// Copyright 2017 Zack Guo <zack.y.guo@gmail.com>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.

package termui

import "image"

// Hline is a horizontal line.
type Hline struct {
	X   int
	Y   int
	Len int
	Fg  Attribute
	Bg  Attribute

// Vline is a vertical line.
type Vline struct {
	X   int
	Y   int
	Len int
	Fg  Attribute
	Bg  Attribute

// Buffer draws a horizontal line.
func (l Hline) Buffer() Buffer {
	if l.Len <= 0 {
		return NewBuffer()
	return NewFilledBuffer(l.X, l.Y, l.X+l.Len, l.Y+1, HORIZONTAL_LINE, l.Fg, l.Bg)

// Buffer draws a vertical line.
func (l Vline) Buffer() Buffer {
	if l.Len <= 0 {
		return NewBuffer()
	return NewFilledBuffer(l.X, l.Y, l.X+1, l.Y+l.Len, VERTICAL_LINE, l.Fg, l.Bg)

// Buffer draws a box border.
func (b Block) drawBorder(buf Buffer) {
	if !b.Border {

	min := b.area.Min
	max := b.area.Max

	x0 := min.X
	y0 := min.Y
	x1 := max.X - 1
	y1 := max.Y - 1

	// draw lines
	if b.BorderTop {
		buf.Merge(Hline{x0, y0, x1 - x0, b.BorderFg, b.BorderBg}.Buffer())
	if b.BorderBottom {
		buf.Merge(Hline{x0, y1, x1 - x0, b.BorderFg, b.BorderBg}.Buffer())
	if b.BorderLeft {
		buf.Merge(Vline{x0, y0, y1 - y0, b.BorderFg, b.BorderBg}.Buffer())
	if b.BorderRight {
		buf.Merge(Vline{x1, y0, y1 - y0, b.BorderFg, b.BorderBg}.Buffer())

	// draw corners
	if b.BorderTop && b.BorderLeft && b.area.Dx() > 0 && b.area.Dy() > 0 {
		buf.Set(x0, y0, Cell{TOP_LEFT, b.BorderFg, b.BorderBg})
	if b.BorderTop && b.BorderRight && b.area.Dx() > 1 && b.area.Dy() > 0 {
		buf.Set(x1, y0, Cell{TOP_RIGHT, b.BorderFg, b.BorderBg})
	if b.BorderBottom && b.BorderLeft && b.area.Dx() > 0 && b.area.Dy() > 1 {
		buf.Set(x0, y1, Cell{BOTTOM_LEFT, b.BorderFg, b.BorderBg})
	if b.BorderBottom && b.BorderRight && b.area.Dx() > 1 && b.area.Dy() > 1 {
		buf.Set(x1, y1, Cell{BOTTOM_RIGHT, b.BorderFg, b.BorderBg})

func (b Block) drawBorderLabel(buf Buffer) {
	maxTxtW := b.area.Dx() - 2
	tx := DTrimTxCls(DefaultTxBuilder.Build(b.BorderLabel, b.BorderLabelFg, b.BorderLabelBg), maxTxtW)

	for i, w := 0, 0; i < len(tx); i++ {
		buf.Set(b.area.Min.X+1+w, b.area.Min.Y, tx[i])
		w += tx[i].Width()

// Block is a base struct for all other upper level widgets,
// consider it as css: display:block.
// Normally you do not need to create it manually.
type Block struct {
	area          image.Rectangle
	innerArea     image.Rectangle
	X             int
	Y             int
	Border        bool
	BorderFg      Attribute
	BorderBg      Attribute
	BorderLeft    bool
	BorderRight   bool
	BorderTop     bool
	BorderBottom  bool
	BorderLabel   string
	BorderLabelFg Attribute
	BorderLabelBg Attribute
	Display       bool
	Bg            Attribute
	Width         int
	Height        int
	PaddingTop    int
	PaddingBottom int
	PaddingLeft   int
	PaddingRight  int
	id            string
	Float         Align

// NewBlock returns a *Block which inherits styles from current theme.
func NewBlock() *Block {
	b := Block{}
	b.Display = true
	b.Border = true
	b.BorderLeft = true
	b.BorderRight = true
	b.BorderTop = true
	b.BorderBottom = true
	b.BorderBg = ThemeAttr("border.bg")
	b.BorderFg = ThemeAttr("border.fg")
	b.BorderLabelBg = ThemeAttr("label.bg")
	b.BorderLabelFg = ThemeAttr("label.fg")
	b.Bg = ThemeAttr("block.bg")
	b.Width = 2
	b.Height = 2
	b.id = GenId()
	b.Float = AlignNone
	return &b

func (b Block) Id() string {
	return b.id

// Align computes box model
func (b *Block) Align() {
	// outer
	b.area.Min.X = 0
	b.area.Min.Y = 0
	b.area.Max.X = b.Width
	b.area.Max.Y = b.Height

	// float
	b.area = AlignArea(TermRect(), b.area, b.Float)
	b.area = MoveArea(b.area, b.X, b.Y)

	// inner
	b.innerArea.Min.X = b.area.Min.X + b.PaddingLeft
	b.innerArea.Min.Y = b.area.Min.Y + b.PaddingTop
	b.innerArea.Max.X = b.area.Max.X - b.PaddingRight
	b.innerArea.Max.Y = b.area.Max.Y - b.PaddingBottom

	if b.Border {
		if b.BorderLeft {
		if b.BorderRight {
		if b.BorderTop {
		if b.BorderBottom {

// InnerBounds returns the internal bounds of the block after aligning and
// calculating the padding and border, if any.
func (b *Block) InnerBounds() image.Rectangle {
	return b.innerArea

// Buffer implements Bufferer interface.
// Draw background and border (if any).
func (b *Block) Buffer() Buffer {

	buf := NewBuffer()
	buf.Fill(' ', ColorDefault, b.Bg)


	return buf

// GetHeight implements GridBufferer.
// It returns current height of the block.
func (b Block) GetHeight() int {
	return b.Height

// SetX implements GridBufferer interface, which sets block's x position.
func (b *Block) SetX(x int) {
	b.X = x

// SetY implements GridBufferer interface, it sets y position for block.
func (b *Block) SetY(y int) {
	b.Y = y

// SetWidth implements GridBuffer interface, it sets block's width.
func (b *Block) SetWidth(w int) {
	b.Width = w

func (b Block) InnerWidth() int {
	return b.innerArea.Dx()

func (b Block) InnerHeight() int {
	return b.innerArea.Dy()

func (b Block) InnerX() int {
	return b.innerArea.Min.X

func (b Block) InnerY() int { return b.innerArea.Min.Y }