// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package tracers

import (


type account struct{}

func (account) SubBalance(amount *big.Int)                          {}
func (account) AddBalance(amount *big.Int)                          {}
func (account) SetAddress(common.Address)                           {}
func (account) Value() *big.Int                                     { return nil }
func (account) SetBalance(*big.Int)                                 {}
func (account) SetNonce(uint64)                                     {}
func (account) Balance() *big.Int                                   { return nil }
func (account) Address() common.Address                             { return common.Address{} }
func (account) ReturnGas(*big.Int)                                  {}
func (account) SetCode(common.Hash, []byte)                         {}
func (account) ForEachStorage(cb func(key, value common.Hash) bool) {}

type dummyStatedb struct {

func (*dummyStatedb) GetRefund() uint64 { return 1337 }

type vmContext struct {
	blockCtx vm.BlockContext
	txCtx    vm.TxContext

func testCtx() *vmContext {
	return &vmContext{blockCtx: vm.BlockContext{BlockNumber: big.NewInt(1)}, txCtx: vm.TxContext{GasPrice: big.NewInt(100000)}}

func runTrace(tracer *Tracer, vmctx *vmContext) (json.RawMessage, error) {
	env := vm.NewEVM(vmctx.blockCtx, vmctx.txCtx, &dummyStatedb{}, params.TestChainConfig, vm.Config{Debug: true, Tracer: tracer})
	var (
		startGas uint64 = 10000
		value           = big.NewInt(0)
	contract := vm.NewContract(account{}, account{}, value, startGas)
	contract.Code = []byte{byte(vm.PUSH1), 0x1, byte(vm.PUSH1), 0x1, 0x0}

	tracer.CaptureStart(contract.Caller(), contract.Address(), false, []byte{}, startGas, value)
	ret, err := env.Interpreter().Run(contract, []byte{}, false)
	tracer.CaptureEnd(ret, startGas-contract.Gas, 1, err)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return tracer.GetResult()

func TestTracer(t *testing.T) {
	execTracer := func(code string) []byte {
		ctx := &vmContext{blockCtx: vm.BlockContext{BlockNumber: big.NewInt(1)}, txCtx: vm.TxContext{GasPrice: big.NewInt(100000)}}
		tracer, err := New(code, ctx.txCtx)
		if err != nil {
		ret, err := runTrace(tracer, ctx)
		if err != nil {
		return ret
	for i, tt := range []struct {
		code string
		want string
		{ // tests that we don't panic on bad arguments to memory access
			code: "{depths: [], step: function(log) { this.depths.push(log.memory.slice(-1,-2)); }, fault: function() {}, result: function() { return this.depths; }}",
			want: `[{},{},{}]`,
		}, { // tests that we don't panic on bad arguments to stack peeks
			code: "{depths: [], step: function(log) { this.depths.push(log.stack.peek(-1)); }, fault: function() {}, result: function() { return this.depths; }}",
			want: `["0","0","0"]`,
		}, { //  tests that we don't panic on bad arguments to memory getUint
			code: "{ depths: [], step: function(log, db) { this.depths.push(log.memory.getUint(-64));}, fault: function() {}, result: function() { return this.depths; }}",
			want: `["0","0","0"]`,
		}, { // tests some general counting
			code: "{count: 0, step: function() { this.count += 1; }, fault: function() {}, result: function() { return this.count; }}",
			want: `3`,
		}, { // tests that depth is reported correctly
			code: "{depths: [], step: function(log) { this.depths.push(log.stack.length()); }, fault: function() {}, result: function() { return this.depths; }}",
			want: `[0,1,2]`,
		}, { // tests to-string of opcodes
			code: "{opcodes: [], step: function(log) { this.opcodes.push(log.op.toString()); }, fault: function() {}, result: function() { return this.opcodes; }}",
			want: `["PUSH1","PUSH1","STOP"]`,
		}, { // tests intrinsic gas
			code: "{depths: [], step: function() {}, fault: function() {}, result: function(ctx) { return ctx.gasPrice+'.'+ctx.gasUsed+'.'+ctx.intrinsicGas; }}",
			want: `"100000.6.21000"`,
	} {
		if have := execTracer(tt.code); tt.want != string(have) {
			t.Errorf("testcase %d: expected return value to be %s got %s\n\tcode: %v", i, tt.want, string(have), tt.code)

func TestHalt(t *testing.T) {
	t.Skip("duktape doesn't support abortion")

	timeout := errors.New("stahp")
	vmctx := testCtx()
	tracer, err := New("{step: function() { while(1); }, result: function() { return null; }}", vmctx.txCtx)
	if err != nil {

	go func() {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	if _, err = runTrace(tracer, vmctx); err.Error() != "stahp    in server-side tracer function 'step'" {
		t.Errorf("Expected timeout error, got %v", err)

func TestHaltBetweenSteps(t *testing.T) {
	vmctx := testCtx()
	tracer, err := New("{step: function() {}, fault: function() {}, result: function() { return null; }}", vmctx.txCtx)
	if err != nil {
	env := vm.NewEVM(vm.BlockContext{BlockNumber: big.NewInt(1)}, vm.TxContext{}, &dummyStatedb{}, params.TestChainConfig, vm.Config{Debug: true, Tracer: tracer})
	contract := vm.NewContract(&account{}, &account{}, big.NewInt(0), 0)

	tracer.CaptureState(env, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, contract, 0, nil)
	timeout := errors.New("stahp")
	tracer.CaptureState(env, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, contract, 0, nil)

	if _, err := tracer.GetResult(); err.Error() != timeout.Error() {
		t.Errorf("Expected timeout error, got %v", err)