edac0e3de49956e46e530a53c15aa71226b7aa92c6f",{enableMemory: true, disableStack: false, disableStorage: false, enableReturnData: true}) ``` Running the above operation on the Rinkeby network (with a node retaining enough history) will result in this [trace dump](https://gist.github.com/karalabe/c91f95ac57f5e57f8b950ec65ecc697f). Alternatively, disabling *EVM Stack*, *EVM Memory*, *Storage* and *Return data* (as demonstrated in the Curl request below) results in the following, much shorter, [trace dump](https://gist.github.com/karalabe/d74a7cb33a70f2af75e7824fc772c5b4). ``` $ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": 1, "method": "debug_traceTransaction", "params": ["0xfc9359e49278b7ba99f59edac0e3de49956e46e530a53c15aa71226b7aa92c6f", {"disableStack": true, "disableStorage": true}]}' localhost:8545 ``` ### Limits of basic traces Although the raw opcode traces generated above are useful, having an individual log entry for every single opcode is too low level for most use cases, and will require developers to create additional tools to post-process the traces. Additionally, a full opcode trace can easily go into the hundreds of megabytes, making them very resource intensive to get out of the node and process externally. To avoid those issues, Geth supports running custom JavaScript tracers *within* the Ethereum node, which have full access to the EVM stack, memory and contract storage. This means developers only have to gather the data they actually need, and do any processing at the source. ## Pruning Geth does in-memory state-pruning by default, discarding state entries that it deems no longer necessary to maintain. This is configured via the `--gcmode` command. An error message alerting the user that the necessary state is not available is common in EVM tracing on anything other than an archive node. ```sh Error: required historical state unavailable (reexec=128) at web3.js:6365:37(47) at send (web3,js:5099:62(35)) at :1:23(13) ``` The pruning behaviour, and consequently the state availability and tracing capability of a node depends on its sync and pruning configuration. The 'oldest' block after which state is immediately available, and before which state is not immediately available, is known as the "pivot block". There are then several possible cases for a trace request on a Geth node. For tracing a transaction in block `B` where the pivot block is `P` can regenerate the desired state by replaying blocks from the last: 1. a fast-sync'd node can regenerate the desired state by replaying blocks from the most recent checkpoint between `P` and `B` as long as `P` < `B`. If `P` > `B` there is no available checkpoint and the state cannot be regenerated without replying the chain from genesis. 2. a fully sync'd node can regenerate the desired state by replaying blocks from the last available full state before `B`. A fully sync'd node re-executes all blocks from genesis, so checkpoints are available across the entire history of the chain. However, database pruning discards older data, moving `P` to a more recent position in the chain. If `P` > `B` there is no available checkpoint and the state cannot be regenerated without replaying the chain from genesis. 3. A fully-sync'd node without pruning (i.e. an archive node configured with `--gcmode=archive`) does not need to replay anything, it can immediately load up any state and serve the request for any `B`. The time taken to regenerate a specific state increases with the distance between `P` and `B`. If the distance between `P` and `B` is large, the regeneration time can be substantial. ## Summary This page covered the concept of EVM tracing and how to generate traces with the default opcode-based tracers using RPC. More advanced usage is possible, including using other built-in tracers as well as writing [custom tracing](/docs/dapp/custom-tracer) code in Javascript and Go. The API as well as the JS tracing hooks are defined in [the reference](/docs/rpc/ns-debug#debug_traceTransaction). [evm]: